95-631ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Curcent Amended Budget Change Budget 7 8 9 70 11 72 73 14 15 16 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works would like to let bids for the grading, paving and iighting of Hoyt Avenue-Victoria to Avon, and WHEREAS, ihis is a two block section of Hoyt that was not inGuded in the Council approved budget for Hoy[ Ave, passed on Councif File 94-1741, and there are economies and efficiendes to be gained by doing this work under the same contract as the Hoyt Avenue-Hamline to Victoria project, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for Municipal State Aid funding and will be partially assessed to benefitting property owners, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the long Range Capital Improvement Budge� Commitlee, ihat the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by Uiis Council is hereby further amerxJed in following parlicular. FINANCING PLAN Smith Avenue-Grand to Kellogg C95-2S073 1995 Municipal State Aid 1995 Spec Assessment BoMs SPENDING PLAN Smith Avenue-GrarM to Kellogg C95-2S073 Plans & ConsVUCtion FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Ave Rewnstruction C944J005 1994 Public Improvement Aid 1994 Capiial Improvement Bond 7990 Municipal State Aid 1991 Municipal State Aid 1992 Municipal State Aid 1993 Municipal State Aid 1994 Municipal S�ate Aid Assessment 1995 Municipal State Aid council File # � (° " 3/ RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a0 Green Sheet # 26035 850,000.00 -166,000.00 684,000.00 410,000.00 410,000.00 7,260,000.00 -166,000.00 1,094,000.00 1,260,000.00 -766,000.00 1,094,000.00 1,260,000.00 -166,000.00 1,094,0OO.OD 15,000.00 28,000.00 Committee: Date 15,000 00 28,000.00 31,47220 37,47220 81.445.92 81.445.92 340,537.74 340,537.74 14,147.92 14,147.92 387,396.82 387,396.52 7,500.00 7,500.00 166,000.00 166,000.00 898,000.� 173,500.00 1,071,500.00 �s�3/ SPENDING PLAN Fbyt Ave Remrstruc5on C94-2J005 Plans& ConstrucGon 898,000.00 173.500.00 1,077,500.00 898, 000.00 173,500.00 1,077 ,500.00 8 9 1 0 RESOLVED, that the Ciry Coundl adopis the above changas to the Capital budget. `Th� St. PauY Lona •�+3^-�g Cc?�tal t:npro�.�mc±:t �u�9et Cc:n:�i2t� xec�iva'u' +..:r,is reqn�-si on ��ate) � 11 S and rEC�.mi_^c�n�3 d Sigacd: �� �� Requested by Departmenc of: MJE/jb�f Public Works 5-2-95 _ By , ��P�--- Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B � -� ��, ^ � �� <�; < � Approved by Mz ; Date i� � i � �/ , . �i, � �; , . � � By: ��,�iJr,lvl �7!;ii ii ,C�F Adopted by Council: Date� � �.�.�� /.`l i � 1 D PUU�IC WpI�CS �UNCIL S��9S GREEN SHEET NO. � 6035 J � � COPI�ACTPERSONSPHONE INIT ATE INRIAUDATE MichaelJ.Eggum 266-6143 Q�p�n"EMDIAELT � �g CRVCOUNqL N ���� OCfTVATTORNEY Qg CITYGLERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDA6Y(DA7E) ROUTNG �BUDGETOFFICE �p FINANCE-ACCOUNTING � MAVOfi(ORASSIS t keEggum TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAG6 � (CIJP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANfl� O3 C � �� ❑2 DEPARlMEM AGCOU ACTION REWESTED Agproval of Council Resolution amending the 1994 Capital Improvement Prog'am by transfening spending and financing from the Smith Avenue-Grand to I�ellogg projecsand adding assessment Snancing to the Hoyt Ave-Hamline to Victoria project. RECOMMENDATIONSApprore(yarRejea(R) pERSONALSEHVICECONTiiACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUE NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CNILSEflVICECOMMISSION � H251fU5pC[WNfi[mevZrwOlkCdulldera�Onifdc[fOrifli5depafbnent? CIBCOMMRTEE _ YES NO SiAFF 2. Has ihis persaUTirtn ever been a dry employee? — — YES NO _ DIS7RICiCOUNCIL _ 3. Does tl�is parsoNfirm ssess a skill not normal po ly possessed by any W«e t ci emplo ee SUPPORTSWHfCHCOUNCllO&IECTIVE? YES NO Exptain all yes answers on separate shaet snd attach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The Deparunent of Public Works would like to let bids for construcHon of the grading, paving and lighang of Hoyt Avenue-Victoria to Avon, which is a two block secdon of Hoyt Avenue that was not included in the Council approved budget for reconstruction of Hoyt Avenue passed on Council File 94-1741. There are some economies and efficiencies gained by doing this work under the sazne comract as the Hoyt Hamline to Victoria project ����-� INAY 25 1995 ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd contract for all of Hoyt Ave�rec taldng advantage of the economies and efficiencies gained by doing the work under one contract. DISADVANTpGES IF APPROVED: None. ��'s$�� �a. ., ������� ���s+�; �;,�p,��• ��� �,� � �+iV�Y 24 1995 ��R��� �A,.a���3k� �.S , �.a.,,,..�- � 3 a ��� d�G�€'W � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �'�""°""�"'^�� There will be only a two block section of Hoyt Avenue not reconstructed after the segment of Hamline to Victoria is completed. 70TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 7.500_00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(dRCLEONE) VES No FUNDINGSOURCE 1995 MSA & Assessmen[ ACTIVI7YNUMBER C95-2S073 & C94-2J005 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $166,000 Additions - $7,500