95-782Council File # j� /�� 0 R! G( N A L R SOLUTION Green Sheet � 25e9� E CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� � �1 � WHEREAS, the Council approved transfer of 7995 Sewer Revenue Bonds & State Grani funds from the tentative 1995 budget on CF 94-7474 to the 7994 Combined Sewer Separation program for the award of Davem Outlet, and 10 71 12 13 74 15 76 y1 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 q} 42 43 44 45 WHEREAS, the 7995 Combined Sewer Separation program budget as adopted does not reFlect this transfer, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to reduce the 1995 Sewer Revenue Bonds in the amount of $2,254,678 and the 1995 Siate Grant in the amount of $2,000,000, the amounis transferred on CF 94-7474, a�d WHEREAS, the 1994 Combined Sewer Separation Paving program was underspent by $968,65524 in Sewer Revenue Bonds, which are needed for the 7995 CSS Paving program, and WHEREAS, the Department of Pubiic Works has let bids for construction of both paving and sewer separation of the Bates/McLean area, and WHEREAS, economies and effiaencies are gained by domg ail this work under one contract, and WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by Ciry Cou�cil Resolution 94-18A3, known as Log #SU-66218, Log #SU-66219 & �og #SU-66246, and WHEREAS, the Depariment of Public Works has entered into an agreement with the Water Utility and the Minnesota Dept of Transportation to shate in these costs, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sain� Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor antl advice of lhe Long Rar�ge Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital ImpsovemeM Budget, as heretofore adopted arW amended by ihis CoUncil is hereby further amended in following particular: Curtent Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN COMB W ED SEW ER SEP. PVG C95-2T528 1995 CI8 4,419,197.00 -660,909.00 3,758,282.00 SPECASMTBONDS 2,536,70000 -275,000.00 2,261,70Q.00 SEW SERV REV BtdDS-1988 211,062.93 734,08824 945,151 17 7,166,953.93 -207,82076 6,965,133.17 SPENDING PIAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C95-2T528 GONST.PLAN 1,435,70944 304,747.51 1,731,561,93 GONSTRUCTION 5,737,244.49 702,32675 5,833,57124 7,766,953.93 -201,82076 6,965,133.17 g���� , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 �[���I��A� FINANCING PLAN CAMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C94-2T527 1994 CIB 7,338,440.81 1,338,440.81 1994 MSA 244,349.51 244,349.51 1994 PIA 37,079.55 37,079.55 SPEC ASMT BONDS 408,500.00 408,500.00 SEW SERV REV BNDS7988 968,65524 -968,65524 0.00 2,991,025.17 -968,65524 2,022,369.87 SPENDING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C94-2T527 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN MAJOR SEWER REPAIRS C95-2T678 SEWER SERVICE FUND SPENDING PLAN MAJOR SEWER REPAIRS C95-2T618 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN Mounds Blvd-Plum to Earl St G95-2D010 7995 CIB 1995 MSA SPENDING PLAN Mounds Bivd-Plum to Earl St C95-2D070 CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN Council Gontgcy-Street Ovedays C94-0T01 7-10 7 02 1994 q6 SPENDING PLAN Council Gontgcy-Street Ovedays C94-OT011-10102 EXP FR CONTINGENCY 479,527.60 479,527.60 2,511,497.51 -968,65524 1,542,84227 2,991,025.11 -968,65524 2,022,36987 644,840.36 -140,000.00 504,840 36 644,840.36 -1CQ000.00 504,84a.36 120,451.00 720,451 00 524,389 36 -140,000.00 384,389.36 644,840.36 -140,000.00 504,840.36 50,000 00 50,000 00 650,000 00 -417,000.00 233,000.00 700,000.00 -417,000 00 283,000.00 700,000.00 -417,000.00 283,000.00 700,000.00 -477,00000 283,000.00 150,000.00 -150,000.00 0 00 150,000.00 -750,00000 0.00 �SO,OOD.00 -150,00000 0.00 15000000 -750,000.00 000 2 � ���3 ��E�°�,►AL , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 11 12 13 14 t5 76 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 FINANqNG PLAN CAMBINED SEWER SEP. PRC. C95-2T628 SEW SERV REV BN0.S7988 SEW SERV REV BNDSCLWBK SPEC ASMT BONDS WATERSURCHARGE ASSESSMEM' 1995 MSA 7994 CIB 7995 CIB MN WATER POL CONT GRANT SEWER SERV FUND-MSR'95 WATER UTILITY MNDOT SPENDING PtAN GOMBINED SEWER SEP. PRG. G95-2T628 PLANS & CONSTRUCTION 9,488,937.07 4,020,711.00 7,468.826.07 4,702,000.00 4,702,000 00 607,300.D0 275,000.00 882,300.OD 650,000.00 650,000.00 1,100,000.00 1.700,ODO.DO 417,000.00 417,000 00 5 50, 000.00 150,000.00 785,80900 660,90900 7,446,778.00 13,970,000.00 -2,000,000.00 71,970,000.00 195,159.64 140,000.00 335,159.64 61,476.00 159,00000 220,476.00 500,000.00 790,000.00 690,00000 32,060,681.71 -2,�28,202.00 30,032,479 71 32,060,681.77 -2,028,202.00 30,032,47977 32,060,681.71 -2,028,202.00 30,032,479.71 9� � P- ��� � RESOLVED, ihat the City Council adopts the above changes to the Capital budget t � � The St. Yeul Lon9' �nge CaP'1 gtydget CA�{t� Yeceived this iequest on $`�.