95-722Q�I�!��' �'��- �F�# 9s�a� C�Sheet# 30504 � ..i►Y ' � 1 ��11►I�I , � �c�as Referred To �� Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has a grant with the Minnesota Department of Education to provide social work services to children uprooted during F.O.R.C.E. drug raids; and WHEREAS, on-calf time needs to be covered Sundays between 3:00 P.M. and Midnight to provide social services to children following a F.O.R.C.E. drug raid including transportation to Children's Hospital for exams followed by placement in a Ramsey County shelter home; and WHEREAS, staff from Ramsey County Child Protection, Saint Paul Police F.O.R.C.E. Unit and HouseCalls work with complicated and chaotic families; and WHEREAS, training would be beneficial to staff working with F.O.R.C.E. families; and WHEREAS, under the grant with the Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, Minnesota Department of Public Safety these services would be available; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. ea�� Grimm Guenn Hams Me az ettman Thune Adopted by Adoption 'fied by B y : - -�2 Y� Navs Absent — — ` i � � � — �` — � � Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Public Health BY� / ILl1aN �T�--� Fo Approve l b��t r�g r BY� ��'G :S =a ftS1 Appro�b� ayor ubmission Council By: 9� �aa- V DEPARTMENT/OFFIC UNCIL pATE INIT�ATED N� 3 0�5 0 4 Pub��� Aealth 5124/95 GREEN SHEET _ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INIT AVDAT INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENT OIRE CJ � CRY CAUNC�L Diane Holmgren 292-7712 ���N RYAITORNEY �CRVCLEFK NUYBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�N� BUDGET OIRECTOR Q FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIq. ORDER �Mpypp(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UESTED: Council Resolution to allow City signatures on a contract between the City of Saint Paul acting through Saint Paul Public Health and Minnesota Department of Public Safety. fiECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINC� CpMMi$SION _ CIVIL SEFiVICE CAMMISSION �- Has this personifirm ever worked under a contrect for Mis department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO — S7AFF ����s personffirm ever 6een a city employee? — YES NO — DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOpTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet end atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (VJho. Whaq When, Whare, Why�: � Saint Pau1 Public Health through a grant with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, provides social services to children uprooted during F.O.R.C.E. raids in Saint Paul. A chil advocate will be added to provide on-call F.O.R.C.E. services on Sunday from 3:00 P.M. - Midnight. Training will be provided to Child Protection, Police and HouseCalls staff involved with F.O.R.C.E. families. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' A social service worker will be available for F.O.R.C.E. on-call Sundays from 3:00 P.M. - Midnight. ' A social service worker with adequat ing will be available to assist children after the trauma of a F.O.R.C.E. raid. �������g� , _,: RECENED DISADVANTAGES IPAPPROVED: � NoNE �UN 22 3995 BUDGEi �,�� ;�;���,'������:'� �It4� �5 1995 C�TY ATT E� �ISAOVANTAGES lF NOT APPROVED: ' No on-call coverage by a social service worker on Sundays for children involved in F.O.R.C.E, raids. ° Less training opportunities for staff involved with very complicated and chaotic families. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ S, OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � NO FUNDIHG SOURCE Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety pC71VITVNUMBER 33255 FINANCIAL INPORMATION: (EXPLAIN) qs- �a a� STATE OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT FFY 95 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH Tran. No. FY Acct. I.D. Org. Seq. No. Vendor No. Type Terms 95 526558 07013 59032 066001007 V Cost Code 5 C.CD. 1 C.CD.2 C.CD.3 Cost Code 4 ;4mount: 55,000.00 Suffix: 01 Object: 724 Type of Transaction A40 X A41_ Date No. Entered By: 051295 09280 JW A44 A45 A46 Date No. Entered 8y: THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, (hereinafter called the ODPVP), and CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH, 555 CEDAR STREET, ST. PAUL, MN 55101 (hereinafter calied GRANTEE), witnesseth that: WHEREAS, the Governor has designated the ODPVP as the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.35 for Community Crime Reduc4ion Program Grants; and WHEREAS, the ODPVP is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.30 to make contracts from state funds to qualified applicants; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE is: _ a nonprofit organization X a public agency (city, county, township, ECSU) tribal government and is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specified in Attachment 7; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment NOW, THEREFORE, the ODPVP and GRANTEE agree as fofiows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEE wiil carry out those tasks described in its application for grant funds (Attachment 1) which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. 