95-499\ Council File # - / 55�99 0 R 1 G i N A L RESOLUTION Green Sheet # .�oZ �' 7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �9 . �l' / . � Presented By x� Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on August 24, 1993, the City of Saint Paul and the 2 Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority (RCRRA) entered into a 3 Joint Powers Agreement for the planning, development and 4 operation of the Burlington Northern Railroad Corridor, owned by 5 RCRRA, for trail use and future LRT use, and 6 WHEREAS, said Joint Powers Agreement provides that RCRRA 7 shall grant the City an easement for construction, operation 8 and maintenance of a trail over the length of the corridor in 9 Saint Paul, and 10 WHEREAS, the City has received Intermodal Surface 11 Transportation Efficiency Act and Metropolitan Council grants for 12 1995 trail construction, and 13 WHEREAS, RCRRA has prepared said easement document for 14 review and approval by the City, and 15 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation and the City 16 Attorney's Office have reviewed said easement document and 17 recommend approval, 18 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 19 Saint Paul, that the necessary City officials are hereby 20 authorized to execute the B.N. Corridor Trail easement agreement 21 prepared by RCRRA. i•- -- - u •_� - , , ' -.�I �' , i%�A�� ��`' Form A ved by Cit Attorney By: c A9y N ` � ��.3� Approved by Mayor for mission to Council ,/I By:�� MtiCA/� Adopted by Council: Date _��� Adoption Certified by Council S etary �� �7 9s= s�9� ,/ DEPARTMENT/OFFICHCqUNCIL DATE INITIATED v O Parks and Recreation 4/25/95 GRE N SHEE N— 33237 INITIAL/DATE INRIAL/DATE CONTAGTGERSON&PHONE DEPAfliMENTDIpE �CRYCAUNGIL JOhit Wlrkd 266-6411 ��r'N R1'ATfORNEY �GRVCLEfiK MUSTBE ON CAUNCILA6ENDA BY (DAT� ppM� F � O BUDGEf DIREGTOfl � FIN.B MGT. SERVICES �IR. May 10, 1995 ONOEA �Mpypq�pqp��grq� � Parks & Recreation TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLfP ALL IOCAT10T1S FOR SIGHATl1RE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of Council Resolution authorizing execution of easement agreement between City and Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority (RCRRA) RECOMMENDAT10N5: Approve (A) w Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST APISWER TXE FOLLOWING �UEST{ONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION __ CIVIL SEFiVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worked under a coMract for this departrnent? , d8 CoMMIT7EE YES �NO �&TAFF _ 2. Has Mis person/Firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7RIGTCOURT _ 3. Does this perSOMirm possess a sltill not normall ossessed y p by any curreM ctty employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Whara, Why): The August 24, 1993 Joint Powers Agreement between the City and RCRRA provides that RCRRA will grant the City an easement over the B.N. Corridor for construction, operation and maintenance of a trail. ���� MAY Q 3 199s ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ����,{.q�.�q��9 �;,. , Lefa.u'J-�� �e. �?� " Trail construction can proceed. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None ������� MAY 02 �995 ��� � �� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: Trail construction delayed. ',�� �����°;�9 ���;r I�?r1�' °� � i;l�;D TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE NC7IVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLqIN) 9� �y April 20, 1995 Robert P. Piram Superintendent of Parks & Recreation City of St. Paul 300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: ENE025: Easement for BN Regional Trail Dear Mr. Piram: I am enclosing three copies of the easement for the Burlington Northern Regional Trail for approval and signatures. The easement has now been approved by Mn/DOT (letter attached). Once the easement is approved and signed by the City, please return all three copies to this office for further processing. This easement will need to be approved by the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority board. We may request you or your staff to attend the meeting to answer any questions that may arise. