95-54, . 0 R I G 1 N A L �aun�11 File RESOLUT10P1 Green sheet „ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By . „� . � �o Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The improvements o� County State Aid Highway No. 64 (PROSPERITY AVENUE) 2 from Rose Avenue to Maryland Avenue will be under the supervision of the City of Saint Paul 3 and in accordance with City Project 95-P-1119; and 4 5 WHEREAS, It has been deemed advisable and necessary for the City of Saint Paul to expend 6 an estimated $715,000 ofi Municipai State Aid fiunds ofif system on this project; now, therefore, be 7 it 8 9 RESOLVED, That the proper City officials do hereby appropriate from our Municipal State Aid 10 funds the estimated sum of $715,000 to apply towards construction of said project, and request 11 the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to approve this appropriation. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Requested by Department of: Public Works PAS 12/19/9 By: �r � Stacy ecker Adopted by Council: Date ,� %S FO � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary _ _ BY � - By: i � c � Pf Approved by Mayor: Date �_� T 9 By_ Fb�k� ' By: by City Attorney # qs-5� # 29939 to Council ec_tJ DEPAFTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO! 29939 Y Pubf'�c Works DepartmeM Dec.19, 1994 � ir ATE INITIAUDATE WNTACTPERSONBPFKKJE pEppp7yEN{DIRECTOR q❑CITYCOUNCIL PaulStMartin (266-6119) ��� �cinnnoaNev ❑cmc�a�c • MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (OATE) NOUTNG gUDGEi DIflECTOR � O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES D10. �� MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTANn�� � TOTAL t OF SHyUNpE PAG� 7 __ (�P ALL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATUNE) I�i � ASSOCIA7E DEPART?AENTAL ACCOU ACiION qE�UESTED � y Authorize spending $715,000 of Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds off system on constructbn of PROSPERITY AVEtJUE between Rose Avenue and Maryland Avenue. flECOMMENOATIONS:lWpwa (A) or Peject (F� PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGWMM7SSION _GNIISERVICECOMMI55qN �� H ���ES � NO �W�kedunderacontraciforthisdeQarmien[? CIB CoMMffTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ary employee? — YES NO A sinFF 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by arry wrrent ciry — — employee? _ DIS7qIC7 CoUNCIL _ Explafn all yes answors separate sheat and attach to green sheet SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? WITIATING PR08lEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY�: The Minnesota Department of Transportation requires this type of Resolution be approved by the Saint Paul City Council prior to releasing the Municipal State Aid (M3A] funds to the city. !a�.;::s x§�-s ��CElVED ��aM o4 �ss5 �,.�, �� ADVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: N �• • ° "' `° °" .- ""�" Project can proceed. ���� ��r�����Y @ Can oollect MSA tuoding. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Cannot collect MSA funding. �' . �� � �"a''�cp"c � tti�� , --_.—_....�_� .s�.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: None. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACiIONS WA WS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES tW FUNpINGSOURCE WA ACRVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt