95-745S �/ a ' Council File #__ L�___�_�� , v.�S� �'�'�..'� c...r ` �� c � S , Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Presented Sy WHEREAS, Selby Avenue is a critical arterial seroing and uniting several communities within Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, Selby Avenue is chazacterized by mixed land uses including commercial, residential, institutional, social service and industrial, and WHEREAS, the 1989 Seiby Avenue Plan and 1993 Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan reiterate the importance of developing and maintaining a vibrant Selby Avenue; and WHEREAS, over the last decade development progress has been achieved on Selby Avenue but there sti11 remains vacant and underutilized property that could undermine the Avenue's stability and vitality, and WHEREAS, several residents, organizations and businesses that own land and buildings along Selby Avenue are at a critical point in planning for future development and investments, and WHEREAS, a£ramework is needed to bring the actors together and to plan jointly for future land use development, zoning changes and public/private investment along the avenue; NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby initiates a zoning study for the Selby Avenue area between Hamline Avenue and Virginia Street (designated on the attached map) to update the previous small area plans with regazd to Selby Avenue; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the plan include recommendations as to the appropriate mix of future Jand uses and zoning changes to insure the stability and vitality of Selby Avenue; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul City Council requests the Lexington Hamline Community Council and the Summit University Planning Council establish a neighborhood-based task force, co-chaired by a Planning Commission member and an neighborhood representafive, with balanced representation from at least the following groups: Lexington Hamline Community Council, Summit University Planning Council, the 5elby Area Comznunity Development Corporation, the Cathedral Hill Business Association, area business owners and residents; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the task force will wark with the Plann3ng Commission to update the small area plans and zoning; and BE IT FIlVALLY RESOLVED that the task force prepare the small azea plan and 40-acre zoning study far adoption by the Planning Conunission and City Council. RESOLiTTION INITIATING SELBY AVENUE SMALL AREA PLAN AND 40-ACRE ZONING STUDX � S-'1�15 Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Development � Adopted by Council: Date 5 Form Approved by City Attomey � By: Approve ayor for Submission to Council Adopti Certified by Council Se2iretary BY: �� Approved Mayo � D t�/ 7`� B . y ` ' � �.._ _ By: 9s �� DEPARiMENT70FFICE/COUNCiL DATEINITIAT£D GREEN SHEET � �� O �� City Council '7/5/95 CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUOATE INRIAVDATE ICf[f' B18ICCy 2GG-S6IO O DEPAATMENT DIfiECTaR � qTY CAUNdI ASSIGN � CITY ATTORNEY � CfTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(OATE) qOUTING O BUDGETDIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. OPDEB � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N qEQUESTED: The initiation of a zoning study to update previous small area plans on and around Selby Avenue with a request by the Counc$ t6at the applicable cowmnnity counciLs se[ up a neighborhood-besed task force to assist in ihe updating. RECqMMENDni10NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERS�NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personttirm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ 1'ES NO _ SrAFF 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a cAy employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RICTCOUBr _ 3. Does this personHirm possess a skdl not normally pOSSessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCI� O&1ECTIVE? YES NO Explein sll yes answers on sepereta sheet and sttech to graen sheet INITIqTING PROBIEM, I55UE, OPPOR7UNItY (Wtw, What, Wh¢n, Where, Why)' To assist resid�nts and businesses owning land along Selby Avenue in coming together to plan for future development and investments as the Avenue contains mixed uses. ADVANTAGES'IF APPPOVED� Residents, organizations, and