95-606ORIG(NAL Council File # ��� G Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30767 CITY Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Con¢nittee: Date 3� 1 RSSOLVED: 'Phat application (I.D. #82669) £or an On Sale Malt (Strong) License applied 2 £or by LeeAnn Chin Inc. DBA LeeAnn Chin Chinese Cuisine (ROnald K. Fuller, 3 President) at 917 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. r--����- _-� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council By: n.. 8y Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection gy: � Y""""`" ' / �� Form Approved by City Attorney . ��� � • ,� 3 -�� ys proved by Mayor for Submission to uncil � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q�Go� OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE N� 3 0 7 6 7 LIEPjLicensing iN'T'A - - � - 'NrtA CANTACT PERSON 8 PHIXJE O DEPAflTMENT DIqECTOB � CRY CAUNGII Sill Gunther/266-9132 ��N OCRYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUNBEP FOR � gUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BV ( TEj ROUi1NG 1''OT Hearin : fp �7 ��.5 � O�YOR(ORASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES " (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5iGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTED: Application (I.D. ��82669) for an On Sale Malt License (Strong) app3ied for by LeeAnn Chin Inc. D&A LeeAnn Chin Chinese Cuisine at 917 Grand Avenue. RECOMMENDA7loNS: appoue (A) or qeject (q) PEqSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUSY ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PLpN17M1G COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEMfCE CAMMISSfON �� ���s persanrcrm aver wo�ketl uMes a conVact for this departmant? _ CIB COMMRTEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has ihis persoMfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _OISTRICTCOURT __ 3. DOeSthIS personMirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes enswers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet INfTIATING PRpBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw. What. Whan. WhBre. Whyy. 0.UYANTAGES IF APPROVEO: , DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � $1�°i��` MRY � � 1995 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOUHCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�(o k 12) Have ycu ever been convicted of any :=1ony, cri�2, or violation oi 2ny cicy ordinanca other th�n trzfzic? YFS h0 X ] Dete oi arres� Charga Coavictioa �7ate of 2trest Gharge Cor.viction 19 I,•'here San�e: ce ?? wl:ere Szr.ter.ce 13) Lis� �.`:e nar..zs a, d rzsicz^ces of t�_ee pzrsor.s wi[n?� the Metro Arza of good r,.or21 charac�er, r.ot rela;.ed co ".e applicz-� or _inanci�lly inczrzs�ed in �rz premises or 6usir.ess, who ray bz re�errad to �s _o �'r.z applicar.t's cnaracter. \: _�i� Patti Soskin ADDRcSS 210 Westwood Drive South Golfien Valley, M[3 55416 729 North First Street o Fo�P� CaGP Folev Garka+ N' n�. 