95-779� j t � � � � �`� � % Council File # �� ��� } ` Green Sheet � 25957 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �y „ �-, _ , Pzesented By Referred To Requested by Department of: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been awarded a grant firom the Legislative Commission on Minnesota 2 Resources to conduct the Nonpoint Source Pollution Public Educauon Demonstration project in a joint effort g. with the Ciry of Minneapolis, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 i6 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, a total of five neighborhoods with stoi7n sewer drainage to the Mississippi River will be targeted in both cities for a phone suivey to assess the understanding of nonpoint source pollulion, and WHEREAS, community organizing will be conducted, a series of educational brochures will be distributed and a follow up survey will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the community organizing and the educational materials, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has entered into an agreement with the Citizens for a Better Environment to coordinate this project, now, therefore be it, RESOLUED, by the Ciry of Saint Paul Q�at the City enter into the attached Substate Agreement with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to coi�duct the following Project: Nonpoint Source Pollution Public Education Demonsh�ation, azld be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City that the Mayor, Norcn Coleman, be authorized to execute the attached Substate Agreement for tl�e al�ove meutioned Project on behalf of the City, and be iz, FURTHER RE50LVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the City accept� the grant of $1Q0,0(10 from the Legislafive Commission on Minnesota Resources for the two year period 6eginning July 1, 1995, and be it, FINALLY RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paui that the City is committed to providing $6,000 in matching money far this project out of die 19�6 Public Works Sewer Division Storm Water Manaaement Activiry for grinting educaaonal materials, mailing labets and postage. n�., Byc Approved byjMa1z6r: Date Public Works By: L" '",�,� Is `^"— Stacy . Becker, Director Form A}�qved by By: Committee: Date 2-ii-s�' for Sub�%Ission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoptigg Certified by Counci Secretary �� ��� DEPARThIENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INIPATED G R E E N S H E ET NO.� 25957� Public Works 6/29/95 � i �.� A .� COMACT PERSON & PHONE � OEPARTMENT DIflECTOR ❑7 CITY COUNCIL Anne Weber, 266-6245 ^S�� CITYATfOflNEY NUMBER FOp � CITV CLEBK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DAT� qOUTING UDGETDIRECTOR �F�N.&MGT.SEflVICESDIR. ORDEB 6 MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n �g FinanceAccoun'n TOTAL t OF SIGNANRE PAGES _(CIJP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNANR� ❑j ASSOCIATE � DEPT. ACGOUM ACTON REWESTED Approve the attached resolution accepting a grant for $100,000 from the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources, approving the contract with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and committing to matching funds of $6,600 for the tdonpoint Source Pollution Education Demonstration Project. RECAMMENpATIONS: Appmve (A) or Rejeq (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLQWING �UESTIONS: PLAHNIN(i COMMISSION _CNII $ERVICE COMhVSS10N 1. Nas this persoMirm ever worKed untler a contrnct fos this tlepactmer�Y? YES NO ciBCOnahfTiEE _ 2. Has ihis persoMirtn ever been a cHy employee? A �� _ YES NO — 3. Does this person/lirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by afry curtent cAy DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ Employ2E? SUPPOATSWVflCHCOUNCILO&fECTVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to 9reen sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOflNNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE. WH`n: The City of Saint Paul has been awarded a grant of $100,000 from the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources to conduct the Nonpoint Source Pollution Public Education Demonst�' ' ct in cooperation with the City of Minneapolis. JU! i 1 1995 ����� ������« ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul and Minneapolis wilf be working with Citizens for a Better Environment in a total of five neighborhoods in both cities. This sets the groundwork for the City of Saint Paul in future development of a Nonpoint Source Pollution Public Education Program. This program will be a requirement under Saint Paul's Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permit. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPROVED: The grant dollars will not be awarded to Saint Paul. The opportunity to work cooperatively with the City of Minneapolis and Citizens For a Better Environment will be lost. TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S � OC,OOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Sewer Service Fund 260 pCITVI7YNUMBER 260-22225 FINANCIPL INFOflMAT10N: (IXPIAIN) '� C 51�nn � � � AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA AND THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � � ��� �� 95-779�1 THIS AGREEMENT is made between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (hereinafter the "State"); and the city of St. Paul (hereinafter the "Recipient"). WHEREAS, the Recipient has proposed the Nonpoint Source Pollution Public Education Demonstration Project; WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature by 1995 Minnesota Laws Ch. 220, Sec. 19, su . 6 appropriate $100,Q00 to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollutaon Control Agency for a contract with the city of St. Paul for a joant project with the city of Minneapolis to conduct surveys and develop and implement nonpoint source pollution public education; NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed between the State and the recipient as follows: GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 The State awards to the Recipient up to $ l OQ,�OQ for the Nonpoint Source Pollution Public Education Project (hereinafter the "Project"). The obligation of the State under this Agreement is limited to $100,000. 1.2 The Recipient acknowiedges that these funds aze proceeds from the Minnesota Future Resources Fund (hereinafter the "Fund'�, which is subject to certain legai restrictions and requirements, including Minnesota Statutes Ch. 116P. The Recipient is responsible for compliance with this and all other relevant state and federal laws and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto goveming the proceeds of the Minnesota Future Resources Fund in the fulfillment of the Project. 13 CONTACTPERSONS The authorized contact person for the State is: Patricia Engelking Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water Quality Division 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 (612) 247-3825 ; <1 5/95 , °15l ��q The auihorized agent for the Recipient is: Anne Weber City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 1000 CHA, 25 West Fourth Streez St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 266-6245 The acting fiscal agenY for the Recipient: Anne Weber City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 1000 CHA, 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MinnesoYa 55102 (6I2} 266-6245 2. PROJECT 2.1 PROJECT APPROPRIATION . An appropriation to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for an agreement with the city of St. Paul for a joint project with the city of Minneapolis to conduct surveys and develop and 'unplement nonpoint souzce pollutlon public education. 