95-76Council File # �1p Green Sheet # 3 � �3� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 PreSented Re£erred To RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COmmittee: Date � WHEREAS, the Twin Cities region has been allocated Transportation Ei�ancement Program (TEP) funds and Bridge Improvement and Replacement (BIR) funds under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA); and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council is soliciting projects or programs to be funded under TEP and the Mimiesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is soliciting projects for funding through Bridge Improvement and Repiacement funds; and WHEREAS, this solicitation will awazd Federal funds £or projects or programs for Federal Fiscal Years 1998 or 1999; and WHEREAS, all submittals must be received by 5:00 P.M., Friday, February 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, projects approved for ISTEA funding will require the submitting agency to provide a local match of at least twenty percent; and / WHEREAS, the Departments of Public Works, Planning and Economic Development, and Pazks and Recreation staff have reviewed the qualifying and ranking criteria for the TEP and BIR programs, and based on the qualifying criteria, city programs, plans and needs, submit the following project or programs for submittal to the Metropolitan Council or MnDOT for review, rating and recommendation for ISTEA funding: Como Avenue Bikeway Project •Signed and striped bike lanes connecting the University of Minnesota Transitway, the Ramsey County West Trail/Lexington Avenue bikeway, the Munger Trail and the Stuninit Avenue bikeway. Mississippi River Trail--Warner Rosd Segment •Off-road bicycle and pedestrian trail to bridge a major gap between Childs and Fish Hatchery Roads in the continuous trail system along the Mississippi River. Mississippi River Trail--Shepard Road Segment •Off-street bicycle and pedestrian trail between Chestnut and Randolph on right-of-way abandoned by a rebuilt Shepazd Road. Como Park Streetcar Station Renovation •Refurbisl�ment of historic pazk shucture. 44 45 46 4? 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Earl Street Bridge Replacement •Replace deficient bridge over raikoad in Phalen Corridor. Edgerton Street Bridge Replacement •Replace damaged and deficient bridge over railroad in Phalen Corridor. Wabasha Bridge Enhancements � 5 - �1�• •Provide pedestrian connections to Navy and Harriet Islands from the new Wabasha Bridge. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council has reviewed the proposed project or programs and approves that they be submitted to the Metropolitan Council and MnDOT for review and possible funding. Requested by Department of: Public Works Adopted by Council: Date Adopt' Certified by Cou: By: c� . Approved by c�r ate By: Secretary / BY' J � ! �-Et�( / � ; Form Approved by City Attorney �S-7� o�A��,������ DATE INITIqTED 31239 �,bi�cwo�s v��ss GREEN SHEET No. iN a'rE wmama CONTAC�PEqSON&PFqNE �q-pp(�EMDIRECTOFi 4 CENCOUNqL Gameth Peterson 266-6569 W , �" � C(TYATTOflNEY �CITYCLERK MUSLBEONCOUHCILyfaQ�ppg\'(ppTq � pUpGETp�pEC70F aFIN.BM VICESDIR 1-25-95 �MAVOR (OR ASSISTMti) ❑ �-n-S t TOTAL 40F SIGNATURE PAGES {CLiP ALL LOCATIOTIS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTKNI HEWESTED Approval of the attached Councii Resolution to approve projects for submittai to the Metropolitan Councii and MnDOT for review, rffiing and possible ISTEA funding. Pk`AMMENDATroNS:Appm�e(iyn�eject(1� CWNCILCOMMITTEFJpESEApCMREPORT(OPTIONAy _PLPNNINGWMMiSSI�ti _CM4SERVICEWMMiSS10N aNALYST , PHONEN�. _C�BCOMMI7'TEE _ A STAFF _ COMMENTS _DISTHICTCOUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBIECTNE? INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The Twin Gities regian has been allocated funding for Federal Fiscal years 1998 and 1999 under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). The City of Sairrt Paul has ideMified seven projects eligible for funding. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Cdy of Saint Paui would receive Federal funding for projeets necessary for community transportation access and safety. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: None known or iorseen. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: The City of Saint Paul would miss ihe opportunity io receive Federaf funding for needed transportation improvemerns. �� °aF'ia �;�v�,,<r� �., � v �_ , u� .�:�. �:���� �� � � �� TOTAI AMOUM OF THANSACTION S NOfI@ 8t tIIIS tIiT1Q. COST/HEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUNCE N�A pCRVffYNUMBER FINANC�AL MFORMATION:lEXPLAIM