95-1157 ����E���� C City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. J' s ., ,� RESOLIJTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By `=��� �r�'''� File No. I�875—Cenn Voting Assessment No: Q25S Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 Installaticsn of Storm Sewer Service Comsectitms, as reque�ted bp the �raperty ovu�r, in cvn,juaetion �rl.th the P�lacelToror�Co Are�a Project. Preliminary Order g2"�778 approve�l llaaember I• 1992 Final Order ��-9� approve� Janga�r 26. ! 993 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in On h �t 'rw nty equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �15 Yeas Nays � ✓ 3k-°�` Certified Passed by Council Secretary � � ��� . V Gytex�i:: � In Favor By t�srr �. �> t�.,e��►rd —' �'�ksier��" _Q Against y /Thune � �� � �T'G�r� Mayor w � / ����� Public Hearing Date - September 27, 1995 RE 7-21-95 • S�'�s� �xs -�teal sstate Division Date: �-17-95 Green Sheet Nnmber: 33197 • �AR711�Tr DIRBCPOR OOUN(�. Peaog md Phme Nombcr. r� A1T'ORNEY Q�ig ■..er�a Peter Wlute 266-8850 � D�craR at Hcr svG nrn- YOR(ORASS�STANl� 1 Raarrk ueonco��naat,:8-9-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 7-28-95 AL # OF S[GNAIURB PAGffi 1 (Q�P AIL I,OCAIIOI�S FOR SIGNA1URi� crioN x�v��: Settin� date of pnblic hearing of t e rat�cation o assessment for storm s�wer onnections in conjjnnction with the Palace/Toronto Area Project. No. �s-aornv n� rio� a�ss MN�IDAIIONS: AM'RpVS (A) OR RBTBCP (R) x�u. sm�vic� ooxrxn�cis MvsT nr�wBK � r�ou�ownv� PIAI�IIVIIVG QOMI�ON A STAFF 1. Has the per�oo/6rm e�er wo�ed under a aont�act fac tlris dq�t? YFS czvn. s�vi� oo�[ _ � s� �/r� � � a � �z �rac c� c��� _ no�a � �/s� �.� � �t na �nr � �r �r (�t �ty �p�e' YES RT5 WHI(�i QOUN(�. OBJBCIIVE? ' all Yffi a� aa a sepaiate sheet aad �. UN(�, WARD(Sx 2 Discd� Plenmog Coma't 9 � � � �� �� Y � oject is completed. Rati�ication is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the roject. �W1Ci1 ame as above ��L 21 1995 _ �.,.,�,,,,,,�,�,,,�,,,,,,�,� enefitted property owners have assessments payable via property taxes. o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ 50,148.53 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 0.00 Misc Aid $ 50,148.53 Assessments unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Explai.n) 10 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. � Office of The Director of Finance By REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. 1�i7S-�[:c►a�n Voting Assessment No. t1253 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for � I�t�ll.�st�on of St�rn► Sswrr �'ex�v��� Cuanectic�ns, ae� xs�e�r�+c� by tl�e pxoperty o��ex, in usraje►r�ctia�� vith ti��e P�lacs/?o=or�t�► !►raa Fr�j�+ct. Preliminary Order ��"`���`� approve� �����' � • i�� Final Order 4 3"�� approve�l � Ja�ttaar� 2�6. 1943 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Director of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40. 279. 94 En 'neerin and Ins ection g 7, 451. 79 B� 8 P .............................................. Valuation and Assessment Services $ 2.416.80 ProcessServing Charge ................................................... $ Abatement Service Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50,148. 53 ChargeTo ............................................................. $ ..................................................................... $ ..... ................................................................ $ ..................................................................... $ ............... .................................................... $ N et Assessment ....................................................... $ 50,148.53 Said Director further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessrr,ent as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Counci action thereon as may be considered proper. /� f' i Dated � r � � �Director of Finance a3 ��- ►ts� ORIGINA - D L COUNCIL FILE �NO. �� City of St. Paul RESOLt1TiON APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND By ��/�� _ FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON File No. 18675-Conn Assessment No. 0255 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 Installation of Storm Sewer Service Connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Palace/Toronto Area Project. Preliminary Order 92-1778 approve� December 1, 1992 Final Order 93-93 approve� Januarv 26, 1993 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 27th day of September, 1995, at 3:30 P.M. x��������������'' in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON --- Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas� Nays V�Blakey Certified Passed by Council Secretary ✓(�rimm �erin � In Favor BY �� ris viole�; ard �_ Against Mayor ' ✓i�e tman �iune � �� -- /�� � �� �-��-�� 14:21:57 08-25-95 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING LIST fOR PROJECT 18675-CONN ASSMT # 0255 MANAGER JS PAGE 1 OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FACTOR NAME UNIT RATE FACTOR UNITS fACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY OF ST PAUL/CS/PR 33039 STINSON, BROUN AND RAMSEY'S CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 4491.3400 54,491.34 11-28-23-13-0001 PALACE REC CENTER ADDITION TO ST. PAUL ______________ *EXEMPT* 15 KELLOGG BLVD W#140 COUR LOTS 1 THRU 22 IN NORTHIAND $4,491.34 ST PAUL MN 551021613 ADD AND IN SD STINSON BROWN *00781 PALACE AVE AND RAMSEYS ADD THE u 1/2 *PENDING AS OF: 01-26-93 Of BLK 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHAEL J& JANE E SWENSON STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 1696.3100 $1,696.31 11-28-23-14-0131 00609 PARK NATL BANK 5353 U BLOCK 25, STINSON, BROWN ______________ MPLS MN 554161374 AND RAMSEY'S ADD. TO 51,696.31 *00951 7TH ST U ST. PAUL, MINN. *PENDING AS OF: LOTS 10 AND LOT 11 BLK 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CH OF ST FRANCIS DE SALES STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF CONN-STORM SUR 1.000 2430.8600 52,430.86 11-28-23-14-0144 650 PALACE AVE BLOCK 25, STINSON, BROWN ______________ *EXEMPT* ST PAUL MIN 551023540 AND RAMSEY'S ADD. TO $2,430.86 *00650 PALACE AVE ST. PAUL, MINN. *PENDING AS OF: 01-26-93 VAC ALLEY BET AND LOTS 24 THRU LOT 45 BLK 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROBERT P SCHNEIDER FINCH'S ADDITION TO CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 7466.1200 $7,466.12 11-28-23-41-0095 01112 7TH ST Y ST. PAUL ______________ ST PAUL MN 5510Z3914 SUBJ TO ST; LOTS 1& 57,466.12 *01112 7TH ST W LOT 2 BLK 4 *PENDING AS OF: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVID 0 BENSHOOF VIOLET A 41ATSON & RICE'S SUBDIVISION CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 1137.0800 $1,137.08 12-28-23-21-0034 BENSHOOF "C" Of BLOCK 1, STINSON, ______________ 02398 SOUTH SHORE BLVD BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION 51,137.08 WHITE BEAR LAKE MN 55110381 TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL *00241 WESTERN AVE S N 13 FT OF LOT 21 AND ALL *PENDING AS OF: 01-26-93 OF LOTS 22 AND LOT 23 BLK 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� �-ii�� � ��-��- 14:21:57 08-25-95 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING IIST FOR PROJECT 18675-CONN ASSMT # 0255 MANAGER JS PAGE 2 OUNER OR TAXPpYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FACTOR NAME UNIT RATE fACTOR UNITS FACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 625 STINSON, BROUN AND RAMSEY'S CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 21694.1300 $21,694.13 12-28-23-21-0077 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION TO ST. PAUL ______________ *EXEMPT* 00360 COLBORNE ST VAC STS ACCRUING & FOL LOT $21,694.13 ST PAUL MN 551023228 1 SUBJ TO ST OF CULLEN PL & *00360 COLBORNE ST PART OF SLOANS SUB NW OF L *PENDING AS OF: 01-26-93 RUN FROM SU COR OF SD LOT 1 TO NE COR LOT 12 IN SD SUB & ALL Of DODGES RE & PART OF BLK 16 NN OF RY & N& E Of