2.2 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The Project shall have a Work Program approved by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (hereinafter the "LCMR'�} which is attached as E�ibit A and made part of this Agreement. This Work Program describes the work to be completed by the Recipient, the specific products that will be produced along with the dates by which they will be delivered, and an estimate of the cost associated with each product. All material changes to the Work Program must be approved by the LCMR and approved chan�es will be made part of this Agreement by reference. The Recipient sha11 complete the Project as described in the approved Work Prograxn and its amendments. The State has relied on the Recipient's estimate of the total funds required to complete the Project. I£the State funds prove insufficient to complete the Project, the Recipient agrees to supply additional funds as needed. All deliverables or evidence that the deliverables have been satisfactorily comp�eted are due 'uz the LCMR o�ce with a copy to the STaYe conYact person by June 30, 199'7 (no exceptions}. 5/95 95-779 The State and the LCMR may require the Recipient to supply additionai specifications about the project, including site plans, building specifications, research methodology and detailed work schedules. These additional specifications are subject to approval by the State. After completion of the Project, the Recipient shail certify in writing to the State that the Project, as conducted, conforms to these approved specifications. 2.3 ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVTSION The Recipient shall be responsible for the administration, supervision, management and Project oversight that may be required for the work performed under this Agreement. The Recipient may employ such professional services as it deems reasonable and necessary to provide these services, subject to the provision of Section 5(Costs). 2.4 OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERT'Y RIGHTS A11 ri�hts, title, and interest to a11 intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, services and trade mazks, in ail materials conceived or originated by Recipient either individually or jointly with others, wluch arise out of the per£ormance of this Agreement, are jointly owned by the Recipient and the State. The State's ownership shaii equal the percentage of the total Project cost paid for by State funds under this appropriation. Recipient's contribution must be foz eligible costs for the Project. Ali Recipient's contribution must be approved in advance to be eligible to qualify as Recipient's contribution to the total Project costs for delivery ownership and zegular percentages. This ownership interest shall not be reduced by any reimbursements to the Fund made by the l2ecipient under Section 2.6 Sales of Products or Section 2.7 Royalty Payments. Any report, study, computer softwaze, data base, model, invention, photogragh, negative, audio or video recording, or other item oz document, in whatever form, created or prepazed by the Recipient in the performance of its obligations under this Aa eement aze the exclusive properry of the Recipient and the Stafe except where stated otherwise in this Agreement. The Recipient, at the request of the State, shall execute any necessary documents necessary to transfer ownershap rights to the State. Whenever any invention, improvement, or discovery (whether or not patentable) is made or conceived for the first time, actually or constructively reduced to practice by the Recipient or its employees in the course of or in connection with this Agreement, the Recipient shall urunediately give the State contact person and the LCMR written notice thereof, and shall promptly fumish the contact person and the LCMR with complete information thereon. The State, in consultation with the LCMR and the Recipient has the sole right to determine whether or not and where a patent application shall be filed. The Recipient and the State reserve the right to use for their own purposes any � intellectual property right produced as the result of the Project without payment to the other pariy. The parry using said product shall protect the intellectual properiy rights to the product and advise the other party of its use. v 3 5/95 q�-��� The State reserves "mazch-in" rights which can be exercised if the Recipient fails to maxket or offer to mazket any product resulting from acuvities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement within tluee (3) years from the termination of this Agreement, notwithstanding the above provisions of thzs section. Recipient shall, upon request of the State, execute and provide the necessary documents for this purpose. 2.5 OWNERSHIP OF RESEARCH RESULTS If, within three (3) yeazs of the terminafion of this Ab eement, the Recipient elects not to commercialize any product derived from the research conducted under this Project, the reseazch materials shall be returned to the State without cost and free and cleaz of any obligation to the Recipient. Recipient represents and warrants that the matezial pzoduced under this Agreement does not and will not infringe upon the inteilectual property rights of another, including patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade and services mazks and names. Recipient wilt defend and indemnify the State at RecipienYs expense any claims or actions brought a�ainst the State to the extent that it is based ou a claun or action that all or part of the material infringes upon the intellectual properry rights of another. Recipient is responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses to use the intellectual property rights of another. 2.6 SALE OR LICENSE OF PRODUCTS The Recipient a�ees to reimburse the Fund revenues it receives from licenses, transfers, or other income generated from products based upon materials derived from the Project up to the amount of State funds provided under this Agreement. Such reimbursement will be made by the Recipient upon first sale of any product worldwide whether or not such products are patentable. The Recipient, for itself and its licensees, a�ees to sell any groduct derived from this Agreement and not subject to ownership by the State to the State of Minnesota far the royalty-free wholesate price Iess a ten percent (10%) discount. This cIause shall continue to be in effect after all State funds have been repaid to the State. 2.7 ROYALTY PAYMENTS The StaYe owns and shall take title to-the percentage of a royalty, copyright or patent resulting from this project equal to the percentage of the project's toTal fundin� provided by this appropriarion subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. ck. 116P.10. Cash receipts resulting from royalties from the licensing of copyright, patent, or other intellectual properties shatl be paid to the Fund on a quazferly basis witfiin t$irty (30) days after the end of each calendaz quarter. Recipient shall not license the intellectual property rights without the express written Agreement of the State. 4 5/95 95 2.8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Recipient agrees to acknowiedge the State's fmancial support for this Project. Any statement, press zelease, bid, solicitation, or other document issued describing the Project shall provide information on the amount and proportion of State funds supporting the totai cost of the Project and will contain the following language: Funding for this project approved by the Minnesota Legislature, 1995 Minnesota Laws, Ch. 220, Sec. 19, Subd. 6o as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the Minnesota Future Resources Fund. Any site developed or improved by ttus Pro}ect shall display a sign, in a form approved by the State, stating that the site has received funding from the Minnesota Legislature. 2.9 REPORTS The Recipients shall submit periodic Work Program status reports to the LCMR with copies to the State's authorized contact person in a form prescribed by the LCMR on or before the reporting dates stated in the Work Program. The State may require additional reports from the Recipients. 2.10 PURCHASE OF RECYCLED AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS The Recipient shall use this appropriation in compliance with Minn. Stat, ch. 16B.121 to 16B.123 requiring the purchase of recycled, repairable, and durable materials, the purchase of uncoated paper stock, and the use of soy-based ink, the same as if it were a state agency. The Recipient shall ensure that all sub-recipients comply with this requirement. Any deliverables submitted to the LCMR office will be re}ected if not in compliance and will be deemed late and/or unacceptable. - 2.11 PL3BLICATIONS The State agrees that researchers engaged in this Project aze encouraged to present at symposla, national or regional professional meetings, and to publish methods and results of the project in journals, tl�eses or dissertations or otherwise of this own choosing provided necessary steps have been taken to protect the patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights resulting from the project. Research results must include the acknowledgment provided for in Section 2.8. The Recipient shall provide advance notification the State two weeks before publicizing any data or information derived from the Project in a press release, publication., or presentation. 2.12 FAILURE TO COMPLETE PROJECT No reimbursements will be awarded under this Agreement after_ 7une 30, 1997, unless the Recipient has completed the Proj ect in accordance with the approved Work Program by this date 5l95 9�-��� 2.13 DATA COMPATIBILITY Pursuant to 1995 Minnesota Laws, Ch. 220, Sec. 19, subd. 14, all data collected pursuant to projects funded by this appropriafion that have common value for natural resouTCe pianning and management shali conform to informauon azchitecture as defined in guidelines and standards adopted by the informafion policy office. The Recipient shall make these data available to data review committees that may be established and to LMIC and bear any costs associated with integrating this data with LMIC's geographic data bases. 3. USE OF FUNllS The Recipient shall use the proceeds of this Agreement only £or the eligible costs of the Project as described in the approved Work Program. 4. MATCHING Fi.JNDS The appropriation language of 1995 Minnesota Laws Ch. 220, Sec. 19, Subd. 6o states that this appropriafion must be matched by $12,000 in non-state money and that these matching funds must be committed by January 1, 1996, or the appropriation will be canceled. No state funds will be made available under this Agreement unfil the Recipient has provided the StaYe and the LCMR with a description of the non-state matching funds, evidence of their fair market value, and certification that they aze legatly callectible. In the event that part or all of these matching funds 2ater become unavailable or uncollectible, the Recipient aa ees to satisfy any deficiency. Eligible non-state matching monies consist of cash-in-hand or legally enforceable pledges of money. 5. COSTS 5.1 ELIGIBLE COSTS Eligible costs are those costs directly incurred by the Recipient that aze solely related to and necessary for producing the work products described in the approved work program. Eligible costs may include the following: 5.1.1 Advertising costs solely for (1) Recruihnent ofpersonnel; (2) Solicitation of bids; (3) Disposal of scrap materials; (4) Other purposes specifically provided for in the approved Work Program; 5.1.2 Capital expenditures for facilities, equipment and other capital assets as expressly approved in the Work Program. For expenditures greater than $1,500, the Recipient must include in the Work Program an explanation as to how all the equipment purchased with the appropriation will continue to be nsed for the same program through its useful life, or, if the use changes, a commitrnent to pay back to the Fund an amount equal to either tfie cash value received or a residual value approved by the director of the LCMR if it is not sold; 5/95 95-779 5.1.3 Communication costs incurred for telephone calls and postage; 5.1.4 Materials and supplies; 5.1.5 Printing and reproduction costs necessary for contract adminisfration; Publication costs of reports reiating to contract accomplishments; 5.1.6 Transportation and travel expenses such as freight relating to goods purchased for the Project, and lodging, meals, and transportation of personnel involved in the Pro}ect in the same manner and in no greater amount than provided for in the current "Non-manageriai Unrepresented Empioyees' P1an" promulgated by the commissioner of Employee Relations; 5.1.7 Wages and expenses of salaried Recipient employees if specified in the Work Program; 5.1.8 Fringe benefit costs of Recipient's employees if specified in the Work Program; 5.1.9 Professional services specified in the approved Work Program that aze rendered by ; individuals or organizations not a part of the Recipient; 5.1.10 Expenditures incurred after the effective date of the approved Work Program and before the effective date of this Agreement. The following types of costs aze eligible provided that they are directly incurred by the Recipient; aze solely related to and necessary for producing the work products described in the approved Work Progzam; and have prior writien approval of the State: • 5.1.11 Professional services not specified in the approved Work Program that aze rendered by individuals or organizations not a part of the Recipient; 5.1.12 Educational program expenses such as conferences, seminars, books, materials and supplies; 5.1.13 Public utilities such as water, sewage, electricity; 5.1.14 Maintenance and repairs incurred for upkeep of property used directly in the Project which keeps it in an e�cient operating condition; 5.1.15 Administrafive expenses such as accounting and budgeting. Any cost not defined as an eligible cost or not included in the approved Work Program shall not be paid from State funds committed to the Project. 5/95 ��-��� 52 NONELIGIBLE CO�TS Noneligible costs for reimbursement means all costs not defined as eligible costs, inciuding, but not limited to, the following: 5.21 Any costs incurred before this Agreement is executed, except as provided in Section 5.1.10; 5.2.2 Fund raising; 5.23 T�es, except sales ta�c on goods and services; 5.2.4 Insurance, except tifle insurance; 5.2.5 Attomey fees, except for acquisition and clearing title to �and; 5.2.6 Loans, grants or subsidies to persons or entities for development; 5.2.7 Bad debts or contingency funds; , 5.2.8 Interest; 5.2.9 Lobbyists; 5.2.10 Political contributions. 6. REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES To obtain reimbursement under tYus A�reement, the Recipient shall provide the State with evidence that the portion of the deliverable product and its related expenditures for which payment is requested has been satisfactorily completed. The State will make the fmal deternunation whether the expenditures aze eligibie for reimbursement under this Agreement and verify the toYal amount requested. - All rennbursement requests for this project must be received by the State on or before August 31, 1997. No facsimiles will be accepted. Reguests received after this date will not be eligible for reimbursement. ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT The Recipient shall maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence gertaining to the costs and expenses of implementing this Agreement to the e�ctent and in such detail that will accurately reflect the total cost of the Project and all net costs, direct and indirect, of labor, materials, equipment, supplies, services, and other costs and expenses. The Recipient shall use generally accepted accounting principles. AII records sball be retained for five (5) yeazs aftez the issuance of the final certificate of acceptance by the State. The State, its representative, or the legislative auditor shall have the right to examine books, records, documents, and other evidence and accounting procedures and practices, sufficient fo reflect properly all direct and indirect costs. The Recipient shall make available at a1I reasonable times and before aad durng the period of records retention proper facilities for such examination and audit. 