D94-043CITY OF �'JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TFIE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No. Date: GS #: l"�y -0 Z- �6 -4y 23583 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of to amend the 19 93 budget of the S7eet Repair and CleaninQ Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and ManagemeM Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 225 - 42310 - Ol ll Full Time Permanent 225 - 42310 - 0217 Fees-Engineers 225 - 42310 - 0359 Other-Spec Matl & Supplies 225 - 42312 - 0111 Full Time Permanent 225 - 42312 - 0329 Other-Rep/Maint Grds, Str 225 - 42313 - 011 l Full Time Permanent 225 - 42313 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42313 - 0344 Parts For Vehicles 225 - 42313 - 0438 Fringe Benefits-0ther 225 - 423I4 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles • 225 - 4237�- 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42321 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42322 - 0111 Full Tune Permanent 225 - 42322 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42331 - 011l Full Time Permanent 225 - 42331 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42331 - 0322 Aggregates-Sand, Etc. 225 - 42332 - Ol l l Full Time Permanent 225 - 42332 - 0286 Rental-Other Equipment 225 - 42333 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42333 - 0286 RenYal-Other Equipment 225 - 42335 - 0111 Full Time Permanent 225 - 42335 - 0344 Parts For Vehicles 225 - 42336 - 011 l Full Time Permanent 225 - 42336 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42337 - 0283 Rental-Vehicles 225 - 42338 - 0329 Other-Rep/Maint Grds, Str 225 - 42339 - 0277 Other-Equipment Repair • 225 - 42340 - 0326 Steel/Iron Products 225 -423XX -OXXX All other spending Totals Cunent Amerxied �dget Charx�e �dc7et $535,605.00 $4,000.00 �539,605.00 $64,600.00 ($4,200.00) $60,400.00 $55.00 $200.00 $255.00 $934,464.00 ($7,000.0�) $927,464.00 $368,581.00 ($20,000.00) $348,581.00 $1,Ib5,709.00 $50,000.00 $I,215,709.00 $945,218.00 ($74,000.00) $871,218.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $214,670.00 $20,000.00 $234,670.00 $30,810.00 ($500.00) $30,310.00 $42,107.00 $5,000.00 $47,107.00 $136,837.00 $7,000.00 $143,537.00 $82,160.00 ($5,000.00) $77,160.00 $346,711.00 $75,000.00 $421,711.00 $441,610.00 ($15,000.00) $426,610.00 $83,444.00 $15,000.00 $98,444.00 $103,948.00 $6,000.00 $109,948.00 $77,052.00 ($6,000.00) $71,052.00 $82,835.00 ($37,500.00) $45,335.00 $112,347.00 ($37,500.00) $74,847.00 �30,427.00 $2,000.00 $32,427.00 $3,014.00 $Z,000.00 $5,014.00 $79,496.00 ($2,000.00) $77,496.00 $68,809.00 ($]2,000.00) $56,509.00 $46,215.00 ($2,000.00) $44,215.00 $30,810.00 $10,000.00 $40,810.00 $903.00 $2,000.00 $2,903.00 $12,585.00 $20,000.00 $32,585.00 $11,803,245.00 $0.00 $11,803,245.00 $17,844,267.00 $0.00 $17,844,267.00 Current Amended 1 I]/ I.�[�3 gudge� G� g�dge� � - J` - � � CorrecEions to 1993 Street Repair and Cleaning to eliminate over eupenditure and adhere to City Charter Chapter I0.10 and Budget Goals and Polides B-13. • • � � lWproved By. Mayror .t•/d� �� Reques[etl by Departme �ireMOr DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ATE INITIATED PublicWorks qC • �zr�oi9s GREEN SHEET yo. � s a s INR7AllDAT£ NJRIAVDAT� COMACYPERSONBPHONE OEPApTMEMDIRECTOR� � CRVCAUNCIL AllenJ.Shetka 266-6176 N ��"�� �cmnrroaNev Ocrrvc�rix MUSTBEDNCOUNCILAGENDABY(DAT� �R OBUDGEfDIFlECTOR �j FIN&MGT.SERVICESDIR. � MAYOR(OR 7SSI5TANT) ❑1 pctinty Managar TALAOFSIGNANREPAGES � (CIIPALLLOCA7ION5FORSIGWITUR� ❑2 ��aTE_ ❑3 DEPMTMEMA � 4 ACTION REW ESTED Approval of adminis�aave order amending the spending p]an of the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund - 225. AECOMMENDATIONSAppwe (A� or Reject (f� pEpSONAL SERVICE CONiHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNINGWMMISSION_CNILSERVICECOMMISSION 7 HasMisperson/firmeverworkedu�Meracontrac[forUiisdepar[ment? q8 COMM7TTEE _ YES NO STAFF z. Has �is person/firm ever been a dry employea? — — YES NO _ DISIAICTCOUNqL __ 3. DOB5711is t50NfiRn pe possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILD&IECTIVE? YES �t0 Explain all yes answets on separate sheat and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WH1�: Transfer spending authority within various street repair aclivides in the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund due to shifrs in the work performed by ciry crews mainiaining city streeLS. ADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: ctual spencling measured agains[ budgeted spending will be in accordance with city policy. Budgets will be adjusted. RECE��E 18 1994 DISAOVAN7AGE5 IF APPROVED: ���,nt �vone. �3U�6�� v � RECEIVE� � �s�����. '`" FEB 16 1994 ��� � ��� CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13 which restricu spending [o budgeted levels by major object code in the Stteet Repair and Cleaning Fund. ALAMWNTOFTRANSACTION$ Net0.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES � � PUNDING SoURCE Sheet Repair and Cleanine Fund. ACTIVITV NUMBER '- 42310,42312,42314,42322,42331,42332,42333 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) dui