299A.35 qs �a� II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A. Consideration for ail services performed and goods or materials supplied by the ODPVP as foliows. 1. Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, which is incorporated into and made part of Agreement. (Attachment 2). 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE's performance of this agreement will be paid provided that the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for Vavei and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amount than provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan' promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations and GRANTEE will only be reimbursed for travel and subsistence outside the State of Minnesota if it has received prior written approval for such out of state travel from the ODPVP. The total obligation of the ODPVP for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shail nat exceed S5,000.00. B. Terms of Payment. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by the ODPVP QUARTERLY, on a QUARTERLY cost reimbursement basis. 2. Payments shall be made by the ODPVP promptly after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services performed. 3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount not to exceed 25% of the total ODPVP obligation, as determined necessary for execution of GRANTEE obligations. 4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budget categories and submitted on a QUARTERLY basis and within 20 days of the end of the reporting period. 5. Payments are to be made from State funds obtained by the ODPVP through the Community Crime Reduction Program authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.35, if at any time such funds become unavailable, this agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the ODPVP to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be e�titled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed for which such state funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the ODPVP. 6. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds ailocated for this project according to the attached project budget. The GRANTEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation of 70% or more between the allowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the ODPVP before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget. 7. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the ODPVP unless prior approval for an extension has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been dufy executed. Unused funds must be returned to the ODPVP within 30 days of the ending date of the agreement. ili. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shali be performed to the satisfaction of the ODPVP as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the ODPVP to 6e unsatisfactory, or performed in a vioiation of federel, state, or locai law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. 299A.35 2 9'� � IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the ODPVP for any work the ODPVP in its sole discrevon determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or locai �aw, ordinance, rule or regulation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfiil obiigations under the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, or if state funding is reduced, ODPVP may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactoriiy performed for which state funds are available. VI. TERM OF GRANT. This grant shali be effective upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the Commissioner of Fnance, and shall remain in effect until SEPTEMBER 30, 1995, or until all obligations set forth in this agreement have been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after APRIL 1, 1995. VII. ODPVP'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The ODPVP's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is William Collins, Director, or his successor. Such agent shall have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services. VIIi. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the ODPVP concerning project progress through such reasonable means as the ODPVP may find convenient. 7hese will include: A. The GRANTEE will advise the ODPVP concerning the project progress the submission of quarterly reports as required by the ODPVP's authorized agent. B. Following basis: Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement. C. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement. D. Making any project records available to the ODPVP upon request; this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instrumentsl, or other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materials produced by the project following production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site visits by the ODPVP's authorized agent, other ODPVP staff or other employees of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the ODPVP. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behaif of the ODPVP, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaluation pians. G. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required. IX. ACCOUNTlNG, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A. GRANTEE will estabiish a separate accouni of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generally acceptabie accounting principles. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices for this project shall be subject to the examination of the ODPVP's authorized agent and by the Legislative Auditor. Fscal records shafl be retained for a period of three years foilowing submission of the final report. B. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant relevant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by ODPVP's authorized agent and the legislative auditor. Records shall be sufficient to reflect aIl costs incurred in performance of this agreement. � 299A.35 3 g� �a�- X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it wili meet all applicable requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicappinp conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes. XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE will neither assign nor transfer any rights of obli9ations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the ODPVP. A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsible to the ODPVP for providing the products and services described. B. Identification of source of funding. All reports, materials, conference documents, and any other products made available through this project, shail carry an acknowledgement that is was funded under provisions of the State of Minnesota ICommunity Crime Reduction Grant Program) and give credit to other party's participation. XII. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies photographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter cailed documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of its obligations under this agreement shall be exclusive property of the ODPVP. Ail such documents or products shail be remitted to the ODPVP by GRANTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shall not use, willingly aliow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the ODPVP. XIII. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. AII right, title and interest in all copyrightable material which GRANTEE shall conceive or originate either individually or jointly with others, and which arises out of the performance of this agreement, will be the properry of the State and are by this agreement assi9ned to the ODPVP along with ownership of any and all copyrights of the copyrightable material. GRANTEE also agrees, upon the request of the ODPVP, to execute all papers and perform all other acts necessary to assist the State to obtain and register copyrights on such materials. Where applicable, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the ODPVP in performance of this agreement shall be considered "works made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shail be executed by the same parties wfio executes the origina{ agreement, or their successors. XV. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the ODPVP, its agents, and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of aciion rising from the performance of this agreement by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or empioyees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legai remedies GRANTEE may have for the ODPVP's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this agreement. XVI. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The state affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 7 986 Section 176.187, Subdivision 2. XVII. ANTITRUST. GRANTEE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connectio� with this agreement resulting from antitrust vioiations which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust Iaws of the State of Minnesota. XVIII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed ihat GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health, education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a result of this agreement. If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, GRANTEE acknowiedges that ODPVP shall not be liabie for any violation of any provision of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act indirectly or directiy arising out of, resulting from, or in any manner attributable to actions of GRANTEE. GRANTEE 299A.35 4 9� � agrees to indemnify and save and hold the ODPVP, its agents, and employees harmless from all claims arising out of, resulting from, or in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.01-13.87,including legalfees and disbursements paid orincurred to enforce the provisions of this agreement. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: , > ,, ,_ , ;- ; , _-a .�: - .> . -_>.. :.-. -� - . -- ... .. -_ 3 GT3`:U��AtPT� PA�3[: PllBi[CI-lEA€.TH ',: 2:` DEPAftTMEN'F`OF F�BIiC $AFEfY:: ' By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: ey: Title: Date: ; ,,:- . ,. ; 3 ,4i"fQRNEY GENERAL ::° : - :-- 4. �ONL[U1ISSIONE#i DF fiNAPIC� '.':. .