95-591ORiGINAL Council Fi1e # � ����/ Green Sheet # 30714 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #11729) for a General Repair Garage and Gas Station Transfer License currently issued to Jerome Zajic DBA Arcade Sinclair Service at 1200 Arcade Street (I.D. #18954) be and the same is hereby transferred to Arcade Sinclair Service (Gary Nippoldt, Sr., Owner) at the same address. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: App By: Of£ice o£ License, Inspections and Environmental Protection $y: C�,��. � �� Form Approved by City Attorney B J� uc i-a�-95 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: _ � 9'S-�S�l OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC�I DA7EINITATED �REEN SHEE N� 3 0 714 IE • • � INIT7AVDATE - - � INRIAL/DATE COMACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAKfM1fENT DIflEGTOH � CfTV CAUNCIL . . ASSIGN �C(fVA7TORNEY OCRVCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL ENUA (D '!� NUYBER FOR ❑ BUDGET OIRECTO O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES Dlq. ROUi1NG FOR HEARING: S 3-1 Q� ORD� OMAVON(ORASSI5fANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNA?URE PAGES (CLIP ALL �OCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACT10N RE�l1ESTED: Arcade Sinclair Service at 1200 Arcade Street(I.D. �/11729) requests Council approval of the transfer of the General Repair Garage & Gas Station License currently issued to Jerome Zajic DBA Arcade Service (Z.D. �18954) at the same address. RECqMMENDA7lONS: Apprwe (A) w Rejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONiHACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMfi COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this parwn/Firtn ever worketl untler a coMrac[ for this tlepartment? - _ CIB COMMlTTEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRU:f COURT _ 3. Does this person(firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any currem city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on eeparate sheet and attech to green shcet INI71A71NG PqOBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTY (Wt�o, Wliat. When. WM1ere, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROYE.D. C�unc�i ����ret? �er ���Y �- 7 i995 — .,� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: �ISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTfVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9s-s`�/ Greensheet # 30714 {n Tracke�? License ID # 11 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 1J13J95 / APP'n Received / App'n Processed Company Name: Arcade Sinclair Service DBA: Arcade Sinclair Service BusineSS Addresss: 1200 Arcade Street Business Phone: 776-9088 Contact Name/Address: Garv A. Ninnoldt. Sr. 3467 .7amaca Ave.Home Phone: 773-5381 Lake Elmo 55042 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: � 1 � Q.7 Notice Ser�t to Appiicant: � f � �� Notice Sent to Publia �L�-' i�Nf 3��i o�l Labels Ordered: N/A District Council #: ns l� � �E Ward #: 06 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey �l��S �� Environmental HeaKh N � Fire �f ��Q.� (� � { License Site Plan Received: � i���� Q �- Lease Received: � Police `3�3(�fS �a��fo� �� �`�� � Zoning � �� �� Z� �'� LICENSE APPLICATION Officc oF License, Inspections and Entironnenial Proiection 3505t Pe�u SL Svitc 5(q c.:.• Psu1,M�ia�ma'.a 55102 �a±z� zss9rm � Csu� zssi:.c (fot oFficc usc on7p} THIS APPL7CATION IS SL�3ECT TO REVIE�TJ BY THE PL3BLIC PLFASE TY�E OR PRIN'I' IN Ih'K Type of License being appli for: CompanyI�Tame: fT'���D� cS'/ /UC� , ��Pi S�IP!/"lC� � . Co:porztion / PaIIncxship / So]e PropriticaL:'p � , � , If business u incorporated, give date of i�c�q�p �atiox�, ; i� a� s�e F �� G _ 9�e �,�,�," •� � a Doing Busiaess .4s• �n?