94-1098 0 R I G f N A L Council File # 9Y— lem ESOLUTION Green Sheet # 0 2 7? OF i PAUL, MINNESOTA 53 Presented By: ,` Ili IIIIMIIIII Referred To: Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a 5 year lease agreement with The Po me of St. Paul Apartment Building whereby the City of Saint Paul Police and Fire Departments will continue to be permitted to locate and operate radio communication eq ipment subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by P - • . ' ent of: Blakey Grimm P L _ Guerin Harris f '' :11- Megard Reitman By: , - Thune ''I O G Approval Recomme • ed by Budge Director: Adopted by Council: Date \(' a` � c, L1 1 By; c�rc 1 t T 7- / Z - ci l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form:: • ve . by P it ' ne By' IL. . _ �` e� .___�_ BY: C /i U ' L....ir _ C - 36 — • to ' l e " q , r Approved by May / � p . ed by ,,, yor 2 , b i ts n to Council: B y : lt I' C � � By e�. / / / N�1 • 4ePtiev DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAB INITIATED N2 2" 9 5 Police 17/94 GREEN. SHEET INMAUDATE . (NIT CONTACT PERSON & PHONE z i z � „ DEpANTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL William Finney, - a F r":, CITY ATTORNEY ED CITY CLERK NtelBER MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) nom (P ; - UDGET DIRECTOR El FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. 191 z <MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) El TOTAL # OF SKONATURE PAGES (CLP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Council Resolution to approve renewll of a 5 year lease agreement with The Pointe of St. Paul Apartment Building (radio Communication equipment site). See s.atsee agreemen on Green Sheet No. 2793 4, RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) 1 ERBONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION! Has this perso[Uflnn ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO _ CM COMMITTEE ,. Has this personifkm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF YEE NO • — DISTRICT COURT I. Does this person/firm possess a still not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, WI-.): Current 5 year lease will expire on 9/18/94 and needs to be renewed per attached agreement (the agreement contains at indemnification clause). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This primary radio communication si :e will continue to serve the St. Paul Police and Fire Departments. RECEIVED RECEIVED JUL 1 1994 JUN 29 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: BUDGET OFFICE CITY Al' ORNEY None Council Research Center JUL 1 9 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of the primary and vital raa.o communication site for the St. Paul Police and Fire Departments. Or 1994 - $1,500, 1995 $1,600, 199( - $1,700, 1997 - $1,800, 1998 $1,900 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $8, S00 Tot a L COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES 140 FUNDING SOURCE General Fund ACTIVITY 001- 04342- 0282 -40085 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Budgeted for 199.. and 1995, will need to be .u.gete. eac Tema n ng ear. • pOItdTE GE ::I . PAUL I0:61.229 0603 JUN 03'94 11:37 No .002 P.03 &T 1DARD AS LEE p/7/2 THIS 1 ASE made in uad plicate this ," day of gif-eses BETWEEN: hereinafter called the "LANDLORD ", THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, -p4.7,vz e'er: Sr Aft - -and- hereinafter called the "TENANT" THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART. z.,DF- ..S72. 4 ,' 1. WHEREAS, the LANDL.rD is the owner of 2. AND WHEREAS, the T - NANT has requested the LANDLORD to grant perm.i:.ion to erect, .perate, and maintain transmitting and receiving antennas and = .uipmenL as required by the TENANT on the leased premises being mere particularly described on Schedule "B" ptt%icleud hereto. 3. AND WHEREAS, the LANDLORD han resolved to grant such perin.i ::::ion to the TEN T subject to the terms, covenants and conditions of this Leas.. 4. wrTNESSPTJI that in , onsideration of the promises and to mutual covei,huLs and agrr-rrtmon • s contained herein, the Parties hereto hereby agree with each ther as follows: 5. The LANDLORD grant permission to the TENANT and the TENANT shall have the right, • (.) to erect, op rate, maintain and place as required, at its own expense, a tower or towers (antenru mounts), and transmitting and receiving antennas and to enclose and secure 600 square feet at the penthouse level to house the a ui.pment associated with the transmitting =nd receiving antennas. Said area for housing equipment must be approved by the LANDLORD. (1..) 1.o install sic equipment, exterior grounding, el e.c t.rical an ronununi cations line:, as may be nocepoar.y to the operation of the said transmitting -nd receiving antennas, all of which equipme L, tower antennas, electrical, and common i ca :ion lines and any appurtenant fi.LLine,):z art hereinafter called "this equipment" an.: (e) to r,_ieuse lo • e made all necessary leasehold improvements at it:: own expense, such improvements o include but without limiting the followin.: heating, air conditioning, walls, ventilation and electrical wiring; (d) to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times for t purpose of the installation, operation a1 d maintenance of the said equipment. (c) The LANDLORD grants eae:ements for access and fol. all zleee13 ary cicctrical and communication dines for t e operation of the TENANT'S transmitting :nd receiving antennas. POINT.E OF L.I 1'i till. ID:6122910503 JUN 03'94 11:38 No.002 P.04 6. The term of T.easa shall be years commencing fromq �1D913 and ineludinq the `4 OAy o 1EA €._►L , 19.5 _, and from from/ y..1013 next and ensuing and fully � ta be complete" And ended on the f7 dey o 4 r ��_ /gp and subject to renewal a* hcr.