95-815ORIGI�JAL Council File � 7� O IS creen sheet � �/`jt RESOLUTION �INT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 2 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council consents to and approves 4 s of the appointments, made by the Mayor, to the CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 6 � BUDGET COD�IlVIITTEE: a 9 io APPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING ii iz Marilyn Porter 11/1/97 is Seriate District 66, Citizen District 10 14 is John Margot 11/1/97 i6 Senate District 64, Citizen District 14 i� is Judith Benton 11/1/97 i9 Senate District 64, Citizen District 16 zo Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � q.s Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appx By: Ey: Form Approved by City Attorney By: '1/ � �/J :f Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � .\f�' �/ut."�-� y'S 8is DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 316 3 6 Mayor' office 6/zsl9s GREEN SHEET - wmawnrE wmnwnre CONTACTPERSON&PHONE ��EPARTMEMDIPECTOR CRYCOUNCIL Roger C. Curtis� 266-8531 "��" cmnrroaNer arvc�aK NUYBENFOp MUST BE ON COUNC�L AGENDA BY (DA'!� q0U71NG BUDGET DIPECTOP � FIN. & MGT. SERVIGES �IFi. Op�p MAYOR (OP ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCASiONS FOR SIGTfATURS) ACfION REOUESTED: Appointments to the CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE. RECOMMENDA7ION5: apprwe (A) a Rejact (Ft) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING pUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has this perso�rm ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? - _ GBCOMMR7EE �ES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOATS WH7CH COUNCIL O&IECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and attach to green shaet INITIATINCa PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): None. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: APPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING Marilyn Porter 11/1j97 Senate District 66 Citizen District 10 John Marqot 11/1/97 Senate District 64, Citizen District 14 Judith Benton DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVEO' . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TflANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTfVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9s_8�s Irrterdepartmer�tal Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janioe Rettman Coaacilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin Roger C. Curtis f YC_' , Jean Karpe �ll( �� July 12, 19� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BIIDGET COMMITTEE Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following people to the Capital Improvement Budget Committee: APPOINTMENTS Marilyn Porter Senate Dist. 66, Citizen District 10 John Marqot Senate Dist. 64, Citizen District 14 Judith Benton Senate Dist. 64, Citizen District 16 TERMS ESPIRING 11/iJ97 il/1/97 11/1/97 Attached are copies of the applications for the new members. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8526. Thank you. � . . • I • SyU C1TY HALL SA2NT PAIIL� M2NNESOTA 55202 266-8526 �,� ��s R'�C£;VEC MAY 2 4 1995 Ha.a.e: John Barry Margot ��9,-��,Y�.;; "� ,riFFICE Home nddress: 1818 Giellesley St. P 55105 Street City Z1 698-2994 639-4742 p Telephoae Na�tber: (8o�e1 C�7ork) Planning bistricr Co�mcil: 14 Ci.tp Council Aard: Pre£erced Hailing Address: Yhat is pour occupation? 