95-666Retum copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (mswateccor) ORIGIN CITY Preseated By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Referred To Counc� F�e # �S- �G�/ Green Sheet # .33l7 MINNESOTA Committee: Date a� WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #94-379 dated March 31, 1994, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for water service connections constructed as requested by the properry owners, in conjuncuon with the Palace/Toronto Area Project, identified as Finance & Management File No. 18675-CWTR and Assessment No. 4228. WHEREAS, the property at 690-692 Juno Avenue being legally described as: Finch's Addition Except the east 33 feet; Lot 1, Block 3 with the property identification number of 11-28-23-41-0081, was assessed the amount-of $286.20. WHEREAS, the Water Utility discovered that a water service connection was not constructed at 690-692 Juno Avenue, said assessment should be rescinded. L►[�1`�Y BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment of $286.20 be rescinded. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to request the necessary changes be made to the property owner's 1995 properry tases. Requested by Departmeat of: Adopted by Council: Date .�q 5 Adoption Certi£ied by Counci Secretary By: Appr By: Financ ana 1112At SErV7.C2S gy: � ��� Director Form Approv d by City Attoraey a ��G��� �l��sf Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B �Ll � ��� ✓ �J�GG�i Flts — Real Estate Division Date: Green She� Number. 33179 FPARIM@Ir DIRECPOR C71Y COUN(a. tact Peaou and Phone Nombcr. �+ 1 QfY ATI�ORNEY QIIig ..a�a Peter White 266-8850 � DIILE(:POR 2 g MGl. SVG DII2. YOR(ORASS7SfAN1) 4 Reeeazcfi u� 6� � Cauoal Agmda bY- # OF S[GNAIVRL PAGES 1 ([I.IP AIS. LOCATSOI� FOR S[INATVRL� C1ION REQUES"lED: APPROVE 1'HE COUNCII. RFSOLUTTON TO RESCIND TIIE ASSESSMENT AMOUNT FOR A WA R SERVICE ONNECiTON TIiAT WAS NOT CONSTRUCTED. NO. 18675-CW'i'R ASSESSMENC NO. 4228 RP.COMI�ffi�IDATIONS APPROVE (A) OR RFJP.Cl' (R) rERSONAL SERVI(1; CONiRAC1S MUSl'ANSWER 1i� F07dAWING rIANNING COMLII�SSION A STAFF 1. Hat the peisou/fam ever wocked n¢der a oonhact for this depaztment? YFS N IVII. SERVICE COMM � Has this peson/fiffi evet 6een a Gty emplo9ee? YES N CB COMRffl'iE8 _ Does this peaon/fitm pa� a still not nomiall9 P� 6 9 �9 Curmnt Gty employee? ��� YES N PORI'S WHICH COUNQI.OH7F.C11VH? Faplairt all YLS answexs oa a sepaiate shee[ and attacfi. wuxcu. wn�-a uisnucr rinxNa�c covelca�v NIAY 31 1995 G P O OP exe, roperty was incorrectly assessed for a water service connection. ;���,�� ������ V A FS APPRO . sessment will be removed from the property owner's 1995 property taaces. RECEiVE� MAY 2 41995 ISADVANrAGPS1FAPPROVED: CiTY CL�RK Since the connection was not constructed, no money is lost. ISADVANi'AGES IF NOT APPRO . o not approve the conection would leaue incorrect assessments on the property. otal Amount of Transaction �_ Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO � , �� . i .� ��h dd'�'�`" :;t� �...��.i:�'.db'G�� e.+Gi:L`kk �ide� � d 9�a7ae unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Eacplain) _,.__ ,_ _ _ . , ���-��= 4,.� � ��=-,��4: :jmi„�;� @�RRY 1 � 199� �� ��� ��������