95-8201 Z 3 4 r 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� Z8 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 �" R � � f ' " � � RESOLUTION � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to �` � 9,�D # oZ F �s Coi[unittee: Date WHEREAS� Cafesjians Carousel, owned by the City and operated by Our Fair CarOUSel Incocpocated� closed opeiations as of Apsi1 15, 1995; and WHEREAS, representatives of Our Fair Carousel, The Shelatd Group, the �owntowr� Building Ownei`s and Managers Association (B.O.M.A.), the Doxntown Community Oistrict Council (D.C.D.C.) and the City have agreed to implement a marketing plan for the Carousel to increase its revenue and ridership; and WHEREAS, B.O.M.A. represents over 90$ of the busine5s and pCOperties which are assessed for Town Square operating and maintenance costs including promotional activities such as the marketing of Cafesjians Carousel; and WHEREAS, B.O.M.A. has since 1981 formally reviewed and approved for submittal to the City Council, the City's proposed operating and maintenance budget for Town Square Park; and WHEREAS, in ceviewing the pcoposed operating butlget £ox fiscal yeat 1995, B.O.M.A. has recommended that $25,000 be allocatetl to help fund a marketing Plan for Cafesjians Carousel as part of this Town SGuate operating butlget; and WHEAEAS� the members of B.O.[4.A. ace assessed for the cost to operate Town Square Park: and WHEREAS� in making this recommendation it is apparent that B.O.M.A. membership is willing to accept the added operation cost; and WHEREAS, the Mayoi, Pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1995 budget, and WHEREAS, Council File 277520� adopted October 1� 1981 did establish certain Special Fund policies, and WHEREA5, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1995 budget: DEPARTMENT OF COtM4UNZTY SERVICES DNISION OF PARKS AND RECREA.TION TOWN SQUARE PARK FINANCING PLA13 -------------- 386-43180-6001 Current Year 388-A11 Other Financing Total SPENDING PLAN 388-43180-0299 Other-Misc Service.; 388-A11 Othet Spending Total Council Fi1e � Currwt Budget -_a_--- 1,321,528 1�321,528 526,250 829,316 1,350,566 Amended Changes Budget ------ -------- 25,000 25,000 __ =0__ 1,321,528 25,000 1,396�528 25,000 -0- 25�000 551,250 829�316 1�375�566 Green Sheet � 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above budqet amendment be made to fund 388 which 4 2 will allow for the partial payment of Marketing Plan. �. qs �a a �� C �/�PAGE 2 of 2 Requested by: Divisi arks and �ecreation By: Adopted by Council: Datej�� V� Adopt Certified by Cour� 1 S cretary By Approved )Sy/M�or: J �— Form Approved by City Attorney By: for Submission to By: ;�-. -;, , 1EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL Parks & Recration/Towi :ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE UlCYOT W1CtQERSCE].II AUST BE ON CqUNQL AGENDA BV (DA7E) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES qs-�av N° 28485 GREEN SHEET OEPARTMEM DIqECTOR � CRYATfORNEY BUDGEf DIRECfO MAYOR (OR ASSIST (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INRIAVDATE CITY COUNGL GTY CIERK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. 7 Parks Assess $25,000 to Down�Building Owner's and Managers Assc�i;Qation Eor operation of Cafesjians Carousel at o Square Park. ��� ar Rejec[ (B) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIYII SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAPF _ _ DISTRICTCAURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CqUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINCa When, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a co�trac[ for this department? YES NO 2. Has Mis personHirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not no�mally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and atteeh to green sMeet The City, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., Downtown Community District Council and the Downtown Building Owner's and Manager Association (B.O.M.A.) have agreed to implement a marketing plan for the Carousel to increase its revenue and ridership. As part of this marketing plan S.O.M.A. has agreed to assess itself $25,000 to partly fund the plan. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Continue the operation of Carousel at Town Square Park and return the Carousel Co self sufficiency. None. IF APPROVED IF NOT APPROVED: C YifPddebi �17d! �� JUL 12 1995 "_ e Carousel will remain closed because it will be unable to generate revenue for it's operating costs. � AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ ZS�000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE Town S(�tiaxe Park Accaecmantc ACTNITY FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) JUL-17-1995 10�2z STP PARKS rv,nwv� � un . �vw � v i �. ( � . To� J__�/ ___jl7e,.