95-852�R Presented By Re£erred To Council File # %� 0�7 � Green Sheet dE ��� T!/ RESOLVI'ION CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� 1 2 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves 4 s of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following people to the 6 � NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: a 9 io APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING ii ia Truc Pham is (replaces Chi Lu) 5/1/96 ia is Chantha Koy ie (replaces Namoch Sokhom) 5/1/96 i� ia Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: � - �,3-G '_i � '�! Appzoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By : � S,-�,,,�5 9-s-8Ss- OEPA(i7MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII OPTE INITIATED O GREEN SHEET - 3164 MdyOY'S O£f1C2� 266-8529 7/18/95 INITIAVDATE JITIAU� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT OIFECTOR CIiY COUNCIL Alberto Quintela ��� CINATfORNEY �CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) NUYBER FOR gUDGET �IRECTOR � FIN & MGT. SERVICES DIR. POUTING ONDEH O MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC'fION REQUESTE�: Appointment of Truc Pham and Chantha Koy-.to the NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Terms will expire on May 1, 1996. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVIGE COMMISSION 1. Has this personttirm ever worked under a contract for ihis departme�t? _ qB COMMfTTEE YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee'' — YES NO _ DIS7R1C7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this persoNlirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and atlach to green sheet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITY (Wha, What, Whan, Where, Why): None. (� COUiiC�l ���s`t:Ctt (�I��C' F�E/VE� ✓U� 2 .lUl 21, 1995 ��'�Ry 8e�� 5 .�-.-.-_____—__ Fy -,� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Appointment of Truc Pham and Chantha Koy to the NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Truc Pham replaces Chi Lu, who resigned. His term will expire on May 1, 1996. Chantha Koy replaces Namoch Sokhom, who resigned. His term will expire on May 1, 1996. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7lREVEl1UE BUDGE7ED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9's-�5�. irrterdepartmerdal Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Me rd Councilmember Michael H ris Councilmember Marie Gr' Councilmember Dina Gu rin Alberto Quin�el� �, Jean Karpe ��,6� 3uly 18, 1995 NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following people to the New Americans Advisory Committee: Truc Pham (replaces Chi Lu - term expires 5/1/96) Chantha Koy (replaces Namoch Sokhom - term expires 5/1/96) Attached are copies of Truc applications. If you have call at 266-8529. Thank you. Pham and Chantha Koy's any questions, please give me a � 3 T� b y • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ���"� •�" `� � U /� 390 CITY HALL /� ��nrrn 1/ ' 5AINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA ssioz �U1� 21 199� .CL �� `� 266 Name: { � � � C � �� � 1" \ ':v���€�':: ��`�%._ Home Add=ess: �5H2 �'��C.r�,r?_ -!�J2_ �, L�KVS�0., �-iN ��-� 2q Street City Telepfione Ph�ber: (Home) � �p� (Aork) ��- a`7'/ � '�'�'�� �'� Planning pistrict Coimcil: City Council Aard: Pre£erred Mailing Address Ahat is your occupation? Place o£ Employment: JGU 61 �"_-�c,�-� �2yv_LV.Y� LitQilc ,'� C'�,��{?� � J�T� �� Committee<s) Applied For: �i�� -l� ����iL.t�IS ���iS�`/ C�h-��vLl I�F' Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you posaess £oz the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? ��� oti� �rn„1�.� _ o�' 1,t n � � 1k�„�� ��cl, ;� el�i - _ ,�_�. ,,.� � � _� , , � , �Z� �?-.�' ��rn.�o,i c�r� h:� � ) �. i ��.*,�,��r,��'o�� / 1 ( �i� 7 / l� �.in �,,J�.°.'�1� ���.iPj �r?:-� lr'.✓�tv�.,-�ln,,.' �vr�'Y�..e� � !� ��.�1`�,�.� Ct.1 �_i�. . '1 i. .1 : � � ` ✓ � v,� ,- .. ('� ti l� �r "1 L CL-tv, �� ti � ( �P, _ I�l !'� . � 1,'t/1(� t 9.1 -�"J�.1L�3 liL� � n ... -��n,i..�1: �C1.Ttr�i � �,�o' The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noz released to the general public. Q� (04ER) Rev.4/21J93 gs-�s-- YERSONAI. REFERENCES � Name :�'�j'• j i Yt� �/�C{.Q�fS uY1 _ Address: �,�, �j � � �t �f7�-C. �b S�� GUI�Lt ( �i �C�i4r �f°zliY7 7�� 17 � /�� ` J 5 � j � Yhone Name: Address: ��'��_ zC G_ . a C� �' S ��v� ��,'��e � � � �t 1�1 SS' 3 Phone : (Home) � 7 �` �- �. � (Aork) z y 1- � �, 3 � Name Addi� Yhon� Reasons £or your interest in this particular committee: =�tlP� {lezvt ^ey,��.,,, 1. v�e��,�,� � r�. � . � f � ., i _ �.. � , � J. . , . , �ti6 i�i'z (�.nz� �wl nuw i+n,Fr r S S� Have you had previous contact with th� c I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � ri Sf. �t'w� tcu�is' :."s5'i�S� "n�w�A�te:^i�cc,r•S'MC �i� ��or vhich you are saking application In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re�lects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) �� Asian or Paci£ic Islander Ameiican Indian or Alaskan Eski_mo � Male -{ �< <,. Female Date of Birth: �� �( ��` i q�J � � Disabled: Yes