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, � � � Kathr�eSpiegelaere Director of Light Rail Transit Planning KD/blk Enclosures: Letter and three copies of easement Pnmed on RccqcleJ Peper . e�.,' `�c_�—..' �, 665 Ramsey County Govemment Center-West, 50 West Ke�logg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 266-2760 / FAX (612) 266-2761 � ���y, Minnesota Department of Transportation �,, � Office of Raifroads and Waterways °` Mail Stop 470, 925 Kelly Annex 395 John Ireland Bivd. St. Paul, MN 55155 April 13, 1995 Kathryn DeSpiegelaere Director, Light Rail Transit Planning 665 Ramsey County Government Center-West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: ENE025: BN Regional Tra7, City of St. Paul Dear Ms. Despiegelaere: �=�99 Phone.612/296-0355 F2x:6t2(297-1887 (612) 296-4888 I have reviewed your easement agreement with the City of St. Paui regarding their use of the Northeast Corridor right-of-way for a recreational trail. I have also received comments from the Attorney Generals Office as to which method MN/DOT should use to aclmowledge concurrence or rejecrion as required by Article II of mortgage and loan agreement 69366. Witb this lease the RCRRA has provided MnfDOT an assurance that the integrity of the corridor would be preserved and tfiat the lease of this property is consistent with and complementary to the proposed use(s) for the corridor. Therefore, I Cecil L. Selness, acting on behalf of the Commissioner of Transportation, hereby concur with the Ramsey County Regional Raiiroad Authority easement RCRRA No. ENE025 as attached. Sincerely, / � // /, ,�'Lit��_,��u?�2-1 Cecil� L. Selness, Director Office of Railroads and Waterways Attachment An equal opportunity employer 9s y�� RCRRA No. ENE025 :A.IA THIS EASEHENT, made this day of , 1995, is by and betveen Ramsey Countq Regional Railroad Authority, a political subdivision and local government unit of Minnesota, party of the first part (hereinafter re£erred to as "RCRRA"), and the City of St. Paul, a Hinnesota municipal corporation, party of the second part (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). 9I7NESSSTH: WHEREAS, on December 27, 1992, Burlington Northern Railroad Company transferred to RCRRA all of its right, title, and interest in and to the real property described on Exhibit A attached hereto, incorporated by reference and hereby made a part of this instrument (hereinafter the "corridor"), as evidenced by Quit Claim deed on file and of record in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder as document number 2693267; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 1993, RCRRA, the City, and the County of Ramsey entered into a Joint Powers Agreement defining the roles and responsibilities of the parties in the planning, development, and operation of the corridor for trail and potential future light rail transit use, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B(hereinafter the "Joint Powers Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement provides that, upon acquisition of the corridor, RCRRA shall grant to the City an easement for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a trail over the corridor, NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, along with the promises and covenants herein contained, RCRRA does hereby grant and convey unto the City an easement for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a trail or trails upon the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto, SIIBJECT to the folloving express conditions: 1. The City hereby agrees to defend and does hereby indemnify and hold harmless RCRRA from and against any and all claims, proceedings, causes of action, lawsuits, losses, damages, whether direct, indirect, or otherwise, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees related to or arising out of the City's use of the corridar pursuant to this easement. The City aclrnowledges that it does not carry commercial liability insurance for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage or workers' compensation but has in effect, a program of self-insurance. It is further aclmowledged that the City's liabilities are limited by the provisions of MN Statute, Chapter 466. There is no vaiver of the City of any of the protections set 1 gs ��y forth therein. 