95-833LL � i\��� t U� t� City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREOfV 3,Z COUNCIL F LE NO. _v �� BY � � 33��F� FIle No. 18749 Voting Assessment No. 0599 Ward i the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 3 The Davern/Edgcumbe area Street Paving and Lighting Project. Pceliminary Ordex 94-1175 appaovecL August 17, 1994 FinalOrder 94-1594 approved November 2, 1994 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the CouncIl, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RFSOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 20th day of September, 1995, at 3:30 P.M. , in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall BuIlding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemeni, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. anancucn COUNCILPERSON Yea Nays ,��lakey �rimm erin Harris Megard �Rettman Thune AUG 12 i995 Adopted by the Council: Date �bs c.�4� � � Certifie assed by Councii Secr ary � In Favor By � � M"� �._, � Against � ,{� L Mayor t� �e�-\ � 9S� � Public Aearing Date - September 20, 1995 RE 7-14-95 FlSS - Real Sstate Division Date: 7-10-95 Green Sheet N�ber. 33788 FPAR111�Nr DIRECIOR (TfY COUNQL tact Yesoa aad Phoue Numbet •� CIlY AITORNL�SC Q.ERK ..�.� Peter White 266-8850 � � DIl2EC10R & MGl: SVG DIIL _ . _ YOR (ORASS7STAN3) 1 al Reseaxch ostteoaCoonalAgenaaby: 8-2-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Frida 7-21-95 # OF S[GNANRE PAGES 1 (Cd� Aiy LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URL� cnox xr�vFSr�: Setting date of public hearing of the rat'if"ication of assessments for he DAVERN/EDGCUMBE AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Na 18749 Atu�ent No. U599 � MI�ffi�IDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RPJSCl (R) PERSONAI. Sf:RVICB CONl'RAC1S MUST ANSWP,R THE FOI.I.OWING PIANNING COMMI.ASION A Sl'AFF L Has the peaon/fim cver worked mdcr a contraR for this depattment? YES N C1VII, SLRVICE COMM _ Has tfiis peaoa/£� ever 6een a Gty employee? YPS N cIB coTU1�TfEE _ 3. noes tLis peson/sffi posess a smu noc m�zlly r� br �r Cnaen[ Gty employee? YPS N PORTS WHICH COUNQL OH7F�.CiVL? Neighborhoods Fxplaip a11 YFS anbweis on a separnte sheet and affich COUNCII, WARD(S�: 3 Dismct Plannmg Counnl: 15 NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPO TUNPi'Y (Who, What, WLen, Where, Why): roject is nearing completition. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collectang assessments to help ay for the project. V A ES APPROVED: � ., �;._� . �L.R�a�� ame as above. JU� 1 g 19$5 ISADVt1NTAGES IF APPROVHD: `�__ enefitted properry owners have assessments payable via property tases. `�-- --- ISADVANi'AGES IFNOTAPPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otai Amount of Transaction �1,534.112.10 Cost(Revenue Budgeted YES NO $1,133,910.47 Misc Aid $ 400,201.63 Assessments unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Explain) 152 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.