95-66ORIGI�IAL Council File # ��Pl� Green Sheet # 29442 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Commi.ttee: Date 3� RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #88646) for an Off Sale Malt, Cigarette, & Grocery-C License applied for by Little Grocery (Timothy Stoffel, Owner) DBA Little Grocexy at 1724 W. University Avenue be and trie same is hereby approved. �- ���� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cou By: � Approved by o Da e By , ������ OffiCe of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \��-a.0 ^^^�r�' � /L° �,r� � Form Approved by City Attorney Secretary B A� � . ]'�jif'�Lt� /O-2G-�'�f / ���5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to .-�� . Council By: . . �s-c�� DEPARTMENT/pFFICFJGOUNCII DATE INITIATED N� 2 9 4 4 2 LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE INRIAVDATE INfTIAVDATE CANTACT PEBSON & PHONE � DEPARiMENT DIRE � pN COUNdL Christine Rozek/266-9114 nss�cx �cmnrroaNev �QTYCLEFK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY g(DATE) ROViiNG � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. r' OT Hearing : i L p'� j' � ONDEH O MAYOR (OR ASSISTADIT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION AEOUE5IED: Little Gxocexy (Ta.mothy Stoffel, Owner) at 1724 W. University Avenue requests Council approval of its application for an Off Sale 3.2 Malt, Cigarette, & Grocery-C License (ID �i8$646 RECAMMENOATfONS: Appsove (A) w Reject (R) pERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this personRirtn ever worketl under a contract for this departmeni? _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISrRICr COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/fi�m possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGLOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why�: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� �0�2l3�� �'.3���� ���sYm�° 8��,1 , 1994 � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TpANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7Ep (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIJG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # Zg44 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIS7 Date: 10/21/94 � 1 In Tracker App'n Received / Appn Processed license ID # 88646 License7ype: �ff Sale Malt, Cigarette & Grocery-C License Company Name: Little Gsocexy pgq Little Giocery Susiness Addresss: 1724 W. Univetsity Avenue Business Phone: 647-5086 Contact NamefAddress: Timothy Stoffel, 476 Herschel, �Pl Home Phone: 647-5086 Date to Council Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � I 1 c��a'S Notice Sent to Applicant_ Notice Sent to Public: Labels Ordered District Council Ward DepartmentJ Date inspeetions Comments City Attorney «(.��¢[ C� �� Environmental ,r f� j y ��-- Health Fire /l'� ' �rt_ �Io`t'" �i��' C ��c�-��s�' � ��ag-��P- �i���� o� License t t ` f � ( �� �� Site Plan Received:, l.ease Received: Police � � �� �f�� Zoning � ^!7- � 7 � � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION �15--(p�v CITY OF SAINT PAliL Of;¢e of Ucer.se, Ins�eciions znd Emiro.-.mental Pmcection "v'� St. Pe�c: St Sv:c _'.V Ss�: Pscl, Ki:xr�:i 'SiC2 (6:2) Y•S-9:W ':z (612) 2'692i.G License I.D. r (foz office uu oaly) THIS APPLICATION IS StiB?ECT TO REVIEW BY THE PLBLIC PLFASE Tl rE OF2 PRIIvT IN Ii\T{ Type of License beu Company I�Tame: � If business is incorpc Do'ing Business As:.. Business Address: i �.`�� L, �. Corporation / Pzrtnezship / S�le Proprietoatip ated, give da� of incorporation: F�' 1' Busiaess Phone: t6' ���.' �nT7� �U�� Street Address � + r i � City V �tate c^ � Z;p � � ` � Betu�een what aoss streets is tl�e b mess located? 1 Y '� N ��q�Which side of tbe street? �3 ��r�� / � Are t2�e premises now occupied? _�b \Vhat T}pe of Business? Mail To Address: Applicant I�T2me and Street Addxess City Stau Zip ... :. Date of B: Are you a citizen of tbe United States? Native? I��aturalized? If you are nof a U.S. citiun, you must hace �s'ork a� or'vation from the U.S. Immigjation & I�'atunlization Senice. Have you ever been conricted of any felony, crime or �5ol�tion of any city ordinance other than trafGc? YFS _ NO � t7ate oi ar:est: �Jr7':t.� �'v'Sere? t Charge: Cont3ction: Sentence: L'ut the names and residences of three persons of good moral chuacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to tbe applicant's chazacter: ADDRESS Z PHOl�'E �� L'ut licenses v�hi� you currently ho]d, formerly he1d, or may have an interes[ in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES �NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: (over) Aie you going to operate this business personally? Y�S _ NO If not, vrbo vrill operate it? ���� Fist lznc ?.Siddic Initi�l (?.`.zidcr) I.ast Dz:e of Binh Homc Adduc S:set Kanc Gry �fe Z;p Phone ?�unbcr Ara you going to have a mznager or assistant in this bu_.ess? _ YES NO If the manzger is not the same as the operator, please comp]ete the follouing information: fi:st \zme � �liddle Initi�l (�:�i3er.� Ho;ae Address: Strtet tix;.:c - Gy Plezse list your employment history for the previous five (�� year period: Business/Em I�o,�ment , �� , _ List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITT.E 2�TA2�4E � _�Office Held) HOME HOME PHO �O T / Last State Dau of Binh Pbonc :�umbei DATE OF BIR�T '� If business is a paztnerslvp, please indude tha following information for each partnec (use additional pages if necessary): Fust I�ame Middle Initial Home Address; Sirect Nzne Fxsi t�ame Midd(e Initial (Aiaiden) Gcy (M2iden) Izst Staie Last Zip BiSSINESS PHO:�'E Date of Birih Zip Phone I.`umber Date of Binh Home Addmss: S::eet 1�2ae Ci.ry State Zip Phone ICvmber Attach ta this application: ' 1) A detailed description of the design, location and square footage ot the premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your lease agreement or proof of offvership of the property. AI�'Y FALSIFICATION OF ANSFF'ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBT4ITI'ED WILL RESULT I2�I DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correc[ to the best of my knowledge and belief. I bereby stafe er under oath that I have received no money oz other consideration, by w'ay of loan, gifr, contriSution, or ocberc.�ise, ot er t an alrea disclose t e application which I herevfith submitted. � � . /��a ,1/ I �, I Subscnbed and sworn to before me t�his�Q day of d ` ,.�,�19 �`� w� N� Public ( Co ry, N 7vfy Commission ezp'ues: _'1��� 5 - , rr� L;tv�AR K ��AN ` ±"�� ROTARY Gi'�� INNESCTA �r °�` RAh!5 COUN7Y h`y EzFires Sc,t E3, 1887� � v. n Date