94-1145 QRLG1NAL Council File # 9 Green Sheet it c2.....5 2 V3 RESOLUTION CITY OF .AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 02L / 41111,, Presented By _ _ _ � � �` Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Division of Libraries l as been awarded a grant by the Minnesota Department of Education for developing the Youth Se 'ces' reference collection and collaborating with Saturn School to address services to students, . d will also receive donations in excess of those budgeted from the Minnesota Foundation, Perrie Jones. Library Fund, for replacement staff, and the Library has monies available from Metropolit. 1 Library Services and needs to replace the furnishings and paint the Acquisitions Agency, repave tie parking lot at the Hayden Heights Branch, enclose the old telephone directory center, provide cool 1 g for training center, and purchase personal computers for staff use in public agencies, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to s; ion 10.07.01 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in xcess of those estimated in the 1994 budget, and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends t I - following changes to the 1994 budget: LIBRARY AIDS AND GRANTS 1 - 350 Financing Plan Current Change Amended 33420 Metropolitan Library Services Agency 9890 Use of fund balance 75,000 83,515 158,515 33424 Perrie Jones Library Fund 6905 Donations 63,950 30,000 93,950 33426 Library Demonstration Grant 3400 State Direct Grants -0- 30,000 30,000 All Others 473,662 -0- 473,662 612,612 143,515 756,127 • Spending Plan 33420 Metropolitan Library Services Ag ncy 0271 Building Repair 11,616 17,500 29,116 0818 Other Furniture -0- 22,500 22,500 0857 Data Processing 97,432 43,515 140,947 33424 Perrie Jones Library Fund 0121 Part-time Certified 26,826 23,810 50,636 0439 Fringe Benefits 6,975 6,190 13,165 33426 Library Demonstration Grant 0121 Part-time certified -0- 3,040 3,040 0219 Professional Services -0- 4,700 4,700 0381 Books, periodicals -0- 16,000 16,000 ....J 0439 Fringe benefits -0- 790 790 c1 0818 Other furniture -0- 970 970 0857 Computer Hardware -0- 4,500 4,500 - ALL OTHERS 469,763 -0- 469,763 CD � - " 612,612 143,515 756,127 0 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1994 budget. Approval Recommended: '5 1-29:5( 0--. CIA--'<..- Budge Director Blakey as Nays A Requested by Department of: Grimm Guerin t� Harris � Megqard 6.---- Reitman L/ , Thune By: /'j . ,-, I . \ 1q4 Form Approved by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By; \O~ i �, 4 V By: IL. � - Approved'; ayor f• '.mission to Approved by - o Date ' Council "h / zJ // > By s U By: __ / a / Aims' , a DEPARTMENT/ O09FICE/c:OUNCL DAT, MT7ATED - ' 2 3 7 3 GREEN SHEET 12 l: r - ra n 11�g' 1 . . . INITIAUDATE 1 3 r P in. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR [ CITY COUNCIL • ASSIGN I CITY ATTORNEY a CITY CLERK + . ' .. r: L 1 .. � • r ; . �,,4•BUDGETDIRE •~ AL �IJ� al FIN. &MGT.SERVICESDIR: OMER it MAYOR (OR ASSIST Acct TOTAL. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES . 1 (CLII ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) . REGEIVED ACTION REQUESTED: JUL 1 1994 Apprdva l -of C Resolution- BUDGE' OFFICE 1 RECO Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ KANNINQ COMM18sioN` ._ elm SERVICE COMNASsioN 1 Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO _ CM COMMITTEE -- a Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF YES NO _. DISTRICT COURT Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? tl SUPPORTS WHIM COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO e Ilxplain all yes answers on separate shoot and attach to green sheet 1 I INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Whip: MN Department of Education has awarded the Saint Paul Public Library $30,000 to further d elop the Youth Services' reference collect on; collaborate with Saturn School to instruct stud 'ts and faculty to better use public libr.ry resources; to purchase CDRoms for use by youth. Donations from Perrie Jones Library Fund will be in excess of those budgeted and will be ed for replacement. staff for special pro Fund balance is available in the Metropolitan Library Services Agency code which world allow the Library to purchase needed equipment a make repairs. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Library would have additional monies -o work with Saturn School and improve services to s dents and youth. - Library would have monies or replacement staff to release other employees for training and /or special projects. Staff in public agencies would have access to-personal 1 computers for work projects. Acquisi:ions area would have new furniture and work area la ut to improve service and performance. layden Heights Branch parking lot would be repaved a the training room in the Central Librlry would have proper air flow. . RECEIVE DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: @ None RED RECEIVED JUN 301994 1 Council Research Center J JL. 2 01994 JUL 18 1994 CITY ATTORN Y JUL 2 81994 MAYOR'S OFFICE CITY ATTORNEY DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: } Library would not be able to accept tae monies granted from the MN Department of Educati not be able to accept monies donated by the MN Foundation, Perrie Jones Library Library would o accept Y Fund. Library would not be able to repave H�lyden Heights parking lot, replace outdated furnitur in Acquisitions, or provide staff in )ublic agencies with personal computers for work pro ects. a TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 14? . 515 COST /REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ( FUNDING SOURCE $30..000 State Grant, $30,/00 Perri P ACT1vrrY NuMeER 33420 ,33424, 33426 • FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Jones Library • Hand , 1B3 , 515 - -- Metropolitan:Librry Serrvices.Agency 1 gy /( Green Sheet 23743 - Additional detail for use of fund balance Code Amount What 33420 -0271 8,000 repave Hayden Heights public parking lot, has not been repaved since 1979 and has large pot holes and excessive deterioration 33420 -0271 5,000 training center has inadequate airflow which causes poor ventilation and excessive heat in warm weather 33420 -0271 2,000 Acquisitions area will be repainted along with new furnishings 33420 -0271 2,500 Information center on 2nd floor will be converted to a staff communications center, Social Science Literature have identified internal communication as problem as part of a TQI exericise 33420 -0818 22,000 Acquisitions staff identified work layout and furnishings as an obstacle to continued improvement in service resulting from a TQI project 33420 -0857 4,000 A new computer workstations w /CD Rom is needed for the Government Publications Office. More and more information in this office arrives in CD -Rom format, the current computer does not meet the minimum guidelines for Depository Libraries. 33420 -0857 39,515 No public agencies in the library have personal computers for staff use. Staff uses identified are: word processing, file making, PT staff scheduling, email access, Internet access, reference work, MELSA indexing.