2• The City shall not transfer, assign, sell, lease, license, or othenrise convey its interest in this easement to any other party without the prior vritten consent of RCRRA, its successors or assigns. The granting or withholding o£ such consent is solely vithin the discretion of RCRRA and may be subject to any additional conditions that RCRRA feels appropriate. 3. The City shall be responsible for paying any taxes, special assessments, or other charges levied by the City on the property described on E�ibit A during the time that the easement area described herein is being used by the City for trail purposes. In the event talces, fees, special assessments or other charges are made or levied against the corridor by an entity other than the City, the parties hereto shall each pay one half (1/2) of any such tax, fee, special assessment or other charge; provided, however, that if the City is delinquent in the payment of its share of such tax, fee, special assessment or other charge, and as a result of such delinquency a penalty is assessed or interest accrues, the City shall pay all such penalty and accrued interest. 4. If the City abandons its use of the corridor for trail purposes, this easement and all of the City's rights hereunder shall terminate two (2) years after such abandonment. Abandonment under this section shall be deemed to have occurred if one or more of the folloving events occurs: (a) The City notifies RCRRA in writing and by resolution of its governing body of its intent to abandon use of the corridor for trail purposes. In this instance, the City shall provide to RCRRA a suitable Quit Claim deed, properly executed and in recordable form, whereby the City relinquishes to RCRRA all rights granted by this easement; or (b) The City ceases to maintain the trail in a manner which assures the safety of the users of the corridor; or (c) If, in the opinion of RCRRA, the City has abandoned its use of the corridor for trail purposes. In such event, RCRRA shall notify the City of its opinion and state with specificity the acts or failures to act which lead it to believe such abandonment has occurred. The Citp shall have six (6) months after such notice to notify RCRRA that it does not intend to abandon the corridor for trail purposes, and shall specify the corrective actions it intends to take to remedy the issues identified by RCRRA in its notice to the City. If the City fails to provide such notice within the six month period, abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred on the date RCRRA notified the City of its opinion that the corridor has been abandoned; or (d) Failure by the City to pay its share of any tax, special assessment, fee, or other charge pursuant to paragraph 3 hereof. t3pon abandonment, the City shall be responsible for restoring the corridor and removing all signs, trail material, fencing, and any other improvements 2 � �S 5��' y erected in connection vith its use of the corridor for trail purposes, at its sole cost and at no cost to RCRRA. Provided, however, that RCRRA maq require the City to leave any or all property or improvements on the corridor, without cost to RCRRA, vhich property or improvements shall become the property of RCRRA upon abandonment. 5. This easement does not establish a permanent park, recreation area, or wildlife or waterfowl refuge facility that vould become subject to Section 4(f) of federal law {49 II.S.C. 303). b• Any written notices required under this agreement shall be addressed as follows: RCRRA: Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority Ramsey County Government Center Vest, Suite 665 50 Aest Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, HN 55102 RE: ENE025 City: City of St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 Aest Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 7. Except as herein modified, the terms and conditions