95-78Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� �, • ♦ . � C'.r Committee: Date 1 A COMMI'I'MENT TO IMPROVED LAND AND WATER RESOURCE 2 MANAGEMENT IN THE PHALEN CHAIN OF LAKES WATERSHED 3 Whereas, during the past 150 yeazs, the landscape of the Phalen Chain of Iakes Watershed has been 4 transformed by cultivation and urbanization, causing degradation of water quality, terrestrial and 5 aquatic habitat, and other natural resources; and, 6 Whereas, the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed Project was initiated by local and state organizations 7 and funded by the McKnight Foundation to develop a comprehensive, long-range plan for improved 8 management of land and water resources in the watershed; and 9 Whereas, the Phalen Watershed Project Steering Committee has worked with the Project partners 10 (Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District, Minnesota DNR, University of Minnesota 11 Department of Landscape Architecture and local governments) to create a Comprehensive Natural 12 Resources Plan to protect, enhance and manage natural resources in the watershed for the long-term 13 benefit of resources, residents and communities in the watershed; and 14 Whereas, the Plan sets forth specific watershed goals, and outlines implementation strategies to 15 achieve these goals during the nest 50 years through a partnership among citizens, lacai governments, 16 businesses, organizations and local, state and federal agencies; and through the establishment and 17 support of a Natural Resources Board for the Watershed: 18 Now therefare Be It Resolved that the Saint Paul City Council affirms their commitment to improved 19 land and water resources in the Phalen Chain of L.akes Watershed through the pursuit of the goals and 20 types of implementation actions contained in the plan. Requested by Department of: Bys App� By: By: For pr ed by 'ty torn y By: ` '�3 ' /��� Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �, � Adoption Certified by Coun ' Secretary � 95-?S' � �� i�s GREEN SHEE N 25788 INITIALIDATE INRI/WDATE CAMACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � GiY COUNQI Councilmember Marie Grimm Cr8660 p$SIGN O CITVATfORNEY Q pTV CLEfiK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�ry�� O BUDGET DIRECfOR O FIN. & MGT. SEPVICES DIR. J�uy�r'J� (�S OROER � MpYOF (OR ASSISfAN'n � . TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approve partaerstup ageement for locat protection and management of natural resources, by accepting the Comprehensive Natural Resources Plan committing to improved land and water resource management in the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed. FiECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Ra�ect (R) p�RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH 7HE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: . _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1_ Has ihis personHirtn ever worked under a conVact for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO — 2. Has this personflirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRiCrCOURr _ 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WH1CH COUNCIL 08JECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers o� separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOqTUNIN (Wno, Wha1, When. Where, Why). The Phalen Chain of Iakes Watershed Project Steering Committee has completed the Comprehensive Natural Resources Plan for the Watershed, and has sought and received endorsement of the Plan's goals and recommendations by local governments and or ni�a fions in the watershed St. Paul's representafives on the Steering Committee that developed the Plan included members of the District 2 and 4 Community Councils, District 5 Phalen Task Force and St. Paul Pazks Department. Staff &om the Pazks, Public Works and Plann,� Departments were also included on the Technical Committee for the project The Plan includes seven major goals for management of natural resonrces in the watershed, and several dozen action recommendations for citizens, businesses, local governments and agencies to take to achieve these goaLs. Support for the proposed Phalen Village Wetland Park ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� ' RecogniUon and support by the City of the work completed by the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed Project Steering Committee on the Comprehensive Natural Resources Plan for the Watershed Project. �tSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�� ' None. ����� '� JAI� �. 9 1��5 �-- - - � - -�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Comprehensive Natural Resources Plan for the Watershed Project will be unsupported by the City. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPWN) , T200 Warner Road P H A L E N C H A I N OF LAKES WATERSHED PROJECT ♦ St. Pau! MN 55706 ♦ ph 9 S -'18' 612/ 772-7980 ...... A Partnership for Loca1 Protection and Management of Natural Resources PARTNERSHII' AGREEMENT This document serves as a partnership agreement between various units of government, private organizations, and citizens interested in the future of the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed. The patties committed to this partnership aze united by a mutual concern for the protection of the quality of the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed and its natural resources, and their use by cunent and future generations. Background The Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed covers about 23 square miles, and includes all or part of the cities of Littie Canada, Maplewood, North St. Paul, Oakdale, St. Paul, Vadnais Heights, and White Bear Lake. About 57,000 people live in the watershed, and many others work in the area. � The natural resources of the area provide semces and experiences that benefit local residents. The Chain of Lakes and surrounding park lands are unique and heavily-used recreational resources for local residents and the East Mebro Area. Lake Phalen and Gervais include public swimming bezches. The Chain of Lakes and adjacent parks provide high quality urban fishing, walldng and bildng paths, slding, and other recreadonal opportunities. Wedands in the watershed provide important stormwater cleaning and management functions. The Chain of Lakes is a part of a major flyway for migratory waterfowl and songbirds, and provides significant habitat for other birds and wildlife in an urban setting. Urban forest resources in the watershed provide important habi[at, aestheric, and energy conservation bene£ts to local communities. The watersheri is the whole land azea that drains through weflands, creeks, storm sewers and ponds to the chain of lakes. Therefore, the use and management of every yard, park and property in the watershed affects the quality of water and other natural resources in the azea. Past and continuing urbanization in the watershed are affecting local natural resources in the following ways: Water quality in the watershed's lakes, streams and wetlands is declining due to runoff of nutrients and sediments from storm sewers, streets, other paved surfaces, construction sites and lawns. Over haif the wetlands in the watershed, as well as many undeveloped woodiancf and upland are�as, have been Iast since 1945, contributing to fIooding, and loss of open space, fish and wildli£e habitat. Costs and conflicts relate� to management of urban stormwater and other resources aze increasing as natugal systems that perform important functions are changed or losY. The Phalen Chain of Lakes C�mprehensive Natural Besources Plan recagnizes the hapes of locai communities to have healthy Qconornies and neighborhoods as well as enjoy a diversity of high- quality natural resources and open spaces. '£he plan provides a vision, goals and action recommendations for better iniegra6ng the fitture of the natural and urban worlds in our own communities. Vision To protect, restore, an�' maintain the natural re�ources in the Phalen G7iain of Lakes Wertershed thmugTi d3ee actions of citizens, businesses, private organizations, local governments, and stnte and federal agencies, to ensure the quality of these resources for current and future generations. Action We the undersigned, cons�dering the best interest of the water, natural resources, and the future development of the region, mutuaITy agree to fully cooperate and provide technicai and/or financial assistance, staff and volunteers, as available, to support the muiti-year Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed Project. We endorse the seven major goaIs and types of actions recommended in the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed Comprehensive Natural Resources Plan (April, 1994). Coordination and imp2ementation af the plan will be accompdished jointty through the Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed Project Steering Committee, comprise3 of inembers representing the organizations signing this partnsrship agreement. (Signature) (TiUe) (Date) . Phalen Chain of Lakes Watershed COMPREHENSI VE NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN April, 1994 s y � p 36 ' °°� � , � , Oakda�e Keller North �, � Lake Nlaplewood ;; ; -St Paul � � L k�: � � � P ale � � t � � 35E o St. Paul + �� i+ � p d �� �� � P � �� � � 94 .:' � Mississippi River ' � A PRODUCT O� THE � PHALEN CHAIN OF LAKES COMPREHENSIVE WATERSHED � MANAGEMENT PROJFCT