95-719ORIG4NAL Council FHe # 9�7� ! Green Sheet # a� ��� � '3 RESOLUTION r1 � Presented by Referred To 2 An Administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules amending Section S.G, Pensioners. RESOLVED, That the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section S.G, Pensioners, so that � said Section S.G. shall read as follows: S.G. Pensioners 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 No person receiving a pension, other than a disability or survivor's pension, from any pension fund toward which the City of Saint Paul contributes shall be eligible for employment, or for reinstatement or reemployment as a regular employee while receiving such pension benefits; nor shall such employee become eligible for reinstatement or reemployment if �she such emplovee has received such pension benefits by waiving such benefit rights. This �rovision is not applicable for em l�oyment of such persons in Independent School Disriict No 625_ so lon�as such em l�oyment is on an hourlv basis. and does not exceed 1040 hours in anv calendar year. NO ACTION TAKEN BY THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7/28/95 1- � — — $�, Requested by Depaztment of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES : �. �. . ��:�,,e'�R�l'. �... � Fo� ppoved�yC�� ey B:�1� J � Approved by Mayor bmission to Council �'. �`�� AdoptedbyCo�mcit: Date °Z � S Adoption Certified by Council Secre 9� ��� N_ 27869 MARR ROBERTSON 66471 F/95 GREEN SHEE INITIA TE MRIAVDATE 17l DEPAHTMENTDIRECTOR � CINCOUNCIL LE_I � CITY ATTORNEV � CfTY CIEHK fOP O BUDGEf D7RECSOp Q Flld. & MGL SERYICES Dlq. � �MAVOR(ORASSISTAN'q � Civil Service C.O1llID: TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES S (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Amend Civil Service Rule, Section S.G, Pensioners. Add language stating Rule S.G has no applicability for employment in Independent School District I6625. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTR7CT COUR7 _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE� PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWEP TNE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: t. Has this personHirm ever worketl under a croMract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does Mis personlfirm possess a skiff not nortnally possessed by a�y cunent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anA attach to g�een sheet S.G, Pensioners is currently being narrowly construed by the City Human Resources Office, and the result is not acceptable to ISD 1f625 because it reduces the District's ability to deliver effective service when a position is temporarily v � a regular employee is absent. JUN 16 1995 _........__ .............__. ;3�n; ��;�?��� Experienced and knowledgeable retirees are able to provide an effective substitute and short-term temporary service for civil service positions in the District which are vacant and are to be filled, or where absence occurs. This is cos ffective and benefits both the DistricY and the retiree. � '� m n �i Non2 . known. � dUM 16 1995 t��� AT�����°� Reduction of effectiveness in service in ISD �1625 civil service positions. Additional costs for highly skilled commercially available temporary services. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION $ —(1— COST1pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �I FUNDIfdG SOURCE �A ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(E%PLAIN) qs -�1� _ -tV :t. �� � ;-;.�i~9 � . _ � -_ _ _ � �G: ..__ . ,- �-- INTERDEPARTMENTALMEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 1995 TO: Joan Jeffrey �� FROM: Nancy Anderson SUBJECT: City Council Resolution No. 95-719 City of Saint Paul Office of the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612)266-8560 I am forwarding to you the original resolution - Council File 95-719, adopted by the City Council on July 12, 1995, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). Please return to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any questions, please contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. NA Attachment - Original Counci{ Resolution cc: Fran Swanson - �'„ 1" ► Presented by Referred To �• ,�'-�� Council File # �- Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAtNT PAUL, M[NNESOTA Date °15 —'l �°\ 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 No