D94-035CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE 1VIAYOR • ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: iJ'1� -�� Date: �+ 1 - 7 �s #: 23580 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the reques[ ofi the Diredor of the Department ofi Public Works to amend the 19 93 budget of the Lighling Assessment Districts fund, the Direc[w of the Department of Finance and ManagemeM Services is authorized to arnend said budget in the following manner: Current Artiended &dcjet Charge Bud,7et 231 - 32303 - 0279 231 - 32303 - 0371 231 - 32309 - 0279 231 - 32309 - 0371 Other-Repair & Maintenance E12cEric;ty Other-Repair & Maintenance Electricity Totals $17,400.00 $8,800.00 $5,915.00 $1,960.00 $34,075.00 ($7��.��� $700.00 ($50.00) $50.00 $0.00 $16,700.00 $9,500.00 $5,865.00 $2,010.00 $34,075.00 Transfer spending authority within activities of the Lighting Maintenance Assessment Districts to allow for accurate recording of expenditures. • '�/ // ,. _.J; ,, � .� . / . I Cr ,- � � :v - .. . , „ -����- ��1� - ; -�ovad By: Maya �� at.t•9� � �� _ ,. . _ .. � AR1MCy^1T(OFFICFJCAUNCIL A7EINITIATED V `� -03�.. . A.�u�w� �zn,�ros GREEN SHEET o. PFAS�N8PNON�,. ., INIiIAL/D , ., . 41frWL�DA' �p� �� ., .: . ,� oernanaEaroiaECiai'�/ . fl. crMCOUHCa (7�6n Maczko, 489 8871 'VL"' �` Hu� wn ❑ cm nnorurEr � cm c�wc, �MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA7� HOU7ING �5 BUDGETDIRECT �j FiN8MGT.5EfiVICE . . . . � � MAYOR(OR ASSIS7ANTI Q p�dY�Mawger . ALSOFSIGNATUREPAGES � (WPALLlACA710lISWRSIC�fATOliq QSENqRMGFL QDEPAfl7M NT ACTqN RE�UES7ED ' ' ' . Approve transfer of spending authoriry within activiaes of the Lighting Maintenance Assessment Disaicts Fund, to liue items where spend'mg is projected to occ� befoie the end of 1993 (FordlCleveland District - 32303 and Wabasha Sth to 6th - 32309). qECOMMENOA710lS�Jlpqrne (Ip tt RejaC (F� _ PUWMNGCOMMISSION _�K SERVICE COMMISSION- CIB COMMfFTEE _ A STAFF _ DIS7RICTCOUNCIL , �. . . . . . SUPPoRTS WHICHCOUNCILOB.I�TNE? PE(iSONAI SEHVICE CONTIiACIS YUST ANSWER THE WLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has thispersa✓firtn ever warked under a contract for this departrnent? � YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee? .. YES.. NO . . _ _ . 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO E�lalo all yes answars on sepanta sheel and attaeh to green sheet , INITIATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPPOFi7UNf(Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE. WFIV): . , Since the 1993 budget was adopted, changes have occurred for which a revision of spending authoriry is necessary. These needs should be addressed by arnending, the 1993 budget of the Ford/Cleveland and Wabasha Sth to 6th Lighting Maintenance Assessment Disaicts. (Elechicity charges aze slightly higher than anficipated). `,:.; �t , �. ADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED: , , .. .. . . The 1993 work pzogram can be carri@d out within the approved budget, � � , ,+ � „' . x;,., �� . ;.; - %���(.'= DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEQi � ' ��,�. None. Objects transferring spending authoriry unll end the qear with balances. ; �. �, ;..; � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � The Departrnent of Public Works risks violating City Charter Chapter 10.10. JAN 41994 Depf. of Pablic Wor�cs i�affic Operations� JkN 1 8 19g4 8UD6ET QFFICE LAMWNTOFTHANSACTIONS �NetO(1f1 COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES � ' DINGSOURCE FxisKng halancec ACTMTYNUMBEH 32303-0279 and 32309-0279 ' a� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � This adminictrative order does not increase the overall budget Moving budget from Services to Materials will allow spending to occui in the ;' appropriate line�item, thus accu'tnulating accurate cost infoanation for ihe FordlCleveland and Wabasha 5[h [o bth Maintenance Assessmen[ DistdcEs " ��. on ttie City finance computer. �� � � � � " � � � � ` � �� ." . . - . , . . . .. , . � � � � . � C�:. ,. . . . , � . .. . � � � � .. i �� FEB - � 1994 CITY C�LERi