8 5/95 95 8. I�UMAN RIGHTS The Recipient, in the conduct of the Project, shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (P.L. 100-336); Minn. Stat. ch. 363 (the Minnesota Human Rights Act), and Minn. Stat. § 181.59-60, which forbid discriminatory practices and provide for affirmative action; and all applicable rules and subsequent amendments. The Recipient shall provide the State with evidence that it has received a certificate of compliance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 363.073, or is exempt from said statute. This evidence of compliance is attached as E�iibit E. 9. WORKERS COMPENSATION The Recipient in the conduct of the Pzoject shall comply with the provisions for workers compensation in Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 1 and Minn. Stat. § 176.182. et se�. and other applicable law. 10. LTABILITY Recipient agrees to idemnify and save hold the State, its agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this Agreement by Recipient or Recipient's agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies Recipient may have for the State's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. The State's liability shall be govemed by the provisions of the Mirmesota Tort Ciaims Act, Minn. Stat. § 3.736, et se�. and other applicable laws. The RecipienYs liabiliiy shall be govemed by the provisions of Minn. Stat. ch. 466 and other applicable laws. 11. TERM 11.1 EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall become legally effective upon such date as at is executed by the Commissioner of Pinance or July l, 1995, whichever is later and shall remain in effect untal June 30, 1997, or until all obligations set forth in thas Agreement have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. 11.2 TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by the State for cause at any time upon seven (7) days written notice to the RecipienT. Cause shall mean a material breach of this Aa eement and any supplemental agreements or amendments thereto. This A�reement may also be terminated by the State in the event of a default by the Recipient or in the event that the Legislature rescinds the appropriation to this Project. This Agreement may be terminated by the State or the Recipient at any time with or without cause upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, ttae Recipient shall be entitled to payment determined on a pro rata basis for work or services satisfactorily performed. 9 5i95 ��-��� 113 AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended in writing by the mutual agreement of the State and the Recipient Amendments must be consistent with the Work Program and its approved amendments. 12. ANTI-TRUST PROVISION The Recipient hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and atl claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connection with the Agreement resulting from anti-trust violations which arise under the anti-trust laws of the United Stafes and the anti-h�ust laws of the State of Minnesota. 13. CHOICE OF LAW All matters relating to the performance of this Agreement shall be controlled by and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. City of St. Paul B Mayor Date Minnesota Pollution Control Agency : Title By Date Director, Deparlment of Public Works Date Department of Finance $ y B y - Director, Department of Finance and Management Service Title Date Approved as to form: By Assistant City Attomey Date A certified copy of the City of St, Paul Resolution unconditionally approving this Agreement is attached as E�ibit C. Approved as to form and execution Hubert H. Humphrey, III �y Assistant Attorney General Date Date 10 5/95 95-779 ����.������� A Work Program with LCMR Approval Letter B List of Deliverable Products and Related Budget C Certification and Approval by Board or Council (if applicable) D Federal Approval of Oil-Overcharge Project (if applicable) E Evidence of Compliance with Affirmative Action Statute (if applicable) 5/95 m q�-779 lEGISIATZVE COMMISSION OF MINNESOTA R'cSOURCES NCNPOINT SOURCE POILUTION PUBLIC EDUCATION DEMONSTRATION PROJECT IJORK PROGRAM PROJECT DELIVERABLE DA7ES AND ESTIMA7ED COSSS DeliVerable DeliverzbLe Objective LCMR MaSCh Date Toial Total Attaunt Amount D. Community Organinzing D.'I Identify partners 54,648 54,648 0 Commitment from one 3/96 51,907 Commitment from tvo . 9/96 52,747 D.2 Analyze needs & acTions 310,986 510,986 0 AnaLysis ofi one 10/96 55,282 AnaLysis ofi tuo 2/97 55,7D1 D.3 Heetings on needs & actions 53,592 53,592 0 Five meetings viTh one 2/97 51,690 five meeiings with tvo 4l97 51,901 D,4 Draft neighborhood plans 514,895 514,895 0 One drafit ptan 6/97 57,289 ` One drefit plan 6/97 87,606 E. Develop & Distribute Educaiional Materials E.1 Research educational materiats 59,718 59,718 0 Tvo neighborhood profiile 1/96 52,747 7hree neighborhood profite 4196 53,380 Nonpoint factsheets 6/96 �3,592 E.2 Wri2e neighborhocd profiles 55,704 55,704 � Five draft profiiles 3/96 52,113 Tuo final profiiles 4/96 5'1,268 Three finat profiiles 6/96 52,324 E.3 IJrite and design factsheets 58,627 56�127 • 2500 Dratt narratives 7/96 s2,1'13 FinaL narratives 9/96 41,901 Design Layout 5/96 51,268 Incorpora:e survey 8196 5845 E.4 Print factsheets 54,556 51,056 3506 Factsheets printed 8197 54,556 " E.5 Mail $4,169 83,164 60Q� Print labels 9/96 56�634 Mait 12/96 52,535 P. Develop & Conduct Follovup Survey, Analyze F.1 Drafit questions 5951 5951 0 Draft questions 12/96 5951 F.2 Final survey preparations 4'1�268 S'1,268 0 Finat questions 'i2/96 $L23 Sample size 12l96 82'11 Database 12/96 8219 - Train callers 'I/97 3423 = F.3 [onduct survey 83�141 83;14'I 0 Complete catls _ 2/97 53,141 F,4 Analyze data 55,440 35,440 0 Analysis of {5ndings 4/97 55,440 5192,000 $'100,000 512,600 c�� - 9 �g LEGISLpTLVE COMMZSSION OF MINNESOTA RESOURCES NONPOINT SOURCE POILUTION PUBLIC EDUCATION DEHONSTRA7ION PROJECT WORK PRWRAM PROJEC7 DELIVERABLE DATES AND ESTIMA7E� COSTS Delivera6le Delivereble Objective ICMR Hatch Da2e Total Total Amount Amount A. Adminstration A.'I Startup 5'1,373 51,373 0 ColLaboretor meetings Ongoing 9739 Staffi descriptions 8/95 521'I ConTracts 8/95 5423 A.2 Advisory bcard 52,451 52,459 0 Recruitment 9/95 51,056 tteetings Onaoing 5'1,394 A.3 Accouniing and Report Yriting 53,803 53,803 0 Acct. sysT, bitling Ongoing 5'1,690 Reports Ongoing S2,'113 8. Setect Neiahborhaods 6.1 �esign neigfi. select. criteria 52,324 52,324 Q Oraft criieria 40/95 51,479 Final criteria 11/95 58G5 8.2 App(y criieria, pick 9Q neigh. � S2,SH5 52,535 0 List ofi 10 12/45 52,535 B.3 Neigh6orhood meetings 52,958 52,958 0 Completed 8 meetings 9/95 51,OSfi CompLeted 8 meetings 91/95 5845 Completed 8 meeiings 11% 57,056 8.4 Fina! selection of 5 neigh. 51,479 57,479 ' D LisL o{ 5 neighborho�s 3/46 5'1,479 C. Develop & Conduct S�rvey, Analyze Data " C.7 Drait questions 51,907 51,909 D � Dratt quesiions 92/95 59,907 C.2 FinaL survey preparations ' S2,747 52,747 0 Finat questions 3I96 51,056 Sample size 4/96 5423 DaYabase 5/96 5845 - Train callers 4/96 5423 C.3 Conduct survey 53,351 53,351 0 Complete calls 6/96 53,351 c.4 Analyze data 54,384 54,384 0 Anatysis ofi findings 7J96 54,384 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE - .. �" r.' . . - '. . � _. . .. . . Date of Report= November 30, 1994 . . . . ' ". ":�'!'-'F�.:� .. �< �.�' � =::95 .. _. I. Project TiLle and Project Nwnb¢I: NO:?DO±Il4 Source ?ollutioa ?ublic �ducatioa Denonstration ?roject. F22 Program *ianager: r.�ne we�er A9ency A£filiation: City oi St. Paul Mail Address: Deoartmer,t of ?ublic Works ?000 CHA, 25 West Pourth Street St. ?eul, '.'N SSi02 Phone: (612) 266-6245 Fax: (612) 298-5621 A. Legal Citation: 2�5, 95, Chp,, Art. , Sec. , Subd. 6(oj. Total biennial LCMR zppropriation: $100,000 Balance: $100,000 m Appropriation Language: This 2ngropriztion is £ro:n t?;e £uture resources fund to the co�. o£ the pollution cor.trol ager.cy for an agreemer,t with the city of S�. ?sul for a joint oroject wiLh the city o£ Minneapolis to conduct surveys and cevelop znd implement nonnoint source pollution nublic educatioa. This appropriation must be natched 'ny at lezst $12,000 of nonstzte money. �� B. Status o£ Match Reqvirement: Match Reqvired: $12,000 Amovnt Committed to Date: 0 Match Spent to Date: 0 � 'IT. Project Sumroary: TSe qoal oi this project is to demonstrate how cooperative e£iorts betueen local government and orcznizztior.s such as neighhorhood, bus?ness, and environmental crovos, c2n effectively address nonpoir.0 source pollution. ihis unique collaborative effort, between the St. ?avl and N,inneapolis Public Works Departments and Citizeas £or a 3etter Environment (CBF), combines the cities' technical re=_ources with CBS's experience in community outreach. With Minnesota's efforts on point pollution and combined sev:e= overflow resultiag in ir,�proved river water quality, nanagers are now czlling £or a reorientation toward nonpoint poilution. I� urban arezs, this pollution cof�es from stormwzter ruaoff which contains high levels of sediments, nutzients, oil and Grease, and heavy metzls. The project will focus on Twin Cities� neiahborhoods with storm drainzge areas going to t;�e �,ississippi River. Pive areas representing a diverse demoqrzphic mix and a vzriety o£ residential, commercial and industrial land uses will be 1 } - . . . .. �':� � .. . _ _ ._ � __ -_ = - �5-��9 targeted. Working with local partners, we will use a three-pronged � . - - � strategy to: .� -- 1.) Survey the understanding of nonpoint issues within a � diverse szmple of Twin Cities' neighborhoods; 2.) Develop and distribute msterials thzt broaden that understanding; and - - 3.) Develop actioa nlans with existing local institutions to . ' - _--- address nonpoint pollution. �.' ��-�� The survey and its resalts, educational �aterials, aad action plans -- . v:i11 serve as models to other Minnesota cor.cnunities looking to: � -- Think watershed, act locally: b ' IZZ. Six Month Work Progxam Update Summary: N/A IV. Statement oi Objectives: A. Administration: Setup the systems needed to operate a two year collaborative nroject. =his iacludes developing az accounting system, sta�f descriptions, contracts, and an advisory board, as ue11 as report writing. B. Select Target Neighborhoods: Design criteria for ne°_ohborhood selection znd �pply these criteria to pick 10 dra£t neichborhoods in which we can work. 3eview with zdvisory board and neet w_th residential, political, bcsiness, and conc�ercial leacers to select final five r.e_chborhoods C. Develop and Conduct Survey, P_nalyze Data: Devetop survey questians to assess understanding of noapoint source pollution with input £rom acvisory bozrd and University o£ Minaesota Center for Survey Research. Comoi?e database, trzin callers, complete ac leasc 400 surveys, and z,alyze data_ D. Commuaity Organizing: Identify partners within at le�st two of the tar9eted communities interested in developing action plans which address nor.point pollution. Analyze needs �nd potential actions. Follow-up with reetings to orovide comauait lADL't £or a written document which lays out dra£t action plzas. � ' E_ Develop and Distribute Educational Haterials: Conpile profiles � � ' o£ each of the £ive neichborhoocs using data such as: quality and :-. -- � quantity o£ rur.off; types of sLrf�ce Maters; land use; existiag =nd � "� � historic natural systems; watershed plaas; and populatior. Use �� profiles _'or community or9anizing. In addition, develop a series of three £actsheets on nonpoint pollution which broaden understanding of the issues based on results fro,�+ t?�e survey. Distribute these nateria3s to 5,000 housel:olds in the five tzrceted r.eighborhoods. 2 t + � � F_ Develop and Conduct Followup Survey, Analyze Data: Develop and iapler,.ent survey to zssess eEfectiveness o£ educatioaal materials and comnuaity organizing. Ti.meline £or Completion of Objectives: � � _ � � � � 7/95 1/96 6/96 1/97 6/97 A. Administration xxx x x x x x x x B. Select Neighborhoods xxxxxxxx • C. Survey xxxxxxxxxxxx D. Colmcunity Orgznizing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E. Educational Materials xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx F. Followup Survey xxxxx 3 g�-� �9 V. Objectives/OVtcomes: A. Administiation: A.1 Activity: Collzborator meetings. Three stzrtup and seven quazterly fo2lowup meetings between project col!aborators :ron St. ?aul, Minneepolis, and CBE. Additional time to £inalize contracts, staf£ descriptions, and othei startup details. A.l.a. Context withia the project_ These acti,vities put i.:to pl�ce the systems needed to run this two year collaborative project. A.l.b. Methods: N/A - A.l.c. Haterizls: ?7/A A.l.d. Budget Tota1 Biennial LCY,Fi Budget: $1,373 LCl42 Salznce: $I,373 2iATCY: HATCH BAT.FNCE: A.1-e_ Timeline: Yezr 1 7/95 9/95 11/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 xxxx xx xx xx Collzbor�tor meetines PRODUCT @2 xx Sta££ cescript_on PRODUC'i #3 xxxx Contracts Yezr 2 7/96 9/96 11/46 1/96 3/97 5/97 PRODUCT #1 xx xx xx xx collaSorator meetincs A.2 Activity: Acvisory boerd. aec_*vit board menuers from a variety o£ expertises iacluding: business, eczdemia; Eederzl, stzte, a.^,d local oovernaent; r,eighborhood croups; watershed mznagers; znd�£ocncztions. A.2.a. Context vitbin the project: This board w±ll help connect tY:e psoject to many sectors of the community, uhile providing important expertise to project collzborators. � ". A.2.b. Methods: N/A A.Z.c. Y.ateiials: N/A 4 .. ._� - . _ � .�. ' ., . _. ' .. � � ' .. ' . . _. . . _ . � - - A.2.d. Budget � - � Total Hiennial LCYS2 Budgetc $2,?51 "" - LR�R Balance: $2,451 . ' Y,ATC3: 0 MATCH HALANCE:O , a.2.e_ Tvneline: -� �- Year 1 7/95 9/95 1!/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 : YRODUCT #1 xs.xxxx _ - : Advisory bozrd recrvi:ed - �.� PRODUCT #2 xX xx xx xx �� . _ _ _.'. Adviso=y board meetiacs �- ._ Yezr 2 7/96 9/96 ll/96 1/9� 3/97 5/97 � PRODUC2 €2 xx xx xx xx -.. ;,dvisory �oard meetir.cs A.3 Activity: Accounting znd zeport writing. Setup the accour.tiag e^d =eport writing systems. A.3.a. Context within the project: The �ccounting system . . w�ill be estabiis?�ed =_o thzt all uork can be bi?led by St. ?zu1 to the !!innesota Pollution Control F.gency on a bi- � _ monthly bzs=s. Aeports xill be doae, zs recuired, bi- . � . or,nually. �� . A.3.b. Hethods: N/A " � � A.3.c. Materials: 1/A _ 'n_ '. : .,._C:-:i � � A.3.d. Budget � . Total Bienni�l LCMR Budget: $3,603 LCM32 Balance: $3,803 HATCH: 0 MATCH BALA27CE: 0 A.3.e. Timel.ine: . Year 1 7/95 4/95 il/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRnDUCT #1 xxxx xx xx xx xx xx �-. P.ccovntinq system� onaoir.g billing . PRODUCT #2 xx xx Repoits Year 2 7/96 9/96 17/96 3/97 3/97 5/47 • PRODUCT #1 xx ax xx xx xx xx Accounting system, ongoing billing ' PRODUCT #2 xx xx Reports 5 e W 95-779 e � q5-� s. Select Neighborhoods B.1 Activity: Design neighborhood selection critezia. B.l.a. Context within the project: Criteria are needed to determine which five neighborhoods to work with on this project. Possibilities includec demograph±c diversity; quaZity and quantity of runotf; types of surface waters; land use; existir.g and histo=ic natural systems; watershed plans; and co:nmunity interest. - B.l.b. HetLods: Co?lect information from census data, existing or orojected storrwater quzlity data, city land tse sna!yses ceveloped Eor Clean w�ter Act permits, historic maps aad oral histo:ies, znd wate:shed management organizztions. B.l.c. Haterials: N/A B.l.d. Budget Total Biennial LCHI2 Budget: 52,324 -- LCYR Balance: 52,324 - MATCH: 0 • ." HATCH BALANC£: 0 - B.l.e. Timeline: � Yezr 1 7/95 9/95 ll/95 1/96 3/96 � 5/96 PRODUCT #1 Xxxx xx Dra£t criteria PRODUCT #2 xxxX Final criteria B.2 Activity: Aop!y criteria, select ?0 neig^borhooc's 8.2.a. Context vithin the project: Ten neichborhoods representing the criteria developed in activity B.2 wi?1 be selected. B.2.b. Hethods: NJA B.2_c. Materials: N/A B.2.d. Budget Total Bieanial LCt42 Budget: 52,535 LCMIt Balance: $2,535 HF.TCH : 0 MATCH HALANCE: 0 ' B.2_e. Timeline_ Year 1 7/95 9J95 11/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 . xxxx xxxx xx List of 10 neighborhoods b 95 B.3 Activity: reiqhborhood neetin�s. weet with b�siaess, politiczl, govern�eat, and residential !eaders in a b-oad variety o`_ r.eighbor�oods. S.3.a. Coate�ct within the project: Shis series oi at lezst 2� neetings wi11 serve two ou;�oses. First, ttey wi11 helo ns build interest and support aYOnnd r.on�oint pollution issues. Zn addition� they wi11 nelo cs determir.e where we covld build the naztnerships needed to nake our com, unicy o:genizing e�iective. B,3.b. HetLods: Meet in a variety of £o.ums £rom monthly neighborhood groep agendzs to pubLc in_'ormatioa;aeetings and oae-on-ones with business and oolitical leace,s. B.3.c. Haterials: N/� B.3.d. Budget Total BSennial LCN.3t Budget: $2,958 LCHiZ Balance: $2,958 YATCH: 0 H�TCH BALANCE: 0 B.3.e. Timeline: Year 1 7/9i 9/95 11/95 1/96 3(96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 xxax Completed 6 meetiags PRODUCT #2 xxxx Completed 6 meetings PRODUCT #4 xx r.xxx Completed e mee:ings H.4 Activity: ?i.