D94-038CITY OF SAINT PAUL � • r� L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, No: ��� - Q3H 2- ►i - Date: _Ja�at�-?,8. 1994 WHEREAS, as directed by Council Resolution #93-733 approved on June 3, 1993, a task force representing members of the Police Department and the East Side Community, after determining the needs and priorities for an East Team police station, evaluated the proposals submitted and recommended the City purchase the building located at 722 Payne Avenue, known as the former Hanmis Garage; and WHEREAS, the Council has e�ressed an interest in the building located at 801 East Seventh 5treet, lrnown as the former Mercedes Benz dealership, which the task force also rated highly; and WHEREAS, the Council will require additional information about the two above mentioned buildings before maldng a final determination; THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials engage a registered real estate appraiser to conduct appraisals on the above mentioned buiidings for the purpose providing to the Council a11 relevant information. APPROVED AS TO FORM �� 6T(s �l�4�Itit.•��-- sistant City Attorney Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor �� � l � � � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �qy-o� APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT NO. 296 DATE: .Tanuar�31. 1994 FIN. DEPT. FILE NO. PROJECT: East Team Communitv Policing Station AUTFIOTLITY• A.O. FUND: 001-0400-0219-04001 Yon are hereby reqnested to condnct appraisals of certain real estate parcels located at: 801 East Seventh Street - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 said parcels being designated as follows: Lots 1 through 4, Block 2, of Shurmeier's Seventh Street Addition; and Vacated Beech Street accruing and Lots 1 and 2; and the southerly 15 feet of Vacated Beech Street accruing and the easterly 15 feet and the southerly 71 feet of � lot 3; and the southerly 71 feet of the easterly 35 feet of Lot 4; and the easterly 35 feet of Lot ll; and I.ots 12,13 and 14; Block 2, Officer's Rearrangement of Lots 12, 21 and 22, Warren's Garden Lots. I. On or before 19_, you will furnish to the Real Estate Division of the City of Saint Paul 3 copies of your appraisal report for each of the above listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division appraisal specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto. Failure to provide documentation in accordance with these specifications will require resubmittal to the appraiser for further support at no additional cost to the City of Saint Paal. II. On receipt of your itemized invoices in duplicate and the satisfactory completion of this assignment you will be paid the sum of Three Thousand Dollars . 3 000.00 or on the following basis: � III. Upon your written request after personal investigation of the properties to be appraised, the City will consider adjustment of fees to be paid. Appraisal Assignment page 2 • (�rr2) IV. In the event that before completion of this assignment, the City determines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportionate ratio of the foregoing basis. V. In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the assignment, you will be required to support your appraisal in such proceedings at a rate of $ per hour for pretrial preparation and court testimony. Enclosares: Legal Descriptions Right-of-Way or Condemnation Plan Parcel Sketches Land Data Building Sketches Building Data Ownership �ansfer Information Miscellaneous Data � Execntion by the following parties shall constitnte acceptance of the terms and conditions of tlus contract: Approved as to Funding Director, Department of Finance & Management Services Real Estate Division Manager Aceepted: Date• � Date: Appraiser � � CITY OF SAINT PAITI. Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 74y -o3g APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT NO. 295 DATE: .Tanuary 31, 1994 FIN. DEPT. FILE PROJECT: East Team Communitv Policing Station AUTHORITY: A.O. FUND: 001-0400-0219-04001 Yon are hereby reqnested to condnct appraisals of certain real estate parcels located at: 722 Payne Avenue - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 said parcels being designated as follows: Lots 3 through 7 and Lots 13 through 20, Block 1, Defranchey's Division. . I. On or before . 19� you will furnish to the Real Estate Division of the City of Saint Paul 3 copies of your appraisal report for each of the above listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division appraisal specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto. Failure to provide documentation in accordance with these specifications will require resubmittal to the appraiser for further support at no additional cost to the City of Saint Paul. II. On receipt of your itemized invoices in duplicate and the satisfactory completion of this assignment you will be paid the sum of Three Thousnad Dollars 3 000.00 or on the following basis: IIL Upon your written request after personal investigation of the properties to be appraised, the City will consider adjustment of fees to be paid. • IV. In the event that before completion of this assignment, the City determines that such appraisais are not required, payment will be made on a proportionate ratio of the foregoing basis. Appraisal Assignment Page 2 � <�rrl) V. In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the assignment, you will be required to support your appraisal in such proceedings at a rate of $ per hour for pretrial preparation and court testimony. Enclosares: Legal Descriptions Right-of-Way or Condemnation Pian Parcel Sketches Land Data Building Sketches Building Data Ownership 1Yansfer Information Miscellaneous Data Execntion by the following parties shall constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions pf this contract: � Approved as to Funding Director, Aepartment of Finance & Management Services Reai Estate Division Manager Accepted: Date• Date• Date: • Appraiser Finance 6�anaqement services Date 1/31/94 Green Sheet Nnmber: 2651 FPAKI'hffi�ll' DIIiRCI'OR ClTSC COUNCQ. Pe�on and PLone Num6et m 2 Cd1Y ATPORNEY ✓ 3 QERK ve Nelson �� 266-8850 �� �� DIRF.CDDR 1 _& MGP. SVG DIIL 4 YOR(ORASS7S1:AN1) 5 ES"GITEDIVISION ������: `� '� R�CEI�/E� # OF SIGNAT[JRL� PAGFS 1 (QIP AIL IACATIONS FOH SI(iNA1VRE) CiTON RHQUL�S"lED: ,���'� ������� o authorize the Real Estate Division to contract for appraisals of the two faci ities that eive e 'ghest evaluation from the task force for replacing the East Team Police Station. eference: 1. Administrative Order authorizing the appraisals; 2. Copy of contract for appraisal of 722 ayne Avenne; 3. Copy of contract for appraisal of 801 East Seventh Street. RE�lMENDATIONS: MPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) PERSONALSERVICECONi'RACISMUS"1'ANSWSRTIIEFOId,OWING PLpNNING COlM[SSIOM _ STAFF 1. Has the peaon/5xm ever worked mder a mntrect for this department? YES N C[VIL SERV[CE CqM _ 2 H� t6is peson/5[m ever beea a 6ty employee? Yf?S N C[B COIMITTEE _ 3_ �� peison/6tm posust a skr71 mt no:mally posussed by any SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? ��otCityemployee? YES N UNCII. WARD(S7: 7 ard 6 , �Plaia all Yf?S ams�veis oa a separete shcet and attacb. INC17A G PROBI.E?M, ISSUP., OPPORTUN[lY o, What, When, Wheie, WhYx ncil Resolution #93-733, approved on June 3, 1993 authorized a search for a facility to replace the ast Team Police Station, which is inadequate for its purpose. VANlAGPSIP O C�,e,�o�o �Ge e�, in order to determine the most appropriate proposal to repiace the East Team Station, will ave access to more complete information about the two facilities that received the highest evaluations by he task force. �EC�ov�� ����sv�� R���`i�/E� 1.SADVANI'AGES IFAPPROVED: F�� 11 1 ��:r� � 1894 �� C� 1994 �.x�.a . NfA �,�� �r� � � o��gc� �F ��� �=,k�ero� � . �Q�g�� .��F n . � f tr n�nvnxrn�ES m rroz nrrxoveu: ��� ;�f4hA,GEME�17 S�RVlC�S e Council will make its determination without the benefit of all available information. otal Amount of TYansaction $6,000.00 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO nding Source 001-0400-0219-04001 Activity Number inancial Information: (E�lain) C] �