95-547OR1GI��`�.L L L City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND 30, , CO CIL LE N . ���� � BY`' 3 � 3 �! FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREO(V File No. 59433, 59435, 59436, 59449, 59450, 59451, S9 52, S 5, S 486 Voting AssessmentNo.3900, 3901, 3902, 3907, Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 3908, 3909, 3910, 3911, 3939 3 59433 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides of Berkeley Ave. from Davern St. to South Wheeler St. 59435 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides of Eleanor Ave. from South Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd, and the west side South Cretin Ave. from Sleanor Ave. to approx. 125' IIGrtil o£ bi@nitoi i�ve. 59436 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides of South Griggs St. from James Ave. to Randolph Ave. S9449 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on the south side Bayard Ave. from South Prior Ave. to Sumner St. S9450 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Juliet Ave. from South Prior Ave. to Kenneth St. 59451 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Juno Ave. from South Syndicate St. to South Hamline Ave. 59452 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on the south side Osceola Ave. from South Griggs St. to South Syndicate St. at 1236 Osceola Ave. only. it 59453 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on the north side Watson Ave. I from South Cretin Ave. to South Cleveland Ave. at 2075 and 2079 Watson Ave. only. of 59486 - Reconstruction of sidewalk with integral curb on the east as side of South Prior Ave. from Stanford Ave. to Wellesley e Ave. and south side Stanford Ave. from South Prior Ave. to approx. 110' east oi South Prior Ave. �I l�i ICi#er; JUN 1� 1995 COUNCILPERSON Yea� Nays ✓�8lakey ✓�rimm �� C3uerin ��Harris ✓Megard i/Rettman Thune Adopted by the Council: Date � �y 1� � ��J S z v�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary � In Favor Bv�°�— � ����— � Against ,/ t a—� bS zr�� Mayor � q.�—.�s� Public Hearin Date - July 12, 1995 RE 5-5-95 1�8 - xeal $state Division Date: 5-1-95 Grcen Shcet Nnmber: 34389 FPARThiFldP DIRF.CPDR CIlY COUN(a. tac[ Peaan and Phone Nombez � (71Y ATPORNEY QERK ..e.ia Peter White 266-8850 � un��' Dm�cmR ffi MGl: SVG DIIt YOR(ORASSLSPADII) 1 Reseaah �stbcoacoanalAg�naaby. 5-24-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 5-12-9 # OF SIGNATLR2E PAGPS 1 (QIP AII. LOG1'IIONS FOR SIGNATVRL� cnox x�uesrnn: Setting date of publie hearing for the ratification of assessments for sidewalk ' provements on BERKELEY, ELEANOR, CRETIN, GRIGGS, BAYARD, JULIET, JUNO, OSCEOLA, ATSON, PIZIOR AND STANFORD. Na 59433, 5443.536. S49M19S3, SYJ486 ASS}�SShffiTI' NO. 3906-02, 3907-11, 3939 �ESbffi�IDAISONS APPROVE (A) OR RFJF.CP (R) PERSONAL SERVICE OONI'RAC1S MUSTANSWf?RTIIE FOLLOWING: PIANNING COA4�LS40N A STAPP L Has the petson/fi� ever wot4ed mder a mntract for this depaztment? YES N <VII. SERVICE COMM _ Has this pttson/£um evu bun a GtY �P�OP�� YES N c� coa�urrr� _ n� � pe,�n/� p� a snn aar oo��y r� br �r cnaent Gty employee? . YPS x POR1S WfIICFI COUNCQ. OB1ECi1�'L? Neighbo�oods � Faplain alt YFS answea ou a separate sheet and attacL. COUNCII. WARD(Sx 3 Distdct Planning Counn7: 14, 75 NPI'fATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNR'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin to collect assessments to help pay for the roject. VANCAGES IFAPPROVED: as above. Cre.'rn�:a i�'��,.� r� Same �F �, �^- ��.._;i n<�„ ISADVANi'AGESIFAPPROVED: ���.':; � l�j�,� enefitted property owners haue assessments payable via property tases. -------- -v-==���u�:�_ v . ISADVAN'I'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ 47.470.21 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 29,477.65 PIA 1994 $ 17,992.56 ASSESSMENTS unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Explain) 1'Q DioDettv owners will he notified of the nuhlic hearinu and c.harues.