95-628Council File # ��`{v ORfGINAL OF Presented By Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 �7' � Green Sheet # 31049 n !'7 Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Port Authority of Saint Paul owns land on Eaton Street along Highway 52, on Saint Paul's west side; and WHEREAS, the land is an open space field suitable for athletic activities; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is in need of space for its growing soccer program; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority gave permission to Parks and Recreation to use the field space for soccer in 1994; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has agreed to again allow Saint Paul Parks and Recreation to use the space for soccer from May 3 to November 1, 1995; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL�7ED, that the City of Saint Paul shall defend and hold harmless the Saint Paul Port Authority when using the field space for the City's soccer program. It is the understandinq of the parties that the defenses and immunities provided the City and the Saint Paul Port Authority by Minn. Stat. §466.01 et. sq are not waived by virtue of this agreement. Requested by: Division of rks and Recreat'ion gy: .,2 Adopted by Council: Date �„�.1� lt�1S � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY t--� n-3 � /r/ Approved y Ma r: Date �(Cl �-j /�!," ( , i , g �i ��f(.�.er�2=— �����.�� l/.�ii�_. � Form Approved by City Attorney BY e� (f�LV N I2�,�.i"u J' � h S Approved by yor for Submission to Council By: !'-t i`� �i(�(� (`� 5� C1� (.�-� ✓ oE Parks &� �SE22A95 GREEN SHEE �° 31049 INITIAVDATE INITIAV�A7E CANTAGT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAflTMENT DIFECTOR � CIN COUNCIL Vince Gilles ie 266-6408 ^��" �cmArroaNer Ocmc�aK NUYBEii fOP MUST BE ON COUNCiL AGENDA BY (DATE) pOUiING � BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. & MGL SERVICES O1R. OADER O MAVOR (OR ASSISTANi) � Pal TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUE5TED: � Approve Resolution defending and holding harmless the St. Paul Port Authority for the City's use of Port Authority property for soccer progxams. FECOMMENVA710NS: approve (A) a Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 �UESTIONS: , PLANNING QOMMISSION _ CNIL SERYICE COMMISSION 7. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contrad for Mis department? - CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A�� � 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ ��SiRICi COURi _ 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curcent ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNGILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM, Whet, WhBn. Where, Why)� The Division of Parks and Recreation needs field space fdr its soccer program. The Port Authority has vacant field space that is acceptable for temporary use as a soccer field. The Port Authoxity has agreed to permit the City to use the space if the City agrees to defend and hold harmless the Port Authority. ADVANTAGES IPAPPRpVED' . There will be increased field space for soccer programs at no cost to the City. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPRO�ED: pq����p+t � 6� .a�-0 None - [�'i�+� 31 1995 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�: The City will lose an opportuniYy to gain additional soccer space at no cost. TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN)