95-580Return co,py to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall r�r�a s Refexred To Council File # l�� �6� Green Sheet # �G �� Committec Date 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of those properties described on attached E�ibit "A" incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the properties described above are necessary for the improvement of the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Third Street. The value at which these properties may be purchased is in the amount of Forty-Six Thousand Dollars ($46,000), this being a reasonable value for the subject properties as determined by an independent appraiser; and WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended We purchase of said properties at the recommended value subject to the attached Purchase Agreement; SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Florence E. Raasch the sum of $46,000. Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: C92-2A007-0788-00000 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �" 31 ��S Adoption Certified by Council S retary B Y ° By: a � APF Approved by M ,r,._ D�J� � By: ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By: ' � a��— S-lf-sr by Mayor for„Subm'� to Council Requested by Department of: 95-.58dr/ � OEPARTd1Et7T/OFF15E/COUNdL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET N� 3 14 6 6 Rinance/Real Estate Division - CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT OIqECTOfl � CRV COUNCIL Peter �l'Le 266-8853 ���N �CITYATTORNEY OCRYCLEPK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) NUYBEN FOR O BUDGET DIflECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. ROVf1NG OiiDER �MqYOR(ORASSISTANn � REA�I�Sbf7E �IVIS/ N TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES " (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUES'lED: Approve the purchase of property for the improvement of the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Third Street. RECOMMENOn770NS: Approva (A) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfi THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: � PLANNING COMMISSION. _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1_ Has ihis person/Firm ever worked under a contract for this departrneM? � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _� 2. Has ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee� — VES NO _ DISTfiIC7CpUFiT — 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normall ossessed � y p by any curteM city employee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE? YES NO iStI1Ct Planning Council 1 Explsin all yes answers on separate aheet antl attach to green sheet Council Ward 7 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOPTUNITY (Who, What, When, WhBre. Why): This property is needed to contruct the above mentioned project. Property is located at 526 & 532 White Bear Avenue. � The Final Order for the purchase of this property C. F. No. 93-150 was approved. February 9, 1993. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The intersection improvement will ;�roceedcas planned. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. None. ��r � � �995 ���k��� � PARTMENT OF 11VqNCE AlVDMANAGEMEIVTSERVICES �AY=� �9� �� ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. The intersection improvement will not proceed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $�+6. OOO COS7/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER� � VU I��� O� Q��� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPUIN) ��-s�� Parcel A Perpetual easement for street purposes over, under and across all that part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 7, Robert L. Ware's Eastem heights that lies north of the south 156.00 feet thereof and which lies wesferiy of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 11, distant 6.00 feet easterly from the west line of said Lot 11; thence northerly, parallel with the west line of said Lot 11, to a point distant 169.92 feet