95-8145 �.� s-�-;�-�-.�� �- $� a I�.s Council Fi1e # �J-g� Green sheet # b � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To _ Committee: Date 1 2 Resolved, that the application of River Valiey Preservation, LLC, dba The 3 Covington Inn & No Wake Cafe, for Restaurant-B, On Sale Malt (Strong), Wine On 4 Sale, and Bed and Breal�ast Residence Licenses is hereby approved. 5 6 Further Resolved, that pursuant to Council File No. 94-1610, the Council of the 7 City of Saint fmds (1) that the application of River Valley Preservation, LLC, dba The 8 Covington Inn & No Wake Cafe, for several licenses, including on-sale into�cating 9 liquor, is in order, and that there exists no grounds for denial of the licenses, (2) that the 10 citizen's district council whose geographical area encompasses the proposed licensed 11 premises consents to the waiver of the notification requirements in section 409.11, and - 12 (3) that failure to grant the waiver, with the consequent delay in approving the license, 13 would cause substantial hardship to the license applicant, to the development of the 14 riverfront, and to the riverfront and greater Saint Paul communities for which the 15 licenses are sought. 16 Requested by Department of: B By: Appr s Form Approved by City Attorney BY : . � . GLl � / - ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Adopted by Council: Date �,,,.,,, a r �`�S —�" Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q� ��� DEPAFiTMENt/OFFICE/COUN�CII DATEINITIA7ED GREEN SHEET _N 30860 LIEP/Licensin INITIAL/DATE INRIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAR�MENT DIRECTOR � CRY CAUNCIL Bill Gunther, 266-9132 ^��N O CITYATfORNEV O CRYCLEflK NUYBEpFOR MUST BE ON CAUNpL AGENOA BY 1DATEZ � pp�N� O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For Hearing: /,Zjqa onoea D�,YOacoanssisrnHr� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION RE�UESTED: River Valley Preservation, LLC DBA The Covington Inn & No Wake Cafe xequests Council approval of its application for a Restaurant-B, On Sale Malt (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Bed and Breakfast Residence License at 0 Pier 1 Harriet Island (ID ��15907). RECOMMENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SFAVICE COMMI$$ION �� Has this pereonlfirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ for this departmeM? � _ qB COMMITfEE _ �'ES 'NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICi COURT — 3. Does this parsonmrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITV (Who, Whet. When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: C43�i3G1� �liC�i �6€##�f Jl1L 1 � 1995 - - - --- -___ .,� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNTOF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIIiCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ORIGINA r y Council File # � .� ° �� � 1 Ordinance # Green Sheet RESOLUTION J �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA / Presented Referred . Date /.' � 7 �7 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #15907) for a Restauran B, On Sale Malt-(Strong), 2 Wine On Sale, and Bed and Breakfast Residence icense at 0 Pier 1 Harriet 3 Island (Diane Haper) be and the same is here y approved. Requested by Department of: Office of License. Insnections and Environmental Protection By: �°.�C^ /T � Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By: Approved by May . By: Council Secretary Date Form approved by City Attorney By: .� ��-Z3-r5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Greensneet# sos5o L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 6/20/95 / 1��� In Tracke(? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 15907 Ucense Type: Restaurant-B, On Sale Malt (Strong) , Wine On Sa1e, Company Name:.River Vallev Preservation LLC DBA: The ('ov;ngton rnn fr N� wakP r.afA Business Addresss: 0 Pier 1 xaxriet Island, 55107 Business Phone: 292-1411 Contact Name/Address: Diane Iiaper, 2056 Iglehart Ave, 55104Home Phone: 647-5343 Date to Council Research: Pubfic riearing Date: - Z ��-, /�- �..r Notice Sent to Applicant: 7 �i�Y7'� Labels Ordered: �1�1 . District Council #: /✓�� o � y ��" 7 , Notice Sent to Public: 7�./��� o? � Ward #: ,V 7� Department/ Date Inspections Comments CRy Attorney 6� -�3-�5 Environmental 6� Heaith f� 6 � �o ' �..