^.al selection o: 5 neig¢borhoods. B.4.a. Context w.ithin the project: F?om the initial list oi 10, stzff will work with zdvisory bozrd and n_ig:^.borhood lezders to deternine the five neignSornoods we will work in. B.4.b. Metbods: N/.4 . B.4.c. Haterials: N/A H.4.d. Budget Total Biennial LCMR Budget: $1,479 LC.`4t Balance: 57�479 MATCH: 0 HATCH BALANCE: 0 7 y � ��- � t� B.4,e. Timeline: Yea= 1 7/95 9/95 11/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 XX xxX�c XxxX List of 5 neighbozhoods C. Develop and Condnct Survey, Analyze Data C.1 Activity: Drz£t quest:ozs. 9egin developing survey tool to be used to zssess the understanding of nonpoint _=_sues. C.l.a. Context within the project: Project stz£Y will develoo dra£t survey cuest_ons b�sed on iniormation co2lected on r.eic'r.bor:oocs ar.d re=ezrch on nonpoir,t issues. C_l.b. MetLods: Sta;ezrd gaicelires °or scrvey tool cevelooment will '�e a�olied. C.1_c. Materials: K/A C.I.d. sudget Tota1 Siennial LCNR Budget: 51,901 LCHR Balance: $1,90! Y.ATCH: 0 Y.ATCH BALA27CE: 0 C.l.e. Timeline: Yezr 1 7/95 4/95 11/55 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 xxxx xxxx xx Draft svrvey ouestior,s C.2 Activity: Firzl snrvey preperetions_ _Tncludes working �itn acvisory board zr.d survey aro°essior.zls to :inzl±me aue=_tions, determiai:g szmale size, compi:i.^.g catabase, zr.d trai.:ing callers. C.2.a. Context within the project: All oz the iront er.d work r.eeded :o execute t}e suzvey will �e dor,e durinq this p!��se. C.2.b. Methods: Survey p*o`essionals will cetermine sample size. zit�er the survey consultznt or the cities will prov±de datab�=e _`rom chich we draw the samole. Ca� �ad survey coasvltant will L_T21R paid phone staf£ to comolete the czlls. C.2.c_ Matezials: N/A 8 _ _�.. _.5::-4 c.2.d. Budget Total Biennial LCti� Budget: $2,�47 LCl4t Balzace_ $2,747 HATCH: 0 HATCH BALANCE: 0 C.2.e- Ti.meline: °.e�r 1 7/95 9/95 11/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODOCT �1 xx xxs.x °inel survey cvestio�s PRODUCT #2 xx xX Sample size PRGDUCT #3 xxxx Dztabzse co�oleted PRODUCT #§ xx 1�ziR c2�leL5 C.3 Activity: Conduct survey. C.3.a, Context within the project: with this survey we will assess resicents' kaowledge o£ noanoint pollut:on. 4his in°_ornztion wi!1 :�elp us develop ecucat'_onal roaterizls which enhaace t;�at xnowledce. C.3.b. Methods: Using a cuestionnai*e r.o more than 10 n�inutes lona, paid phone st�:E will como!ete t;e survey calls over a period o£ eicht weeks. C.3.c. Materials: N/A C.3.d. Budget Total Biennial LCY4 Budget: $3�351 LCt�L Bal2nce: $3,351 MATCH: 0 HATCH BAL�A2.'CE: 0 C.3.e. Time�ine: Yeai 1 7J95 9(95 11/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 xx xxxx Cor,olete calls C.4 Activity: Analyze data. C.4.a. Context vithin the project: Results Erom the svrvey szmole will be comoiled and znalyzed to orovide findir.gs that c�n be used in educational msterials znd publically distributed. C.4.b. Methods: Data will be coded� edited, znd proces=_ed by the susvey consultznt. Furtber analysis will be mzde by pYOject stzf£ with inout from bhe advisory board. 0 95-779 �� - ��q C.4.c. Materials: N/A C,4.d. Budget Total Biennial LCMF2 Budget: $4,384 LChLR Ba2ance: $4,384 MATCH: 0 MATCH BALANCE: 0 C.4.e. Tuaeline: Year 1 7/95 9/95 11/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 xx XX Anzlysis o£ £iadi:tgs D. Community Organizing D.2 Activity: Identi:y Dartners within five tareet r.eighborhoocs. Esta�lish ties withia tT.e neighborhoods with existing institetions such as resident and busir.ess aroups� block clubs, and gove-nment. Create partnerships in zt least two neighborhoods xhich will conr:it to develon�ent o: dra:� action plans. D.I.a. Context within the project: Conr.ect with exist*_r.g i.^.st:,tut:ons so thzt we can beg_a educEtion oa nonnoint issces. At the saae time we will build the pastae. needed to ceve!op conmur.ity-5zsed action olzas wh:ch address the issues. i7.l.b. Hethods: r!eet in a vzriety of £orums rznqiag fron mo:.thly neighborhood grouo �eetings to public inforaation r..eetir.gs znd o:e-o :-ones with bes-ness and po? itical leaceis. D.l.c. Haterials: N/A D.1_d. Budget Total Biennial LCt42 Budget: $C,648 LCHIi Balance: $4,648 lSA2'CH: 0 HATCH BAI,A_*ICE: 0 D.l.e. Ti.meline: • Year 2 7/95 9/95 22/95 1/9S 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 Xx XxxX XxXx XXXX Comnitment Ero� partners in zt least oae aeighbornood PRODUCT #2 xxxx Commitment £ror.c partners in at 2east a second aeighbozhood Year 2 7/96 9/96 11/96 1/47 3/97 S/97 PRODUCT #2 xxxx xx Comnitment :ron partners in zt 2east a second neiohborhood 10 e D.2 Activity: P.nzlyze r.eeds znd ootentizl actions. lise resezrch znd inioraztion co�pi?ed from r.eig?:bo:hood pZOiiles and edec2tionzl �zterials to identiYy neichborhood neecs znd poteatial actions to address the;.�. D.2.a. Context within the project: ?his product will b_ a first cut which will Lhea be used to elicit :nnet :rom co,�vaunity stakeho'_de.s, the zdvisory board, aad otT.er interested �zrties. D.2.b. Hethods: tise info_^ztion coll_cted to ceve?oo r.e3ghbo.^hood selection criteria znd proEiles. Resezrch e na�ior.ally asd locelly to improve stormwater quality. D.2.c. Haterials: N/?. D.2.d. Budget Total Biennial LCHIt Hudget: $10,986 LC".Sit Balance: $10,9E6 MAxcx: 0 MATCki BAI,H27CE: 0 D.2.e. Timeline: Yezr 2 7(96 9/96 11j96 1)91 3/97 SJ97 PF,ODUCT #1 xxXx xxxx ?.na?ysis of needs and zctions in et ?ezst or.e r.eighbor'�ood PRODUCT #2 xXxx xxxx Xx Analysis oE needs znd actio^s ia zt leasL two neighborhooris D.3 Activity: Neetings on z�alysis of needs and poter.tial actions. D.3.a. Context vithin the nroject: Zt is impoTtznt :o get i»put f*om neig'.;borhood, city, znd state stakeholders to help ensure support for any flrz:t zction plans. D.3.b. Hethods: Fortns, o.*.e-on-one meetings, written input on dra£ts. D.3.c, Materials: NJA � D.3.d. Budget Total Biennial LCMR Budget: $3,592 LCHR Balance: $3,592 MATCH: 0 HATCH BALANCE: 0 11 � 95 � q� -��q ' D.3.e. Timeline: . Year 2 7/46 9/36 11/46 1/97 3/97 5/97 PRODIICT #1 xx xxxx xx �� Comoleted 5 meetings on £irst neighborhood analysis PRODUCT #2 xX xXxx �c�c .� Conpleted 5 reetings on second ne?ghborhood analysis D.4 Activity: Drz£t r.eighborhood action plans. ?lzns b:ozdly outlining the actions that cou!d be taken zt the ne:chborhood level io imorove stornMater ovality. D.4.a. Covtext within the project: With conpletion o£ these dra£t plans, neighborhoocs will hzve a blueor±nt in plzce to pursue sneciiic zctior.s w�hich czn improve stor. qualiLy. D.4.b. Hethods: N/� D.4.c. Haterials_ '�/A D.4.d. Budget Total Biennial LC!4t Budget: $=4,895 LC?� Halance: 514,895 MATCH: 0 1+.ATCH HAT,ANCE; 0 D.4.e. Timeline: Yez� 2 7/96 9/96 ?1/96 1/9J 3/97 5/47 PRODUCT fl xxr.x r.xxx xx Dra£t zction olzn for one ,-.eichborhood PRODUCT #2 xxxx xxxx ax Drait aciion plzn `or second nezghborhovd E. Develop and Distribute Educztion Mate=ials E.1 Activity: Research educztional mater±als. 'Iti:o types o£ rzterizls wi?1 be developed -- r.eichborhood pro£iles z�d fzctsheets on nor,point pollut:on. E.l.a. Context within the project: The pro£iles will be used es pzrt of the corn�unity orcaniziag arocess cescriSed in objective D. The educational materiz!s will Y.elp bxoacen the u,derstanding o£ nonpoint pollution isstes based on results from the svrvey. E.I.b. Hethods: Much o£ the in£oraatioa compiled durir,g the r.eighborhood selection process will be used in the o:ofiles� inclucing= quality and auantity o£ runoi£; tyoes o£ surface uaters; lar.ci vse; existing and historic r.atcral Syste;ns; wztershed plans; and population. 