95-6371 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Preseated By Referred To ORIGlNAL a� Committee: Date WHETZEAS, the City Council adopted Council File #94-1459 dated October 5, 1994, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the Albert/Eleanor Area Storm Sewer Separation Project, identified as Finance & Management File No. 18704 and Assessment Number 0236. WHEIiEAS, the properry at 1541 Edgcumbe Road being legally described as: West End Edgcumbe Lot 10, Block 9 with the property identification number of 15-28-23-12-0007 was assessed the amount of $12,536.06. WHEREAS, after investigating the complaint of the property owner, said assessment amount should be changed to $1,254.59 based on an input error of the square footage of the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment is changed from $12,536.06 to $1,254.59. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $11,281.47 to be funded by the Sewer Revenue Bonds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to request the necessary changes be made to the property owner's 1995 property t�es. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � �4 ` Adoption Certi£ied by Counci Secretary By: Approved by By: - Finan E Man ement Services a4: �✓� • �rector Form Approved by City AttorAey B �ti���,��- �ll���'i'f � ,/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � � � � g /Y � Y ���"""'�., RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 9 S-� 3 7 Green Sheet # 33�7� 95-�37 � Ft�ts — xeal Sstate Divisioa Date: Green Shcet Nnmber. 33178 FYARTMFA7l DIRF.CDDR (T1Y COUN(a. Peson and Phone N�ber. ..�.� 1 A11�ORNEY f (�% ...e.� Peter White 266-8850 � Dm�cinx 2 & MGf. SVG DIIt YOR(ORASQSTADTI) 4 Resemdi att be o¢ Coonrit Agenda by # OF S[(iNA1VRE PAGES 1 (QdP AII. LOCAIIONS FOR S[GNA1SJRt� GTION REQUESIFD: APPROVE THE COUNQL RF,SOLUTTON TO REDU T2IE ASSESSMFNP AMOUM' FOR AN CO Y ASS ED ARCEL FOR THE ALBERT/ELEANOR AREA STORM SBWLR SEPARATfON PROJECl'. NO. 18704 ASSESSMENI' NO. 0296 RECOA�ffidDA1IONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE]ECl' (R) PERSONAL SE2VICE CONPRACfS MUST ANSW$R 1HE FpIIAWING: PIAHIVR\G COI�SS[ON A Sl'APP L Has the petson/fiffi ev� wodced mder a contmrt Eor this depaztment? YPS N �'II. S[3RVICE COMM _ Haz this peson/fim ever been a�H emP�oyee? YES N CB COMMf11EE _ 3. Does this pcvson/fi� po�eas a slo7( aot noimal�Y P� 6 9 �9 (�nent Gty employee? yES N POR1S WHICFI COUN(�. OBIE(.11VL? Neigfi Fzplam all YES aaswcis on a separate sheet and at[ach. UNCQ, WARD-3 DISTRICl' PIANNING COUN(:Q�]5 PR R q exe, roperty was incorrectly assessed for storm sewer. RECEIVED V AG IF P O . roperty will be assessed correctly. MAY 2 4 1995 y;;�� �• � � � �,�_. ISADVANl'AGFS IF APPROVED: e reduction will be financed by other City funds. ���� MAY 31 1995 ISADVANfAGESIF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the correction would leave incorrect assessments on the property. ,������ ���;�� otal Amount of Transaction $11281.47 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO c��� ��, ca,t�r sura Q � �ss� unding Source Sewer Revenue Bonds Activity Number inancial Information: (F�plain) ����!' `�' K_y.:,� ; . .. . ���� ����������