- ,: " By: By: Date: Date: Penon(eI apNnp the preement aM oWipalirp GRlWTEE to the coMiuorn of the +preament, m�at be w[httaetl. A certif�ed eopy ot the readution xR�or¢�ry the GflANTEE m mRa iMO thle apreemeM W deaiprutinp pwsonb) to exeMe tNs preement m�s[ be maeMd hmtto. NOTICE TO GRAHTEE: If GRANTEE ie other 4un a povartunenW apency, @'s repuirad by Mimmob Stn�to. Semon 270.66 118B2 a ameededl, m povide ib wdN aecvity mmber « Mimesot� t�x itlen4fintion nunber it k doec buirm� wiN the $cNa ot Mimesot�. TM iMam�tion m�Y ��� the eMOreamerrt of tetlmal uM etata tax I�ws. SupplYirp tFes �xmben eould resuk i�J.��en to requr¢ Ya+to fik ttNa tu� rHVn utl P�Y �irpwtt ,erte tu GabiLfie�. These rnmben will be �vrlMb m fedar� �ntl stne t�z authoritw, W�nro pencmd imolved in i�x paYme�t M rt�ip�4av. Office of Drug Policy & Violence Prevention Representative � . s (� � / Date 299A.35 Attachment 1, Page 1 9s �ay PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET OFFICE OF DRUG POLICY & VIOLENCE PREVENTION MIIV11tES07'A DEPARTMENT OF PUBllC SAEE�"Y 1_ APP�r+t a9�Y iwitl� which cor�tract is'to be exeartedl Saint Paul Public Health 4. Contact Person for Fv�ther krfortnation on APpC�c:ation Kay �+'ittgenstein �555 Cedar Street � (612 )2°2-6090 .,, SS107 5. Project lnfortnation Project Name• Intervention Districts: Project Funds Requested � For Chi1dren $5,000.00 ffected by Drug Raids Service Area — U.S. Conpressional District Locaf Match ?roviGe3 City fies) and/or County (iesl # 4 $ City of Saint Paul MN. le9islative Districf Minnesota Tax iD # # SSB, 64A B 8025095 67A, B Federal iD # 6. t certi{y tfiaf the c�fomiation contained here+� is true and a�u'ate to tfie best of my imowtedge a�d that t subcnit this appt�icatio� on behatf of the aPg!'�cartt apency. Signature of Authorized Officiaf�4*�H =�---��1'�k�_�!""-`� /� . . . . . . . . . �. /. . . . . . . . • • • • • • Actin Director Saint Paul Public Health 'T�� ��'� �itle: .-••-S.._.....:_..••••-••-••-•••-••-- aate : ................. rro,ru.a,o 4/93 2 Autlwrtzed Offu7ai 3. Operating Agency (if different from �i ) N N en m a . �-4 u N � U � � J-� Qi � �°G�6 � � > .� �O .� � � � .° � � G m m y 3 'ey r d q G w � G 0 U � a . � N N � G 7 � C 0 N b Ki � � C7 U P% O G. N 0 w Y+ v x Y+ 3 d U M N w N � m ,a U O N � � � U i G 0 w b M . D 0 N F •I O � � �, � � � � E 0 s� u N T � � a � L � co ,a C b .N � � G nt 8 O N v�a N � P � � r'I ai N N ? e-i '-i 3 • t+ rn xo H M 3 rn z 0 � U � A � C..1 q 0 � �1 o , _� 0 G "�+, `�C O � � 0 T H � � c c. a L�1 c� 0 c� � � E °' r. � ti � L-. o' � � F � F � T ' � �i G •� � u Q c 'u o., � o c � . G C 4.n �y O = C � L � v �� zG � � v . b rw � V N w -�-t a v C3 o t� O . +� � � � k. � �v U y 'r Q O � N W F ' n � . .� � m y 3 a F y, � - � N TI � �t+ cn � 3 � d L F ° U "� s+ 4 ,, > O T Nw u �' m v - . E+ �6 M � N Y � M > b � � V1 0 �-� C s�+ __ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ __ � �n m cn o N '� (x� v 'i O N t0 E a" u u u a' a C4 ° � "� . . "�' - C o 7 .., c� � M W C0 0.i a � � 6 � U � u a� d � � i b i L h }+ � W � • G .r C M � I H L . � 0 u d U� a+ G � � ro L� � � U v� 3 F . � N o �� C+ E � W C E U O <G ..� rl w � � F N L t� • r { � U � a. z °' �o 0 u - � • Y1 W r .0 cQ U � � • rl .c ta 3 L .,� U 00 - - ----- <3 .. - • -- - -_ _ . . . - -- - --' -- ' a ,a � > � °�' °, w '� o v. �o o � z � � O v � i. d ` o � � ti �° E � m a� A � � " w � � � � � y � .+ O 0 _ � � 1+ � . Y ' O � �... 'Ci . N � � Q T � F» . _—_ _C. —_'__ . - ' ." � _ "" - _ '_ ' I � N N �'i C+ C' ,� F � q0 �� 0 0 � o z � � � .-, 0 G � O N U L+ U � � F F � ' � •- C. � � �_ � 0 GL' V C C c, y o - L � u y E� zc F I p ' O. � � < E y G F _N M U C � Vl � N � � � � � � � � � � C1 C-0 JJ Y 'r'I 3 � � 0 f7 \ � 1 � � ti � 0 0 r�-i r�I N u G E G a�l vi p M � ,� a s�. <G . y�i � 3 N U' ti W� N ,� • � ,a o .+ M w G „ ..� a�� � x w 3 3 � � c � F M 'a-+ a� w G U af L1 v i�J N ,� o U H W a� a � N � o �o �o s� .-� u °' � m e�-i U O M Hx U w � • � � � y 4-I U C/ '++ � G � F O G N U � � U Ri •� � v �o�o H .�.�wu u Attachment 2, page 1 gS=7d�- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFFI�E OF DRUCa POLICY AND VIOLENCE PREVENT(ON ANNUAL PROPOSED BUbGET Program: Community Crime & Drug Prevention Period of Request: 4/1j95 - 9/30/95 Grantee: sainc Paul Public Health Preparer Name/Phone: xay t,�ittgenscein z9z-6o90 n�Y'o.'a'� «e¢ <;fb�x`n. <, <ia$a.wFa�.�..`�?%bre��i""� o a "� F�s�+sa�`.�a ' :vrrt'.e �.„.���....��i7t7t�f��S���" �... � �� � . , .�, � , � ���: < �A��`�>;;.`>..x::.:. �°. . ��M :: . �, �.�,.,�.��..w.v:<o_, -�: ,� , � A� .._ . .. .,� .m�. Salaries & Fringe S soo.00 Facilities Equipment Print/Copy ` 200. o0 Phone/Postage Training 4,000.00 Supplies Vehicie Contracted Services Employee In-State Travel Audit Other 1: Other 2: Other 3: hv � � : n�in� O,Y��:i>iZ�'Ty�00:n� aCa�<a %.�'f+.`n3o":_"a_tE.(Suin:���tYe�;iif�i �es�`'v'V'�'A'� M'v':.:F. jk�>J:N'ti 4a� t �G�_' x �CyijO�o:^:w. } �.���fiK��� w M�� : e.?: °bZ�`%� ..�>at�. '�: .� 'E''�c� �a� r.o.�.vam �..;b;,%.a�'o� u �4`i'�FNAO^F>=a`�..co:o)e4�yk'>i.'.J�,P_' � Sti �'� aw�oSda%�`i,'>M1 'tNt � ¢s� �?,. �.� "�"�.' x /^4.Le�x�s'�` �3 _�:n;i;������.� '�`'a .��'e °�. �il�>l.".'�1�.,F,"`�.3:t`sa s�'`�� ...:x -. u;�. .v� ..�,.,<:>. : �+..±,ns�'.�_...:Y.,a...>.-a$r.�n>r.R.r..,kFU:3Zes:. `�i} . .. ? . . .�.e...so . _ . _ . ... .. . GEN.BUD 95*��ti Attachment 2, page 2 BUDGET JUSTfFICATION