95-58Return copy to: Real Estate Division �� 140 City Hall ORIGINAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �� Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Boazd of Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, by resolution no. 94- 487, dated October 25, 1994, classified as non-conservation land, certain tas-forfeited properties lying with the City of Saint Paul, said properties set forth on the list attached hereto and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, a copy of the classification resolution together with the list of said lands has been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of these lands in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 282.01, Sub. 1; TI-IEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the tax forfeited parcels on said classification list shall be sold in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 282.01, Sub. 1, except those parcels as listed in this resolution which shall be withheld from public sale for those departments of the City of Saint Paul as indicated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEq that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Land Commissioner, Ramsey County, Minnesota. PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PIN LOCATTON Except the east 193.97 Ft. L.ot l, Blk 2, Eastview Addn. 34-29-22-24-0039 14XX Fremont St. Conncil File # �_ 5 - 5� Green Sheet # ab�� PROPOSED USE Ponding PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION DESCRIPTION PIN LOCATION PROPOSED USE Lot 34, Blk 7, Burlington Heights, Div. 2 Lot 32, Blk 7, Burlington Heights, Div. 2 11-28-22-31-0023 Mystic Street 11-28-22-31-0025 Mystic Street Park Park L.ot 40, Blk 9, Burlington 11-28-22-34-0009 Pazk Heights, Div. 2 Mystic Street °I5 5� PARCEIS TO BE WI1`HHELD FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION (ContJ DESCRIPTION PIN LOCATION PROPOSED USE Part of Section 23-29-22 23-29-22-43-0123 Maryland at Ruth Open space Lots 27 & 28, Blk 2, Como Prospect Addition Part of Biock 45, Chas. Weide's Subdivision. 25-24-23-22-0017 Geranium at Dale 29-29-22-43-0007 Payne Ave at Bush Pazk Park Storage I.ots 25 - 30, Blk 9, Rice Street 24-29-23-14-OO1Q 11, 12, Park playground Villas. 13, 14, & 15 Albemarle at Nebraska PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR HOUSING REDEVETAPMENT AVl'HORITY PIN LOCATION L.ots 3& 6, Blk 16, Stinson's Addition 29-29-22-34-0123 & 0124 Jessie at Bush T..ot 11, Blk 2, Borup & Payne's I.ot 18, Blk 6, Holcombe's Addition I.ot 27, Blk 6, Eastville Heights Lot 12, Blk 4, Brunson's Addition Lot il and the west 1/2 of L,ot 12, Blk 2, Fairbanks Addition 29-29-22-43-0078 588 Bush 02-28-23-11-0192 729 Hague 28-29-22-21-0158 985 Geranium 32-29-22-24-0056 485 Kenny Road 35-29-23-34-0087 905 Marshali Except the south 245 ft., the south 22-29-22-44-0143 1/2 of lot Zl, Gerardine's Gazden L,ots Flandrau at Maryland L.ots 19 through 24, Bik 19, Gumey 19-29-22-24-0017 Highland Park Wanda at Nebraska PROPOSED USE Redevelopment Redevelopment New construction or infiil housing New construction or infill housing Rehab Historic structure New construction or infill housing Housemove for Phalen corridor Development q5-S8 0 1 PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CONT.l 2 3 4 DESCRIP'TION 5 6 7 I.ot 1, Blk 1, Bauman Addition 8 9 10 Lot 8, Blk 33, Munger's Subdivision 11 12 13 Lot 18, Blk 12, Smith's Subdivision 14 PIN LOCATION 22-29-22-33-0108 Clazence at Maryland 29-29-22-41-0139 York at Greenbrier 36-29-23-23-0137 PROPOSED USE Redevelopment Redevelopment New construction or infill housing Yeas Nays Abseat Requested by Department of: By: V �p.. TT Approved by Byi � By: FOxm ��r��5 Secretary B y ° � / � �J APPr /�/. /J G iiia�. �✓ � c� v _.. BY � i by City Attorney for 't0 COUIICII Adopted bp Council: Date Adopt�on Certified by Cou�. , �, _ � F.M.S./REAL��IVISION Datec November 16, Green Shcet Nnmber. 52067 1994 II'ARTMINf DIItECPDR 4 CfIY COUNQI. tad Peaa� and Pha�ee Nu� ,�, . .. ATPORNEY CdLRIC I}ick McCann 266-8866 266-8850 °m' DIILECPOR .& MGf SVG DIIt { 3 YOR (OR ASSSCANl) ust be � Commol Agenda bp. # OF S[GNATUItE PAGES 1 (Q.IP A7L I.00AIIONS FOR S[GNAIVRL� CLION REQUPS'1'FD: pprove resolution authorizing the withholding of tax forfeited parcels from public sale. RR.COMFffiNDAIIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RPJECl' (R) rreu, s�vicE coxiRwcis rsasr nNS�vvsa � r�oi,wwnv� PIAHI�IG COMMIS40N A STAFF flas tbe pexson/� eeer wotked wder a mntraar for this departmenY? YFS NO c�vu. sexvice conunss�ox [� wg �o/� �r � a�r �r�' }tes xo . Dces this pcaon/fitm poas�ss a skilt �t noimall9 P� 6 9 �9 CB COMM[P1FE _ G7uient Gty employce? YPS NO � aD YES aa�svus on a separete shee[ md attach. POR1S WIIICH COUNQ[.OETECI7VL? . wucacn, wnxn(s� 1,5,6 & 7 nisriucr riaivr�naG courrcu. 