south of the north line of said Lot 11, thence northerly to a point on the north line of said Lot 11 distant 1.80 feet easterly from the west line of said Lot 11 and said line there terminating. Parcel B Together with all that part of the north 36.00 feet of the south 156.00 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 7, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights which lies westeriy of the above described line. Also, an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills including the right of removal of ]ateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or the construction of slopes in the grading and paving of White Bear Avenue from Conway Street to Fremont Avenue as shown on Public Works drawing number 2860, opening drawer 4, on file in the Department of Public Works. \t 11 CXti�+3t'f � . � ` > � ` N Q � �Z �� O � � Z �om � Q� � i W nc�r W LL �� r m� Q � � LL 6 W C0 W o,�m z >o w W� a �ao F- � 00 0� = C � � O - U / \ � i , •, �� N F Z W � W N Q W � W Z a z W N O � � ;_.. �-�_�. � a�� � ¢ In� � m I� � 1 Q � i � i � i � I m � 1 I W m I I On �<I� I �T ' � @.1 � � � � •3nv 1NOwaa�— - �-� _ J =`� �� /� y '� I m � ��8 � W �� ` �£ � I j � �I � � . �I t . �- i � ,�. o p't � � , � � � � ��� . Q - : b.� P � �i Y � , , � b �� � � Q � � o- �i i r �e., `i , �� � � _ � i i w .i o Q ' z �",j I � � ,,!3 � � ��i � j � ' `} m � � � � �� ; � �_', i ;, Q� i . I�j , I ai°� 1S ' P�£ — �� ----�- 0 � Q - Y � a a - v � w 0 z �d� � °A 1 ,. C� I I I� I I I I� I il 'I � `I i �� i� 'I i ----- q�'� Z � F-- ,.._�°�- �;;�� ° o ! '� � �- _ c� w _ �� � �� W �-- � � iu � Q � J � � w m O � z � � � � Q �o ¢ w � ;�, � ¢ � City ofSt. Paul '- '' COUNCIL FILE N0. %/ /�" - .FINAL ORDER IN ' ,' ' ' - ' : ; : a� , •_- ' 9� ` : �!?'±�`� - - . °�. BY _,_� r.,,.yr ,:. .� . ' ' � • ._.. .__--,,,.. >.:_r` �.-:i. : . . . ` CONOEMNATION PROCEEDINGS �._ _ .� -":?`;�"F�`�`N -_ e. o. � , ,... _. .. �oting ... . . ....._. =_. .._....:. -- LTd �� � { �Ay pgDER IN CON��T�ATiON PROCEEDINCS In the Matter of ' �- ' J� ' �� DinoGucxiv�.; . _'•i.: ';•.. mt -- - -- !' -- T'• Councli File No. 93-150-BY pve. by condaunlag and taking a P � 7: - . � ' ' "uidening�oE"M �theMaCiccofwidenWgofWhlteBear �asfollowslnVoGag easunm[ from CanwaY Ave. io F7cmont Ave. dcsai oiLot 1. Loi � " _ _ - easemen[ froa -5¢�d eastt�)y --� �� casunwt for stzeet purposcs wcr. uada and acsoss �°s° p� � . _ P e r p e c u a 1 e a a 30 and the vacatcd a11�1' � BI°ck 1. Bund� s Pazk Addition to Salat Paul. lying , . " p a r t e o F L o r oC a 71ne describ�d as follows= - d 39.00 fect wcstuly of _ . - . .AddiCtoa to 5- Bc��gatapo�tOnthesouthllneolSaidl.ot30an 29Nozth.RaaB° � -�- - � the wst line of the Northeast guartu of �r. c a e northcrly P alld wlth the cast . ,. - '..Be81� G Muidtan: ' -� -=- :- f e e C � 22 Wut of the 4th PAa P� t 3. dyytant 33.00 fcct . '. . . e c c� ]ine of sald Northcast 9u�0T to the Sntersectlonv�'th the south line of sald Lot ' - ' '' -' Ne r il 1: thentt northcr3y t� a P°l�t oa the no ��gu� d�ccpi that part oC said , - -.. ,�. . N o c t) wes[crly from the cast llae of eald NoRh t ua[ art o[ aUrn'e of Third SirceL Nso �cttP p Couaty - �' ':: Lot'i Lot 1 takca foz thc wideziln8 {n otWhtteBca[Ave.bY ' .. . .-: 1, a aescribed PIaP�rtY �en foz the op� g -.. . ��-- � .._ :- No r c t C on SoPtWb� 7. 1888. t 30. Blocic 4. Bunde s Park -- ' . �� the � with all that part of tkievacatcd allcl'• Lot 1 and Lo ' . � ... .__ �,: d_ e e i Togeth�l to Sa:nt Paul :yin$ eastaly oC ti�e following desczibed 1Sne: � ;:;-:. :;.. : . - ' <, . . . .:.... . .., ...�.'.� -� - ".., by xi Additlon , . -..' .. iogeCAer wieh� -'''��gatapotatoatheaouthllneofsaidLot30�dlstant� �N ��g�'. . . '� , , 4, IIunde'a P� � arterofSecUOn34.TOwns P ... . � �• ' . dee<cibed line oftheeastlineoftheNorthcast9u •- _ � � i ZZ West oCthe 4ih Prinvpal Mcridian: �ence northuly to a point 30.00 fcct � � � - 'aegii . northcrlyotthesouthllneofsatdLotlanddistant39.OQketwestcrlykomthe -� . . �- ,-.- ' 3 3. 