1818 Wellesley Sales Representative Place of E�plopment: General Office Products Coffini�tee(s) Applied For: Ghat skillsJtzaining oz eaperience do you possess �or the committee{s) foz �hich pou seek appoi,ntmen2? I work we11 in a cooperative setting. I like the challenges oi producing a consensus on a given topic. I believe it is an honor and an obligation of good citizenship to be involved in civic matters. Capital budgeting is a vexy important civic matter. Add itionally, my exper as a Scoutmaster at Nativity School and years of work with the Highland Grovela Recreation Associationhave helped me understand the problems and strengths of the neighborhood I wish to represent on the CIB Committee. The information inclvded in this applicatian is coasidered private data acco:d�S to t*:e Minnesota Govermezxt Data Practi.ces Act. As a zesult, thzs information is nct releasad to the genaral gu�lic. (OD�,R) Rev_4./21/9? p�xsoxnr. xEr�xc�s xame: Jerry Devine, Deacon; Nati Address Phone 699-6939 N�e= Pau1 Murphy address: 1988 Goodrich 696-5439 �S �rs Phone• (Home) 69 fAork) Name 1666 Juliet Kathie Tarnowski, community organizer; Mac-Groveland Co�unity Council Address: Phone: 698-7973 Reasons £or pour intarest in this particular cac�n,ittee: I current am serving as the representative from District 14 on the Streets and Utilities Task Force. The CIB process is comp ex an in wor s e er •� •• c'i�tttv--s2S�G—�A�LCE—_ZP�.�el T }1Pl l P )P _ that my task force work has prepared me to take on more challenging tasks and would like the opportunity to see our work through to completion. Bave you had previous eontact v the commiL�ee for which you are maleiug application, Zf so, when, and circvmstances7 -•• • a- .- In an atte�pt to ensure that co�ittee representation �eflects the makeup of oux communitp, please cheak the line appYicable to gou, This information is stricelp volvntary. X Ghite (CSUCasian} _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Alaskan Lskimo ,�� Male Featale Disabled 320 South Griggs Street Dste o£ Sirth: Yes No _� If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. � Church Hispanic Asian or Pacific Sslander 12-5-45 Through the Macalester-Groveland Council How did you hear about this opening? ��14 Macalester-Grovela.nd Community Council 320 South Griggs Street Saint Paul, Minneso[a SS1Q5-2800 Telephone: (612) 698-7973 Fac (612) 698-9465 �� I�t/voC�G�'�� /° � bf1 � 2. ��� /�I �.� � �--� � � � �Cc��S �� ���� G�'�.� ; �� ���� � ���- ����� � �� �s�is � 0� ��� OFFICE OF THE MAyOR 390 CITY HALL SAS21T PAIIL, MI2.T2IESOTA 266-8526 - qs��s AccE�l��� ss F�,nY 1 � 1995 eai,�[�'_ ..r'I(�i= game: Judith Ann Bento Home Address• 332 Summit AVenue Sainr Paul, MN 55107 Street �l�J Zlp Telephone ttumber: _ (Home) 222 5697 �Aa=k� Planning District CotmciL• 16 City Cotmcil Aard: 2 Yreferred Hailing Address: 332 Sutnmlt AVenue Ahat is your occupation? Home Restoration Consultant P1ace'o£ Employment: 332 Surntnit Avenue Saint Paul riN 551�2 Co�ittee(s) Applied For' CIB Ahat skillsJtraining ox eaperience do you possess fo= the co�ittee(s)'£or vhich you seek appointment? Summit Hill Association/District 16 �'Yanning Council President 1990-1991 SHA/llistrict 16 Planning Council Zoning & Land Use Comcnittee Chair 1988-199� Aipls. Institute of Arts Aecorative Arts Council Vice Chair 1995-1496 Minnesota Ba21et G il - Mpls Institute of Arts Antigue Show Pt�blicir� t'n �h i,- iqo5 - Summit Avenue Kesidential Pre�erva ion A�GOCiarion F[�nn[iin� Mamhnr l�aaapl _ SARPA Board of Governors 1994-1995 Summit Hill House Tour Co-Chair 1992 District 16 District Plan Revision and Update Chair 1987 _ The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this i.nformation is not released to the general public_ � (OPER) Rev.4/21/° 6 PERSONAL RgFERENCES . ����5 xame:_ i2ichard and Helen Murnhv Address:_1440 SutnmlL Avenue. SainY Paul �1N S51(15 Phone: 7Home) 698_3121 (Aork) Name: Address:__Christine A. Trost. 306 Zrvine AvPnue Sa'n ya - MN 5510? Phone: lHome) 290-9988 (Aork) 222_j222 Name: Steve Hjerpe nddress: 1661 Saint Anthonv Boulevard .