CULLEN PL & PART SE OF HWY Of LOTS 11 THRU 14 BLK 14 & ALL OF LOTS 1 THRU 10 & 15 THRU 22 BLK 14 & SUBJ TO ST LOT 7 BLK 15 & LOTS 4 TNRU 6& LOTS 14 THRU 19 BLK 15 & PART OF BLK 15 N OF DODGES RE & W OF LOT 19 BLK 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MCDONALDS CORP CREDITS ETAL STINSON, BROUN AND RAMSEY'S CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 2080.8900 $2,080.89 12-28-23-22-0112 P 0 BOX 66207 AMF OHARE ADDITION TO ST. PAUL ______________ CHICAGO ILL 606660207 W 120 FT OF SW 1/4 Of $2,080.89 *00551 JEFFERSON AVE BLK 13 *PENDING AS OF: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EARL V KADECHKA STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 1431.7500 $1,431.75 12-28-23-23-0086 00966 7TH ST N BLOCK 25, STINSON, BRONN ______________ ST PAUL MN 551023502 AND RAMSEY'S ADD. TO $1,431.75 *00966 7TH ST W ST. PAUL, MINN. *PENDING AS OF: 01-2b-93 PART OF LOT 8 SELY OF A L PAR WITH AND 47 FT SELY FROM ORIGINAL CL OF 7TN ST AND NELY OF A L BEG AT PT ON SD PAR L AND 3 53/100 FT NELY THEREON FROM W L OF SD LOT TH SELY TO PT ON S L OF AND 5 54/100 FT E FROM SW COR OF SD LOT 8 BLK 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c������� � � �,��- 14:21:57 08-25-95 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING LIST FOR PROJECT 18675-CONN ASSMT # 0255 MANAGER JS PAGE 3 OUNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION fACTOR NAME UNIT RATE FACTOR UNITS FACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINNESOTA BRENING LIMITED A. V. BROWN'S, SUB. Of BLK CONN-STORM SNR 1.000 996.0000 5996.00 12-28-23-23-0112 PARTNERSHIP 19. 24, & EAST HALf OF 26, ______________ 00900 2ND AVE S IN STINSON, BR041N & $996.00 MPLS MN 554023314 RAMSEY'S ADD. *00882 7TH ST N SUBJ TO ESMTS; STS AS VAC *PENDING AS OF: 01-26-93 ACCRUING IN THE FOL TRACT; BEG AT N LINE OF JAMES AVE & E LINE OF TORONTO ST, TH E ALONG N LINE OF JAMES AVE TO CL OF VAC ONEIDA ST TH W ON CL 80FT, TH E 120.16 FT TH N 191 FT, TH E 34.42 FT, TH N TO CL OF VAC PALACE AVE, TH E ON CL TO NLY EXT OF W LINE Of VAC ERIE ST, TH N ALONG LI LINE OF ERIE ST TO THE SE COR OF LOT 26 BLK 1 OF STINSON & RAMSEY'S SUBD, THE N TO SW COR OF LOT 26, TH N TO NW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HERMAN NELSON ET AL STINSON AND RAMSEYS SUBD CONN-STORM SWR 1.000 6724.0500 $6,724.05 12-28-23-24-0006 490 JEFFERSON AVE ETC. ______________ ST PAUL MIN 551023232 E 1/2 OF 56,724.05 *00490 JEFFERSON AVE LOT 1 BLK 3 *PENDING AS OF: 01-26-93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CONN-STORM SuR 550,148.53 ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- PROJECT TOTAL $50,148.53 10 PARCELS 3 EXEMPT PARCELS � �irr� � � J � � Saint Paul City Council �4�c ' '. � � iir � � . , b Public Hearing Notice __ S_ Ils � � et[I �' Ei 11 � . . . � �' � �° Ratif ication of Assessment .ea, OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �2 �� PLANNING COUNCIL �09 FILE � .18875...C4N1�f',:::; ASSESSMENT � �� � PROPERTY ADDRESS . PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION - - �iQLr"3�� ��a��I'G�i �SPtt�l3t' SEP � 8 1995 THE TIME WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1995 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: . INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQUESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PALACE/TORONTO AREA PROJECT. (WORK DONE IN 1993) ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is $� INFORMATION If the City Council approves the assessment you will have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with your property taxes over 20 year(s) at 6.750�0 interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hall. - - -- --- ASSESSMENT � - � CALCULATION NOTE: TH1S IS NOT YOUR BILL YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER 'THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROYED BY THE CI'TY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUC'TIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE noir,Aio