1,2,4�5,6,7,g TING PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPIY (Who, What, Wheq Whexe, Whyf): City Departments have reviewed the tax forfeit parce( list for 1994 and selected those parcels to be 'thheld from public sale as indicated on the attached resolution. � VANTAGESIFAPPKOVFD: ity acquires property at a nominal cost f40`� 1'l iS�� ISADYANS'AGPSIFAYPROVED: yEC 4/p D794 "! ^ q'r t k=: `��-'_ . �< <�nn��r a� ��r�;���,_� <.,ai: tvifi.(� one � ���°� ��'u�� , . � �°_,. 4 ��,, • : -, �:'�-. t �� ISADVANl'AGPS IF NOTAPPROVPD: � �} 6i�.� Li M( y��r�+e roperties not selected now could be sold at auction to the public. ni, nMOVivr or T�xsncnox: $339.95 CASl'/REVENUL� BUDGElED (C1B['f E ANL� .,. - YES _ NO ": ING SOURQ? ACIIVITY NUMBER: QAL INFORMATION: (EJ�IAIN) Funding source would have to be determined when application for parcels is made. �I 5 �5� Resalution Board of .�amse�e Corrn � �ommissloners ?resented By Commissioner Schaber Date October 25, 1994 �o. 94-?$7 Attzntion: Budgeting and Accounting Lou McKenna, Director, Property Records and Revenue Tax Forfeit Land WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Annotated Section 282.01, provides that forfeited lands be ,classified as conservation or non-conservation and that the classification be submitted to the governing body of the governmental subdivision in which the parcels are located for approval of the classification; and WHEREAS, The Director of Property Records and Revenue has prepared a list dated October 7, 1994, of 99 parcels which forfeited for non-payment of taxes on August 31, 1994, and recommends that said parcels be classified as non-conservation lands; Now, Therefore, Be Zt RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby recommends that the parcels of forfeited land as shown on said list be classified as non-conservation lands; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Board requests staff to forward the classification list to the governing body of the subdivision wherein the parcels are located for approval of the classification and sale of the land involved. RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Diane Ahrens X John Finley X Ruby Hunt X Hal Norgard X Warren Schaber X Brenda Thomas X Dick Wedell X Hal Norgard, Chairman • � 1 9 9 4 C L A S S Z F I C A T I O N OCTOBER 7, 1994 PLAT NAME & DESCRIPTION 1) Lot Two (2), Block One (1), Smith & Taylor's Addition to the City o£ St. Paul. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 2) Lot eighteen (18), Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson's Division to St. Paul, Minn., according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and Por Ramsey County, Minnesota. 3) Lot 4, Block 24, Oak Ville Park Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register o£ Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 4) The Southerly 37 £eet of Lot 9, Block 6, Edmund Rices first addition to St. Paul. (SUbject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 5) Lot eighteen (18), Bryant and Mineas Rearrangement of Block 13 of Woodbury and Cases Addition to West Saint Paul, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 6) Lot Twenty-six (26), Block Seventy-one (71), Dawson's Earl St. Addition to St. Paul, Minn., according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. L I S T NOTICE NO./PIN NO./ LOCA`PION/CARSON NO. 94007 02-28-23-21-0103-8 �o�� 930 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-6548 C-553 94016 36-29-23-23-0137-9 (08) 611 Edmund Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55103-1612 C-523 94021 29-29-22-11-0193-5 (O1) 804 Jessamine Avenue E St. Paul, Mn., 55106-2510 C-258 94028 29-29-22-32-0087-6 (O1) 883 Clark Street St. Paul, Mn., 55101-4212 C-259 94045 08-28-22-31-0133-7 (06) Approx. 141 Page Street St. Paul, Mn., 55107-3070 C-629 94091 28-29-22-42-0030-2 (O1) 1073 Sims Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55106-3924 C-256 ���� �> Abstract: A strip of land bounded by the N. 94093 line of Magnolia Street, the E. line o£ Lot 29-29-22-12-0201-2 (01) 17, in J. M. Warner's Addition to the St. 609 Magnolia Avenue E Paul, Minn., the S. line of alley in block St. Paul, Mn., 55101-3838 4 in Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the City C-258 o£ St. Paul, produced W. and the W. line of Lot 16, in Block 4 in Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the City of St. Paul, being a part of the NW-1/4 of NE-1/4 of Sec. 29, T. 29, R. 22, according to the ITnited States Government Survey thereof. Torrens: Lot sixteen (16), Block four (4) of Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereo£ on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. 