1•S MnT SS?�i 1749 Fairview Avenue a 'i , 14) L!st licens2s c:hich.you ccrre.^.�iy nc:d, o* *ornerly nald, or r,.ay neve an ince:zst in. Lioucr Licences• City of St Paul City of Minne•tork'a Citv of Minneapolis —_ Food LicensF�s: City of Minnetonka, City of BLoomington, Hert�ex.in County, City of Minneapoli City cf RicP�f'ield, CIty of St.. Pau1, Ramsey County 15) Y.ave any c_` the licer.ses ?is�ed by �o: in So. 14 evzr bzen rzvoked? Yes _ No �_ If ans::er is "�es", lisc che dates e�d reasor.s lb) Are you goir.o to operatz chis bvsir.ess pe�sor.ally? No If not, �ho will opzrate it? Na^eDennis Anderson ?so,e Accress 1085 Oa�c l`irrla �'� 473-9913 Cice Presider.t, Operations V?ayzata, MA'. 55391 17) Are you going to reva a ranaozr or assistar.c in chis busi;:ess? Yes If sns.er ?s "yes, givz nar..z, nor,.e accrzss, ar.d date of birth. Na�e Dawn UremovicY Add: e s s 973 � H�:m2•oldt Ave S M� nr F:�oi i c Director, Carryout Gperations Phor.e 825 -1625 ���e of Birth 1/30 ��� 18) Tr.cludir.g your przsenc ousi�ess/e^p?o;.•ment, whac business/em?loyment have you folloved for che past five }'e=rs? Business/Emolovne�t Address I,eean.r� (x;in, Inc. 3600 W. 80th Street, Suite 210 Bloominqtor M[�i 554'1 19) List =11 other o:ficers oi che corpo==�ion. ?vAYE TITL� (O; iice lizlc) :=0u3 :.���nSS siO;:E P'r.0�� %�Go � BliSI\cSS P'r.0�e'. 20) ?;. business is pstt-e-.sh�p list parcr.=r{s), szd�ess, ho«�z �.^.d busi.^.zss pho:^.a r.u...ber. \are :-:or,.e P:^.o-z VeT2 i?o.^..e ?hor.e -.�_:ess ____; ess ri:or.z ,._.._zss :�_;iness P^or.e 21) Liqvor wi11 be serv=d in the follo::'_a� �rezs (roor..$) Nain d'ninc room and outdevr �atio 22) D2i:22:1 ::nae c*oss scre�cs is bus:cess ?ecaczd? Grand Avenue between Milton and Vietoria :.�ich s�c'e oi s�rze�? NoYtY 23) 2; ) 25) 26) A`Y FALSTFiCATiO\ C' �`:S'.+��5 GItiEV 03 .M_�?ERI�L SL'��`?ITTE� '+iLL RESUiZ iV DEti?: L Oi T-IS A?�LIC�TIO*I (Sze ?tcachzd) z r.erz� S�fiL2 L':1C2L OdC}1 Ci:=L 1 rct'E c'.5�2L'<d 'c�.� OI L^B c�JOti'2 S'UESClO^5� 2:1d L�7cL L}72 lIIZOL7dLlOi1 COP.L`alAc he=ein 15 LrL'Z BI:C CO?"7eCL LO Li72 �'125i. 0I P�' �r:Y!OW�2dG�2 �:: balief. I hereby state furthzr uader oech chac I;:zvz recaived r.o money or other cor.siCera�ion, by c:ay o;: 1o2n, gifc, contribution, or o:k:e_.isz, oc=:er ehaa alresdy discloszd in the applicstion -nicn I hzrz�aica sub,r.itced. State oT ?;inr.esota) ) County of Ransey ) Subscribed and sworn to befora r..e chis, o�� day of t�ry Publi .._e pre,iszs ^o•a occ���ied? ye�: =.._t �y�e oi busi^zss? ��ip =F• F�atanrant � ow lon�? Billy's American �t.. pat:1's United C}�uzch Linwood, O�ord & Closest 3.2 ?lecz Grill, 841 GIar.0 �•`.'-=ci e�f riv+ Mitt�r� S��°col ncran�a _ Rmmii.t 1 t Grand Avenue C?osest i^toxicacir.3 licuo: pl�ce. Ca Salz gilly's, 8�1 c;r'ar..A== S z1z j�,rn�nrc lou vi11 ba racuired co obca•:a a Ratai? Li4�.:or Dealzrs Ta� Sc�;a? , 19 9� Co�ncy, Mti ��y�`l�btniy. 