95-73Presented Referred To Council File � 9 5-'l 3 Green Sheet $ �� RESOLUTION � SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ; , Co[omittee: Date 1 2 3 a RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of s e the appointments, made by the Mayor, to the AFI�IRMATIVE ACTION � a ADVISORY CONIlVIITTEE: 9 10 ii APPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING iz is Melville Peter Middieton, Protected Class 12/31/98 14 is Vicky Ramirez, Labor Representative 12/31/98 16 i� Daniei Fleischhacker, Labor Representative 12l31/98 is i9 Alberto Quintela, Mayor's Office Representative 12/31/98 20 21 22 Requested by Department of: By: By: Appx Byc Form Approved by City Attorney _�4� �� � By: �—� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY �'��. �1� Adopted by Council: Date � ,� . `,\� �,� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q,s � ? 3 � °A i%1o%9s GREEN SHEET N� 2 o 49 S " CONTACT PERSON q, pHONE MITIAIIDATE INITIAL�ATE OEPARTMEMDIRE CITYCAUNCIL A1beTto Quintela� 266-8529 p551GN CRVATfORNEV �CIiYCLERK MUSTBE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) OUTINGFOR gUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MC�T. SERVICES DIR. ORDER � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIDN REQUESTED: . Appointment of the following people to the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee: Melville Peter Middleton, Vicky Ramirez, Daniel Fleischhacker, and Alberto Quintela. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appave (A) or Fleject (P) pERSONA4 SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUEST(ONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has this person/Firm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? __ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DISrRICT CoUaT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on separate sheet ana attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPqRTUNITY (Who, What. When, Wtrere, Why�: None. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED APPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING Me1vi11e Peter Middleton, Protected Class 12f31/98 Vicky Ramirez, Labor Representative 12/31/98 Daniel Fleisohhacker, Labor Rerpesentative 12/31/98 Alberto Quintela, Mayor`s Office Representative 12/31/98 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE� �w':;.Y �:.�.�<� - .� � b �� ��.-s�ff ��a . ��� �. s 1�� ..,_�.. . �;�.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (C�HCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i�s Name: Ci�l�'/ Home Address: Street Telephane Number: _ CHome Planning District Co�mcil: Prefersed Zfailing Address: Tdhat is pour ocaupation? _ Place�o£ Employment: % Co�ittee(s) Applied For; OFFZCE OF THE NAYOR 390 CITY �I,I, SAI2�IT PAIII„ MIPINESOTA 55102 266-8526 City 0 cttLr+rcu RS � r� 3 �EC 2 1 a�s� MAYQR'S �FFICE CAOrk) Z Z �— zG _ Citp Covncil Aard: CJ / ' / C� 6 • /'� Zip .,�/6 Z �/ � Z Ahat ski2ls/train3ng or eaperience do pou possess for the committee(s) for vhich appointmentT � � � 0 0 seek The informatioa incZuded in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. C Rev.4/21/93 Rame Addri � Phonec [Home) ` fWoZk) 23ame : Address �, �- � T � � � dti r✓ cJ � / ��(/� � �j Yhone: _ (Home) (Aork) � z � � ` 7�/ Name: �,�'/ �U�/� Addxess• ��� �.�//U �'7 Phone: CHome) '7ZJ(p � (Work) �� � l ZU �� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ' . .. , klave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, d circvmstances? � "_------ In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our commimity, piease check the line applicable to you. Thi.s information is strictly voluntaxy. �White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Is].ander American Ind3an or Alaskan Es&imo __�Hale _ _�' �/ Pemale Date of Birth: �� Disabled: Yes No ,� I£ special accommodations are aeeded, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? v.! .�� //(� �,��� �+ ,��"" .r �� Name SAINT N�lville (M. Peter) vi11YY VL' 1./iY tll�SVll 390 CITY HALL PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 266-8526 Peter Middleton ::�:.: S;`•;_�Y' NOV 10 �94 �S � /� Home Address: 916 Ha ����� �� � �� que Avenue Gt pa,� 55104 Street Citq Zip Telephone Number: _ (Homel 612-222-5694 [Work) 612-644-4312 Planning District Coimcil: »8 City Commcil Ward; _ #1 Preferred 2�aili.ng Address: P.O. Box 40155. St. Paul. MN 55104 4ihat is your�occupation? Consultant P1ace of Empiopment: Business On Lexington (a division of Compliance Consultants Ltd. Inc.