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ORIGINAL Council File # l % /°Z (--------- Ilk Green Sheet # oZ 9 7 RESOLUTION ilk - AINT PAUL, MINNE • 1 1/ '""Ill s, Presentee By t, , 1 IF Referred o Committee: Date RESOLVED, th- e Licensee, =lgreen's, dba, Walgreen Drug Co. (License ID# 28902) for the premises located at 734 Gr. Avenue, in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200 for the violation of s =1e of tobacco products to a minor. l Said fine shall, be paid to th=Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty days of t •s resolution's adoption by the Saint Paul City Council and the Mayor's signature. This Resolution and the actio taken above are based upon the facts contained in the attached notice of complaint, .ted June 24, 1994. The facts as outlined in this letter are not contested by the li.-nsee, as evidenced by the attached letter, dated July 5, 1994, signed by Garrick J. odge, Senior Attorney, on behalf of the licensee. This action is also based on the c'"cumstances and arguments presented by and on behalf of the licensee during the Public '- aring. Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays '.seat Grimm ✓ O of License, Inspections and Grimm _ Guerin Environmental Protection Harris Meqard Rettman Thune ['7 ! \ By: bliktgLi/t--- Adopted by Council: Date A,,_ \ VVi Adoption Certified by Council Seecre,ary Form Approved by City Attorney By: : i?' Sr -10 %IL -- ..■.-......i.........- .....L........ Approved by Mayor: Date ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: L By: 9 - 4/ N� r, n A A I e • • F " T3�'a•'T^' IL DA INITI : " • , 'i ° REEN SHEET LIEP 8 -10 -94 is C ONTacr PERSON & Plydr DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR CITY COU NCIL ' Robert Kessler ASSIGN >oa CAr!ORNEV BCITYCLERK BY (DATE) RciTIN FOR BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. . MUST Be ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY OILER 0 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT} 0 4 ' r ` TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE') ACTION REQUESTED: 4 Uncontested adverse action license action. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) IERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _. CIVIL SERVICE CommisSION Has this person/firm aver worked under a contract for this department? YES NO i _ CIS COMMITTEE :. Has this psrson/thm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF __ YES NO DISTRICT COURT I. Does this personf arm a sail not nOnnaity tHaseseed by any current city emp)cyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO # ' Explain. all yes anatuere on Separate sheet and attach to preen sheet i I . 1 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where, WIw): 1 Sale of cigarettes to a minor. Walgreen Drug Co. i ,. 734 Grand Avenue } ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: g I I 1 I • I DISADVANTAGES IF A • • Council Research Center e t: 4 . AUG 11 1994 ,. 1 I t DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: c 0STIREV$NUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION # '- ACTIVITY NUMBER FUNDING SOURCE I FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 4 t ; a OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E. Marx, City Attorney ` // 9 SMUT PA U L CITY OF SAINT PAUL ''. Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298 -5619 AMA Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 /w war July 18, 1994 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Elizabeth Holt Walgreen Drug Co. 734 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 RE: All licenses held b Walgreen Drug Co. for the premises located at 734 Gran. Avenue in Saint Paul Dear Ms. Holt: Please take notice that hearing concerning the above- mentioned establishment has been sc eduled for 3:30 p.m., August 17, 1994 in the City Council Chamber-, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse.' Enclosed please find a copy of the proposed resolution, with attachments, for consideation by the City Council. This is an uncontested hearing, in t at facts contained in the attached police report have been admitte; to. You will have the opportunity to present oral and /or wr tten argument as to the appropriate sanction, if any, to be posed. If you have any question -, please call me at 266 -8710. Very Truly Yours, PHILIP B. BYRNE Assistant City Attorney cc: Lt. Nancy DiPerna St. Paul Police D= i.artment Nancy Anderson Assistant Council Secretary Garrick J. Hodge Trade & Coporate ••elations Betty Moran Community Organiz_ District 16 Commu ity Council Robert Kessler, Dir= tor LIEP 4 y y - x/92 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Natasha Edwards, being fi=st duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 19, 1994 she served the attached Notice of Hearing on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follow: Elizabeth Holt 7algreen Drug Co. 734 Grand Avenue Saint Paul MN 55105 (which is the last known addresses of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prgpaid, in the United States mails at Saint Paul, Minnesota. ( 7 / 94E- 4SZ , CORINNE A. MARTENS NATASHA EDWARDS d 1,,et NOTARY PUBLIC — MINNESOTA WASHINGTON COUNTY My Commission Expires 10.13.97 y a Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th • -y July, 1994. / "1; C- /4/Ale .4. NtA- --ie7 AI �2Z s Notary, 1 _Xp . , /3 -- I UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING /-//9Z Licensee Name: Walgreen Drug Co. Address: 734 Grand Avenue Date of Council Hearing: Ai, gust 17, 1994 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a minor § 324.07. Date: June 15, 1994 Place: Licensed Premise Matrix Presumptive Penalty: N/A Recommendation by Assistant C ity Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection: To impose a $200 fine fa the sale of cigarettes to a minor. Attachments 1. Proposed resolution 2. License information 3. Notice of Complaint 4. LIEP Inspection Report 5. Letter of licensee or attorney agreeing not to contest the facts II Lic ID 65780 STAT AC Business WALGREEN DRUG CO Address 734 GRAND AVE Zip 55105 Doing Business As WALGREEN'S License Name CIGARETTE • GROCERY (C) Exp Date 03/31/S5 Insurance Carrier Ins. Policy Number - Insurance Effective Date Ins. Expiration Date NOTE AREA INSP CEJANGE FROM 02 TO 01 ON 4/09/92 12291 . 041290 PH ON APPN FOR OFF SALE 3.2 MALT BEVERAGE - . REFERRED TO COMMITTEE (ID98232) . 053190 PH ON APPN FOR OFF SALE 3.2 MALT BEVERAGE ( . ID98232) APP'D C.F. 90 -614 . 053190 PH ON APPN FOR RENEWAL OF OFF SALE 3.2 MALT . BEVERAGE (ID65780) APP'D C.F. 90 -927 Tax Id 866568E Worker Comp Exp Date 07/01/9 Telephone II OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E. Mar; City Attonuy 4/ / . 1/ n Z, PAWL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 612 266 -8710 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298 -5619 AAAA Saint Pau4 Minnesota 55102 ryas June 24, 1994 Elizabeth Holt, Manager Walgreen Drug Co. 734 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510. RE: NOTICE OF COMPLAINT Dear Ms. Holt: The Director of the •ffice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection ill recommend that adverse action be taken against all the 1;censes you hold at the above -named premises. This recommendaton is based on the following: On June 15, 1994, - clerk or other employee sold cigarettes to a mino under the age of 18 years in the licensed premises. This is an offense under Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code §324.07. If you do not dispute the a •ove facts, and send me a letter to that effect within 5 days, the c= se will be set before the City Council. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council as to the proper p-nalty, if any, to be imposed. If you do dispute the abov facts, a hearing will be set before an Administrative Law Judge. lAt that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross - examine the other's witnes The Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your c oice, please let me know within 5 days, and we will take the nece -sary steps to set up that ALJ hearing. Call me at 266 - 8710. Very truly yours, ?4 Phili B. Byrne Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler Director, LIEP Terry Hislop License Division II Office of License, inspeciio s anj environmental Protection Memorandum June 16, 1994 To: Robert Kessler, Director Fr: Terry Hislop, Intern •. Re: Cigarette sale to minor compli.'nce check operation summary I have been an intern_\vith LIEP for 'approximately four years. In that time I have conducted numerous investigations -i 'voh-ng various licensed facilities and activities. On June 15, 1994 between the hours' of 2:20 p.m. and 6:28 p.m., I accompanied Melissa Jents, age fifteen (birth date 9 -23 -78 , to twenty -two licensed cigarette retail establishments for the purpose of de'errn n ing if such licensees would sell cigarettes to a minor in violation of Section 324.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and in violation of Minn. Stat. § 609.685. Ms. Jent's '•hysical description is as follows: caucasian, 5'7 ", blue eyes, shoulder length brown hai', , weight 135 pounds, braces on teeth. On the date and time period of the "sting" operat Ms. Jents wore a tan striped t -shirt and jean shorts. Ms. Jents wore little makeu On April 21, 1994 it was determined that twenty -two licensed cigarette retail establishments would be investigated for compliance. A random selection process was Jeri l ied in the following manner. A computer printout was made by licensing staff person L Koran by randomly generating eighteen establishments from the total list of 1 censees through the random computer function in the licensing system. In addition fou other establishments were added as complaints were received by this office making t e total number to be investigated at twenty- two. The investigation procedure consiste'! of sending the minor into respective listed establishments attempting to purchas- a pack of cigarettes. At no time did the minor produce false identification showing , n incorrect age. At no time did said minor possess a false identification card or- license. After the minor returned to the car and informed me of such sale and of which employ, e sold such (identification was made by name tag, physical description, and by particula counter), I entered the establishment and identify myself by showing my badge. I expl ned that the sale of cigarettes to a minor was made and that this act constituted a gross isdemeanor punishable of up to S500.00, and could result in adverse action against the li 1 ease or licenses held. I then asked for their name, requiring them to spell it and record d it in a copy of memorandum dated April 21, 1994 listing all the establishments to be in I recorded any other relevant comments or information. If the employee or anager of the establishment voiced any kind of objection, I responded in clear terms that due process would be afforded to them. • Receipts were retained. The recei'is and cigarettes are given to you in conjunction with this report in an envelope