of the Joint Powers Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 8. This easement is non-exclusive and is granted subject to the outstanding rights of others to occupy the corridor. RCRRA does not warrant its title to the corridor. This easement shall run with the land and inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 3 � q� �g9 IN 4IINESS YHIItEOF, the parties hereto have signed this easement on the day and year first above vritten. Approved as to form and execution: David F. Hacifillan Date Assistant Ramsay County Attorney RAMSEY COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITY Bq John T. Finley Date Chair Recommended: Kathryn DeSpiegelaere Date Director of LRT Planning Approved as to form and execution: Jerome J. Segal Date Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL B Norm Coleman Date Mayor B Peter Hames Date Director of Finance fi Management Services B Robert P. Piram Date Superintendent of Parks & Recreation � 9�� y�'9 STATE OF HINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF RAHSEY ) The foregoing was aclrnowledged before me on this day of , 1995, by John T. Finley, Chair of Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority, a political subdivision and local government unit of Hinnesota, on behalf of Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authoritq. Notary Public STATE OF MZNNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. The foregoing was aciaiowledged before me on this day of , 1995, by Norm Coleman, Peter Hames, and Robert P. Piram, Mayor, Director of Finance and Management Services, and Superintendent of Parks & Recreation, respectively, of the Citq of St. Paul, a Hinnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public This instrument was drafted bq: Hamsey County Regional Railroad Authority Ramsey County Government Center Aest, Suite 665 50 pest Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 (612) 26b-2764 RE: ENE025 9s s�99 EXHIBIT A to Easement Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to City of St. Paul Page 1 of 11 T�at put of t:e \or�M•est QL: -�_: oi Sec��on 22, ToR 29, R�ge 22, lZ'L2=5E}� COU �iV� 1'j:���5Qt2� ��:.^. JQ tE�t 0'il E�C1 Si of the ;oi?ovrir. described !i :e: . Cos_.*�:e�c;-g ct u�3E i:0 ��:WESL COI::ES OI Scl � Q U�EZ� the.^.ce SoLt� fi9 t'egre�s �3 �n L'`.ES 48 seconds East zon� L':e �ort?� line OI SE3d �GIt�1WE5t Q�c^S:EI 2 C:S�c_^.C� O{ `216.lJ ;EE� iA L� begir_�i.*.g ci t�e li�e to c•e c'esc:;bed: 'kEnce Souts 2 de�:ees 30 w. ScCO^4�5 �'JES� 2 C:SicLC� 0{ 1 435.45 ieet; L�E.^. southe: iy a distaace ci 391.78 fe_t a l0a_^I 2 t�s=_,^.�$I CL`iZ'2 COIIC2�2 iA t�e east h2viag a racius of 22,918.33 :ee*. z�d a cenkal 2*g!e of 0 de�e<_s �8 T'..1� lIlll�ES ;6 seco�ds; Weace Souu' 1 c'esree 31 �nutes �2 seconcs West, ta^geat',.o La ?as� cesc::bed c;irte, a'c.is'�ce of fi07.55 feet •�a a point en ��e sou� line oi sid \cr�vresi Qua�er c.is�t S9.97 feet e�st of we saut�F•est ccr_er ci szid \ o; .hwest Qnzr'.er `d said line the:e:e W�_ati^g. srcp TF^at pzrt ci t�e SoLu��est QLZ*'.er oi SEC 22 2nd Le Sou`��.e2st Qu��.er o£ Sec_oa 21, To��s'+i� 29, R�^.ge 22, :?z=sey Coeaty, 32anesota, Iyi*g �0 fe=t cn eaca :;ce ci We .°oi?oa-ing �'escribed li��: COLL^..E.^.tl;.s cL L�:E AOr'�,.�'�25L COI4Er 0{ 52!d SOL'1..�J.WESt Qll2:":Er� L SCL`:�7 E9 C£�EES JJ '::AL' �ES -�rri SECOIICS L25t 210Ilr�^ L.�'.E L'OILIl I3IIE 0{521d SOLtL :WESL QL'27:Er 2 C15L2�C? CI �9.97 �EEt � L�'e 9s ��y EXHIBIT A to Easement Ramsey County Re9ional Railroad Authority to City of St. Paul Page 2 of 11 beg:r_ai �g oi t:.<_ !i :e to be c'esc:::ed; :?:znce Soeth I deg: ee 31 ':i :;:,es �2 SECOL4�5 1�c5L 3 GlSic'G� GI 1Ct4.��'J ie_i� C^E^C� SOULLE:Iy 3 C:<_ie :�E C{ r 5�0.33 r2°L 2�G.^.� 3:2a:�<_^.��c G_-:6 CG.^.t2�'2 CO i�:E E25i., �2C.^5 2 fcG1L'S GI 11,� :EEL 'e^Q 2 C_II?:cl 2'�72 GI I. 4�ES:E? i� �:AlliES ��z Sc[0.^.G�S; I'..,^E^CE .SOL'?�Y Q�Er�^.E£5 1� ^:'�.ES 1� ScCO.^.G�S EcSL, L^c.A�E.^. to ;!�e 12st d<_scribed r=r:e, 2 cis:a: ce oi 1'_3. � � c=.L 20 2 70i:�t GR i.'76 SOLLil 11.^.Q CI 52iii SOLLi1WESt Qt2c7:2r C:SL2.^. 33.25 �eet ea<t ef !:.e southwest cor. er of 52.:C� SOL'LhtiESL QL'el:c: c^ <_aid i:: _ iL2f2 :ETt�:fiti: g. :�LSO T?�at part ei t!:e �Or. ;'hEct �{�c?. cf Sec��on 27 �d t?:e \*orthezst QL'2S'CEI' C{CEC?1C1 Zg. 1 Gti::c�17 �9� Rc�ns° `2`l� l�lL�"E}� C011IItjr \ii :neseta, 1}'i: g 50 fe�: en eacz s'ce ci L�'2:C:':Gt+:L� �ESC :�bed Li :e 1: Li�e 1 ,. COII cC C:2 .^.Or:.:»eeL CGIZEr GI Scld NO2"t_a QU2�cr: L2.^.CB .SCL'i.�'1 �g �E���S '� � 1^ll:ES JZ 52COLCS EcSY 2�OII� *:.E IIOr2�3 line ot sa:d \cr�:.:sest Q;:a�er a cisz`ce of 3325 ;e=t :o the be ei t:e !i: e.o �,z desc^bed; ;?-eace Souu' 0 degrees 12 IIlAllf25 1`2 seccncs East a cista�ce ot 119I.SQ ree LZ'£^C8 SOL'LSEri�J 'e..^.d SOLI :K'c5'i,c*�� $ C:Si..c=C°_ 02 1:£S%.J9 iEEt 2 70: 3 a i,2Il�fEIIil cnn•e coacave to •�e :ert�wes,, cavi�g a raci�.:s oi 1910.08 ie�t and a central c^��2 CI iz C�Ec,�i E°_5 v7 _�=L'CES OO SECOII�� �£IIC° S011L�l i-� �2�EES `I� :^I.'SL'tE5 �.g ScC�_CS �1�E5�� z:5e*_t ±o Le !2s cescribed CL`n2� d Ci5i2'C_ 0I 1�7.� ieet :o a pcint oa the sou!a ?ine of Sc:Ci �'or::east Quarer of SEC:ica 28 cistaat 620.61 fe<_t v� of the sout!:eGst ccr-e: ci said \e.—.:.e:.st Qu�r:zr a_d s�id line �':e:e iET::l:.etl^.5, Tege�er wi.4 t':at �art oi s�d \'cr�east Qeu:er Iying �es'erly of a�ine �0 fea westerly ef aad �a.*allel wi'�s said Line 1 zd easterly of t�+e .oliowiag eescrioed Line 2c Line 2 �'.OI^iL':E.^.CIIIS ct �::2 7GZ'21�ESi`. COP`E* 0{ 521d :\ QU22'�E2'� thence South E9 deg: ees 59 �+autes �1 seconds East zIong t�e north line of said \orthwest Quzr:er a cis�r.ce oi 33.25 feet; tsence South 0 de�=_es 12 ^Snutes 12 secends East a d.i:,z,�ce of 952.20 feet; t�±ence Sout4 S9 degrees �7 ainutes 48 seconds West a d;s;zace oi �0.00 feet to t?:e beginning oi the !ine ta be described; thence Sout� lI de�ees 17 rinutes �� :econds ii�est a dis#znce of 292.00 .`eet; thence sout?�kesterly a dis;z�ce of 914,4? feet along a non- t�geatal cune, tor.czve io LRe northRest, hzving a radius of I809.57 feet, a ceatra! ang?e of 28 degr:�s 57 minutes 17 seconds a: d a chord bearing of Sout� 24 d<_grees 17 rainetes �4 seconds WesL; EXIiIBIT � to Easement 9� y�5 Ramsey County Regio-al Railroad Authority to City oi St. Paul Page 3 of 11 fhence South 38 degrees "_6 mi::;::es 32 seconds �T�Test, t2ngent to the last described curve, a distance of 7'2.a0 feet to a point on the south line ofsaid 1'ortheast Quarter of Section ?3 dist2nt 917.05 west of the sout.heast corner of said �'ortheast Quarter and said line there terminating. �LSO That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey County, �4innesota, lpir.; southeasterly of the follo�ving described Line 1 and northw•esterly of the _`oi?owing descr:bed Line 2. Line 1 Commencing at the nort�east corner of said Southeast Quar2er; thence South 39 de�: ees 33 -:inutes 03 seconds �T�'est along the north line of said Southeast Quar:er a distance of 7I0. feet; thence South 44 degrees 24 minu:es :8 seconds «'est a distance of 837.i3 feet; thence southwesterly a dist�nce of 963.11 feet along a tangential curre, conca�e to the ncrth«•est, having a radius of 1860.08 feet and central angle of 29 degrees =0 minutes 00 seconds; thence South 1� degrees �5 r.,inutes 12 seco.^.cs East, not tangent to the last described cur�e, a distance of 3b.00 .`eet thence South 7� degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds ���est a distaace of 683.67 feet to a point on the west line of said Southeast Quarter dis:ant i?97.&9 feet north of the southv;e=t corner ofsaid Southeast Quzrter and said line there terminating. Line 2 Commencing at the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 38 rinutes 03 seconds �SJest along the north line of said Southe�st Quarter a distance of ��0.17 feet; thence South 44 degrees 24 minutes -�3 seconds �i�est a distance of 7�0.86 feet; thence southzcesterIy a distaace of 563.67 feet along a tangential curve, concare to the north�;•zst, having a radius of 1974.08 feet and central angle of 16 degrees 21 minutes 36 seconds; thence South 68 degrees �7 minutes �8 seconds West, not tangent to the last descrihed cur�e, a distance of 308.16 feet; thence southwesteriy a distance of 530.67 feet alor.g a tangential curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius of 5714.65 feet and a central angle of 5 degrees 19 minutes 14 seconds; thence South 74 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds �TJest, tanger.t to the last described curve, a distance of 322.05 feet to a point on the west line of said Southeast Quarter distant 1419.81 feet north of the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter and said line there ter.:iinating. q� ��� EXHIBIT A to Easement Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to City of St. Pau1 Page 4 of 11 �LSO i�ct D2rt OF iF�2 SGL'C7 rESi. QL'c::2_ LI CcCL2�A �H� :�LYi:SP:D `Z�� �2.^.�? '72 Ra.*:�sey Caunr., `i:^�escta, 's�•i-g aer�':e:iy ci the iol?owi: g 2escribed Li.^.e 1 z�d scutae:!y ci t!:e sol'o»i :� cesc:ibed Line 2. Li:si CG �^E7CJ^c�^ ci L:E SGII:'ccSL cerner ci sa:d Sou L 3 :WEct Q�2I:E*� t�:E.^.C� �GIL7 t� CcT�::'.5 QI .�:.^.tl�c5 38 52C0.^.CS EcSt 2�0.^.'€, u E: $i, ilII2 CI Sc:� COL+*.!;ticSL Q;:c::E� 2 QIS�Z*.�CB OL Id19.SZ CEEt t0 L:�E s jES r��ns CI :�e �:;;� :o'�z cesc:ibed Iti:E.^.C? SCL'i�1 !'-� CE£�TE:S I! Z?lIIll�ES Q'� ScCGLCS 11c5L a cistance 0I 9((.37 rE�:� iEIE.^.C8 SOLii�l'�c_i:"*iY 2 C:S«*C° CI �'�8.�.3 �EE! 2�OA5 H}2II�?P.ilcl C1iti'2, CO_^.C2�'E t0 t�:2 :Cri7:'rES�, '.72�1II� a rzcins ei 5714.6� feet 2^a d centr2 2.^.S�E G[ 9 C E_S �6 �'P.L`:ES i7 ScM.^.4 iPE.^.CE �Gi �i1 �O ZE�T8:5 OO ."::L'Lc5 J�T S'.CO.^.GS �'r�o<L, .^,GL CZ^.�E^_t C:/ L0 125L C�25Ca':'ucd C�Iti'2� a.cista-ce ei 378.09 iE°+� t�':EIICB nor_;::este:ly a C:522IL�C? GI ''?.J2 [c°_L 2I0�5 -�GA-t2L�F�t'.cI C121"2. C�P.Cc�2 `A L3`Q nor�east. :2�•i_5 a:aci�s ci 1�23.13 `:'eet, a c=_nt=a1 z.g:e of 0 �ES`�°-`-s �� "= =�-=s :9 seccacs and a chord beuiag ^i \or.� 74 deg �o �:.^.1::25 3% SctO:!CS �;'ES�� L�EIIC° �Ori.�1 (4 CEf�T°_?S 31 �y"1-^..S7:2S }� ScCG^GS WESi� :2�52L�L �D L�E �e.zt C�ESC:7_£ ci�ne, 3 C15�2 oi 13.51 iea!; L�1E�C� :;este:ly 2 cstz:ce of 387.36 fee 210II�? a tzr �e:.::a1 c;::tie ceacace ;a tLe saut4,'+a�ing a: a�'ias oi 1325.40 ieet a_d a �e�t: al F��I2 CI � 0 CES. E°_5 4�� _'^.3'.1' ll. 42 secoLcs '�a a �O1RC G7 Lt2 nESL �:^, �f s�d Sonthwest QLaa-:er cist.�*,t 1064.35 ie�t iiGLl C�'E SCui�:'KCS�`. cor=er oi sa.id Southrvest Quu:er cf szid line i.�'E�C°_ :E:':1'_'.c�:'.lr�^„ Line 2 CO^ uQ7C1.^.$ ct `��_^.8 SOliL�::cS� COt'1EZ QI 521d S011C�S'+iESt �L2i' L@IIC� �O3":1 O�E�E£S OI II1L+L'tE5 JH seconds E�L aleng the ezst line cf sa:d Soct�;;est Qu�r:er a dis;�nce of 1�34.60" feet; ua eace Sout� i4 �'e�e_s 04 �ine:es :3 seconcs West a distznce of 3&6.42 feet; �e .ce \er� 0 t'e ees 01 �inutes 38 seconds Ezt a dis;zece oi O.I6 feei; theace SouL�i4 c�eg:eQS 04 �inutes 48 seconds West a dis:a.nce of 300.00 feef; tfie_•ce Sout'i 0 der�rees 01 ainutes 3& seconds West a distz: ce cf 15.08 te�t; the :ce Souts 74 degrees 04 s.inutes 48 52COLdS W25� g C35t2IlCE 9S LO4.4� I2£�; �eace westeriy a dis �^ce of 124.23 feet a?er.g a tz*_genti2l c��r�e, conc2�e ta t�e norLh, ha� a radius oi 1423.18 `e�t zd a centrai 2agie of 5 degrees 00 �inu'�es Ob secor.ds; the :ca \�orth 0 c�e�ees 18 =-i:nutes 36 sezonds West, not tzngent to we last c�escribed cnrve, a ci�,.zce of 0.16 feet; theace 'westerly a d:'s;znce of 47�,fig feet, aloag a noa-�zagen�2i curtie, concave to t�e aorth, having a radius of 14fi0.97 :eet, a central angle af 18 degrees 24 ^.lIIllfES 4S seconds �d a c�ord bearing of Souts 88 degrees 24 r+r.LLes 23 secor.ds West; t�ence Norts 84 de�ees 29 minu:es 19 seconcs West, not t2_*.gent io the last described curve, a g���9 EXHI3IT A to Easement Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to City of St. PauZ ?age 5 of 11 ClSi2*C° Of J i Z.GZ i2°_:; :.:E^t? �OL'i7 E`J 4�E�TE£S J 1 ^1.^_ll:ES Q9 SECOP.CS :YESi 3 G25`�.2 -G� GI 29.�8 cEL 20 3 JO3Ili OII C�:2 �ae<_t Iir.e ef 52'_d COi:i1�+`c5L QL'cS:E: GiSL'c^: 11�3.3J iF°C cE i�:� S011i..�l'.1'ESi, CGr.^.Er GISe:Q SOL`?�7::c<L ^ G_2::E: 2.^.d 52:d �:: fl*._^_ESE :EIS:1*ci21 �LC� 1j12t �2� OI L Scut�:e25t QL'2:'c: DI CECtiOA `LJ� TG•'w'Il5�7:'�J =9� 1�2II�2 `27 R2.s'158y COL'�LV� �f:II_:ESG�2� ��':.:,� CEt»cE1 the `ol!o�i. g desc:i LS^ES 1 2:Q2: Li:,e 1 COII'^E^Cl*5 �t _�:e SQLC:EeSt CD7^ES C{ SZ:d C u011i�EflSi`, G�L`2r:E7� t1:2^iG° �'Cr�l O C�E�TE£5 1� .'il.