95-787��IGI�IAL Presented By Re£erred To Council File # �� "�� RESOLIlTION Green sheet � z6032 lNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date _ �'���� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 11 72 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has Iet bids for ihe grading, paving, signal and Iighting of Smith Avenue - Grand to Kellogg, antl WHEREAS, there are certain eco�omies and efficiencies by doing boffi paving and lighting work under one conVact, and � WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by Ciry Council Resolution 94-1843, known as Log #SU-55265, and City Counal Resolution 931898, known as Log #RE-09194, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor arrcl advice of the Long Rarge Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that ihe Capital Improvement Budgei, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby turther amerxJed in following parGcular: FINANCING PLAN United Children's Hosp/Smith Ave C94-71002 1995 Spec Assessment Bonds SPENDING P1AN United Children's Hosp/Smith Ave csaaiooz Plans & Consimction FINANCING PLAN Smiih Avenue-Grand to Kellogg C95-2S073 7995 Municipal State Aid 1995 Spec Assessment Bonds Current Amended Budget Change Budget 470,000.00 -410,000.00 0.00 410,000.00 -410,000.00 0.00 470,000.00 -410,000.00 0.00 410,000.00 -410,000.00 0.00 850,000.00 850,000.00 410,000.00 470,000.00 S50 000.00 410,000.00 1 260,000.06 Q������� , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SPENDING PLAN Srt6th Avenue-Grand to Kellogg C95-2S073 Plans & Construcfion 850,W0.00 470000.00 7,260,000.00 850.000.00 410,000.00 RESOLVED, that the Ciry Counal adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. 9S 7�7 p- 2�� �- e C � gt. p�u� �t � ece v¢d th�s xeQulst on ��� G°mm �_ and =eCommends �dat8) � � �"�' ....c. w� � (Y � - "' �' Reauested by Departmen� of: MJE/jb 4 -17-95 By . L� '"' 7 ��'�? Adopted by Council: Date � -S Adopti Certified by Council Secretary gp � c—.—� �- �� —� approved by Ma o: Dat �/� �' gy: Viv{.� Fo�Appr v' by City Attorney By' / . Approved� Mayor for Subm' si� By: /� o Council /3 ! �/ G/7 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CO NCIL DATE INRIATED ia �/ O / V PublicWorks 4/17/95 GREEN SHEET NO. 26 INI7UW0 TE INITIAVDATE— CONTACTPERSON&PHONE EPAR7MENTDIRECTOR Qg CITVCOUNqL Michael J. Eggum 266-G143 ��" � � cm nrrorwEr � cmc�K MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'f� pOUTNG 5 IJDGETOFFICE �0 FINANCEACCOUMING � � MRYOR(OR ASSISTqNT) Mka m EYB� TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES � / (CLIPALLLOCA7IONSFORSIGNpNflEj Q3 �� ❑2 DEPARTMEMACCOUM y K ACTION REWESTED Approvai of Council Resoluaon amending ihe 1994-1995 Capital Improvement Program by transfening spending and 5nancing from � the United/Children's Hospital-Smith Ave project to the Smith Avenue-Grand to Kellogg project pECOMMENDA710NSApprwe (A) or Reject (F� pEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG WESTIONS: _PLpNNINC�COMMISSION_C��LSEflVICECOMMISSION �, F{ysmisperson/firmeverworkedu�eraGOntrac[forthisdepartment? CIBCOMMffTEE _ YES NO _— STAFF 2. F1as this personifirm ever been a ctiry employee? � DIS1AIC7COUNCIL YES NO — 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any current ciry e loy . SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separste sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORTUNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. VJHh: The Deparfinent of Public Works has let bids for constcuction of Smith Avenue-Grand to Kellogg paving and lighting project. Economies and efficiencies are gained by dAing all [his wock under one contract This wodc was originally adopted by the City Council under separate log numbeis RE-p9194 and SU-55265, this resolution transfers the spending and financing from the 1994 United/Children's Hospital-Smith Ave pmject to the 1995 Smith Ave-Grand to Keliogg project ADVAMAGES IF APPflOVED: The Depamnent of Public Works will be able to awazd coniract, thus taldng advantage of ihe economies and ffi 'r,�cies gained by doing the work under one contract. �,�� ` ��� �6 1995 r������ ��y���� ;�uM1h�nv_a DISADVpNTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��y� Eg,�„���,y, y�e„ il 1�$ 1.� tb&°' L None. ,;�t 07 1995 �� Jl1N 23 1995 ._ - -.���� �� �� T� ��E� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The construcaon work for Smith Ave paving and lighdng would have to be rebid as separate contracts. This would cause a delay in the onset and compleaon of construcrion and ultimately would cost the City more money. TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSAC710NS Net$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIHCLEONE) YES No FUNDINGSOUBCE S�c Assessment Bonds ACTIVITYNUMBER C94-7I002 & C95-2S073 FINANCIAL MFQPMATION: (E%PiAIN) TLdnSfeIS - $41�,0p