- � Phone: (Home) CAo=k) 646-7952 Reasons Por your 3nterest in this particular committee: AS all TeSidents are beneflttc by optimal commercial functioning, As a Saint Paul resident I feel it is essential to: promote a strong campetitive economic environment, 1T1[?raaca Yho tav h�. �p_�cc.nrin,�o�-r,- .,r; h�� Q���� �lld t^PSYt�ra a viahlo Ans.TZ3tOW�k--�@$- -- - , Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vfiich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circ�stances? `' _r�. * -• _• �- :- �-. _.. ...0 • .• In an attempt to ensure that;co�ittee representation-re£lects the makeup of our community, please check the li.ne applicable to you. This info=mation is strictly voluntary. ' X Rhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alask�n Eskimo Hale _� Remale Date oE Birth: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander 11.2.43 Disabled: Yes No X If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. ao� did you hear about this opening7 District 16 Ylanning Council 9� �� s Summit Hil1 Association District 16 Planning Council 860 Saint Clair Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55"105 Telephane 6�2-222-1222 Roger C. Curtis Fax s�2-222-�5sa Office of the Mayor 390 City Hail 15 West Keflogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 �2 . May 12, 1995 i�E�iE� MAY 15 1995 ,. ,,;..,..- P�t�Yi.�?': v r�u�: Dear Mr. Curtis: Enciosed please find the recommendations of the District 16 Pianning Council for the Capitai Improvement Budget Committee. Each is an excellent candidate to represent Citizen District 16 and the City of Saint Paul. Thank you for allowing us to participate in this important process. Sincerely, ��� �� Christine A. Trost, Executive Director Summit Hill Association . District 16 Planning Council CG: 12-0��'' 9' s"�Is Richrard T. Murphy, Sr. 1440 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 May 25, 1995 Honorable Norm Coleman, Mayor Ciry of St. Paul City Hall and Court Aouse SL. raui, ivlinnesoia 55i"v2 ;���(; �.; � ��; �p� �6 199� ,, ;���� i. __ Helen and I are writing to strongly recommend the appointment of Ms. Judith Benton to the Capitol Improvement Budget Committee (CIB). Judith has been very active in many of the neighborhood and city areas in recent years. She has been endorsed by District 16 for a position on this committee. We lmow Judith to be a tireless worker, highly intelligent, and a fiscal conservative. We believe she could bring a fresh voice to the deliberation of this all important group. She i� no stranger to the CIB operations as she has attended a number of ineetings as a volunteer. Judith has a long record of accomplishment in the Summit Hill area and would clearly add stability and dedication to the tasks at hand were she to be appointed. We thank you in advance for you consideration of our reguest. Personal Regards, �e�LL v(/ /V � L'�d ✓ �� �' ✓ l Helen Duffy Murphy ,_ - ; � � ��' / � ,1,,,= -/-= - '=� � Richard T. Murphy, Sr. , Name: 1" --�- Home Address: -.:.. . . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � � 390 CITY HAI,L SA2NT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 26b-8526 ' ���,1.,�1 �. ���-�'�� u ����.� �ua .1z �5� 9S��s �`�� (� w � •>K]] <%T� .y� ,� , 5�1 ! � Street ` City ` � Zg Teiephone Number: ___�Home) �� I � -[ �P - I (Aork) � � Z J � `— � � 7l � Planning District Crnmcil: �� City Council Aard: Preferred 2SaiZi.ng Address: `/�e- �b�U� l l �� Rhat skills/training or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) for vhicfi you seek appointment? �✓vr ��C pRyT 40 VP��S ftT_ �1�G� ��iutiCDl�b�� � � �1��� UJl e�v L�1 n � r �✓ � ('bYls- ��Oi l� e Ci i YG� rr � nr �v�7� Y � G� t I � I ✓�� ( F2 a �t c J, -/L . r wc�fildVl OC � Uarl �1 ,r Y � �� D� /�1 A �„� �„� S �' �t G�t V�eYSc� � /f��/� t,c D f v1 /r i- M cc_.