00 east llne of said Noclh�cr tn thecintusection wlth i the north ltne eald Lof le ' . _ � Se c t i of sald Noriheast Q �� �yya[ part oC Lot 1, said Block • .. .� � Me r id Blxk 4 and sald lisi� ��T � 5 g L q�so exccpt that part oC the above • ;� souefi a takm for the widcning ot Whlee Bear Avenue by Rams�Y . ;� r i_ i � , ��: : r:.:: ',` , . . �� , . . e a e e j . describcd property taken for tbe openlnB . . �� � .. .: `.: -, vich/, CountyCommissio •=:4�'t:.Yt ;�.':',:.P`.�C} t.L�?•y '..: rith7, T�c'1laMth2llt2latj�t�oCYd " ' � ,. , terni H b } yy � 8eav t r slyoCWhtteBraiAvaluca ndk y M B westerlyofihcfollawingdescrib � dlfnc - - _ ... . , che v � �� . _, ' � , . �deecr � eo tC onwa y5tcetasdedicatedlnth�r xordcd p iatofHudsonRoadGardcns: -�� ' �' by Ra ��� northerly to a poSnt 308.30 fcet north�ot thc south llnc of Lot k 3. Block - �- Together vith I lO,RobtrtL.Waz�sEaste ����Cw����ofsaldlott the � . -. , �- 'z.'-vare's' eaat SSneofsaldlot:thenttnorthcrlyandp .. � ,.!:.-r�,.•..',_...,veecerly.of:-th lntccsectlonMththenorthlfneofsaldlotandsodll��d5trcct.AlsousubJctto that pact o[ sald lot takcn foz the wldeninB �.:, S e g i n eascm�nts of zecozd across vacatcd Conway StccL . ..".:. . : ;- ;.` .: T oge tha'w1th11�atpartofLotll.Bl ock7.RobertL.WaresEas[cmHelghtslyingwcstcrly .. L , retor of the follawin$ dcsatbed 11nc: � . - -� ��� -�--� ��'' ��� �� "•' Y° 108. 3 B�g� a[ a point on thc south llnc ot sald Lot 11. B1ock 7 distant 6.00 fcct - ,.. .._.,. ' .. :i- �. 2f ti ace'j easivly from the wcst llne otsatd lot. thmce northeriy. Pazallel wlth ihe wcst ., ' _: _ ., A.,_.» v e s e.� �� o � s yd lot to a pofnt distant 169.92 fcet south of the north llne of saSd Lot ��.-: - - '. � .�.+eu tJ{ 11. Bicck 7: thrnce noriherty to a pofnt on the north llne of sald Lot 11 distant ,- -- -- �'; r °��'I.7i;2 s a i d i 1.80 fcet easterly 4om the wcst linc of sald lot and sald line there terraL.aLng. �- '' � -� . - s a i d� Except tha[ pari of sald Lot 11, Slock 7. takcn for the widentng of Third Street. ' � � c o e a and takin an casunent ln thc land ncccssary for the slopes. qlso, condcmning g � T o ge e h e c � i c h cuts and Alls includtng right of remwa °���c eafor mpnstructlonofslopes 1n tha tieighte lyin8 �. ��andpavl� �a'S�°���� uefromConway5tee[toFYcmon[Avenue. ',.M ... .,".__- a e i n Ozder 92• 1915 apprwed De n�c a��� mProvement upon duc notice, and '";• ���.'� �� S Prelfminary � `i ' dista ppublichearin�havingbernhadupo �,_.,ti�_*, n o r c h �� Councfi having heard all persons, objcctlons and recommendallons relativc ffiercto. , ` � aisee an dhavingfullyrnns�dercdthesam e:thcreCo � e.belt orders sald '`r=;_`;;�;;t_='�.� 7; ch �SOLVED. That thc Councll ot the City oC Saln[ Paul hercby ,., ,: ,, ,,�.� . ' disca 4�r'�:[_:'V.:-ci " eaid + �Ptovemrnt to be IDade. B 1 o ck 3�SOLVED F't7RT1'1ER'Chat the CounW hcreby determines the cstate zcqulrcd or i- .-+ ti` thls lmprovemmt to be fee slmplazc hereby authozl cd end d1 ectedto ��V� acUO e r� � ,_ iz.�! i Clty OIDcas and CIIY Attornq' `�:�; -"'-<: ; . � Als o.1 necrssarY to acqufre sald r�al cstate by purchase or cmlaent domahi. t �;r;4: ; � . .. che e �R.j.f,�R�OLVED,ThatthcCouncllhcrebydetcrnLLncsthatthecstaterequtred _,__ � , _, euppo for �� �mprovemrnt be as desvlbed abovc. and Eaat t1�e proper Clry ofliccrs submi[ a t:-.i :! ^"�' PeV� rcporttothcCityCountllfozthcpur{�xofthcCouncll'sm�ganawaxclo(damagofortrie i i'�:'�<;7'1 czcav, t,-�'' % �-,.%' lntuest ac4utred and dctersdnatlon of ass�,smenb.lC anY• agalxut the bcncIlicd proputy. Y _ . "'_ '•'_ � i. : c i.._� :'.-: � " . I File No. 18697 .. i '..",•'.':: "�' ' Adoptcd by Councll Fcbrvary 9. 1993. . • � ; ppprovcd by Ma}roi Fcbcuary 12. 1993• _ . (Fcbruary 20, 19931 j I CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASE AGREEMENT qs s�� I. Date: Anri122 1995 2. Locafion of the Real Estate: 526 and 532 White Beaz Avenue, 5aint Paul Leeal Descriprion of the propertv is shown on Exhibit "A" attached. 