person receiving a pension, other than a disability or survivor's pension, from any pension fund toward which the City of Saint Paul contributes shall be eligible for empioyment, or for reinstatement or reemploysnent as a regular employee while receiving such pension benefits; nor shall such empioyee become eligible for reinstatement or reemployment if hciske such employee has received such pension benefits by waiving such benefit rights. This orovision is not apQlicabie for emplovment of such.persons in Independent School District No 625 so longas such em.piovment is on an hourtv basis and does not exceed 1040 hours in anv catendar vear• 1' Requested by Department of OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES ��N C .'1�, Fomi Approved by City Attorney Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary An Administrative Resolurion amending the Civil Service Rules amending Section S.G, Pensioners. RESOLVED, That the Civit Service Rules be amended in._�,,�.�e�sinuers,,,,so that said Section 5.G. shall read as follows: S.G. Pensioners Appmved by Mayor: Date Adopte3 by Council: Date _ _ _ �� �,,,��^- .� qs-`''1\� N_ 27869 'SARK ROBE�TSOA' 60471 95 I GREEN SHEET �} DEP/+FiME47 �IRECTOP M i1 P�v= FON �GrtYaTTORNEY � SUDGEi OIRECTOR � . '�?1 MAYOR (OA A5515TANn '_7J ?OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIAV"DATE � CIIV GOtINQL � CITY CIEPK � FIN, d MGT. SEAVIGES�OIR � Civil Service Co� Amend Civi1 Service Rule, Section S.G, Pensioners. Add language stating.Rule 5.G has no applicability for emolo;rment in Independent School District 11625- ;.Oprove �A� or __ PIANNING GOMMISSIOR _ CIVIL ScRVIC£ � GIB LOMUITT__ _ _� SiAFF _ __ DISTFiQ COURT _ SUPPpRTS \YHICM COUNpt peJECTiVE' PERSONAL SERYICE CONTNACTS MU57 ANSWER TME FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: i. Has t�is persoMirm ever worketl unEer a mnUact for t�is tlepartment? YES NO 2, Has Mis perSOMirm ever Oeen a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Dces M�.s perSOnlhrm posseu a skill not nortnally possesseC Ey any cunent ary emp�oyee? YES NO Expla{n �II y�s anawers on sepercte s�cat and attech to flnen sheet INITUTtflG �a031=4 ISSUE.OPPGRTUNILY (WOn. WRaI W�en.Y(I+erc. WRy�. S.G, Pensioners is currently being narrowly construed by'the City Human Resources Office, and the result is not acceptsble tD ISD �k625 because it reduces the District's ability to deliver ef:eccive service when a position is temporarily vacant, or a regular employee is absent. �pVANTAG[$ i: 4P�R�VED Expe:izaced and knowledgeable retirees are able to provide an effective substitute ar.d short-tern temporzry service for civi7. service positions in the Distzict which are vacant and are to be filled, or where absence occurs. This is cost effective and benefits both the Dist:ict and the retiree. None knewr.. Reduction oi efiectiveness in service in ISD 11625 civil service positions. Additional costs for highly skillzd cou�ercially available temporary services. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/AEVENUE HUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDII7G SOURCE *� / + ACTIV(TY NUMHER FINANCIA� INFORMATION �c%P�a�N; CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nomz Coleman, Ma}nr TO: C`ity Council Members �t s -- �I t� CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION Hmry Cacon, Chab NaRg' Dud1eY K¢uY, Contminian¢/ Margaset M. Pmadisg Commistioner 730 Crry HaII Annec 24 W. Fourth Sdeet Saint Pau{ Mmne.sota SSZ02 FROM: Civil Service Commission Harry Gaston, Chair Nancy Dudley Kelly, Commissi Margaret Paradise, Commissio DATE: E'� July 11, 1995 Proposed Civil Service Change to Section S.G, Pensioners This proposed rule change, to allow School District employees only to be rehired as temporary employees by the City while receiving pensions, was brought to our attention on 7uly 11, 1995. It is on the consent calendar for the City Council meeting on July 12, 1995. The Civil Service Commission has not had the opportunity to obtain much background information on this issue. We are concerned that there may be some inherent problems in administering this rule change and the effect it could have on the Civil Service System. It is our recommendation to the City Council that this item be taken off the consent calendar and be placed on the regular calendar for further discussion of this issue. Enclosure