D94-027Whtte — CityClerk Pink — Finan<e OePt. Canary — Dep[. GITY OF SAINT PAITL OFFICE OF TFSE MAYOR . ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER No: �q� - OZ'7 ►-31 Date: J�. 1994 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract known as Activity No. 29173 for palace-Toronto Storm Sewer and Paving City Project No. 93-5-8090 � 93-P-8072, S. J. Louis Construction_Co. Contractor, the speeified date of completion is November 30, 1993 and the Contractor did not complete the cbntract by said date of completion because o£ work added to the pro'ect: and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to Julv l. 1994 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby may waive claim for liquidated damages on this pro�ect. • APPROVED AS TO FORM C Assistant City Attorney � Date Depar� ea� �j n/� T� Adm 6tr ' e ss tant [o Ma7ror _..�_ ' -- _"_"' _— "--_ ,."'_, v'x::. '1A� � n'7n r��w� in�a GREENSHEET � i�� os catrncr aEt� s a�e f MI7ULLfDA7E iNrtwwn l� C� 11S&C�/ �MiY@IfDIRECTOR � CITYCOUNCIL �iC1E1.�38k�-� ���� CfIYAT70WEY CfiYCLEWC � BIACETdflECTON FBi S MGT. SE ICE DIR MAYOfi�OH /L431�}i }� 7 {� � TAL#OFSK+NATUREPAGES z (curulw�na�ewxaKw�nnEJ assocutE �oEana7uEUrnccai • g acraN r�auESr� Extend contract completion date fi+onn November 30,1993 w Jnly 1,1994. PALACE-TORONTO STORM SEWER & PAVING City Pro,jea No: 93-5-8090 & 93-P-8072 Conuxtar: S. J. Louis Consauciion Co. ����:�wa�m, aEaso►u�s�vicECa�rxscrsrusrarsw�+niewuowu�ceu�s: PLMBIWGCOYMISSqN�CIVLLSEHVICECqAY13310N t. HastlmspxsoNfirmeverwaked�aconvactfwtlasdepartment7 CIBCWAMfffEE � �$ � A STAFF 2. H281f�8 pBfSOf� BV6f �IB8112 Clly BIIIdOJBB� �DS7AICTCWNCR -- � � s�POms wH� couNa� oaiECrn�v 3. Does this persaifirtn possess a sktll not namally Possessed by arry anematy empbyee? YES NO F�lain W yw n�wsrs m ap�nls shaet and aiuch to grsen shwt MfTl11T{tiG PROBLEM. iSSUE.OPPOHNNf7Y QM'r10. WHAT. WHEN. WHE{iE. WM'): Due to addifional work that was not in the original contrxt, the Contracmr was unable to complete the work by November 30, 1993. ������ �4� z7 ��s� ��. �r���� ��=<��: ADYNlTA6ES IF MPROVED: ' '- The Time Extension authorizes the additional ca�uract [ime required to complete the project DISADVANTAGES IF APPNOVED: N � €2ECEIVEC3 ������� JAN 2 8 1994 JAN :1 1994 CITY CLERK CITY ATTORB�EY DISADVANTAGES IF NDT APPROVED: Contractors work perfom�ed after November 30, 1993 wili not be authorized. AL AMWNT OFTHANSACTION S -0- CO3T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES � NDINGSOUpCE N/A ACTIVrcYNUMeEH C93-2T626-0784-29173 FINpNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPUtIN) N,A �w -,