95-823QR1Gl�¢�,L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred council aile # 9� �a 3 < Green Sheet # � ✓ /�+ � m Committee: Date ���O�FZ WHEREAS, Chapter 5.�5 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code authorizes the Purchasing Division to dispose of surplus City property and describes the procedures governing Che sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Systems Manager has identified certain property that is no longer needed by the City, as listed in surplus notice #95-1868 and has declared it to be surplus in accordance with Chapter 5.05; and WHEREAS, the City has received a written request from Friends of the Parks & Trails dated 06f30/95 requesting that the attached list of items from surplus notice #95-1868 be donated to Friends of the Parks & Trails; and WHEREAS, the donation of such property to Friends of the Parks & Trails would further the City's goals to provide youth employment & training opportunities and neighborhood business development and, therefore, serve a public purpose; and WHEREAS, the community as a whole will benefit £rom this donation because at- risk youth will be given opportunities to obtain valuable business training and exposure, and area residents & visitors gain new ways of seeing Saint Paul and it's may charms in a more intimate way; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the donation o£ the property to Friends of the Parks & Trails; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said organization shall take responsibility for removing the designaCed surplus property from City premises in a manner and in accordance with the timeline mutually agreed upon with the Purchasing Division; and be it further RESOLVED, that said organization shall bear all costs associated with the removal and transportation of the designated surplus property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it £inally 33 34 35 36 n,-��'I.�'P��,€f;� 9s-�a3 p. 2�f `�� RESOLVED, that upon the donation, the City shall have no further responsibility for said property and shall not provide any maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of said property by the donee organization. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �Y�������5 AdoptiQn Certi£ied by Coun il S retary By Divisi n Parks & Recreati n • 6. � 1 Ey . 4t Form Approved by City Attorney BY= ' � 7 -�� Approved b Mayor for Submission to Cou g . ! (�P '� � `�'(��,,r"'a, J By: 95-��-3 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreation o7/11/95 GREEN SHEE N_° 33752 GONTACf PERSOP! &PXONE INITIAVOATE INITIAVDATE � DEPqH'fMEMDIRECfOfl � CIT'COUNCIL Howard Sell 266-6415 '�'� �GTYATTORNEY Qcrtrc�aK xws�c Foa MUST BE ON CqUNCILAGENDA BV (DA'f� _ �M� �� BU�GET DIRECfOR � FIN.B MGT. SEAVICES DIR. ORDEfl �dMpypp�ppq��s7p� � parks 200 CHA L� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (�{p ALl LOCATIONS FOR Sl6NATURE) acnora a[auESrEO: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City Attorney, Mayor or Assistant Mayor and passage by the City Council. AECAMMEN�AnONS: Approva (A) or Rejact (R) pERSONAt SEHWCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER SHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNINCa CqMMI5S70N _ CML SERV4CE CAMMISSION �� Has ihis persoMirm ever worked under a conVac[ for this dapartmeM? - _ CIB COMMRTEE _ VES NO A STA , 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employeel — — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this perSOnKrm possess a sk�ll not nortnall � y pOSSessed by any curcent ciry employee. SUPPORTSWNICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVET YES NO Expfein all yes answers on Separate sheet antl attech t0 green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RNNItt (Who. What, When. Where, Why): The Division bf Parks and Recreation wishes to donate surplus bicycles from the Como Lakeside Pavilion rental concession to Friends of the Parks and Trails. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Training opportunities for at-risk youth. RECE�VED JUI. 1 � 1995 �1AYOR'S QFfDCE DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: N/A DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPAOVED: Loss of opportunities. � � ��� � � 1� TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON S COSTlREYENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHCa SOURCE ACiNI7V NUMBER FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (E%PIAIN) � C �w...,. a u Si. Paul and � a�m�er camrr`- 1621 Bee�hxuod A�e St Paid, Mfi 55116 612FB8-4543 Pcesident Jeanne Weigum Vice Presidents Mazk M. Nalan Tceaz�ex James R. Sricher D'uectnrs Petty R. Solin Ann Cieslak Daniel Collins Thomas T. Dwight Neil Franey wIDiam Frank Otis H. Godfrey, Jr. David Lilly Mazilyn Lundberg Paul Mandell Robert Nethercut 7oan OBrien Carol Osip Mazj Prokop Mazsha Soucheray Vice President Emeritus Samuel H. Morgan Ex Officio Dennis Asmussen 7ohn Cazoon Paul L Rirkwold Greg Mack Robert Piram Executive D'uector and Secretary Peggy Lyvch 9��� June 30, 1995 Vic Wittger.stein 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth Sueet St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Vic, The Friends of the Parks and T'rails of St. Paul and Ramsey County requests the City of St. Paui donate 31 regular size bikes. 3 bike. frame,s. and 6 smaller bikes co our organizaGOn far the piuposes o£ using them for an innovative program called the Yellow Bike Program. The Friends is working with Save Our C4ty Kids, (SOCK), plus representatives of numerous other organizations to launch this program. The purpose is to put bicycles painted bright yellow so they may be easily recognized, on the street, starting with downtawn St. Paal, for residents and visitors alike to use as temporary means of transportation. This proga•un was started in Portland, Oregon and has been exuemely successful. The Friends and the others involved in promoring this effork believe that it serves many purposes. Inner city kids will be learning how to repair bicycles, and how to run a business. "The bicycles themselves could be used by visitors to the ciry to get to the riverfront parks, the State Capitol, eta We believe that this program will bring pride to our community, and a feeling of friendliness w people visiting St Paul. Representatives of the Friends, SOCK, and other people involved in this effort would be happy to appear before the City Council to explain our proposat. Donation of these bicycles frorn the City of St. Pau] will be a big help in launching this program. Please keep me informed about the psocess of this donation to the Friends, and let me know if there is any other information you need. The Friends of the Parks is a non-profit 501(C)3 corporation registered in the State of Minnesota. Sincerely, `7 � -���/,J'�'� �/ IJU Peggy Lync Executive Director