} Co�ittee(s) Applied For: �fi��ve Action Advisory Council What skills/training or eaperience do pou possess for the committee(s) fo= vhich you seek appointmentT I have over twentv-five years experience assessina counseiincr and �nitorinq or 'zations' needs with reaard to civil riahts Mv experzence includes havina I'iad affirmative action duties in both the citv countv and state qoveizu�zt and uubiic and �rivate business and industrv. I hold a 3uris Doctorate in Iaw supported by aduate studies in Urban and Reqional Planning from the UniversitV of Iowa. The information included in this application is conside=ed p=ivate data acco=ding to the TSinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozmation is not released to the general public. (OPER} Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFEREPCES Hame: JernT Bla]cey, Council Member , � s ��` Address: Office of City Co2mcil. Suite 3I0�� Hall St_ Paul. M[d •,. :.��- .. :. � Name: Attorney Reynaud FIarp Address_ Fisst National F3arilc. Svite G- 1401, 332 Minnesota Stree�, St_ Paul. MN 55101 Phone: CHome) CAorkZ 672-225-R104 Name: Charlie Wriaht Address: 956 Prosr�sity Avenue, St. Pavl, MN SS1Q6 Phor.e: fHome) (�Tork) 612-776-6873 Reasons fo= your interest iu this part3cvlar co�i,ttee My keen interest in civil rights law. Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee fox vhich yoa a=e making application. If so, when, and circvmstances? I���i Tn an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly volvntary. White (Caucasian) �_ Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� Male Female Disabled: Yes No X Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or PaciPic Islander Apri1 17, 1946 If special accoffiodations are needed, please speci£y. How did you hear about this opening7 R'Ix'S• pamela Kelly d Ulj . �'Px�C � .... rr-a� iiy.yVL f .VL 95-�3 OFFICE QI� T$E MAXOR 340 CITY HALL BAINT pAUL� 2i2NNE80TA 55102 . 266-8526 N�e: Vl��y Ilam►re Homa Address• � � � 3 0 Street �a.Sha y � � City Telephone Number: Hom C2� 1�Q Ylanning District Crnmci2: � Yreferred Mailing Address: _� Y Y �� S[ S�G � Ghat is your occupat�onT _�•IWf� GI(1 I Placn'o# Pmgloymea�t: Committee(s) Applied Z�i 2' Cl�� � � City Covncil Oard: 5y joZ ----� Zip Ghat sY.ills/trsiaing or nzperieace do you possess £ar tha commitcea(s� #or vhich pou seek appointment? _;..-_ � �'f_l �i1r I n v .�YDG t� , ,� � v .�.c � � n r � _ ,. _ . The in£ormat3on 3acluded�3n this applitatian is consi8ered psivate data according to tAe liinnesota Govezaient Data pzac[ices Act. As a zesu2t, this in£ormation is not reieascd to the geaeral public. • , (OpER) ' Rev.9/21/93 ... ....... . , . .. PERSUNAL AEF�NCES !` he,,, � 1 r� � Rnn,irn Add=ess : _� 'Y 4th St q, 5 � 73 ao ctt�+ Fhoae: fBome) fAork) 2 - r 'V Yt 4 •----�_ x��: �IG��e �atSc�{�c aaa=ess• 23 �1� rnono: rxome� rvo=x� Zt.tf.r t,�5 Iol x�,e: �tr �IAhI Address• 2 � If Yhone• tHome) (work) 2 '"� 2 u J�.F Ressons for pour iaterest Sn this particular co�mittee: �-f'If � f-�2.P�f IT l� � L�J 8ave pou had previous contact vith tha eo�f,ttae for vhich you are msking apglicaeion. If so, whea, and eircumatances7 In an attempt to ensure that noa�ittee zepresentation refl¢cts ehe mskeup of ou= co�mmity, please check the lir�e applitable to qou. This information is strietly volr.v�tazy _ Vhite (Cavcasian) � Hispanic Biaek (Afr3ean Amezican) Asian or Pacific Is2ander Am¢rican Xndiaa or Alaskan Fskimo � ��6 3 Female Data oF S#zth: '� ���Q Dissbled: Yes No `� Zf special acco�odations aze needed, pleasa spee4fy. Hov.did you bear about thia opealAg7 .�— � � 9 5 -� �7 3 Irrterdepartmerrtal Memorandum ��c•����. �rr� TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Council President Dave Thune CounCilmember JaniCe Rettman Couacilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino GueTin Alberto Quintela 4•�� Jean Karpe ��,� January 1�95 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended following people to the Affirmative Committee: APPOINTMENTS the appointment of the Action Advisory TERM ESPIRING Melville Peter Middleton, Protected Class 12/31/98 Vicky Ramirez, Labor Representative 12/31f98 Daniel Fleischhacker, Labor Representative 12/31/98 Alberto Quintela, Mayor's Office Rep. 12/31/98 Attached are copies of the applications for these new members. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8529. Thank you. �