95-783Council File # �/ � / � � ���n!�`d;'°ti P=esented By Refe=red To RESOLUTION Green Sheet n 25998 INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �,.�_ 3a Committeea Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 76 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 93 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 as 47 48 49 50 51 WHEREAS, ihe Depar4nent of Public Works has fei bids ior construction of both paving and sewer separation of the Davern/Edgcumbe area, and WHEREAS, economies and efficiencies are gained by doing all this work under one contract, and WHEREAS, this work was originaliy adopted by City Council Resolution 94-7843, known as Log #SU-66218, 8 Log #SU-66219, and WHEREAS, the Department oF Poblic Works has entered into an agreement with the Wa[er Utillty to share in these costs, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of ihe City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Comminee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by ihis Council is hereby further amended in followmg panicular. Gurrent Amentled Budget Ghange Budget FINANCING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C95-2T528 7995CI8 3,758,28200 -555,16400 3,203,118.00 SPECASMTBONDS 2,261,700.00 -339,745.00 1,921,955.00 SEW SERV REV BNDS-1988 945,151 17 -467,606 48 477,544.69 6,965,733.77 4,362,515.48 5,602,67769 SPENDING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C95-2T528 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PRG C95-2T628 SEW SERV REV BNDS-1988 SEW SERV REV BN0.S-GLWBK SPEC ASMT BONDS WATERSURCHARGE ASSESSMENT 1995 MSA 1994 CIB 1995 CIB MN WATER POL CONT GRANT SEWER SERV FUND-MSR'95 WATER UTILITY MNDOT 7,737,567.93 -220,748.37 910,813.56 5,833,57124 4.147,767.11 4,691,804.13 6,965,133.77 -1,362,515.48 5,602,617.69 7,468,826.07 467,606 48 7,936,432 55 4,702,000.00 4,702,000 00 882,300.00 339,74500 1,222,045.00 650,000 00 650,000.00 1,100,000.00 7,100,000.00 417,000.00 477,000.00 750,000.00 150,000.00 1,446,718.00 555,164.00 2,001,882.00 71,970,000.00 17,970,000.00 335,15964 - 335,159.64 220,476.00 38,280.00 258,756 00 690,000.00 690,000.�0 30,032,479.71 7,400,795.48 31,433,275.79 1 g�- �83 �JRIG���A� , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The 3t. PauF Lonq - Range Capital Improvemqnt $udget Coxnmitte�e xeceived this request on �date) $ignod: .» _� . _. and iecommends , -,' Adopted by Council: Date ` S Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary By: , a' - Approved by M yo� � � ���� By: Ox.,_. � � SPENDING PLAN CAMBINED SEWER SEP. PRG. C95-2T628 PLANS&CONSTRUCTION 30,032,474.71 7,400,795A8 31,433275.79 3�p32,479.71 1,404795.48 31433275.19 RESOLVED, that the City Counal adopts ihe above changes to the Capital budget. Reauesced by Departmenc of: MJE/jb,���� Public Works 3-17-95 —�' By. _j��/�GU l V � ion to Council Public Works �NTACT PERSON g PHONE Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3i��i9s GREEN SHEET ITIAV�ATE - ASSIGN QDEPAPTMENTDIRECTOR NUMBERf-0R QCITYATTORNEY ROUTING aBUDGEfDIfiECTOR �� �AAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) q5 �� 3 � NO. 25998 CINCOUNCIL _ CITV CLERK FIN 8 MCaT. SERVICES DIR. (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) � �� '' �_ �2 DEPARTMEM Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1995 Capital Improvement Program by transfemng spending and financing from the Combined Sewer Separation Paving Program project and adding Water U[ility funding to the Combined Sewer Sepazafion Program. RECAMMENOA710NSApprpve (A) or RajeW (R) _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION _ CIB COMMIrfEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F04LOWING 7. Has this persoNfirm ever woAced untler a convac[ for this depanment? YES NO 2. Has lliis person/firm ever been a dry employee? YES NO 3. Dces ihis persoNfirtn possess a sWll no[ normaily possessed by any cur YES NO Explain ali yes answers on separeta sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The Depaz�nent of Public Works has let bids for construcfion of both paving and sewer sepazation of [he Davem/Edgcumbe area. Economies and efficiencies aze gained by doing all this work under one contract. This work was originally adopted by the City Council under separate log numbers SU-66218 & SU-66219, [his resoluuon transfers [he spending and financing for the paving portion of this project to the Combined Sewer Separation program for award of comract and adds Water Utility financing. 1DVANTAGESIF APpROVED: The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd one contract for both the paving and the sewet��,�raking advantage of the economies and efficiencies gained by doing the work under one contract. �Uti 26 1595 t None. IF APPROVED: ,;4`,Ra��n� Cay:°•,!4 " C�3�� ����2��l1 ��F ,!U! 0 7 1995 Ili , JUN 23 1995 �9�� �TT���EY �..`-- _ _--� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVEO: The construction work for the Davem/Edgcumbe area would have to be rebid as sepazate contracts, one For paving and one Por sewer. This would cause a delay in the onset and compledon of consuuction in this area and ultimately would cost the City more money. OFTRANSACTION $ _ 38 280.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) NO FUNDMGSOUFlCE CSS Paving , Sew Serv & WaterUtil AC7IVITY NUMeEA C95-2T528 & C95-2Tb28 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $1,362,515.48 Additions - $3$280.00