8) Lot 8, Munger's Subdivision of Block 33 Arlington Hills Addition to the City of St. Paul 9) Lots 20 and 21, Block 26, Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul. 10) West twelve (W.12) feet of Lot Two (2), and the East Nineteen (E.19) £eet of Lot Three (3), Block One (1), A. B. Wilgus Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. 11) Lot 11 and the west 20 feet of lot 12, Block 2, Fairbanks Addition to the City of St. Paul, subject to right acquired by the city of St. Paul for alley, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the county Recorder and for said county. 12) Lot Sixteen (16), of Chute Brother's Division No. 16 Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereo£ on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 94094 29-29-22-41-0139-8 (O1) 706 York Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55106-3728 C-260 94095 29-29-22-42-0087-5 (O1) 597 York Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55101-4049 C-260 94107 35-29-23-33-0091-6 (12) 988 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-5428 C-529 94108 35-29-23-34-0687-4 (12) Approx. 905 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-6546 C-529 94110 35-29-23-42-0016-7 (12) 859 Aurora Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-4816 C-530 q5-� 13) Lot 10, except the South 40 feet thereof, Block 13, Butterfield Syndicate No. 1, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of County Recorder, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 14) Except the South 92 feet Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Edwin Dean's Subdivision oP Simth and Lott's outlots to the City o£ St. Paul. 16) Lot 6 Block 10, S. Sinnens Subdivision o£ Blocks N. 10 and 22 of Lyman Daytons Addition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet thereof; and Lot 7, Block 10, B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. 10 and 22 of Lyman Daytons Addition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet and except the Southeasterly 27 feet thereof. Together with and subject to Easement Agreement as contained in Document No. Agreement as contained in Document No. 2150034. easements of record, if any.) 94111 35-29-23-42-0178-4 (12) Approx. 774 Central Ave. W. St. Paul, Mn., 55104-4857 C-530 94112 35-29-23-43-0045-2 (12) Approx. 286 Avon Street N St. Paul, Mn., 55104-5501 C-530 94139 32-29-22-11-0066-4 (02) 415 Sinnen Street St. Paul, Mn., 55106-5012 C-270 the Terms and Conditions of 1959127; and Mutual Easement (subject to restrictions and 17) Apartment No. W-6, West Building, Apartment 94154 Ownership No. 19, F. SCOTT FITZGERALD O1-28-23-21-0289-4 (07) CONDOMINIUM, Post Office Address 479-481 479 Laurel Avenue #W-6 Laurel Avenue, 5t. Paul, Minnesota, located St. Paul, Mn., 55102-2080 on the following described land: C-557 Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 10, Woodland Park Addition to the City of St. Paul according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for said County, together with an undivided 8 1/3% interest in the common areas and facilities, according to the Declaration of Apart- ment Ownership and attached By-Laws filed as Document No. 1908084 in Ramsey County Records on the 23rd day of May, 1975, as amended in and by the First Amendment to Declaration of Apartment Ownership filed as Document NO. 1996084 in Ramsey County Records on the 6th day of March 1978, and the Floor Plans filed as Document No. 1908085 in Ramsey County Records on the 23rd day of May, 1975, on file and of record in the office of said Register of Deeds, which apartment shall be used exclusively for private residential purposes, subject to the restrictions as more fully set forth in said Declaration, as amended by the First Amendment thereto, and By-Laws. 18) Lot 18, Block 6, Holcombe's Addition to St. 94163 Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof 02-28-23-11-0192-9 (07) on file and of record in the office of the Approx. 729 Aague Avenue Register of deeds in and £or said County and St. Paul, Mn., 55104-6606 State. C-554 19) Lot 30, Block 7, HolcomBe's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof 94164 02-28-23-11-0259-1 (07) Approx. 129 St. Albans St N St. Paul, Mn., 55105-3535 C-559 � 5-�8 2 �, Lot Ten (10), Block One (1}, Brown's First Addition to the city oP St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereoP now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State. 21) Lot two (2), and three (3), Block three (3), Haller's Addition o St. Paul as recorded in the Of£ice of the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County. 22) Lot 22, Block 42, Summit Park Addition to St. Paul. 23) Lot 2, Block 6, Anna E. Ramsey�s Addition to the City of St. Paul. 24) Lot 1, of Masek's Re-ar. Subject to an Easement in favor of the City of St. Paul over a twenty foot strip diagonally across the Westerly part of Lot 1, for constructing and maintaining a public sewer in and through a tunnel, the Resolution for which was adopted and approved April 9, 1935, being Document # 154343. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, 94165 02-28-23-21-0015-2 �o�� 909 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-6542 C-553 94166 o2-za-2s-2i-oosz-i �o�� 872 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-6529 C-553 94169 02-28-23-23-0124-9 (07) 1069 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-7004 C-553 94174 03-28-23-12-0085-6 (07) 1228 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-6438 C-550 94182 os-2s-az-2a-000i-s �06� Robie Street E St. Paul, Mn., 55107 C-627 mineral and mineral rights. if any.) 25} The Northerly ten (N'ly 10) feet Lot five (5) 94185 except the West fifty-seven (W. 57) feet 08-28-22-33-0067-5 (06) thereof, Block one {1), St. Pierre and Livingston Avenue Lawton's Addition to St. Paul, according St. Paul, Mn., 55107-3266 to the recorded plat thereof on file and C-629 of record in the o£fice of the Reqister of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Reserving to the State of Minnesota, in trust for the taxing districts concerned, all minerals and mineral riqhts, as provided in Section 10, Chapter 386, Laws of 1935. 26) Lot thirty-four (34j, Block seven (7), in Burlington Heights, Division No. 2 Ramsey Co., Minn., according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the o£fice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 94189 11-28-22-31-0023-1 �oz� Mystic Street St. Paul, Mn., 55119-5333 C-641 �j5-5� 2�, Lot thirty-two (32), Bl.ock seven (7), in Burlington Heights, Division number two (2), according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the ofPice oP the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 28) Lot Porty-nine (49), Block nine (9), in Burlington Heights, Division number two (2), according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the o££ice o£ the Register o£ Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 29j The Southerly 108 feet of Lot 21, Block 28 of the Subdivision of Blocks twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (z9), Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, (except that part heretofore conveyed to the City of St. Paul and now used as a right-of-way by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha 30) Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 19, Gurney Highland Park. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 31) Lot 35, Bloak 5, Hager's Subdivision of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, of Walcotts addition to Cottage Homes. 32) Lot 36, Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Of Walcotts addition to Cottage Homes. 33) An undivided 1/2 interest in Lots 35, 36, 37 and 38, Block 5, Hager�s Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, of Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes 34) Lot 38, Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, of Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes 94190 ii-za-2z-3i-oo2s-� �02� Mystic Street St. Paul, Mn., 55119 C-641 94191 11-28-22-34-0009-6 (02) Mystic Street St. Paul, Mn., 55119 C-641 94200 12-28-23-24-0048-2 (05) Approx. 448 Duke Street St. Paul, Mn., 55102-3626 C-561 Railway). 94201 19-29-22-24-0017-3 (09) Wanda Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117 C-217 94202 19-29-22-32-0016-5 (09) Approx. 1421 Hawley Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4548 C-219 94203 19-29-22-32-0017-8 (09) Approx. 1429 Hawley Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4548 C-219 94204 19-29-22-32-0018-1 (09) Approx. 1437 Hawley Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4548 C-219 94205 19-29-22-32-0019-4 (09) Approx. 1445 Hawley Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4548 C-219 �5 �5�i 35) Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 267, 94260 files oP Registrar of Titles, County oP Ramsey, 19-29-22-43-0006-4 (09) Together with a non-exclusive easement £or the Maryland Avenue E deposit and maintenance of slope and fill St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4617 material on part of Tract B, Registered Land C-220 Survey No. 267 and a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over part of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 267. See Document No. 586435. All the terms and conditions of Section 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as to Maryland Street as set forth in the instrument recorded in Book 68 of Plans, Page 11. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 36) Lots 14 and 15, Block 4, Farrar's Addition to the City oP Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. 