market " igar e ties and Receipts from 6 -15 -94 Compliance .r./--// 92- Review Operation." Of the twenty -two establishments i vesti_ated, nine (9) cigarette retailers did sell cigarettes to said minor. The follo 'ing is a list of such licensees, the time of sale and the name of the employee who con eucted the sale in the order they were randomly selected: Licensee Time of Sale Name of Employee Total Mart 5:15 p.m. Brent Steele X 1529 White Bear Ave.iN Lic. ID #15178 • x Capital Market 5:40 p.m. Minh Pham 478 University Ave. Lic. ID` #15772 Clark Station 5:50 p.m. John Anderman 400 Dale St. Lic. ID #15851 SuperAmerica #4421 5:56 p.m. Vernon McCalister 970 University Ave. Lic. ID #15882 Hotline 4:22 p.m. Dennis Devere 175 5th St. E Lic. ID #15946 Walgreens 2:30 p.m. Kim Warnar 522 Snelling Ave. S Lic. ID #56215 Amoco 5:07 p.m. Janet Soderberg 1200 White Bear Ave. Lic. ID #28902 Quik Pik 4:46 p.m. Steve Obeidat 993 Payne Ave. Lic. ID #67886 Walgreens 3:28 p.m. Glenda Klaasen X 734 Grand Ave. Lic. ID #65780 Please note that I have attached tha document completed in the field (dated 4- 21 -94) which lists the establishments rando ly predesignated, the times of the each investigation, the names of the emp ogees conducting the sales to a minor and any notes. cc: City Attorney's Office /{(14/1/(0&i. \htfo IAA - f- cud 393/ /1 IA yzzl 9q//9 2. Office of license, lnspec ions a - : Environmental Protection Memorandum 4-21-94 6 -15 -94 Cigarette Sting Retail Establishment Sites Randomly Selected Retail Establish__nts (per license printout random generation): Establishment Yine Investigated Sale(x) Name of Employee 1. Mickey'.s Nook • . 492 Hamline Ave. S - _ Lic. ID #15110 2. Applebaums 3:5-D 365 Wabasha St. N . Lic. ID #15160 • 3. Total Mart (3re.n f- 5 k , 1529 White Bear Ave. N S Lic. ID #15178 4. Midway Emporium I / : • ^ 8 1821 University Ave. W Lic. ID #15291 1 5. Mickey's Diner 1950 7th St. W - : 5 Lic. ID #15401 6. SuperAmerica #4020 399 Lexington Pkwy. N O �O Lic. ID #15414 7. SuperAmerica #4023 G 577 Smith Ave. S Lic. ID #15415 8. Capital Market t `(O X '"•■ ; ^ A f ( 4. ..,r, 478 University Ave. W Lic. ID #15772 9. Clark Station 15 : SD J o �� ��n 400 Dale St. • J �cr "' Lic. ID #15851 10. SuperAmerica #4001 3 —1 296 7th St. E Lic. ID #4001 Establishment Ti-.e Investigated Sale(x) Name of EnDlovee 11. The Court Shoppe ( 2550 University Ave. W ,, #19 Lic. ID #15874 C 1' 12. SuperA -erica #4.421 970 University Ave. W Lic. ID #15882 13. Lloyd's Pharmacy . o 720 Snelling.. ve. N • Lic. ID #15917 • 14. Chatterbox Bar 3 Selby Ave. Lic. ID 1 15929 15. Cozy Cantina J :(0 (G 202 Concord St. Lic. ID #15931 • 16. Hotline t-f : Z Z X rc. n i S Dior 175 5th St. E Lic. ID #15946 o �j.. r 'oy j e S' — rc «•t no 17. Ace Box Bar 2162 University Ave. W Lic. ID #15999 18. The Manor 3 . 0 2550 7th St. W Lic. ID #16068 Retail Establishments Where Co •laints Have Been Received: 19. Walgreens K; �.,��; #.� a 522 Snelling Ave. S 2 : 3 0 Lic. ID #56215 / 20. Amoco .C Z . c et •S e 01 c r U c r 1 1200 White Bear Ave. N X J Lic. ID #28902 (sp• !, 21. Quik Pik Lf: " 993 Payne Ave. ,S c-rc. j; beida1 Lic. ID #67886 .X 22. Walgreens 3: Z v G ( � ( ,� K - 734 Grand Ave. Lic. ID #65780 2 9y V /yz • C4•C4•S4 City cf Sair.: Paul, Mi„nesc FA :E 1 RA!.:OM C :GA,:11; L:CEKSEs FC ST: • .ic i0 C_siness are _EA / BUcIKESS AD_.. Licer.:e V271. ':;! ;AZER NAME.. 15710 ERAUSEN, KA: ALEN RICKEY'S KOOK CIGARETTE 452 ,.AML:! ;E AY S. CN SALE !':ALT (3.2) ST. P PAU, MN 5 1 OFF SALE MALT EcE.L147 RESTAURANT (5)'!.CRE THAN 12 SEATS 5153 RC`'CO iKC APPLEEAJM.S C:GARCIit ::5 kAE..SEA S N GROCERY (C) ST. PAUL, MN 5 'IC2 OFF SALE MALT COD-0003 EUICEER (:)•A_D CN 15173 AVAN71 PEiROLC.H, :';C. TOTAL MART GROCERY (C) .AMES P. BILL • 1529 4H11E 5E'' AVE 1 CAS STATION ST. PAUL, MN 5-1C§ • CIGARETTE ES1.44E3 152 :1 AR7H, CATHERINE G M.:D.AY EMPCRI' GROCERY (C) CATHERINE GAR 1E21 L'!:IYERS1T AVE 4 CIGARETTE ST. PAUL, MN 57104 5=6-3055 55'01 MICKEY'S DINER, :1.'C. M.ICKEY'S D:KE CYGARET7E 7550 7TH ST u RESTAURANT (E)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS ST. PAUL, MN 5 116 OD• 15414 SU?E'r.AMERICA C•?O� ?, INC. SUFERAMERICA - C20 CIGARETTE : ?9 LEXINGTON Kt."