D94-040. ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER NO: 7q� " O�f O DATE: <� �� Whereas, the City of Saint Paul and the Department of Pubiic Works aze proud of iu employees, faciliries and services and wish to invite the public to an open house on Tuesday, May 17, 1994 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, and; Whereas, the Deparhnent will distribute maps and promouonal materials, offer entertainment, provide food vendors and awazd door prizes to our guests, and; Whereas, the Department will provide snacks and hats with the City logo for employees who have volunteered to participate in the open house, and; Now, therefore, be it resoived, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay expenses incurred to host this event. Cost not to exceed $11,010.00. Funding codes: � � Date 001-02000-0528 205-12101-0241 205-12101-0299 205-12101-0365 225-42310-0299 225-42339-0389 225-42331-0389 240-12005-0241 240-12006-0241 240-12007-0241 250-12202-0299 250-12202-0359 2b0-22201-0299 260-22201-0389 � 50.00 750.00 400.00 165.00 2,050.00 550.00 1,20�.�� 635.00 635.00 635.00 910.00 760.00 1,450.00 820.00 �a� g�.l�� D paztment Head APPROVED AS TO FORM � DEPARTk,F_N /OFFICE/CpUNCIL DATE INITIATED �'r /� Public Works �pp��i(Z. 1/26/94 GREEN SHEET ��1Nb. 16866 CAN�1w:TPFA50N8PHONE ETURaV OlYI LEYE INITIAVDAiE INITIAUDATE EPAFYTMENTDIRECTOfl � CITVCAUNGL DickRupert266-6057 ��. T T k� E N�'�� CITYATSORNEY fl c�nc�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA7E) ROUTING BUDGETD�RECTOR � FIN&MGT.SERVICESDIR. Z �� MAYOR(OflASSISTANn 05 F' CNefA¢t AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIJP ALL lACA710N5 FON SIGNANRk� /� � �soaa� �.OEPARTMENT ACCOUM .eZ'� ACTION REQUESTED �� Authori�ation to host the 1994 Public Works Open House. REGOMMENDATIONSAFp�we (q) w{teje�x (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CIVILSEFiVICECOMMISSION i, Hasthisperson/firmevetworkedunderatonffactfw[hisdepartment? p8 CoMMITTEE YES NO STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry empioyee? — — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CoUNCIL _ 3. Does Ihis persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnalty possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPOR75NMICHCOUNGLOBJECTNE? YES NO Exqain ail yes answere on separate sheat aM atW ch to grean sheet INITIATING PflOOLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y �WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEfiE. WH1�: Request authwi7adon to host the 1994 Public Works Open House and pay subsequent expenses. = �:l.Ei�f �tJ ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � F F� I 4 1994 e Department of Public Works will host an open house event. r,�^��A�?:�?�i�(!T GF FlNRNCE �:� rv��ieAG�MENT SERVICES DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. RECEIVED FEB 15 1994 CkTY CL�RK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Department of Public Works will not be hosung an open house. LAMOUMOPTRANSACTION$ 71.07000 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIBCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE (�ocre shared h� 6 R,hlic Wnrkc � raKng hn gerc ACTIVITY NUMBER Vaiious (see Adtnin Oider for split) PINANCIAL MPORMATION: (EXPLAIN) D'uectois OfFice ($50.00), Office Engineering($1315.00), Street Repair & Cleaning Adminisuarion ($3800.00), Sewer Repairs ($2270.W), Traffic Mtce Projects ($635.00), Sig'naI Mtce Projects ($635.00), Lighung Mice Projects $635,00), Equipment Services ($1670.00) _��