432021 Easement 3uly 27, 1961 9:00 A.M. Easement for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of street adjoining above property. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 37) Lot 1, Block 1, Bauman Addition. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 38) Geradine's Garden Lots, except South 245 feet; the South one-half (1/2) of Lot twenty-one (21), according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. 94207 20-29-22-24-0132-7 (O1) Arlington Avenue E St. Paul, Mn., 55101 C-221 94211 22-29-22-33-0108-0 (02) Clarence Street St. Paul, Mn., 55106-2062 C-231 94212 22-29-22-44-0143-9 (02) Flandrau Street St. Paul, Mn., 55106-2302 C-232 39) That part of the Southwest quarter of 94214 Section 23, Township 29 North, Range 22 23-29-22-43-0123-5 (02) West, Lying Southerly of a line 76 feet Maryland Avenue E Southerly from and parallel with the St. Paul, Mn., 55119 original center line of the Chicago, St. C-236 Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, except the Easterly 35 feet thereof lying Southerly of a line described as £ollows: Beginning on the East line oP the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 23, distant in a Northerly direction 982.45 feet from the Southeast corner thereof, thence Southwesterly through a point on the west line of said Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter distant in a Northerly direction 358.87 feet from the Southwest corner thereof, said line being the South- easterly right-of-way line o£ the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, as same is located in said Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter. The Northerly line of that tract in Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter commences at a point on the South line of said Section 251 £eet (cont. next page) q ��5� (39 cont) East from the South quarter corner of said Section, running thence North- easterly parallel with the right of way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapo- lis and Omaha Railway to a point on the center line between the Southwest quarter of the Southeast guarter and the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section which is 503.53 feet North from South line of said Section. Reservation by the State of Minnesota of all mineral and mineral rights. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 40) All that part of Lots one (1), two (2) and 94215 three (3) in Block two (2) lying South o£ 24-29-23-12-0014-8 (O8) the easement filed September 21, 1926 in Western Avenue the o£fice of the Registrar of Titles of St. Paul, Mn., 55117 said Ramsey County, as Document Number 91051, C-500 in Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 2, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the of£ice of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. (Subject to restrictions and ease- ments of record, if any.) 41) Lot 25, inclusive, Block 9, Rice Street 94216 Villas. Reservation by State of Minnesota 24-29-23-14-0010-0 (08) o£ all minerals and mineral rights. (SUbject Approx. 1445 Marion Street to restrictions and easements of record, St. Paul, Mn., 55117-3847 if any.) C-500 42) Lots 25 to 30, inclusive, Block 9, Rice Street Villas. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restriction and easements of record, if any.) 43) Lot 27, Block 9, Rice Street Villas. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 94217 24-29-23-14-0011-3 (08) Albemarle Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117 C-5o0 94218 24-29-23-14-0012-6 (OS) Albemarle Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-3804 C-500 44) Lot 28, inclusive, Block 9, Rice Street 94219 Villas. Reservation by State of Minnesota 24-29-23-14-0013-9 (08) of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject Albemarle Street to restrictions and easements of record, St. Paul, Mn., 55117-3804 if any.) C-500 45) Lot 25 to 30, inclusive, B1ock 9 Rice Street Villas. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 94220 24-29-23-14-0014-2 (08) Albemarle Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-3804 C-500 �5�5� 46) Lot 30, Block 9, Rice Street Villas. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 47) Lot 28, Idaho Addition. 48) Lots 27, and according to 28, Idaho Addition, the recorded plat thereof. 49) Lot 15, Block 5, Rice Street Villas Subdivision of lots 8, 10, 12, 13, and the East 275 feet of 11, Walcotts Addition to Cottage Homes. 