�nes�res, �"�� �'�"'�'O��'��-: Bnsiness Pbene: Business Addsess: �2C� o t� 2e,� o� S! S'� /�/�vt_ /Y��- S.S'/b G� Stree[ Address City State Zip Betu�een ��hat aoss streets is the business located? Which side of the street? n �r'/�ST' Are 2he premises now occupied? ES �Vhat T�pe of Business? g/a+, 2�r� d�«� `-�@+� �y�.- MailToAddress: /ZcJO /�'� �51� cS! p/dVZ. �✓1� .$ S:reei Address Ciry ' State Zip Applicant Information: � Q NameandTitle: G�i'n T ��I'�c�D N/pt oLD3' S� Ow•vYK Fat �iiddle (!.'faiden) Lzst Tit1e Home Address: � 7 J f�/'��GA �U£ i./��t'� £'Lm� /y!� S.i � S�2 Stmet Address City State 7Zp Date of Birth: 1`� 2 �` �� Place of B'uth: `� J J�LW'/ �R Home Phone: ��� " Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? y�-S Naturalized? If you are aot a U.S. citizen, you must bace work authorization from t6e U.S. Imm a°ration & A'aturalization Sen�ce. Have you ever been con�icted of any felony, aime or viol�voa of any city ordinance other than tr�c? YES = A,'_O � Date oi arresh �'vnere? `' Chazge: _ ' -"'� _,:: Conc7cti0n: Sentence: � �. - — List the names and residences of t}uee persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities MeTro �ea, not'ielated to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the apglicaF t s cfiaracter: NAME ADDRESS � P���� uf�eo.hE �AYZTF�- �3�is aAr�s�a g� .�Ayr� �«ne .►nN. 7��-SGg(� �R�aNr R£ mAc r�tL �za a�� �L�� �v � � eA�� �� � �y s53c, Gt��3fer S�GLWtltP �oi4a .v�v� sT-- u�= ra.�b �-ry 7»��G3 Lis[ licenses which you curreatly bold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Have any of tl�e above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES � I�'O If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatioa: (over) � � ,� � `�s�s� Are you going to operate tlus business personally? _ 1FS ^ NO If not, xho will operate it? Fnt ?�zmc h;iddie 7nitial ('�.'xidcn) Lzst Dzie of Biah Hone Addresc S:mct A`zmc Gr Stzie Zip Phoac \umbcr ,�re you going to have a manzger or assis[ant in this bus=ess? _ YES � I.TO If the manager is not tbe same as tl�e operator, p]ease cnmplete the following information: F:st Kame bliLdle Initiat (>:�iden) Lzs[ ' Dae of Biah Homc Addxe� Stroct \ane � G. Siafe Zip Phone \vmber Pleaze list your employment history for the pre�9ous five (� year period: Business/E�lo�ment � . Address �{R-c,A�e s��- �c� �wo ��v�e �'f ST Pauc_., r�w . 2S -�acn.�-_ . List all other o�cers of tbe corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSII�`ESS DATE OF NAME (O�ce Held) ADDRESS PHOr'E PHOTB BIRTH .-�-- JJ • If biuiness ic a partnership, p3ease include the following irSozmation for each paztner (use additional pages if necessary): ---�— first I�ame Middlc Initial r ` }3ome qddresc Strcct :�ame Fst TTame N.iddle 7nitial .�� Homc Address: Street \ame ('..:cidcn) Gry ('✓.aiden) G.y IaSL $tate Last State Date ot Binh Zip PhOne Numbez Date of Binh Zip Phone ?.'vmber Atfach to tLis applicaUOn: ' 1} A detaited descripfion of the design, location and square footage of the premises fo be licensed (sife plaa). 2) A copy of your Iease agreement or proof o[ owvership of the property. A2�'Y FALSIFICATION OF ANSFiFRS GTVEN OR D4ATERLIL SUBn1ITI"ED Fi'ILL RESULT IN DE;�IAL OF THIS ,�PPLICATION I hereby state under oath tbaY I ha"ve answered all of tbe above questions, and that tbe information contained hereia is true and corzect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath tha[ I have received ao moaey or other consideratioa, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise, other than already disc]osed in the application which I herew�itfl submitted. Subscribed and swoz to before me this O/�7 `�C- '`- �� day of � +�c-' 19 � i at� - �� � r - NotaSy Public� �-County MDI "' NESTA R. KELLER �/ + r , C s N�L.FYPUtII:—h9N\t507A }' � Xp � =1`l c 'JCf .�.�".`,` RAMSEY COUNTY M Commission e ues: o- ��� �;� �� My<omviiss�onexi'e/ 4•6�SO �- � - 5 }� Date