12 �esezrch on no:poir.t pollut±on will look at major pollntznts, legzl structures, and methods used to zddress the proble� locally, E.l.c_ Materials: U/A E.l.d. Budget Total Biennial LCM.it Budget: $9,718 LCii� Salance: $9,718 ?SATCR: 0 NATCH BAT..T_�vCE: 0 E.l.e. Timeline: lezr 1 7J95 9/95 11J95 1/96 3/96 5/56 PRODUCT #1 xx r.xxx xxYx Researc:� two neig:�borhood pro£iles PRODUCT #2 xx xxxx xxxx xx Research t;ree neig'r.bornood pro£iles PRODUCT #3 xx xxax xxxx xxxx xx Researctl ;:onooint £actsheets E.2 Activity: ur;te neighborhood pro£iles. Comoile zll relevant in on each o£ the £i�e aeic,hSorhoocs _nto incivicezl profiles. E.2.a. Context vithin the pro}ect: These p-o£iles wi?1 be used to ecucate pzrtne:s in the £ive neignbor?�oods and as a basis °or the ar.alysis o£ needs and creit 2ctioa D�d:IS. °.2.b. Hethods: N/A E.2.c. Naterials: N/A E.2.d. Budget Total Biennial LCMR Budget: $5,704 LQ�2 Balance; $5,704 HATCH: 0 ?SATCH BALA27CE: 0 E.2.e. Timeline: Year 1 7/95 9J95 il/95 1/96 3/96 5/96 PRODUCT #1 xx Xxxxx xxxX Five d*z:t r.eighborhood pro:iles PRODUCT #2 Xxxx xx liao £iaal neiynborhood profiles - PRODUCT }3 xxxX xx Three £in�l neiahborhood pro£iles E.3 Activity: Write znd design nonpoint pollution fzctsneets. 13 95 1 q�-��°I E.3.a. Context within the project: Final production of factsheets. We are projecting that we wili develop a series of three nonpoint pollution inEo=mation brochures/factsheets. E.3.b. Methods: Project staf£ wi11 draft the natrative and then seek innut £ram advisory board and stakeholders. Desiga wi22 be provided by St. Paul and Mir.aeapo2is. Survey results wi11 also be incorporzted ir.to tn_ materials. E.3.c. Materials: N/A E.3_d. audget Total Bieanial LCHI2 Budget: $6,127 LCMR Balance: $6,127 HATCH: $2�500 HATCH BAI,IiNCE: $2,500 E,3.e. Timeline: Year 1 7/55 9/95 il/95 1/96 3/96 5/S6 PRODUCT #1 xxXx XxXx Dra£t narratives PRO➢UCT #2 , xx Firzl aaLratives PBODUCT #3 xxxx Design layout PRODUCT #4 xx Incoroorzte survey results Year 2 7/96 9/96 21/96 1/9? 3/99 5/97 PRODUCT #2 xxxx Final nzrratives PRODUCT #4 xz Incorporate survey results E.4 Activity: Print :zctsheets. Pri;.t a series oi three aonooir.t pollutioa factsheets. Five t:�ousand cooies oi each. E.4.a. Context within the project: See activity 'c.l. E.4.b. Hethods: N/A . E.4.c. Materials: N/1+. . E.4.d. Budget Total Hiennial LCMR Budget: $1,056 � LCHIi Balance: $1,056 HATCH: 53,500 YJ�TCH BALANCE: $3,500 14 N E.4.e. Timeline: vez: 2 7/96 9/96 11/96 1/97 3/91 5/97 PRODUCT �1 xxxx Prin:ing E.S Activity: Mzil. Send oet a ser+_es o`_ t`ree nziliags to 5,000 households in tl?e £ive tzr�eted ae?qhborhoods. E.S.a. Context wit3ia the project: ihese izcts!:eets will prov±ce ia:ormztion t0 1:1G�1V1o12� hotseho?cs based on survey results and resezrch cone. E.S.b. Methods: x/� E.S.c. Materials: .Y/A E.5.d. Budget Total Biennial LCl�R Budqet: $3,169 LCHI2 Balance: $3,169 MP.TCH: $6,D00 HATCH BALANCE: $6,000 £.S.e. TimeliIIe: Year 2 7/96 9/96 .il/96 1/97 3/97 5/97 PRODUCT #1 xx zrinting labels PRGDUCT #2 xxxx xx Mailir.g F. Develop and Conduct Followup Survey, Analyze Dzta F.1 Activity: Drait Eollowuo survey cuestioas. F.l.a. Context within the project: Develop a scrvey product w:�ich helps us neasure t?:e effectiveness of the factsheets ar.d neiahSorcood orga:,izine. F.l.b. Methods: S:andard guidelines Po= su=vey :001 cevelopment will be zoplied. F.l.c. Materials: N/A F.l.d. Budget . Total Biennial LCMR Budget: $951 LCY.R Balance: $951 MATCH: 0 MATCH BALANCE: 0 P.l.e. Timeline: Year 2 7/96 9/96 11/96 1/97 3/97 5/97 PRODUCT #1 xxxx xxx Dra£t follow�p survey questions 15 95-779 � 3 . i .. .�r�-:-, :� .-_ F.2 Activity: Finzl £ollowup survey preparations. SnClvdes working with advisory board and survey pro£essionz2s to ii�zlize qvestions, determining szmple size, compiling catzbase, and training callers. F.2.a. Context vitain tLe project- Coordinzte all of the £ront end work neeeed to execute the followup scrvey. F.2.b. 'fethods: Sirvey professioasls will determine sample size. SitY.er the survey co�sultzr.t or the cities wi! 1 nrovide dztabase £rom which we drzw the sample. CBE and survey consult�nt will train paid phoae sta££ to comnlete the calls. F.2.c. Y.aterials: N/A F.2.d. Budget Total %iennial. LCY•FL Budget: $I,268 LCMR Balance: $1,268 25ATCH: 0 Y.ATCH BAI.ANCc: 0 F.2.e. Timeline: Year 2 7/96 9/96 il/S6 I/97 3/97 5/97 PRODUCT #1 xx Final Eollowup survey questicns PRODUCT #2 aX Followtp sur�ey samo2e size PRODUCT #3 aX ➢atzbase conoleted PRODUCT #4 xx ^rain cal?ers F.3 Activity: Co:cuct followup survey. F.3.a. Context wiihia the pzojectc ?!ake calls within tSe iive ta:cet ,eichborhoocs to �ssess the effectiveness of educational materials znd community organizing. F.3.b. Methods: Usir.g a cuestionazire no more than 10 miavtes long, pzid nhone stzff will complete the folloMUp survey calls over a neriod of eig!:t weeks. F.3.c. Haterials: N/A � F.3.d. Budget Total Biennial LCt9i Budget: $3,595 LClIIi Balznce: $3,595 HATCH: 0 MATCH BALANCE: 0 � 16 9� ���q F.3.e. Timeline: Yezr 2 7/96 9/96 11/96 1/97 3/97 5/97 PRODDCT #1 x�c xX Comolete £ollowup survey calls r.4 Activity: A,alyze czta. F.4.a. Context withia the project; Resclts =rom tY.�e survey will be co-�iled zad anzlyzed to orov±de z compzrisoz with origiaal survey results. F.4.b. N,ethods: Data will be wded, edited, zad orocessed Sy tne survey consultznt. Further zaalysis will be mzce by oroject sts££ with inoct _`�om the �dvisory�bozrd. Stzi£ wiil preoare a com�arison o£ U;e two survey =indines as part of the project evaluation. F.4.c. Hateiials: N/A F.4.d. Budget Total Biennial LC!92 Bvdget: $5,450 LCM.tZ Balance: $S,SSO HATCH: 0 Y.ATCkI BALANCE: 0 r.4.e. Timeline: ?ear 2 7j96 9/96 71/96 1j97 3j97 Sj97 PRODUCT #1 aX xxxX ?.r.zlysis of findinqs 95 � 3 17 r �i5 i�� a V2. Evaluation: The £ollowing criteria will be used to measure the e£Eectiveness o£ this project: * Five neighborhoods with diverse characieristics incltded in the education project. * Production and distribution o£ £ive neighborhood p=ofiles. * Producti.on and aistribution of nonpoint source po2lution educztion materials to 5,000 households. * Conpletion o£ at least 400 initial surveys. * Yzrtners in two or more r.ei9hborhoods participatiag in dzafting zction nlans. '+ Coordinating work by neighborhood and environmental groups, and qovernment in creating and +_ssning a conroon message zbout the problems and solutions of nonpoint source pollution. * Comoletion oE zt least 400 followup surveys. + Followun survey shows an increase in knowledge of r.onooint source pollutioa. VIZ. Context within Pield: T_his project inteqrates wel! with e�fo:ts at the r.ztior.zl, sta:e, aad 1oca1 level to address non�oi::� pol2nt:on issves, cor exe�p2e, ssnder the iedera2 Ciean Water Fct, both St. Pzul znd N.inaezoolis are reqaired to implenent public education proorzr..s as part of the stormwater perrnitting process. At the same icae tite ssrban watersk:ed restoration move;,ieZt is gaxning momentcm and stature nationally. Grouas such zs :Ae Cozlitioa to Resto. lirban "vizters znd the Urbzn Creeks Council zre educating oeople at ihe 1ocz1 level on how they can restore and protect their urben waters using storn:watet mzr.agement, streem baak restoration, znd storm flrain steaciling. One inaer-city r,eiyhborhood in Berkeley, Czl±:ornia is reclaimiag a stream by redesicning a local park. State policy oz nonnoint sou:ce pollutioa has £ocused mostly oa rurzl sources sucA as seotic tznks, £eedlots �ad £ield runo££. however, urban orojects in i!:e Twin cities are finding support f-o:n the stete. The Metropo2itan Council started a muZti-year r.onooint pollution education nrogrzm this yezr with £ssading £rom the stzte. Efforts by the Lzke Phalen eeighborhood in St. Paul-to restoze wetlznds�have also gotten siroag su�port. This e£iozt has also been helped greatly by Willizm Moorish throcgh the University of Minnesota. . Ovr oroject zlso connects we11 wii;� the Natio�al Pzrk Serv;ce throvgh its tctivities on the new Mississippi National River and �2ecreation Area (i�*iR?tA). Nor.point pollution is or.e o£ Y1vRR?'s key £oci. Another grouo o` players whose goals natch well with ours are the iwin Cities Watershed Managenent Ozga�izations. These organizations zre veiy inte:ested in building stronger local suoport £oz improving nonnoint water cuzlity and wi11 be valuzble pz:tners £or this progrzm. 