^il�ES O-S SECOLCS E25L 2]GP.'f u$ EcSt IlAC 521d CQl'L�:E?SL QL'cS:2P 2 C:S;.c^.�A 1�6�..3J �EEL iA 5..�:2 �JE�iAIIl.^.� of �.�:e li�e to be cescr;oec; L_iE^C� ti'25� 3'ci=_t�ce of 74.23 :E°_L 2ier_g a:e :-ta, r�^c�;221 C�:t'a CO^C2�fl .`A LLP SOL'L �2V7^.F 2*2�li5 Of 1325.4D ::*_, a ce�tral 2: �?z of 3 �'eg*e�s 12 _^._�nutes 3� secoads 2nd a cHcrd 5ezrin3 ci Sou�4��7 2eg:ees 07 ���c:es 48 secen�'s `�e=_,; ��.^.C° �OL'� 55 ceze�s 3I rinu_es 31 52COLG5 1'1 :2LSQ.^.t `t,Q Le Ia=_t described cnn'e, a c`st�;ce 02 73.64 feet; tiEIlCE FES�.E:1 j� 2 L C! 1=J.�2 :E?* 2�C.^.Q 3 Cc�s?IIL721 CL'T".2, coaca�e a�e aor�, havir.g a: aeius oi i i5.84 ee: a�d a ceatral �gle of 10 degrees 46 �nu:es 06 seco�cs; _�:e_*.ce Soe;'s 3 c�egre�s 10 �autes 10 secon�'s �..'�'25t. %=0t :c�f�.'E^t `....1^ L.�SB �e5� �?SG::�.^JEd CL'I'�'2� 2 d15'�.c` C� 0{17.6.31E£+i t�SE�CB SOUi. �S �E�EES i� �tIIL':ES J� SECOD West a c.istz_^.ce of 373.22 . c�e�ce \'or'�..s IO de�:ees 47 :�.iautes 02 secones West a distar.ce of 217.�2 ,`e�+.; +�<__ce �or<tiwc=teriy a cistznce of 53.60 feet 210*_'£ 2 AG.*.-ic�.SEIIf:21 Cll2'�'2, CCi:C2VE :D i�`B IIGI�i.F1E25t �aving a rzdius ei 7;5.84 ie.+_, a cen+sal 2.*.gle ci 3 de� 57 �inutes 29 seccr.ds a_^.d a c?�ord be�ring ci \'cr''.s 48 degreQS 08 minutes 14 seconds `Nest; +sence aer�a•esterly a cist2nce of 254.i2 ?'eet a!ong a tangeatial curs e, c�ncace a:he southwest, having a radins of �09.69 feet a�d a ce:�al a_^gie cf 28 degre<_s 38 �autes 00 secands; thence � 74 deg:ees 47 �inuKs 29 se:onds West, tsgent to �e Izst described cune, a ci�,�ce ci 4.00 feet; thence wes'�riy, southwesteriy `d sout�erly a e:s�ce of 1071.04 feet a?ong a t2�gential curve, concare a;.�:e southeast, �aviag a radius of b39.80 feet �.d a central z*.�le of ? 13 degrees 41 ainuLes 00 seconds; �ence Sout�s 8 deg:ees 28 sinu:es 29 seconds East, tzngeat !a t�a Ia<_t described cLn•e, a distznce of I87.6? fe�t; `ence Sout� fi4 de�?'ees 08 minutes 41 secoads West a distz*_ce of 14.14 feet; t�ience 3out;s 0 degrees �6 �inuies 33 seconds East a ciist2ace of 271.12 feet; t�ence Nor�L�i 89 degrees 03 �inutes 27 seconds E2st a dis`,z.nceof 34.13 fes*_; thence sauiber?y a dist�ce of 60.46 fe:t zlong a non-#zngeati2l curve, cer.ca�e Lo tFe west, ha�iag a: adius of 1974.08 feQt, a central aag?e of 1 degree �� �inutes 17 seconds and a chord bearing of Sout?� 9�=�9q EXHZBIT A to Easement Ramsey County ReoionaZ Railroad Authority to City of St. Paul Page 6 of 11 � L�2�T°ES 21 :: ]::ll:25 J7 «LQ:^.GS .� i:�E^�£ S011i�l b� G OH rrsn�tes I2 S�LC::f:S Y1 :Ct L2:75E :i yU L::E �cSL �ESC::�EC� CllIL'2� 3 dist2r.ce ei ?5.00 fe�t; t=e_ce sou:.te:?y a di=_car.c� cf 5.08 fee*. a!or_g a IIOA-•`_c^_SE^ ii21 CIIIti'2� CC-iB':2 :0 L: 2 A'ESi, .^.2Vj�� 2 rcCiL'S 0I IBv`3,rtg `eet, a ce_�zl zr•g?e 0{O GE�:E:S CS ^S :L':c5 JJ secor.cs a.:d a crard bear'ag or'Soet 0 C<�'i'E_� 3� .:�ir.�_tes �� seconcs 1'dest i::2:!G2 SOlit�1 s9 G�E �iE°_S 1 �7 �1^_L':c5 �'l� ScCG:CS �1 ^Qi :�� SE.^.� �'.0 L^E �cSt fiEStI:D2dC.I a dist y_C°_ CI IJ.Q� S£.i`.� i.�:£.^.CE SOL'i^E:ty 3�jc_gr�e Of j0.61 c°L 'c�0:7�F 2�C_-L2A�c_*.L`.2 c+_r.e, cor.cz�e :o t�e WcSL� h2�irg a racics oi 1�S_.v8 °eet, a ce.*.trzl ang!e ci 1 c'<.g:ee 29 ZIl1AL' ic5 JD ScCC^a^.5 'a_^,d 2 C: C: d�jE=;iP.S GI SOL'L 1 c'e�ee �J ^l.^.tl!ES 4�s SECO.^.CS `�1'cSL� T .��EiCE SOL'I�1 `L �c� E°S �� :.23AL•tE5 31 ScCOIIG'S WESi� :c^ ge::t ;o t::e I cS� �ESCi::�E� C.:i r2� 2 CIS`�2.IICE Gt /9.J3 {EEC� t�ence Soet4 59 �'eg 12 :`:nutes 00 =etoncs it'est a eist�.ce of IO.iS feet: ;4erce Seut's 2 c'e5.e_s �7 _�:utes 4� seconds VJest a distar.ce ci l.i�.32 ree?; _�e::ce \cri E9 �'e :e<s 1� �..�autes �7 -. s SECD.^.GS L�SL 2 C:Si27CE QI i�. =� iE°_L� i�E�C° sout!:e:Iy a csta.nce ei 30.63 fee c�C�S 2.^.C.�.'!c��=^::$ cLr�e, CCLC3L'2 �O �E »ESt� �`cYl._ d S2C:ti5 OI il��.'L7 �E°.t, ? C�_*.i:cl � g'•e cf 2�esre?5 .�J� �lIIli�i.ES 1� seconcs a�d a c�crd be�*:�g •ci Sou'.z 7 de�ees 59 _�nu:es 23 seconc's Zi'est ;,o a point es -!