94221 24-29-23-14-0015-5 (08) Albemarle Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-3804 C-500 94222 24-29-23-21-0044-1 (08) Cumberland Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-5603 C-499 94233 24-29-23-21-0045-4 (08) Cumberland Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-5603 C-499 94224 24-29-23-41-0123-1 (08) 1369 Marion Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4489 C-502 50) Commencing on a line dividing Lots 53 and 94225 54, Wilkin & Heywards Out Lots to St. Paul, 25-29-23-21-0106-5 (08) 127 feet Westerly from a point where said Arundel Street line intersects with the Westerly line of St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4769 Arundel Street, thence running Westerly along C-519 the dividing Lots 53 and 54 of said Out Lots, 187 feet, thence Northerly 40 feet, thence Easterly 187 feet, thence Southerly 40 feet to the point of beginning, being a tract of land in Lot 54, Wilkin & Heyward's Out Lots. 51) Lots 27, and 28, Block 2, Como Prospect Addition. Reserving to the State of Minnesota, in trust for the taxing districts concerned, all minerals and mineral rights, as provided in Section 10, Chapter 386, Laws oP 1935. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 52) Lot Seven (7), Block Eleven (11), "Foundry Addition" to St. Paul, except the Southeasterly Twelve (12) feet thereof. 94226 25-29-23-22-0017-2 (08) Approx. 1147 Loeb Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-4729 C-519 94229 25-29-23-31-0087-4 (08) Approx. 489 Como Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55103-1504 C-521 �G5�5g 53) Lot 8, Block 6, "Foundry Addition" to St. Paul. 54) Lot 29, Block 12, Blocks 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15, Lewis' (2) Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof. 55) Lot Thirty-three (33), Block Three (3), Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangement of Block 3, and North one-half of Block 2, Winters addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof, filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 56) Lot 27, Block 6, Eastville Heights. 57) Lot 6, Block 16, "Stinsons Addition to the City of saint Paul". Reservation by the State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restriction and easements of record, if any.) 58) Lot 3, Block 16, Stinson's Addition to the City of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota (Subject to restrictions and easements o£ record, if any.) 94230 25-29-23-32-0087-1 (OS) 550 Como Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55103-1506 C-521 94232 25-29-23-41-0206-2 (08) Approx. 878 Marion Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117-5339 C-522 94234 26-29-23-43-0028-5 (12) Seminary Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55104-1632 C-518 94247 28-29-22-21-0158-4 (O1) Approx. 9s5 Geranium Ave. E St. Paul, Mn., 55106-2636 C-253 94254 29-29-22-34-0123-5 (O1) Jessie Street St. Paul, Mn., 55101-4121 C-259 94265 29-29-22-34-0124-8 (O1) Jessie Street St. Paul, Mn., 55101-4121 C-259 59) Lot 8, except the W'ly 7o ft. thereof and 94265 all of LOts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 29-29-22-43-0007-6 (O1) 12, 13, 14, 21, 22 and 23 Chas. Weides 824 Payne Avenue Subdivision of part of Block 45 of Arlington St. Paul, Mn., 55101-4129 Aills Add. to St Paul together with so much C-260 of the Al1ey in Chas. Weides Subdivision of part of B1ock 45 of Arlinqton Hills Add. to St. Paul which has been vacated and which is described as Pollows: Running East from Payne Ave. to railroad right-of-way at a point 500 Peet North of Fauquier Ave., as abuts Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 13 on the north and Lots 14, 21, 22 and 23 on the South. �5�5� 60) Lot 11, Block 2, Bourp and Payne's Addition to St. Paul. 61) Section 29, Town 29, Range 23, Commencing at the Southwest corner of Northwest 1/4 thence North on the West line thereof 931 2/10 feet for the Beginning the right 89 degrees 44 minutes 19 15/100 feet thence right 90 degrees 195 67/100 £eet thence right 91 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds 20 07/100 feet to said West line �hence beqinning subject to railway 29, Town 29, Range 23 94268 29-29-22-43-0078-8 (O1) ApproX. 588 Bush Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55101-4115 C-260 94269 29-29-23-23-0005-5 (10) Unassigned (West Gate Dr.) St. Paul, Mn., 55114 C-503 in Northwest 1/4 of Section 62) Parcel 4. That part of Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 94270 and 17, Block 1, lying South of a line West 29-29-23-41-0007-5 (10) at a right angle to the West line of Block 2 Hersey Street from a point on said West line, distant 35.00 St. Paul, Mn., 55114-1213 feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot 12 C-506 of said Block 2, and North of a line extending West at a right angle to the West line of Block 2, from the Southwest corner of said Lot 12 in said Block 2, all in Minneso- ta Transfer Addition, St. Pau1, Minn. A Slope easement in favor of the City of St. Paul as recorded in Book 18 of Plats, page 22. (Covers Lots 13 and 14 of Parcel 4 of above property) (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 