( N CAS STATION ST. PAUL, MN 5 704 GROCERY (C) OD- RESTAURANT (A)• 2ERC•12 SCATS 5415 SL'FCr.AMCR:CA GRC_? :!;C 57.- RAMER ::A - 023 CIGARETTE 577 SMITH AVE GAS STATION ST. FAA, MN 5 107 GROCERY (C) 00- RESTAURANT (A)• 2ER0•i2 SEATS 5772 FHAM, WAN J CAPITAL MARKET1 CIGARCii L73 L'KIVERSl7Y AVE ;' CFF SALE MALT ST. PAUL, MN 51C3 GROCERY (C) 222.3795 • 15E51 CLARK OIL & REFINING CORP CLARK s7A7:CN' CIGARETTE CC3 CALE STN ORIGINAL CONTAINER ST. PAUL, MN 5703 GAS STATION 252•C254 • =5:15 G< C. `. PAGE 2 ::C^i CiC LTC =ti'SES FC �i:i: _smess Name .EA / :12c:KESS License Na ':A';r. :ER NAME.. SUrE.AKER :CA G':.:? 11:C 5;,72.24,ME..1CA r'0Z1 CIGARETTE 2.5 77R ST _ RESTAURANT (A)• I :R0-12 SEATS 5T. PAUL, MR 5',121 GROCERY (C) 2 '52.5420 GAS SIATlC1 '5574 ML)R AT r M1CF:AEL C _ C: :RI SF. :? i E FO :D VENDING Y.= CFI':E MICFAEL C. I .R 2553 :51" E?.S11 AVE 2155 L=.US :RRY / DC ?lC( U? SIA 5T. ..:L, F' .N 5 114 C :GAs :llt 6=6.C453 GROCERY (C) SUFE -A. M!R CA ? -? :NC 5•.= ERAME'r. :CA = 421 CIGARETTE 570 L'ti11'EF.SIITI VE . ST. .AU, F.1; 5 1C'4 557.6100 55i7 'OENSO'J RONALD 3 LLC'' S ?F...2.MAC C CONTA1KER 720 ER:L L]'.'a" A - N CIGARETTE S1. :Al'L, F.\ 5 104 645.55:5 5529 MCCA ?:N ..1;05 ChAiI :..:CX :KC CFA4. :R_CX EA CIGA - R :i7E R:EERT D MCCAN 253 SELEY AVE 1.1C-ON SALE•100SEAT5 /LESS•C ST. PAUL, MN -102 SUNDAY ON SALE LICJ:r2 22!•12:0 OFF SALE MALT RESTAURANT (5)•!.:RE TEAK 12 SEATS ..:1 E.21. FcR :t, T L COD' CAN7:1:A LIC•ON SALE i.0 :SEATS /LESS•C >: :': :RT A F.C:'E 2 :2 CCNCCRD S I SUNDAY ON SALE L:OU:R ST. PAUL, FEN 107 Cif SALE MALT 22; 2:15 RESTAURANT (E)•1'• :RE •FAN 12 SEATS l C7 .. -5 �� FCiIINE F v 1 :NE GRO:E ?.Y (C) :ENNIS M DEVER 175 5TR ST E CILIAR :IIt S7. FA:1, 1 -.101 252•.:21 ..S? SCAI:LON'S ACE . :X EAR G PUS II :C ACE ECX EAR CIGARETTE TEOXAS C SCAT :L 2152 UNIVE'RSIr AVE V GAMSLING LOCATICN (CLASS C) • ST. ?AUL, MN 114 RESTAURANT (E)•e..:..: TFAN 12 SEATS 646-5551 ENTERTAINMENT•CLASS 2 SUNDAY ON SALE LIDU :•R LIC•C4 SALE•100SEATS /LESS•C :36:35 C4-C4.c4 City cf Saint Fv.i, sca 3 RA 1::E,SES FCR c :) Evsiness Kame :5k / License Kane 4 :63 irE KE4 :KC — I-E ,I1/47A EK7E1 4 CLt IR!V:SKI 2550 74 ST W Ci4 SALE Si. ;AA., ?-.4 55 SEA15 69:.1771 SAF.51.G IDCAT:Cq (CILS5 5) LC q SALE-CVER 23 SE. C).SARE • • 07 -OS -:SS4 11::2 P. ©1 1 1 1 July 5, 1994 WA FACSIMIL : 512 -298 -5619 Corpor T orpor t co. ate Ofti4eS 233 Wilmot Road Mr. Philip B. 8y „n9 Deerfield. Illinois 60015 Assistant City Attarney Was of the City Attorney Ctfy of Saint PS . 400 City Hell 15 West Kellogg t31vd Sant Paul, MN 55W2 RE: Notice of Com taint Warns I 734 Grand Ave us Saint Paul, MN Dear Mr. Byrne: This fetter will confirm that Wa eesn Co. will not dispute the facts set forth In your letter dated June 24, 1994. Please ' ot/fy me of the data of the hearing before the City Council and appropriate W&greens - i - operations representatives will appear at that time to present a statement in midget'. . Thank y+ou for your assistance': nd consideration. Very yours, 1 A� of .i. Ga J. Hodge Ser, rAttomey Trade & Corpo a Reis Ins (708) 940-3530 GJH/edc cc: E J. Svlhra, District anager (via facsimile - 612- 542 -9007) T. Balmer, District T = roar (via facsimile - 612-542-9007) J. W. Limke, Store M. nager 1 1