95-680Council File # qS-��d �RIGiN Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30832 RESOLUTtON 41��AUL, MINNESOTA �3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #56795) for a Parking Lot/Ramp License applied for by 2 Parking Services Inc. DBA Pea Lot (DOUglas G. Hoskin, President) at 60 W. 4th 3 Street be and the same is hereby approved. � -- �r — ��—� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection By. _ (r✓�� YT��G�� Adopted by Council: Date v Form Approved by City Attorney adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: B �; �G - e/ -!'S -- 1 ! / � Approved by I�yor: Date/ �i �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to � � �/ � �� � Council BY: l/���'ll��.�Y�= il/,I�'���✓�✓/S-��/� � . . _ ' — — -- Bg: 9s � �v DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE�NRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 30832 LIEP/Licensing INISfAUDATE INR1All�ATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAF7MENT D�RECTOR O CRY CAUNqL Bill Gunther/266-9132 ^���" �cmnrroaNer �CfTYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENW BY (DATE) N ppM N � F � p � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Olq. r'OT Hearin : (��2� `q� OPDER �Mpypp(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQUES7ED: Parking Services Inc. DBA Pea Lot (Douglas G. Hoskin, President) requests Council approval of its application for a Parking Lot/Ramp License at 60 W. 4th Street (I.D. �156795). RECAMenENDA7IONS: Apprwe (A) w Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has Nis personlfirm ever wo�ked under a coMract for this dBpartment? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ o1SiRIC7 CAUR7 _ 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not normally posseued by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes enswers on separate shcet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where. Why): G� F�9�$��'^�t CC JE�N � 2 �9� ADVANTAGES IFAPPppyED: � DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF NOT APPROVED� TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 30832 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/23/95 / 9-�` �v In Tracker? app'n aeceived / App�n arocessed License ID # Sb795 License Type: Parking Lot/Ramp Company Name: parking Services Inc. DBA: Pea Lot Business Addresss: 60 W. 4th Street Business Phone: 222-7002 Contaci Name/Address: Douglas Hoskin, 3640 Birch Pond Rd. Home Phone: 687-0463 Eagan, MN 55122 Date to Councii Research: Publio Hearing [ Notice Sent to F N Sent to F Department/ City Attorney Ernironmemal Heaith �� labels Ordered: N/A District Council Ward #: �2 Date Inspections ,�-'—il -9b� l� : �' Comments U �L— � j� ry License�y+�� 5' � G=�`9� (}�— _SW�la r�t�6eW.�0�1 �-. �,�,,����� s�ta a�� r��»��aa: tiW � �"""'�+ " Lease Received: - Police I ��`7S I"'� ����� � ��IU `tt �1� el d�a� (;ITY OF S�INT PAUL License Division, P.00m 203 City Fiall Sair.t Pau1, Minnesota 55102 NEWJRENEW ?3PLZCATION FOR PARKI9G LOT/RAP1P LICENSE 1) Type of Parking Facility -(Check One) � Ramp � Lot , y'.s=�� 2) Number of Parking Spaces �j� 3) Name of Licensee �A?i�Nl-r S'�RVSf'tS �`'L Bus. Phone ��a=)p(�� (Name of Corp./Partnership/Sole Owner) 4) Trade Name of Lot/Ramp �E'A L�T Bus. Address Street Stzeet Number Name 5 Street Stieet Direction Type ;��D a Zip Code 5) List a11 partners/officers of the corporation/or give the following information for the sole owner, whichever is applicable: NAME TITLE DATE * HOME ADDRESS OF BIRTH PHONE �Oi�i L.pS � nc�K,.�-c�� i fiES ��o�W 13rSli`�1PGn�ll (i� S��1 (P`d7 LGCaAN� 1t1rJ ss�aa Y�t�t�� L 1�osv..zcv 5� sam� 8-�8 sfa,-r�e * List Street No, St. Name, Street Direction, Street Type, City, State & Zip Code 5; Attach plans containing a general description of the security provided at the 1ot or zamp. 7) Attach a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the legal description of the property (this requirement necessary only if no site plan is currently on file). 8) Attach a cover letter describing your plans to comply with the lighting and painting requirements established in the SC. Paul Legisl.ative Code 11417 (attached) which became effective July 17, 1989. All painting must be completed by January 1, 1990, unless a written request for a time extension is submitted to the License Inspector. A11 lighting renovation must be completed by January 1, 1991, unless a written request for a time extension is submitted to the License Inspector. I HAV� •AD ERSTAND CHAPTER I1417 OF THE ST PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING - T PARKING S AND CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVZDED IS TRUE AND CORRECT. 12=�-�� -- Signature Date " 3 Q/RA