business owners would be able to see what uses would be best for the tnajoriry of home and business owners. DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVED � None. � JUL 45 1995 ------, �_-- --- � DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Selby Avenue may never realize its fiill potential socially aad economically. TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUACE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FMANCIA� INFORMATION. (EXPl0.1N) �1S-?y5 SELBY AVENUB SMALL AREA PLAN AND 40-ACRE STUDY AREA HAMLINE AVE\TUE TO VIRGII3IA STREET Hamline Avenue to Lexington Parkway section v1 f N �� iCOb:;'GO`�r�����OO'C� Oi�O���IQ. G1J��.000'O � 0�00.���0�0��0�0 tOC�O �'� OOOJOO�� � G � � � � � �i �' � I � ! � � i�i i p' O� �_�_��__� � i_' _!_1 q. ' � '� � � ;; j, i I �- �, �'i � ���,e .S7 f ' ' �.: x � ci'�i�?��c°�°�ccC,°�co - o`�� j`j�,�i°i°;o'o4 °�°�o,0���40.,,��o � s�b�0000'0,006o.a' ' a � � o SELBY .Q op � � ' l � i . : � � i i l ' 'r'o�c�ao�,Q C� �' ; �0.00�0i�i�too a ef.. � � o� � �� cD ' � boAC �O•o't 0 ° o i 000 a 'OGG O'O � � I i i � o� ��'l I�;�. �; � � � ;, � i I i I i� � ,; �i �� I I; � i o � � ,�I�!!; '�j ,I � �i�ll! i I �i!�� D;I;j�j o I ;I I 00000;o'co'o�Q�oo_o 0;4 0•0',0�,o�;o�eo,000;¢ o�qo;000.0000b'o'.o�� : 000,odcoo,o�o o a ,, _ I�„�� — � ��� � �i I Lex ington Par kway to Pisk Street Section DAYTON A�=. �4'ooa.0000� o� a00000.,: ��4� ��¢o�� �o 00 0000� �o4qoQ�o 0 3�II I¢ I °�I��III ; ��1 i¢ 11� � i � tl • :� � O �Ip�i¢ � �° v v � t � V vv �O�00�vI0'00 � O.� • v. OOO,O � v p�0�• I C , • I a SELBY �, Q AVE. 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Referred To Council File # 7S'� T� Green Sheet # .�7t%� �� / l� Date 1 RESOLUTION INIT7ATING SELBY AVENUE SMALL PLAN 2 AND 40.ACRE ZONING STUDY 3 WI�REAS, Selby Avenue is a critical arterial serving and uniting sev communities within Saint Paul; and 4 WHEREAS, Selby Avenue is characterized by mixed land ses, including commercial, residential, 5 institutional, social service and industrial; and 6 WHEREAS, the 1989 Selby Avenue Plan and 1993 7 importance of developing and maintaining a vibrant Selby Av< 8 WHEREAS, over the last decade development 9 remains vacant and underutilized properiy that could u 10 Wf�REAS, several resideirts, organizations and }�sinesses that own land and buildings along 5elby Avenue 11 are at a critical point in planning for future developm�fit and investments; and 12 WHEREAS, a framework is needed to b g the actors together and to plan jointly for future land use 13 development, zoning changes and publiciprivat vestment along the avenue; 14 NOW, Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESO D, that the 5aint Paul City Council hereby initiates a zoning study 15 for the area designated on the attached m to update the previous small area plans with regard to Selby Avenue; 16 and ����e;;� r'.; t �w' i s v, :`� RESOLUTION ��lT PAUL, MlNNESOTA and E3amline Small Area Plan reiterate the has been achieved on Selby Avenue but there still the Avenue's stability and vitality; and 17 BE TT Fi7RTF�R RESOLVF�, that the plan include recommendations as to the appropriate mix oF future 18 land uses and zoning changes to in�9{ire the stability and vitality of Selby Avenue; and 19 20 21 22 23 24 BE TT FURTHEF Council attd the Sumxnit Planning Commission m following groups: Lexin; Community Development and / >Qri,VED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests the Lexixgton fIamline Com:munity �rstty Pla nning Council establish a neighborhood-based task force, co-chaired by a ;r and a neighborhood representative, with balanced representation from at least the Hamline Community Council, Summit University Planning Council, the Selby Area �oratioq the Cathedral I�ill Business Association, area business owners and residexrts; 25 BE TT RESOLVED, that the task force will work with the Planning Commission to update the 26 small area plans d zoning; and 1 �S i BE IT FINALLY RESOLVID, that the task force prepare the small azea plan and 40-acre 2 adopfion by the Pianning Commission and City Council. / Requested by Deparhnent of Blakey Grimm Guerin F7anis Megard Ret�an Thune Adopted by Counci]( Date Adoption Certifi� by Counci BY� Approved by Mayor. Date B3'� Secretary � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � study £or