94-1091 L.A) ,� � g 1319 4 � � 1 Q q Council File # - 1 RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 28977 SCI Y F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Y 7 Referred To \ Committee: Date WHEREAS, Council File No. 92 -1401 established Residential Permit Parking zones near the LincolnNictoria area in accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, residents residing in the LincolnNictoria Permit Parking Area 9 submitted petitions to remove Permit Parking restrictions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following parking restictions shall be in effect in the LincolnNictoria area: Remove the "No Parking 11 AM to 1AM Everyday, Except by Permit" parking zones on the following streets: Both sides of Avon St. between F Ave. and Goodrich Ave. Both sides of Goodrich Ave. between Grotto St. and Avon St. Yeas Nays At-sent Requested by Department of: Blakey i/ Grimm Public Works Guerin ✓ Harris Megard ✓ Rettman Thune v B y : Adopted by Council: Date AU.(C(,t,(.d=f'"; 1 cn Form Approved by City Attorney • o Adoption Certified by Council Secret4try By: By: N- cam, . Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by or: Date e By: //14246t By: D hIY1(11iItiT B D AT E '"TED GREEN SHEET' -10 ©. 28977 Public Works - Traffic EnOnesting 7/5/94 INITIMAATIF INITIAL IATE — C E M ) F F A E T POISON s MRS O E P A M U C T O R cm COUNCIL Duane Jaaieilo 266 -6205 Nu me w gr a Fox CITY ATTORNEY c rr CLERK MUST SE ON CODICIL AaIHR1ASY (DATE) J � S aET DMIE CTOR FPi. a MGT. SERVICES DIR, July 27, 1994 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) TOM B Of UAW US PAWN 1 (OUP ALL $.0CA1101D oft SIO ANINE ) ASSOCIATE OEPT. ACCOUNTANT k ' MIEN Remove *No Parkng 11 AM-1 AM Every Day Except by Permit' parking restrictions from the follow ng areas: Both sides of Goodrich Ave. fixn Grotto St. to Avon St. Both sides of Avon St. from Fafrmoutt Ave. to Goodrich Ave. Ta k A1""'"' G) sr Nest 0! PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS WIT ANMWER THE P(MLOWINO OUEST)ONS: _ PLMINMO COtJ1IeS1©N CN L SERVICE COMMIIIRION 1. Has *Ns wwralion welted under a contract for this department? 0111 COMMMTTEE 2. Has this w been a ciq? employee? — STAFF DOSS ? this p.rs.mvm possess a *NH net normally possessed by any current city employee INBTRICTCOMM YES NO aAJrPDRTa WINCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Expo aN Yee answers en septets chest and Mask kr peen sheet INMATING PROBLEM, gam OPPORTUNITY IMO. MAY. w 4EN. WI- RE. MY): Twelve of 18 property owners on Gooarich Ave. and 3 of 4 property owners on Avon St. signed petitions approving the removal of pen parking zones. Customers and employees who frequent Grand Ave. do not park in these blodu because blocks are not dose enough to be convenient. Therefore, residents request removal ce permit parking from these 4 block faces. ADVANTAGE F APPROVED: Residers do not have to purchase $1( parking permits each year. Residents can free themselves from the "hassles" of pert* parking. DIMDYANTAGES IF APPROVED Employees and customers of Grand Ave. can now park here; thereby slightly compromising the existing per+lt area DOADVANTAGIES IF NOT r Residents may ask Counc ilmember why they cannot get out of permit parking. TOTAL AMOUNT OPTRANsAiCfoNs CO6TJ EVENttE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNWND SOMME ACRYIfY NUMBER F$N4CIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ORIGINAL Council File # `1 ncil RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 2R977 Ask Cjj OF SAINT UL, MINNESOTA 91-\ Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat- • WHEREAS, Council File No. 92 -1401 -stablished Residential P= mit Parking zones near the LincolnNictoria area in accordance with C : pter 168 of the Saint P. I Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, residents residing in the incoln /Victoria Permi Parking Area 9 submitted petitions to remove Permit Parking restrictions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV: D, that the follo ng parking restictions shall be in effect in the Lincoln /Victoria area: Remove the "No Parking 11 AM to 1AM Eve yday, Exce ; by Permit" parking zones on the following streets: Both sides of Avon St. between incoln Av -. and Goodrich Ave. Both sides of Goodrich Ave. bet -en Gr• to St. and Avon St. Yeas .ys Ab.ent Requested by Department of: Blakey Grimm Public Works Guerin Harris Rettman Thune By: Adopted by Council: Date Form App r ved by City // -ttorney Adoption Certifies by Council Secret -ry By: By: Appro b ayor for Submi -.ion to Council Approved by M.yor: Date By: By: n , DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/OOUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 28977 Public Works - Traffic Engineering 7!5/94 INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE_ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE • PARTMENT DIRECTOR .5/3 CITY COUNCIL Duane Jagiello 266 -6205 :Ionia FO.I fl CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROGER G BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. i July 27, 1994 ® MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL a OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 0 ASSOCIATE ❑ DEPT. ACCOUNTAN MEI ACTION REOUESTED Remove "No Parkng 11 AM -1 AM Every )ay Except by Permit" parking restrictions from the foliowi g areas: Both sides of Goodrich Ave. frc m Grotto St. to Avon St. Both sides of Avon St. from Lircoln Ave. to Goodrich Ave. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIOI 1. Has this YES ntffm ever worked under a contract for this department? # _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this Y pe E E S ntft been a city employee? STAFF 3. Does this YY person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet 0 INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHI RE, WHY): Twelve of 18 property owners on Good ich Ave. and 3 of 4 property owners on Avon St. signed petitions approving the removal of permit parking zones. Customers and employees who frequent Grand Ave. do not park in these blocks because blocks are not close enough to be convenient. Therefore, residents request removal a permit parking from these 4 block faces. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Residents do not have to purchase $10 parking permits each year. Residents car 4ree themselves from the "hassles" of permit parking. H CEIVED Council Research Center JUL L51994 JUL 2 21994 CITY ATTORNEY DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Employees and customers of Grand A. can now park here; thereby slightly compromising the existing permit area DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Residents may ask Councilmember wh" they cannot get out of permit parking. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION; COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACITVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 4 -- O i