•crinafter provided. 7. it the event of any ›ption(s) to renew being exercised, the word "term" wherever used in this Lease shall mean the initial term and any extension thereof. 8. Tho TENANT shall pay .'o the LANDLORD annual rents as follows: $1,500 Dollars the first year, in advance; 51.600 1)o11srs the second year, in advance; 1.704 Dollars the third year, in advance; $j, QQ.tI Dollars the fourth year, in advance and $i.yoo • Dollars the fifth year, in advance. Construction shall not commence until the Landlord has received full payment of the first year's rent. 9. rt.. i_ es understood and agreed that the TENANT shall be respunr:ibie for the payment of its own electrical consumption and in this ..onnection the TENANT shall install a meter on the premises to r;uc>rd its power consumption. 10. 't•hc; TENANT covenants and agrees further with the LANDLORD as fpl.) uwz, (a) that the aforesaid premises and the equipment shall be used by the TENANT for the purpose of telecommunications broadcasting and any other purpose incidental thereto; (b) that the TENANT Ethall not assign this Lease or sublet the leased premises without the.written consent of the LANDLORD being first had and obtained, whic;li consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; (c) that in construction and maintenance of ita equipment the TENANT shall cause no material inconvenience tea the LANDLORD; (cj) that all construction and maintenance of its equipment will be carried out by the 7`ZNANT at its own expense and upon termination of this agreement the TENANT shall remove its equipment at its own expense and return the sito to its condition before the commencement of this Lease, reaeonab)e wear and tear, destruction or damage as provided for in paragraph 16 hereof, and any changes or altcrret.t.on;: mode by other than TENANT, or the TENANT'S agonta only excepted; (c) that save for the negligence of the LANDLORD, it.n employees and those persons authorized by the LANDLORD to bet on the premises, the TENANT shall indemnify and save harmless the LANDLORD against all actions, ,nits, claims, damages, costs and liabilities arising out of or as a result of, (i.) any breach, violation, or non - performance of the terms, covenants and obligations on the part of the TENANT set out in this agreement, -2- POINTE OF I'HUL ID:6122910603 JUN 03'94 11:39 No.002 P.06 reason of government retulation, the TENANT may terminate th1e 4 74. 0 100 agreement by giving t irty (30) days written notice to the LANDLORD. In the event of such termination the LANDLORD shall rcfend pro -rate any preps ant of rent accruing due after the date of such termination. 16. The TENANT shall ha a quiet enjoyment of the premises. (a) In the care of a dispute between the LANDLORD and the TENANT ur.ing the term hereof, and any renewal, as to any matter arising hereunder, either party h =veto shall be entitled to give to the other tarty notice of such a dispute and - failing to arrive at a, mutually satisfactory cgreement within a period of thirty (30) da a, demand each party shall at once appoint are arbitrator and such appointees shall jointly ppoint a third. The decision of any two .f the three arbitrators so appointed shal be final and binding upon the parties hereto ho Covenant one with the other that their disputes :hall be so decided by arbitration al.ne and not by recourse to any court by action at Jaw. • (L) If within a reasonable time the two arbitrators ap inted by the parties hereto do not agree upon a third, or if the party who has been raot'fi.cd of a dispute fails to appoint an arb.trator to represent the party in default may, upon petition of the party not in default, b= appointed by a judge of the Court of the ppropriate jurisdiction. The cost of arbitration shall be apportioned between the pa•ties Hereto as the arbitrators may decide. 17. it is understood and agreed that during the -term of this Lease and rimy extension ther .f, that the LANDLORD will not lease, liceese or permit three ether than the TENANT to use any part of the p' t:'j'erty described Sc cdule "13" herein, for the purposes of the installation, operation m..intenutice of telecommunications antenna::, oLhar than those already isclosed, without the written consent of the 't'I•:N/\NT. 18. Any notice hereunder shall be given by registered letter addressed to the LANDr.OR11 as follows: TIU J'j NTI OF .^-a. PANT. 78 EAST. _TENTS ninRrFT 'iT.._1'AUL . _MINNESOTA r,5101 19. Provided further and it is hereby agreed that should the TENANT hold ovor after the expiration of this Lease and tho Lr`LNLU.OI(U thereafter. accepts rent l:or the said premises, the TENANT shall held the amid premises only as a monthly TENANT of the T.7\Nr and :auh,)ec.t in all uL}rer respects to the terms and c o n d i t i o n s of this Lease. 20. This agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. -4-