�"1 [SY �� � , as �Je����-- i ` D � �7 � I 5 � The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor�nation is not zeleased to the general public. / Q M 4 �0. � (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERgNCES � qs-��s Name: � Y 6 � � 6l C�/ �Y2 C �D `� D ( '� f� /� / � �j � �" Address: �(0� � �'i f'N� IVGY'� �T� 1�71 S� `t � � Phone:_ (Home) (Aork) �� �—�� � � 4lame: -/''V��i'i `���� ��lM,t�(y(r� Aaaress � Phone: CHome) (Gork) �l �" /�P�� Name Addri Phone: (Home) ` (Work) L��-� � ��p Reasons for your intezest in this particular cor�ittee:_ iC�no. C�� cr��M:�-e� �e�leWs �I� XlM�v`r'DV�M�I��S��k6 ����lL��t�9 � ������inq�5. ���v (arat Ti. t�t -2.X-�-r,M 51 v Pi e,� 6rsy�a�� ��s ��E�% -� live• un Have you had previous contact vith the coa�ittee �or vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesT l � Vz� abr�s� � �-c,-�i�����s �itY��� —l�e Yle�s��-�e✓'�I�I��Y�. _� v� Du �'��4? . s�-�5�. kT� ��� ti,.q��r� ar.�x���lSe�S In an attempt to ensur� that committee representation reflects the makeup of on.r ,�� �h � co�unitp, please check the applicahle to you. This information is st=ictly �f3��/Q ,� volnntary. - . . _.�._ - .- - - v{� �� . � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (A£rican American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander P.me=ican Indian or Alaskan Eski_mo . � Hale r Female Date of Birth: .7/� 5 � � Disabled: Yes No � If special acco�odations are needed, please speciEy. Hov did you hear about this opening? �K�W/ �e"��r 9s���s MARII,YI3 PORTEI2 1307 IVorth Saint Aibans St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 (612)G89-7469 CA(tEIER A facility mana�ement position that uses my experience in OB.;; �CTIVE architecture, transportation, and growth management with the objective cf expanding my expertise in construction mana�ement. �REA5 +13� x?vlzrage and co�rdinate activities of architectura! and engineering �'_...�N_�.��w�. , ^_^PS 2II� :,GP.Yi3CtOic,_S;O?li:�•i G^,I1S1NCtiC�D 3 ctivitie;. Serve a S t�:� . :��':Iic��� iClai2>Eiil.�ilY'E C)ti'rW CO[ISCn1(.`fiQ?t or rz�iodzi F77Cr�.�.l`� f0 -;P,il1?'� j)Y(;)s'C: �_C3!S 3�C .^_.E'L. .. ' i�'1iC43C1!L^ Vr;?I: �J!1117!IlP.� inspeci��rs ^.L:'T1TC �O:ir$, Cl[V . �QVE:i � E:i'.; CC•;:G�C. arOy:.�L iZ4;�W' PIOC�SS ��Iiil ?.u�illluStinhOSi " Kr.owi�rige o: gove:nrr,2nta7 (ali le,�elsi policy, procedu�e an3 ;;,a�tices for administration of contracts, ir.diidin� la�or la•.us; �noa�.etlge of gcverAunenz puzchasing �roc�dures a.nd pr�ctii;es. L�;:vetcp wc::: p'aas, ..�he:i:<ies; pre�o;e cid .�i�VC�.liCµ.iva�v, .L4 a�.,_� t�l: 2i�JuC�i[!iJ �iiv :O�?1aCt:, C�P.��l:� �:i� V�f:iti�:_rC. S;:i.c.CiiiC •:6`.:lt�_2��5:." C2j1'_]�^C'C: :C^S::.2CL1CP :P _^<i Z'0itiqf.':S. ° T%"r,Vriii2`E'd 2Ill1 1:�T.'r�.°.:�;:ZS?.°_C �L2CV?�2'ti2��`,3 1 USi. f!!7�:`.'�)i1=$� ana 'I'argeted Crroug Business programs. �'z263i+F.".����T?ti/{I. �an;;¢er o�' Pub�is ra�i7ities, Niet:ovoiiian TratasiC Cocrurussier,, o Ni2:C.i � j`''L LQ ^:: S�°.ltt. FIaZ ;,nc� tranage capiTat .�r:i:ity � ark and ride lct-, bas tcanaround;. layover facil;tv �nd tra�s_f statio:�s with a.r. 2nruai capitai �adner �z � ��[:T':X:IP.2'Cl�� �l�`i :`L';:i0.. FPSLiE C01S�P.1C�lOR 1., 8y'�ri;p_ini° :,, ;`."_�.�<;:a ;�°CGS ni1:' :l<.�Ol;il�C� ;72 �:JtTi£�V. GCioi-t`irCGtl�� S;"tcilRC'i 1 Iii:'. ::�r�Y��iiea�:e nI ?1'"�'� !.L'�:�7Tl2ZL;.. �trPCi CQIIS11�.�.Lt$ fl[1Q St3Tt S. i7f�',^�«:i.:.� I.�.35:t'i},:V a:iQ jiidS:I11iE_ Siliii.ES :i1C�liQi11� I'�IJO�S t0 CSt3bI1St1 co�ts, priorities an� timin� to icnpiemeni capital plarming preject�. t�repa�a short and long range plans; crea±e an ar�ua; master p:ar.. I�vvelop flIl(i :;�ana�e itC'Slttul OF52:nPRP� b�lC��e. i0i S23ff d;�(1 deuartxnent needs. Serve as lia:son between MTC, tne public and �oiicy m�kers fer imp;ementation of public facilities' gro;ccts including disseminating inforrnation and facilitating rieetings. �'.S-y(S MARII.YN PORTER 1307 North Saint Aibans St Paul, NSinnesota �5117 (612)489-7459 PROFESSIONAI. Manager of Capital Improvements, MetropoliYan Transit HIST�JRY Commission, Jannary 1985 - March 1992. Responsible for facilities (CO�iT'INT��D) planning both new construction and remodeling. T�anaged a major $12 million office ard a maintanance facilir.y constrsction project, inclucing demo!. ioa cf oid building, cocreir.ation oi e::ip.