D94-042.� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Amended Buciget Change Bud3et $�.�� $28,���.�� $28,���.�� $144,017.38 ($16,484.00) $127,533.38 $0.00 $16,484.00 $16,484.00 $568,223.00 ($28,000.00) $540,223.00 $48,000.00 ($3,000.00) $45,000.00 $15,342.00 $3,000.00 $18,342.00 $26,165.00 $2,000.00 $28,165.00 $12,445.00 ($2,000.00) $10,445.00 $190,039.00 $2,000.00 $192,039.00 $50,973.00 ($2,000.00) $48,973.00 $45,682,867.62 $0.00 $45,682,867.62 ADMINISTRATIVE �RDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Direc[or of the Department of to arnend the 19 93 budget ofi the Sewer Service Fund fund, the Director of the Depar[ment of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foliowing manner: 260 - 22201 - 0191 260 - 22201 - 0279 260 - 22201 - 0517 260 - 22204 - 011l 260 - 22204 - 0283 260 - 22204 - 0344 260 - 22209 - 0132 260 - 22209 - 0439 • 260 - 22216 - 0132 260 - 22216 - 0439 260 - 222XX - OXXX Flood-Salaries Other-Repair & Maintenance Refund of Prior Yr. Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Parts For Vehicles Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal Fringe Benefits Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal Fringe Benefits All other spending Totals $46,738,072.00 $0.00 $46,738,071..00 Corrections to 1993 Sewer Service Fund to eliminate over expense and adhere to City Chartet Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13 i �� Preparedby:Actrvity ager �� �,f Requesl� by: De artment Direc[a � � � � ���� No : �4�! Date: �� 1�� 1`I GS n: 23582 �� �!� Approved By Mayor �•/`�'�`� Da�e DEPARTMENT/OFF COUNqL ATE INITIATED �� ' O�� Public Works � q I���r es� �. 12/30/93 GREEN SHEET NO. 23582 COMACTPERSONBPHONE ' INRWUDATE INfTWJDATE— DEPARTh1EMDIRECTC� � CITVCOUNCIL Ga ry Eri chson 6-6299, Mike G. Kassan 6-b2A9 �� �� cm anoaNEV � ciTV cx�K MUSTBEONCIXINCILAGENDABY(DA'f� flOU71NG �BUDGETD�7ECTOR ❑j FIN&MGT.SERVI SDIR, � � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANi) ❑j Apivdy Mareger AL S OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CL1P ALL LOCA7IONS FOR SIGNANfi� Q2 ���TE _ Q3 DEPAFiTMEMACCIXINT ' ACiION qEWE57ED Approval of administrative or�r amending the spending plan of the Sewer Service Fund - 260. RECOMMENDATIONSApprwa (A7 w Reje� (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS YUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGWMMISSION_CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION � �{ysyiisperwn/firmeverworkedunderaconVactforihisdepamneM? CIBCOMMIITEE _ YES NO ' STAFF 2. Fias ttus p8f50n/firm evef been a ary empl0yee? — — YES NO — ����T ��� — 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ normalty passessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECi7VE? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBIEM, 155UE, OPPORTUNRY {WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, Nh1Y): Transfer spending authority in order to adjust he spending budget of the Sewer Cleaning activity and to provide for salaries of a srudent intem in the Youth Job Corp acliviry in the Sewer Service Fund. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVEO: ctual spending measured against budgeted spending will be in accordance with city policy. Budgets will be adjusted. R E�EIVE� � 18 i99 DISPDVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ������ O[�, None. �� ����4 �a��l�P i RECEIVED FEB 16 1994 ��� �' � ���� CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13 which restricu spending to budgeted levels by major object code in the Sewer Service Fund. LAMWNTOFTRANSACTION$ Neto.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES � FUNDINGSOURCE SewerServiceFund AC77VfTYNUMBER 22201,22204,22209,22216 PINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM dU(