63) Lot H, Soo Line Plat Number 4, according to the respective plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. Subject to reservation to the State of Minnesota, in trust for the taxing districts concerned, all mineral and mineral rights. (Subject to restriction and easements of record, if any.) 64} Lot L, Soo Line Plat Number 4, according to the respective plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. Subject to reservation to the State of Minnesota, in trust for the taxing districts concerned, all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 94271 30-29-22-12-0039-5 (09) Agate Street St. Paul, Mn., 55117 C-262 94272 30-29-22-12-0045-0 (09) Jessamine Avenue St. Pau1, Mn., 55117 C-262 �5 �5� �Z, Lo� 22, Block 9, Drake's Rearrangement of Blocks 2, 8, 9, 10 and Lots 1 to 11 of Block 11, all part of McLean's Reservation to St. Paul. (Subject to restrictions, covenants, and easements of record, if any.) 73) Lot 1, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 74) Lot 2, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (SUbject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 75) Lot 3, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (SUbject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 76) Lot 4, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (SUbject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 77) Lot 5, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (SUbject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 78) Lot 6, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State o£ Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 79) Lot 7, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota oP all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 94295 33-29-22-43-0145-7 (02j Suburban Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-276 943�1 34-29-22-23-0001-4 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106-5321 C-277 94302 34-29-22-23-0002-7 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106-5841 C-277 94303 34-29-22-23-0003-0 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 94304 34-29-22-23-0004-3 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 551Q6 C-277 94305 34-29-22-23-0005-6 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106-5841 C-277 94306 34-29-22-23-OOQ6-9 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 94307 34-29-22-23-0007-2 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 80) Lot 8, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 81) Lot 9, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 82) Lot 14, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn. Reservation by State of Minnesota of al1 minerals and mineral rights. (Subject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 83) Lot 15, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral rights. (SUbject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 84) Lot 16, Hamer's Subdivision, St. Paul, Minn. Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineral riqhts. (SUbject to reservations and easements of record, if any.) 85) Lot 1 except the East 193.7 feet, Block 2, Eastview Addition. Easement for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of street adjoining part of above property (Subject to restrictions and easements of record, if any.) 86) Part of vacated Charles Avenue adjoining and (except alley) the East 2 feet oP Lot 19, Block 3, Syndicate No. 2 Addition according to the recorded plat thereof, excepting and reserving to the said state, in trust for taxing districts concerned, all minerals and mineral rights, as provided by law. 94308 34-29-22-23-0008-5 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 94309 34-29-22-23-0009-8 (02) 5th Street East St. Pau1, Mn., 55106 C-277 94310 34-29-22-23-Q014-0 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 94311 34-29-22-23-0015-3 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 94312 34-29-22-23-0016-6 (02) 5th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106 C-277 94314 34-29-22-24-0039-6 (02) 4th Street East St. Paul, Mn., 55106-6333 C-277 94316 35-29-23-13-0109-8 (12) Charles Avenue St. Paul, Mn., 55101 C-258 , •v � .!f «. � ., � _5 � a N z )` I , S. � I � ' n n n n ` � �• Fo�R iff �� • � � i�LR7�D � � I 3 . „ .. ., I � � � �^ I � � 42 II 10 9 8 7 0 1 ' � I �s '„ ! � � VAL. � � 4 (3) � � • � ' � % � I 13 �� ' I ° i IS 16 I7 18 �� � { �.a� � ------- � �� „ ,. ---� ���'/u!'O/vT �— -- • y / '�. 66 ( �� v Z 3. ��7 __ S7. 97� SB I I ��� 3 �38) 37 � • I /430 1 �) I C�) �� � (L�) � (zv> � (zs) � x (�) I I � v 2 oic �' oZ � cz 0 � I I �` � �' ��� � $ � 7 � 6 s 1 ' � � i I 1 � � � , �� � � � , i i � � � � �133) � � s� cs � � � — - � � � I i ^ �j� �n t I � �� � 2 - 1 � v � '4�. 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