__� .. l'V)� :97UV1l;/ //i.Y/j"�( Cair. ' i% J"/—' �. w�ma� TakY T�epicnef RECRER7ION 612 292 ?495 P.01ie7 4 „ �.u�� J �w�r>w�. ,ri7 ����,: From � � � �� . � ��!�'1=tr.e' Yl�i cor�r l.S , L5 ty/Y�j�-- ) �/Y"i � U � -rJ u�r.a�� Fass Ttic�1'°"c° � / n c. �Cy'��L �r. � ❑� ❑� o��� l�c.�n�s-- �m.���c�_ v�c r l �eso lu-�on s -�c-Q�"" � �'l2ct� cQ�s�r-; hc� �a C�� / 12v� Gc�t-�'- V��2rver�— Clu- S � l�v� ��-r.,� wr �k , � s !!Gtpi,�u.a . Interdepartmental Memorandum CI7Y OF SAINT PAUL July 11, 1995 TO: Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councitmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megarcl Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: Robert P. Pir� �'�J RE: CAFESJIAN'S CAROUSEL The Division ofi Pafks and Recreation is submittfig the two attached Budget Amendment Council Resolufions which request added spending authority for Fund 388. This added spending authority is requested as part of an overall pian to market Cafesjian's Carousel (oId State Fair carousel) which is located in Town Square Park. During the past iwo and a haif yeare ridership and, therefore, revenue have fallen off drastically at Cafesjian's Carousel. The loss of ridership can be traced to several factors including the opening of Mall ofi America, the ciosing of Carson Pirie Scott, the decision to stop noontime programming at Town Square Park and the fact that Town Squa2 has changed from a retail center to a business center. 9s_ �� a Due to the lack of ridership and the inabiliiy to generate revenue, Our Fair Carousel (O.F.C.} which has operated the carousel since ft was moved to Town Square Pa�lc in 1990, decided fo discontinue operefion as of February 5, 1995. They believed that a new IocaGon needed to be found for the carousel in order to make it self-suppoAing. JUL-17-1995 10�23 STP PRRKS & RECREATION 612 292 7405 P.02/07 q s-�a-a When i[he Downtown Community Development Councii (D.C.D.C.} and ofher downtown Saint Paui inferests heard o4 this plan they got involved and requested that O.F.C. continue to operate the carousei until Aprii 15, 1995 and then close it for the summer months. They also desised to do a markefing sfudy of the carousel to defermine if the carousel, with the proper marketing, could generate more ridership and revenue. This marketing study was done by Hartnett and Associates who believe that with a good masketing ptan the ridership could be increased and that funds couid be raised both from increased ridership and fund raising activities to make the carousel financially sotvenf. In order to achieve the above, a marketing plan needs fo be implemented, therefore we have requested that the iwo council resolutions befiore you be approved. 7he first resolution allows the Town Square Park Fund to retain $30,000 firom revenue generated from rentals. These are presenUy given to the Generai Fund. These revenues woufd be used for Town Square Park programming purposes, particularly on weekends, to help generate more ridership ofi ihe carousel. It is believed that in order to generate ridership, use�s of the carousel need to be able to be involved in more activities than just ride the carousel. It is not a destination in itself but needs to draw from other downtown activities. The second resolution requests that $25,000 be added to the 1995 Town Square Budget to help pay for the implementation of ihe marketing pfan. It is estimated that the marketing plan will cost apQroximately $50,000. This $25,000 is a start of thaf goal. It is expected that the other $25,000 can be raised from those businesses closest to Town Square. In reviewing the fiscal year 1995 opereting and maintenance budget for Town Square Park, the Building Owner's and Manager's Association (B.O.M.A.) recommended that a$25,000 tine item be added to the budget to hetp pay for the ma�keting plan. B.O.M.A. represents about ninety percent of the properties that are assessed for the operation and maintenance of Town Square Park and B.O.M.A. and the entities it represents are wilting to accept this additional cost to their assessment_ This money will not be available until 1996. The marketing ptan needs to be implemented soon so ths carousef can re-open in mid September (shortly after the opening of tfie Children's Museum); it is necessary that the City provide the $25,000 now. 7he City will then be reimbursed by the afFected property owners as part of the normal assessment process. JUL-1?-1995 10:23 STP PARKS & RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.03i07 � ������ Your positi�e response to these Councii Resolutions wiii be appreciafed and will allow us fo work on keeping Yhe carousel in downtown Saint Paui t� lf you have any questions, please call me at 268-6410 or Vic Wittgenstein of my staff at 266-6409. Thank you. cc: Mayor Coleman Mark Shieids Pam Wheetock Joe Reid O.F.C. D.C.D.C. B.O.M.A. Larry Buegter Steve Thompson Vic Wittgenstein