�,yce relecazian to other faci�ties �ad move-ir. t� aew f2:iiity. �e��eioped �udge?s for �*�ork: ;��ut, heti operati;�g ar,d capitat, managed �us z:quisition, equi��*nen: �urchzs4s, ar_� �onstiuction projects. Involved in haz2rdeus waste projects. Plant Enginnering Froject 1VIanager, l3aneysvell, 1982-1485. Birecied ec�ntrscCOrs �nei i:s-ho:,se i;�ainta;;:aice in the cons±n:ctian of plant and office remodeling or new cons±ruction project�. Pzepared budgets, desigas, cor,st:uciion docum�nts, zs±imates, specifications. Vfa:;F: prese*.�t i0 �Ei�IC�7 Tic1iR�2i?1��Cli ��TUR�YOT�:� ZIls :`,2:iu�EQ 3l: 1V:i''t'� £CIIi'lii�S Oi: iii 7:p�CC? 355: ^?r=ci'.: :t:��tU�lt,^.`± _i�i��7l��EF' TBiGCd¢10215 3�.� "1"iCiP.'�1i13� o::i 3T:SR'�:�_:Ci 8i���.j;�T1?:s? ..',.' t:.i:1;:�1?'° qi�es�:or_s, t�'o; teU a-it':� i�re ir.arsh.ai to p*zp�:e I;.;e Sa��ty� `',�<<z tixi� e:•acLa�icn sn�aa ior the e^:ire iaciiiry. Graduate Architect Tyson A.rehitects, 19fii-1982. Projecis scluded inte;ier c�ce remodeling oi Northx-ester�i. �eit and �TO�P,Ct Iti2112�CI' OIl d iflliltl x'!llil1011 CIOIi1T' }7llhliC �'i%1ISiI'i� I�,TOVBYIGii project, oene:� rcordir.aticn of var.ous projeci ;h•r.ses, fe;d obse.�vationlsurrcr Gra�raate A: cl:it::cz, Settc:, Lea�f: ar,d i:�dstram, i9?9-1: S2. AE��.IOTISe�1�P. Y6i �,S21m8?l�i�, COPSiI"UCLIriI (:OGlliilellTS� ?'.�CSP.:ii «i:C.:'i draw?n�s, f�eld ce,°: ✓ation pr�;r�ss. T��iC�Ti(3IiT k Certificate in V�cational Draf#ing,1971-19?3 x Associate Degree in Architectur�, 1979 ' Bachelor of Science in ArchitecYnre Studies, Concentration: Urban Planning and Architecture. * United To�mship Vocational School, Architecture ?RC3r�;S1C�1Lr",L CertifiedPlantEngineer,#3011 LICEl�'S�S qs��s MARILYN POR'I'ER �307 N;,rth Saint Albans St Paui, Minnesota 55117 (612)483-7469 t�TF1ViBERSHIl'S H'r`� riCHIEVEMENTS ' Intergovemmental Compliance Institute, member � Targeted Small Busi�ess Coordinating Committee, State ofMinnesota, member " Assembly of ArchitecYs (developed a Blaek ?schitects nPtworic group in the Metro Area.) " I'Vi�� Board r?e.r.i•cr fer _i?cee ye�s �%�. �iu�r.; ��rn:unitte:? ' I i iRull$: fOC 3 f}�iSli iEaC�CiSI'.iy F'E�;��iV3 i1`r%ulCj. " Currer.:ly pursLi:?a a�aste:'s De �,T_'"Z° i'_1 �C+(tStIU:L3t•.^. �3R�1Q ac U^.:'i�FSi.,' Oi �':SCJRS:II•�iv^i:;.. keferences Avai3abde �T�Bn �'cequest �� ��-� f� �� J 9-� g� Dis�rict 10 - Como Community Councit ������� s p Mayor Norm Coleman Third F1oor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman: 7une 7, 1495 JUN 12 1995 R� �'��� ���� Enclosed aze applications for four candidates that the IJistrict 10 Council would like you to consider for the T.ong Range Capitol Improvement Budget Committee position open in Senate Distdct 66, Planning District 10. District 10 took special care to try to recommend candidates that are qualified, comnritted people who will bring many attributes to the CIB Committee. Each person fiiled out an applicarion form (some included their resumes), and went through an interview with a District 10 counciimember. I think you will find all four candidates to be well-qualif'ied. It is our understanding that District 10 has not been represented on the CIB Committee recenfly. Therefore, we are very enthusiastic to have this chance to get more involved in this process. Thank you foz your considerafion of these candidates. We look forward to seeing you at our June 26 community meeting at which you will be spealdng. Sincerely, � Julie Hoff Community Organizer cc: Roger Curtis Bruce Engelbrekt 1523 Como Avenue • St. Paul Af1V 55108 • 612-644-3889