�___,_ and recoTnmends �datel � _ Si9nad: (�'� « Requested by Departmenc of: MJE/jb f��! public Works 3=17-95 v B�: � b �`�`'� By Approved By te By: App By: f 3 � by ^ Ci Attorney +.--�-�40 � Mayor for Submissi�n to Council Adopted by Council: Date � t � Adoptiofy Certified by Council Secretary , Public Works Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3i�si9s GREEN SHEET INITI DATE - ASSIGN QDEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ........�..�..., riCITYATTORNEY �� MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � - (CUP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGNATUflET {�i � CAP PROJ [/ 9.� ���-� NO. 25997 INITIAVDATE— C�N CAUNCIL ' CITY CLFAK � i� FIN 8 MGT. SER�CES DIR. MkeEggum � � 2iDEPARTM@MA �IQC Approval of Council Reso]ution amending ihe 1995 Capital Improvement Program by uransferring spending and financing 5ror�{�ie Combined Sewer Separation Paving Program, ihe 1994 Major Sewer Repair, Mounds Bivd and Sueet Overlay projects and adding Water Utility Sc Mn Dept of Transportaflon funding to the Combined Sewer Separation Program and reducing SRB & State Grant. REWMMENDA'{iOtS�Appwe (AJ or Fiejatl (f� _PLpNNINGCOMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION �CIBCOMMI77EE _ _ STAFF __ _ DISiRICTCpUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE° PEHSONAI. SERVICE CAMpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING l7UES710NS: 1. Has ihis person/firm ever worked Under a contract for Nis departmen[? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ary employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sltill no[ normaliy possessed by any cur2 ciry ployee? YES NO Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and a�ach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOflTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, NMY�: ��� Councii approved trazisfer of 1995 Sewer Revenue Bonds & State Grant funds from the tentative 1995 budget on CF 94-1474 in the amount of �4,254,678. The 1995 adopted budget does not reflect this transfer. The attached Council Resoluuon reduces the 1995 Sewer Revenue Bonds and Siate Grants to reflect this transfer. It is also necessary to transfer 1994 Sewer Revenue Bonds from the 1994 CSS Paving Program to the 1995 CSS Paving Program to cover costs. The Depazunent of Public Works has let bids for construcaon of both paving and sewer separafion of the Bates/McLean area. Economies and efficiencies aze gained by doing all this work under one contxact. This work was originally adopted by the Ciry Council under sepazate log numbers SU-66218, SU-66219 & SU-66246, this resolution transfers the spending and financing for the paving portion of this project to the Combined Sewez Sepazation prograrn and adds Warer Uriltiy & Mn Dept of Transportation financing. ADVANTAGES IF pPpROVEO: The 1995 Capital Projects budget will reflect actual financing and spending. The Depaztment of Public Works will be able to award one contract for both the paving and the sewer work, thus taking advantage of the economies and efficiencies gained by doing the work under one con�act. ;�;�a d_? DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: JU! 0 � 1995 ��n zs �s�� �•,�y �y.�aea�:s;r� -ar,� � �.:_�� ��--�., � .,-..;. ��N 23 7995 �� ( � ������F� The 1995 Capital Projects budget will be over appropriated by $4,254,678. The construction work for the Bates/McLean area would have to be rebid as sepazate con�acts, one for paving and one for sewer. This would cause a delay in the onset and completion of consttuction in this azea and ulpmately would cost the City more money. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ -3 90F 67$ COST/REVENUE BU[1GETED (CIRCLE ONE) yEg No FuNDING SOUACE CSS Pavin¢ , Sew Serv Water Uti] MnDOT MSA ACTivI7Y NUMBEA C95-2T528, C95-2T618, C95-2D010, C94-OTOl l PINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) A C9S-�LT6�LS Transfexs =$2,846,131.24 Additions - Water Utiliry-$159,000 & MnDOT-5190,000 Reductions -�4,254,678