16 95 -779 cir.ally, Mir.neapolis' Neighborhood Revitalization ?rocram (NR?) is ar.other imoortant piece of the pezzle Por tnis nroject. Miaaeanolis ne:ghborhoods mzy be zble to use resocrces Yrom the NH? process to dezl with er.viror.mentzl issces such 2s no�poiat source pollution. VIII. Budget context: :zc� of the three collaborators �zve budcets 'or work cn cctiviues si�il>r to tSose in the oroject. 3oth St. Paul and Minneapolis hzve stor3xater naaage�eat bedaets whicn iur.d starf t>me, consnitant contrzcts, stor.�.a.er monitoriag £e_s, printing costs, postage, nzte. aad eqci?r.�er.t ou;chase. M.atch±ng dollars for this project will cotte iron these dedicated iur.ds. St. Pzul Stormwater Hanagement Budget 1999 - $205,616 1995 - $233,91� - proposed 1996 - $250,000 - nrojected 1997 - 5250,000 - projected Hinneapolis Stormwater Hanagement Budget 1994 - $350,000 1995 - $400,000 - orojected 1996 - 5600,000 - nrojected 1997 - $700,OG0 - p. C3c has done cor,unun±ty organizi.^.g ia both Minnezpol_s 2nd St. Pau1 since 1988. Our work hzs £ocused oa water cuzlity po!lution issues. Curreat plans involve con�unity organizing arovnd nonooint polletion ar,d other e.^.vironnental issues duzir.g 1995 ar,d 1996 through our Enviroamental Visior.s Program. CBE Environmental Visions Program Sudqet 1995 - 5100,000 1996 - $11§�000 IX. Dissemination: A£inzl report w?11 be pYepared shoa:,^.q initial_ and £in21 su=vey results. Ir.cl•aded in the report wi11 be an explar.ation o£ Che educztion progran with exsmples of materials developed and the neighborhood dra`_t actioa olzns. This report will be distributed to advisory board me,�ers, project patticipants, and the media. All three collaborztors will also make the report available to zny interested pzrties. • X. Time: N/A XI. Cooperation: _ St. Paul - As project maager, Anne Weber will coordin2te the bi- -� monthly bil!ing Por completed work based on deliverzble oroducts and negotiate the zgreement with Che state. She will provide iaput oh work products, in addition to qua:te*ly neetinas with stz£i £_*om 19 a s -. = �5-i'�� Minneaoolis �nd CBB znd the zdvisory board to trzck orogress. The city wi12 grovide, -s needed, inpct £rom public works or other stzf£ on project workprodncts zs they develop. St. Pzul wili also supply a portion of the 512,000 reqvired matCh £or designing, printing, nai2ir.g educational materials. Hinneapolis - Minaezpolis staf£ Jody Polzin will play a role simi2ar to Anne's ia the project, with ttte ex.ceptioII o£ the billing responsibilities. Jody wi11 provide expertise on workproducts and neet on a quzrterly basis with collaborators znd the sdvisory board to trac:t nrocress. Min.^.e�?olis wi21 also supply its portion o£ the 512,000 required match `or designina, prir.ting, mailing edvcztionzl lI1dCEtld � 5. Gitizeas £or a Better Enviroa. (CBE) - Working closely with t2:e cities znd acvisory bcazd, Nir.nesota progrzm d+_=ector, Lisa Doerr, and N.ississ_pni River project coordinator, Emy *fiddletor., will sta£i this project :or C3E. As nroject coordinztor, ?.my will play the mzjor ro?e ia impler..enting the project. Lisa wi11 provide r.,enage^ent and tec7:aical oversieht. Sta££ t>-�e out into the �ro;ect 5y F.nne Weber as oroject manager end Jocy Polzia zs techa?ceZ senpo:t has �ot been vua,ti_ied at this ooir.t 5ecause i �»i:l be con�ted zs in-kind aad is r.ot �art o£ the LQ±R bucce.. The $?2,000 mztch com^,iitted for the oroject w±ll be io. paynent oi services. :owever� both cities wi11 treck staff time to orovice infornation to�otk:er pzrties intezested in che stz:fing recu-remeats oi s±:nil�r projects. CBE , A. Administr�tion S� H. Select Neighborhoods 9§ C. Survey cg '� D. Commcnity Organizing 34b E. Educational ?tzterials 268 F. Followup Survey 7$ XIZ. Feportinq Requirements: Semiannuzl six-ronth work�rocram vodate reports will be su'.�mitted not !ater than January 1, 2996, Jvly 1, 1996, January 1, 1997, and a£inal six-month workorocram update znd f:nzl zeport by June 30, 199�. . 20 a R e 95-7�9 XII7. Rewired attachments: 1. Quali£ica[ions Anne Weber City of St. Paul, Department of Public works Civil Engineer �.nne is the civil engir.eer respoasible '_or Zevelopinq St. ?znl`s M.L`RSC=Dd� Storm hater Dischzrye pernit, w:�ich is recuired under the federzl C?ez� Water P.ct. TSe nermitting process _nvo?ves to-ipletiag a two nart nrocess, ?art 1 inc?uced resezrching existiag 1ega1 zuthority, w�ter quality cztz, aad storm wzter mznzcerent progrzms. Watershed mapgir,g zad conductiag a field screening p-ogrzm £or illicit c_sc'r.arces were zlso included. Part 2°ocv�ed on storm wzter quality mo:�icoting znd ceveloping a storm wzter maazoe�ent procrzn ior t?�e �er�it. St. ?zul received its permit £*_om the i;innesota Bollut`_on Co�trol T,cency in Mzy i999. Jody Polzin City o£ N.inne2polis, Department o£ Public works Enqineer II Jocy hzs been assicned s_nce October, i490 to Ni^r.eanolis' Sewer Des±gn Section as an e�eineer II. Respons�bilities include reports, desicn, ar.d the planr,:,g oi pTOjec�s to improve the quality o: stor�wzter ru,off. ?rimery projects incicde: * Plznaing, budgetina, �nd repocts reouired to meet the liS cnvironmental Protection Agency's stormwater Tegulations� * Providing technical zssis:ance as needed £or the Minneapolis Cha±n o£ Lakes Clean Wzter ?artnership ?. * Stz`.Eing the Mianeapo2is v:�ter Quality citizer.s :+dvisory Com��ittee; and x Assisting stafE on otheY projects such as Combined Sewer OverElow. Lajor reports avthored or co-autY.ored since 1990 include: * N,inneapolis Stormwater Dischzrce hP�c.S Pe:mit F.pplication, Nove;.uer, 1991� * Mi;:neapolis Stormwater �ischzrge r?DF.S ?ermit Application, Nocer.�beY, 1992; znd * Minneapolis C?�a_n of Lzkes Clean Water Pzrtnership Project, ImpleTentation Aeport, October, 1993 21 � R g5- ��� Lisa Doerr Citizens £or a Better Enviromaent (CBS) Minnesota ProgLam Director Lisa joined CB� in Jur.e, 1990 a£ter serving £or three years zs peblic outzesch direc�or for the N,innesota Public Interest Research Group (MPS3G). She hcs overseen extensive ca.�vrcvnity oraanizing work by CB% t7:rovohout t'�e 3win Cities znd Greater M_nnesota. Lisa has also done legislztive and legal work on a wine vzriety o£ issees. �ecent zccompL•'sh�ents inclace: � Heloing to organize the ?±ississ=pni Corridor Neighborhood Cozlition znd comn±le zn ?nviroaaental ?r.ventorV oi the area; *:.vthoring the 1993 report, Get To Rr.ow Yovr Z,ocal Pollvter; P=o£iles o£ Minne<_ota's Too 40 Toxic Pollcters; * Writir,g �nd passiag legislation c:eating the nation's £irst state-ren comrun?ty assistance proaram on pollution pzever.tion; and * Helo3ng ihe N,etropolitan Fzete Control Commis_ion estzblish a oollutio� �reveatzon oroerzm within its i.dustrizl cisc'r,zrger perrit syste�, y Fany Dtiddleton Citizens £or a Better Envirovoent (CBE) liississippi River Project Coordinator A,r,y worked at C's� ior two years between 1987 to i989 ar,d �oined ovr st�ii again in Ja.^.va.-y, 2993 coorcinztir.g our Mississi�oi 3iver Project. Sbe specizlizes i� orovidinq technical support to river co:nmenities _ron P.no'sa to Winoaz, Minnesota zs oart oi C3E's Good reiahbor projecL. She has a Bachelor o£ Science degree in L�nd znd W�ter Har,zger,�ent :rom Michicza State u»versity. Recent zccomp2ish;ner,ts inclace: Aethoring a report, irom Point to ?:onooir.t: ?roiectina the ?:ississiooi Ai�er's Pnture, a review o£ Clezn F�zter Act co�p2iance by a11 0£ the N,ississippi Hiver point polluters iron N:nr.eatio2is to t;�e 7;eacw��ters; * Coordinating _npnt from local communities and environmentzl c.-oups oa the n�nagement plzn o£ the ?dissis=ipni National River and Recreational Area; and * Pvblishing a reoort, Mississiooi �iver: A mzrnished ?=esent a;.d UncerLZin Futvre, cocvmenTing ioxic m�ss loadir.gs to the river in the Twin Cities. 22