95-593Qii� V!!���� RESOLUTION OF �QINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ff�r�a b Referred To Council File # '7.� �� 3 Green Sheet # � �o �1 �s co�� D� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 BE IT RESOLVID, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certfied and approves the May 23,1995, recommendations of the Legislative Hearing Officer: Property An en aled 62 South Dale Street Annellant John McKeen Decision: Grant a five year e3rtension on the rainleader disconnect with the owner to pay for the treatment of storm water coming from the rainleader. 66 E. 9th Street Melvin Gittleman Decision: Grant appeal on laundry room door locks and screens for common area windows. 421 Summit Ann Dickenson Decision: Grant appeal on the stucco and deny the appeal on other items as they have been taken care of. 688 E. 4th Street Decision: Deny request for a variance to continue to use an undersized sleeping room with a too small excape window. 226 W. Robie Street Decision: Deny appeal as the work has already been completed. 726 Lincoln Avenue Frank Martin Decision: Crrant a five year extension on the rainleader disconnect with the owner to pay for the treatment of storm water coming from the rainleader. 1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 9.�-s� 374 No. Wheeler Kathleen Dale Decision: Crrant variance until August 1,1995, for the completion of paint'sng of the building and deny the appeal for the other items as the work has already been completed. 413 Sinnen Decision: Deny appeal as the work has already been completed. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this action shall become effective immediately upon approval of the Mayor. Requested by Department of: � FoYm Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � App� � � Adopted by Councii: Date `.� ���� Adopfion Ceitified by Council Secretary 9s s� DEPARRAENT/OfFIGE/COUNGL DATE INRIATEO N� 2 6 9 41 Council Research 5/23/95 GREEN SHEE INITIAWATE M77TIAUDATE CANTACT PERSON b PHONE O �EPARTMENT DIREGTOFi O G�TY COUNCII Gerry Strathman 266-8575 A�wN �cmAnoRNSV �CRYCIEflN MUST BE ON CAUNGIL AGENDA BY (DATE) (tOUiING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OADEP O MAVOR (OF ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTE�: Resolution approving the decision of the Legislative Hearings Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals. RECAttMENDnTKK�s:npprove(A)«Rejecc(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWEHTHEFOL�OWING�UESTIONS: ._ PLANNING CAMMiSSION _ CIVIi, SERViCE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm eve� worked untle� a contract for this de0artment? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES �NO _ STAFF 2. Has thi5 personfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DiSTRiCiCquFr _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee? � SUPPOfiSSWHICHCOUNCIIOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOflTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Wny). Approving the decision of the Legislative Aearings Officer for the Pxoperty Code Enforcement Meeting of May 23, 1995. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. r � . �� s A.{ v r '�+�a4;~:". ; 3��:?::�m° S�it�� Li14! V� �tiE�c� �. e� IQ�� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer wi11 be reversed. 7�TAl AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI�N $ NA COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE NA ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)