D94-030� Wnits — City Clark Pink — Finanu DeDt. Gnary— Wpt. � � J GBBnnnL FfiNu - FGBLiC findLiH GITY OF SAIA'T I�AUL OY'FIGti OF THS MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER BI'IXiEf KE\'ISIO\ ���ZS�.��� �)��R, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Puh-1 i c.�ieal th to amentl the 19�. budget of the GeneraL fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner Current Amended Budget Change Butlget C� Oul-Oa2u0-Qlli OOi-Oa2G0-GiiS oa�-aaaa2-a2�� Oui-G32G2-"v°a49 OOi-G3204-G27i aai-os2a�-o�il Oui-03Z�7-"v35i 001-632Q8-OI11 6�i-�320fi-6369 08i-u$209-02ii 6ul-u�2G9-G3a2 Oui-Oaila-OlZi 001-03213-Oii9 ao�-a��is-a�s� aci-oazzo-oltt �U1-U�G17-Uill GOi-032i6-Oi�i OOi-03i2&-Ga8? 6D1-6a22i-Dil"r OOi-OaZi8-6ii1 oa�-oszo�-oi�� �Ut��1dZQ0-�111 VU1-U3214-0111 061-0"s2i6-piil GO1-ua227-uiii FUBLiG "nSnGT& ADtlii! - PB&5�AN3L Fll6Lic flnALiH AuHiA - GFr ByU1Y $BPIf6L &cALTH nL"uG. eEaiNT, - "xnFliSB DiSPirSeL HEALiH "nL"uG HAiAi. - "rgETS nnALTH LeBORATGBY - n�UI"r�BNS` nfiFAIB iAF9Mi HOrciALiTF - Fn6SONNBL INr"RNi efGuTALifY - t�BGiCAL SOFFGIB3 P&Eti, flBALiH OUinnACfi -FfiB�OAHnL FBnY, HflALiH DiiTRSACH -G"rFiG"n 5Ur"rLifiS AIB3 - cn&8 NBDICai �iDS - iiBDICAL StiFPLi�3 fiIS5A3n iNan3iivAiiGN b. CuriPBOL - F$ESqN4inL DISBASB iNBfi9SIGAiION � c6Fi&4L - FSBs" ➢ISSA3B INUH9TI6ATION & GuNTB06 -GFFiCfi SUPPLIBS CG�IefUiitCABL"n Di5SA3n C6RiBOG - Pfi&SONtifiL �ANiLI�B iN C&ISiS - Pnu866NBL ri01iSFNC iN3PSEiiOA - "r"xiNiiNG AD'JBiEiG tNSPBCiIGid - FHOeG 9UP"rLInB f�B�CfiI1iG § SDAu"uiNG - R"nB$ GTAB& ABICHBOSH�OD 3IinEFS - P&&SONli�i nBALTfl BL"uG, MAiNi - Y'�L'tLSONNSL BI3iH "s D%Aiit - Fn636khSL COMrUSBniZfiD INFG&. 8nrc6iCn - Pfi"n56RNfiL AOUS?NG in3"rnC.-COH"rLeINTB- FBE3D'rNBL id&nC�iNG a nOAnDIAG BLDG3. -"rSB3uNliSL No:17Qy - 0�0 Date: �_�I _�� 3i,d31�"si ��➢.05 yl9t�si 93ii.8a �2i,od 33i3.4o �`s51.43 334i.46 $2G5,9i 31D,G0 36oi.03 y�,�is,aa 3aso.is 316&.7i 41,592.98 33,59&,5� 3i?O.iG ;ia.58 3ibi,6$ 3i3O&6.15 ($YS4,L�f (y4,28G.00j t$i isi,i4o.a"v) t�a,aao,oa, 3288,i�6�0"v 3�La.aa #i,i30.00 94�GQ4�UU 346"s�00 3i�,i81.00 ;3,500.uu s4s,3s�.o� $'a80.00 �i3,lEG,PQ 3i,i19.60 ;g�,�ls,aa �a.oa �630.00 $lii,6i5.GG $6i,9d3.OQ al,&9i.OG $1,85"s.GG $1,53P.Ou $y1,020.00 3;�,s��.00 $16,§7i,6G �S4�pOJ.UU $43Q,00�.Q� i145,4di.GG ------------ s:,aos,asi.00 -----°------- ;"v.0o G`�3&BRS, 3PEMDFNC AUTflOuITY i3 NBnDB� IN aA&iOUS HSdLP�7 6BJ�Ci T6 GOVBB DBFiCiT ACCuUHiS; AND �6a&EAS, THfi3B I3 SF&NDI�iU AuTnu&TY iA 6A&i6v8 e"cPIUIPY OndRCi G�Dn""s SHdT CeN Bn tB6NBFE&SR�i. Tn"nBSr"G&B BB SBSGLVS�, iAAT iHS HaYDR AFFR6'VB3 T8S GHAAG6 Tu TA& 1�53 BUDGST, � ��U�A/ VY�J Preparetl by: A tiviry Manager d�-j9���t��" ��l�lA/IlV✓ A Requestetl by: Department direCtor ��/ !�`iiif Approvetl by: Mayor f�3���'� �� Public Health FOfl TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1�qy -030 GREEN SHEET N° _13996 INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR �GINCOUNC�L CIN ATfOflNEY � CIN CLERK BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. S MGi SERYICES OIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) gnatures on Administrative Order transferring spedning authority between various Health neral Fund object codes. or _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICE _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTflICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMfirm ever worked under a contract for this depariment? YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Spending authority is needed in Public Health Adm. fpr personne7 costs and equip rental, in Bldg. Maint. for refuse disposai and parts, in Health Lab. fpr equipment repari, in Infant Mortality for personnel and medical supplies, in Prev. Health Services for personnel and offi supplies, in AIDS for medical fees and supplies, in Disease Prevention for personnel,.fees an office supplies, in Communicable Diseas, Families in Crisis, and Neighborhood Sweeps for personnel, in Houszng for printing& photo supplles, and,in Wrecking for fees., There is spending authority in various other object codes that can be transferred. NTAGES IF APPROVED: ' 11 be able to cover deficit object codes. N�NE � JAN 31 1994 Cii'Y CLERK There will be object codes with deficit spending.shown. AMOUNT OP TRANSAC710N $ �.� ��1 Q_ 2�i COST/pEVENUE HUDGE7ED (qHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE General ACTIVI7V NUMBER UdY'10U5 FINANqAL WFOFMATION (EXPLAIN) ^' . ,, ' 1 t W