No V If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. r �ti' ( l R vii �C � � v^�4c � Hov did you hear about this opening? :�,���y3� :ti., TRUC BA PHAM JU� 2� 199`� 9s-���� 1601 South 4th Street #F312 --,,�'.I3ome: (612) 339-1822 Mmneapolis, NIN 55454 `•"':` �'; ` yy Work: (612) 227-8471 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Academic . METRO STATE I7NiVERSTTi', B.S., Accounting; 1995 Achievements: . NORTH HENNEPIN CONIlV1UNiTY COLLEGE, A.A.S. (Honors), 1992 Professional Qua[ifieations: Co�reputer Skdlls: • NEW JERSEY ORIENTATION CENTER, EnglishlAmerican Culture, 1989 • INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC MIGRATION COMnIISSION, Certificate,Crass-CulturalOrientation; 1988 • SAIGON UNIVER5ITY, Vietrzamese/French literature and culture; 1975 • VIETNAMESE NATIONAL POLICE INSTTTUI'E, Police Officer Training, 1974 • Strong background in accounting and general business procedures. • E�erience scheduling and supervising employee work activiries. • Teac:�iug English as a second language (ESL) and American Culture to new comers. • Proficiency with IBM-compatible Pcs. • Effectively use computer applicarions: WordPerfect 5.1, Microsoft Word 6. Q Excel, Lotus I-2-3, Data General, Bedford accountingsoftware packages. Personal . Possess crars /multi cultural and multi-ethnic leaderslup skills. Strengths: . Fluent in English, Vietnamese; conversant in Hmong and French. • Recognized for Leadership by UNHigh Commission for Refugees. • Appreciated fox role in World Relief Good Samaritan Nerivork. • Active as member of Ramsey Caunty Southeast Asian Tark Force. • Active as member ofPhi Theta Kappa (PTK) Sociery. EMPLOYiVIENT EXPERYENCE SAINT PAUL REHABILTTATION CENTER, Bilingual Trainer, Stride Program; 1994-1995 • Teach Functional Work English, Family Budgeting/American Culture to limited English speakers. METRO STATE UNIVERSITI', Student Worker, College ofManagement; 1992-1994 Performed on-going office activiries, provided informauon and recruited Southeast Asian students. 'Thoroughly completed h'brary material searches for faculty reseuch and class projects. N�RTH HENNEPIN COlVIMUNITY COLLEGE, Student Worker, A/V Department; 1990-1992 ELECTROIVIC ENTERPRLSE, New York, Retail Salesperson; 1989 INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC MIGRATION COMMISSION, PIDI.IPPINES RE�[7GEE PROCESSING CENTER, Assistant Teacher ofEnglish and Crars-Cultural Orientation; 1988 SINGA.PORE REFUGEE CAMP, Refugee Camp Leader (elected), Assistant to Camp Director; 1987 • Developed, enforced camp policies, rules and resolved conflicts among refugees. PHAM TEXTII.ES, Saigon Vietnam; General Manager, 1981-1987 • Managed factory operations with 50-employee sta� • Sold and distributed factory inventory, performed all accounting operations. TAN IIANH, South Vietnam; Chief ofPoliee, Pre-1981 • 5upervised 20-employee staff. Assisted prosecutor in court cases. . �---� 3��� �V vJ �V `� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAIIL, MI2INESOTA 55102 26s—ssz6 F � ,, ��� �� 199� 9�-�sa ,� 2lame: f`Ihantha Rirhar�i Kn�r ; n>aF},�"���r�"� Home Address: 1(17F Fa�t Thirrl Straat Saint Panl 55106 Street City Zip Telephone Z�ber: Planning District Crnmcil: City Council Aard: Preferred Hailing Address: _ Hnma ArlrirPGs Gfiat is yovr occupation? _ Hnuainn fnnrriinator and Mortaaaa Loan Counselor Place of Emploqment: PR� 2951 C'hirann AvP Sni h Minn a o is MN 554D7 Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Naw Amarican Adv�Gnr� Comm�ttee Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhicfi you seek appointment? I have extensive trainina in housin❑ devel�ment and mortgaae loan counselina. I also have more than five vears experience working in the social service area. I have a deqree of Bachelor of SciencefMaior in Education from the University of MN The i.n£ormation included in this application i.s considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this informatibn is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES '� ��J ��,�d Name: Hoa Pham Young Address: - Phone•_ 7Homel (Work) 266-8516 Name: Michele L. Wiegand jExecutive Director of PRG Address: 2951 Chicaao Ave. South Mpls 55407 Phone: _ (Home) 721-3939 (po 827-5527 Name Address: 705 Heinel Circle Rosevill, MN 55113 Yhone: (Home) 486-01i7 (Aork) �2"1-311b Reasons £or yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: I want to share my experty and ience with the committee. Have you had previous contact with the committee £or vhich you are making application. I� so, vhen, and circumstances? I was informed nsibil y Mrs. Hoa Pham Young about the function of the committe and their- sometime in Mav. 1995 In an attempt to ensure that committee Zepresentation raflects the makeup o£ our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. Rhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) v Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo __� Male Female Date o£ Birth:1 Disabled: Yes Ao � If special acco�odatians are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? Through Mrs. Hoa Pham Young