3. Legal Description of the sale property: Street easement as described on Exhibit "B" attached 4. a) Name and address of Buyer: Citv of Saint Paul - Department of Public Works 6th Floor Citv Hall Annex - 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 b) Name and address of Seller: Florence E. Raasch. 1794 Fre mont Av., St. Paul. MN 55119 Florence R. and Wayne L. Musenbrock. 1797 E. 3rd St., St. Paui. MN 55119 5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $46.000.00 The purchase price reflects the value of the easement and the value of the property at 526 White Bear Avenue with the Seller retaining the surplus property at 526 White Beaz Avenue. 6. The Real Estate taxes for 1995 on the property at 526 White Bear Avenue will be prorated at the time of closing. The selle: will be responsible for Real Estate taxes payable after 1995. Seller is responsible for all assessments, levied and pending, and leins against the property. 8. Type of Conveyance required: Seller shall erant street easement to Citv. 9. Seller waives any reimbursment, by the Buyer, for appraisal fees incurred or to be incurred in connection with the Buyers purchase of the property. . . 9� s�� ' Purchase Agreement A Page 2 10. Seller shall provide the Buyer, within seven days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated Abstract of Title and/or an Owner's Certificate of Tifle. Seller agrees, at Sellers's cost and expense, to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the tiUe as shown on the Buyer's "Commitment to Insure" title examination report. 11. Closing shall occur within 60 days following execution of tlus Purchase Agreement, at which time the seller shall convey a permanent easement to the City. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual ageement of the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay ali closing costs. 12. The Seller will give notice to the tenant to vacate the premises by June 10, 1995. 13. The Seller will grant the Buyer a right of entry permit in order to wreck the building at 526 White Beaz Avenue. Buyer shall remove building, including the foundation, fill the excavation with suitable material and place asphalt on the surface. 15. Ali warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and the conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fuily satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closing and the conveyance of title to the property. 16. This purchase agreement is subject to approval by the Council of the City of Saint Paui. SELLER: By: ��.��- C - � l¢�'� Date: ��<� ._T�� Florence E. Raasch � _, By: �i�'ll'�����.co�or�-�2�1 Date: � �/GC.c .S� �7�.5� Florence R. Musenbrock ' � By: .� �� � Date: �/Y14( `7 �� � l � � 9s-s�� Legal Description of property at 526 and 532 VJhite Beaz Avenue (Property Identification Nuxnber 352922230103) (Property Identification Number 352922230101) Registered Land Certificate of Title No. 331284 EI�EIIBTT "A" �'IS-S�D Parcel A Perpetual easement for street purposes over, under and across all that part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 7. Robert L. Ware's Eastem heights that lies north of the south 156.00 feet thereof and which lies westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 11, distant 6.00 feet easterly from the west line of said Lot 11; thence northerly, parallel with the west line of said Lot 11. to a point distant 169.92 feet south of the north line of said Lot 11, thence northerly to a point on the north line of said Lot 11 distant 1.80 feet easterly from the west line of said Lot 11 and said line there terminating. Parcel B Together with all that part of the north 36.00 feet of the south 156.00 feet of I.ots 10 and 11. Biock 7, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights which lies westerly of the above described line. Also, an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or the construction of slopes in the grading and paving of White Beaz Avenue from Conway Street to Fremont Avenue as shown on Public Works drawing number 2860, opening drawer 4, on file in the Department of Public Works. C xii��3��( `�"