3�2�6(� `� Signature o pplicar.t / Dace DORIS L CARAiLLO A�TMY PUBLIC • MIIJI$SOTA HENNEPIN Ca1NTY Iytomm63qp L�YqJm17.10W Rev. 5/92 . 'SGoG Greensheet � 30767 L.I.E.P. REVfEW CHECKLIST Date: 3110/95 � In Trackef? npp•n Received / App'n arocessed License 1D # Company 82669 LeeAnn Chin Inc. License Type: On Sale Ma1t (Strong) pgq; LeeAnn Chin Chinese Cuisine Business Addresss: 917 Grand Avenue Business Phone: 291-0545 Contact Name/Address: Dennis Anderson Home Phone: 473-9413 Date to Council Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � ��� Notice Sent to Applicant: '� � �� -� a as �L - i 3 1�i y � Notice Sent to Pubiic: l�Q - .�f � _ _ — — labels Ordered: 3/10/95 District Council #: 16 �' � t C Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments CityAttorney ���9>j� �ir� �' Environmerital Health � Fire License ��/ ,� � Site Plan F7eceived:_ tl, lxase Raceived: V Police Zoning 9��0� CITY OF SAe\T PAL'L, MI\�ESOTA OFFICE Oi L=CE�SE, ZNSPeC�:ONS :��� t�Vi20ti!�ENTAL PROT�CiiON n??L:CAT?OV F0� ON S3!°_ ?N�OXICATItiG LiQUOZ LICENSE SL`DnY Oi� SATF y\_�JXICAIT_X� L?QLOR LICE?vSF ?tiTOXICATISG CLL3 L?QUC2 LIGEVS� OFF SAL� ItiTOi:_C32�\G LIQLCR LIC-tiSE OV S�L� N_?i? 3EVE3=.G� L?CESSE OV S��? WI�E LICE\SE Directions: iHIS FO�.`f :�i;5i 3� r'iLLED OtiT '�iT:i iY?i.i.�ITE� OR BY P2I\Ti�G I:3 Iti:C 3Y TriE SOLr Oi.?�=Z, 3Y =::Cii ??RT\E2, 3Y E?_CH PE�SOV liri0 Y_�S ItiTE�sST IN EXCHSS OF 58 i:� TH? C0�?C�?TiCV ?tiJ/OR =S�CCi=.T?Oti Iti 'a:-:ICii 2N.� NA`?E Oc TN� L?CE\SE W?LL 3? ISSliE�. ;-,;$ =??L_CAT?0\ IS S:'3J°_CT =0 RE�'Z=W BY THE ?ti3L?C 1) Applica�ion ior (type of licznse) Nalt or �ale/Wine on Saia/SUnP-� �y g��� 2) Locatzd st (businzss a�drzss) 917 Grand Avenue -- ST�cEi: rL,-:�zr :�a-:e Type Dirzction 3) Business ?�ara LE�e�rs� C7,in, Inc. Co.poraticn, 7a:cner=_ni�, o: So�z Propriecorsnip 4) ?i busir.ess is _^co*�o_z_ed, �ive dzt� oi ir.corpo*ation T�Cember 21. ��8L_ 5) Doing 3usir.zss ns Leeann CY�in Chinese (biainP �csiaess ?`cr.e � 901_��.4�, 6� ucll LO .=.GC:255 tl: C1I_2rci1L tnzn FJL'S177255 cC6Tc55} 3600 W. 80th Street, S1:itE 210 ST2EET: '�u.,.ber \ane Type Dirzction � _ s�ace ZiP 7) Your na,z �-:d Ticlz ��a Y•a. C7in Vice Fresident (rizst) (:iidele) (.Saiden) (Lssc) (Ticle) 8) Y.ore Acdress 6295 Chasewcc+� rr�ve Pi:or.e � 942-8243 ST��ET: �c.-:cer K'eme Ty'pe Dirzc�ion Rdan Prairie wmi SFR4�' Cicy S.ace Zip Codz 4) Da�e oi 3ir�n 9/5/58 Plac>_ of 3irch Minneapolis,_Minnesota _ �on.n. Day, 6 Ye�r 10) P.re you a citizan of the Ur.iced States?� Y'es N=tive X Naturalized If naturzlized, please submit proof of natur�lization or valid doci:mentation of resider.t zlien stztLS. *(In accord�nce with `finnesota St�tute 340.402A, No On Sale or Off Sale Liquor Licer.se m.ay bz issued to anyor.e vho is r.ot a United States citizen or resident alien.) 11) Married? Yes If ans::er is "yes", lis� n�me and address of spouse. David R. Burkholder Chin, 6295 Chasewood Drive, Eden Pr airie, MN 55344