�" Fire Qri / C�oUNG/L.. /�e�j(/,(S/ �� '�-/6�/�S License ! Q� ��'� bf Site Pian aeceivea:_ `�- � �,�� covNei[.._._ �6�,ub.4 LeaseReceived: Poiice a� N6 ���1�� ! �VR/.� Zoning � $QI✓IJ�. �'/1 .va G,'on�''12oL o� �tc/�L�kf�-Y� 9�-�� � OFFICE OF LICE�SE, INSPECTIO\S AND .�,vIROtiT�`TAL PROTECTIOV Roberl Kessler, Director CI1Y OF SA1NI' PAUL .�'o�m Coleman, 3fayor Telephone: 61?-?66-9100 Facsimfle: 672-266-9724 This form must be typewritten or printed in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5< in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SliBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1 2 3 § 5 6 7 8 5usiness Address 3usiness Name LICE�'SE d.\'D IA'SPEC710\S 350 St Peter Street Suite 300 Sain! Paul, 3Tnnesara �5702 MALT/WINE ON SALE LICENSB APPLICATION I£ business is incoroorated, give date of incorporation 19 Doiag Business Ae 3LSiness Phone � Nail to Address (if different than business address) Your Name Title Home Address Phone � 9. Date of Birth (Month, Day, Year} �� Place of Birth ��CGG�lS P�P� Gi � 10_ Pre you a U. S. citizen? �7 Native Naturalized If naturalized, submit pr f of naturalization or valid documentation of resident alien st>tus. •(In accordance with MN Statute 34�.4�2A, no On Sale or O£f Sale Liquor License may be issued to anyone who is not a U. S. citizen or resident alien.) '/� �d I ll 9�� 0 ??ave you ever beea convicted o= aay felony, crime, or violation of any city 'Y o�nir.aace other than traffic? /�D Date of arrest , 19 k"�ere Crarce Co�viction Sentence �ate of arrest . 19 Wheze � Charge Conviction Sentence 12. List licenses which you curre.tly hold, or formerly held, or may have an i. terest in. �� j / /' -T � �/� / N o Gf/tc,,(�� �.Cc.'f" / nl� — /YlGG�TO/� �/�( D�'7cL � �r/.he o�1 S�t 2 13. Have any of the licenses listz3 in �14 ever been revoked? �� If yes, list the dates and rea=oas. 14. Are you going to onerate this besiness �er_=onally? ves If no, who will oaerate it? T� Name ??ome Address Phone � 15 Pre you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? y� If yes g nacne, h address, nho.e i, and date of birth. / Name ///LLf7G� f/�GLD�r" i3o:ne Address Phone � /��z — �07 /'�S��J � DOB �� ` c]O - � / 16 Including your present business/employment, what business/empl you follow�d for th� past five years? (3ysin ��Employm� � i ! . / n / —r- / / � nt have ss) f� /AQ/! /.�-�i 17. List a11 other of the :�a-^^---«;^� (Name, Title-Office he1d, Home � address, Home phone, 3usiness phone) n �e � � Z�� � ��- �om 1�2��Q f�- erZ f�a.r�i' T�la1� �� ��/�I � _ • .� o,�� : hn n rn� 7ZZ -39�tSC�) z98-b�zs«� 29Z -/y�!/ cui �9z-i����w � ��'�. y ��� / Q 5S/d7 � w� .� • �. � � 20 21 QS-�/� I� business is partnership, li=_c partrer(s) name(s), home address, home phone, business ohore. 3etween what cross streets is b�si=ess located? Afiich side of street? �re oreaises now occupied? �Q What type of Row long? You will be required to obtaia a Retail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamp. (See attzched) ANY FALSIFICATION 0. PNSWERS GIVEN OR MATHRIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESliLi =?Q DENZAL OF THIS APPLICATION 2 hereby stzte under oath that I have �nswered all of the above questions, and that the information contained here•_a is true and correct to the best of my knowlecge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that Z have received no money or other consideration, by way other than already disclosed in the State of Mi;v�esota) ) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this `� 'ay of �,��/(P , 19� i N a Public 9�,� County, ?-'S My Commission expires �/v�tf� a ■ • LINDA KkY KORAN � NOTARV PU6LIC•MINNESOTA - AfyCanmissionExpinaJan.31,2000 _ r � � • . , . +F� .t?�e _.. .a... k "�.. _ , .