-e soL�z !i=e of stid Sou�ezst Qua.rt.er f ZD�i.Q7 :2?C :'rESC CS Ti'E SOLLacSt C0�°� 0{Scld .S011}�E25t Quar:er a._d sz:d ?:r.e T �'8" :E �i�atir�. Line 2 CO'L'^_.E^[Ja_� cL r`..�'..�E SOLL.L225t CG�2: CI stid Sou�east Quarter; t�enc� \er� 0 c'egrees 12 =�n�tes 04 :econds East z?ong t�e east line ei sid SouLeast Q L'e.,�Er a e:s�ce of i123.35 feet to ��:e beginai: g of <!�e line •a'�e desc:i�e3; c!�e�ce South fi5 degrees �7 a�nutes 09 secor.ds �esY z c.ista.*:ce oi ci.23 :e�t; thence Yor�a 84 degrees 29 r_i_u±es 19 secands Saesz a disk*_ce of 207.51 :eet; Lhence nor���;westzriy a dis`z.ace ef 206.7� `eet aIoag a tzngen�zl curve conc2ve '.o _':e �ortb, hac:ag a ra�ius oi E°0.fi5 °eat �d a centrai angle of 17 deg: eFs 08 n•i�u:es 50 seconcs; Lence Nor'� 56 deg: ees 10 s.iautes 38 se�or.c's Wes2, not t�gent ;o the Iast'descr.'bed cnrve; a distz_^.ce of 2?2.27 feet; t�eace ':tiort'� 47 degreQS 09 r�.:nu±es 22 sernnds �'est, a u�.is;znce of 45.39 feet; t�ence nor`�awes`�erly a distanca of 215.59 .ee; 27eng a non-;z�gential curve, carcave to tfle southwest, haci�g a radius of 608.52 feet, a ceatrel zgle of 20 degrees I9 .^iautes 02 secoads �d a c?�ord bea�ring of ?�'or'� 55 degrees 24 .�:inu*.es 12 secon�s West; t?�enee South 0 c�egre�s 11 ainutes 43 secronds Fast, �et t�^.gent to t�e lact desuibed c•aztie, a dis'zr.ce oi 0.�4 :'eat; ��ence aort.hweste:ly a dis`�c� of �0.20 feet aIong a r.on-�gential cune, concave ±o the southwest, having a radius of 609.09 feet, a ceatral ang?e of 8 degrees 28 sinutes 3b secoads and a caord bearir.g of �or•� 70 c�egrees 33 ni*_utes 12 seconds Wes�; thence \'orth 74 degreQS 47 `nutes 29 secroncs V1est, gs �� y EXHIBIT � to Easement Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to City of St. Pau1 Page 7 of 11 ° i.2'?r,�.'"2::L :0 I^E �25i. GESi::�Ed CL'Iti'B, 2 C3_<:.Z^CE OI �.QD tEE�; ii:E'_10E �i'ESC£IIV, cOL'::.';icSicllj' c:d SOi:L:.ES�y 3 CISi.c.^�CQ OI 1`1��J9.i6 rEE: 2�OP.� Z �c.*._2.^.:: e� CIIrti 2, [G-C2� 2:O ?: E SCLL: E25t, :]2V1^�7 d: cC:tiS G2 639.�0 �ee: ard a ce^cr�? s-5.'e oi 113 c'FS ��s �1 :�:ir.u:es 00 secor.ds; t�e^ce So�:i 3 de5.ess =S .-;n�'.es 29 ScCO.*.CS A`�.•cSt. �2Il�F?^L LD ii:E 125t C�ESC::�JE� CL'I':2. 3 C:SL'c^CE GI �I�.JI� :£QC; I:.BIICE SOL'L:E::y 2 dis;z-ce ci 255.39 :ee: atcag a taa se.^.Li21 C'17ti2, �O::Ca�Q i0 ?:2 n ESI, �avi�g a rzci�_s ci ? 37-.Q3 `ee*_ a^d 2 ce: sal a�s'.e of 9 de�:�s 03 ���L'��5 il ScCQrCS� i1c.'.i_ SOL'i21 Sg C££:E°5 OS.^]^ll:ES IZ 52CGrC5 � :ICt :e'Sc.^.L :J C::°_ �cSt c�esc:;oed cnn•e, 2 G15id^C� 0{�.�`� {E£:; t:^.e.^.ce Soot'� 0 Cc5iE85 UI ^:.^.11tES �v� seconcs �a=_i a cisKrce oi 13* �8 :' _�• L=- _ "g des.ees I2 � iautes 00 econcs Ea_t a -�.., e_.. t_.__.c_ \crc`� � s � C�15�2:�CE �I 2.J-�i :E°_C; C.�:E,^.C_ SOL'*.:! `Z G 1� �'IlL'L'c5.31 SECO^�S �i'est a Gistar.ce cf 74.39 :eet; theace saut!:erly a dis�nce cf 92.00 r2°t 2�0.^.� 3:c^5c.:�:c1 C::::'E� [GAGc�2 .`A L�'� t+�ESL, �2t3I:5 3 rEL�1L'S 0I SOS.`Z %{E:L ^c_d 2 C«� L: c �.g?e ci 3 2e ees is .'11:�L'?ES �`� ScC0IIL�5 �0 8 � G1 :^° SpL':;j I3?:2 CI Sc=d COL"� E35L �L'Z*':E: �15i2IIt I1Qa.�1 ���L WESL CI :::� <CL'L: °_c<L :^vi :Er GI 5�'.� SOi:i�'E25L QL'cliEf cIld SZ2d �lABL�:�E:2:c.�._ 2:1.^.5 :�I.C� T�2t p� ei :^e \e:ttea=t QL'cI:E: 0{ Sect�ca 32, To�<_hip 29, Rz.^.ge 22, R�sey Coe.^.ty. �fi� :ESGL2 lr,_3 21.G0 fe=t ncr�wes',x:lq `d =9.00 feet sout�easte:ly ei ::_e :�i?ow;ns�c'esc::�ed line: Cor*;.er.ci�g at t':e r.o: �Least COrIIEr ci said \'or�east Qu� thence Sout� 59 de�rees OS =.�nutes =8 seconds West a?on�+'�e nort'� i1L2 OY sid �'cr'�eas Qi:uT:ES 2 C�:S�c_�G° GI 16b`�.1a .2£t } iA ftiSB b2�: .^.nir.g ei �.e 3i :e `..o be c' c5G:7�E<�; LLE.^.CE S011*SS »'E5�811}� 2 C15�2.^.C8 oi 14�.23 ize*. along y �oa-tzngeat:�l c��rve, conc2ve to the nor`��west, �aci�g a raciLS oi 637.27 :ee±, a central zagie oi 12 �E�:EES JH r:ir.u:es 03 SELOLCaS �d a c'�erd bezriag of Souts 16 desre�s 45 =.inetes �4 secoLCS �=Te<_t; Le^.ca South 23 de�ees 14 �nutes 03 seccads West :2r5E_^.L ;a s::e last described cur:e, a dlSt2IlCE C{ S.�O 'EEY� �ence sautaxest d�l sta.�ca of 360".23 feet aIong a kngeat.�al cen-e, concave to Le aore?swest, having a rad.ius of 1237.57 fee: a: d a cent-a 2^.6J8 GI I6 degrees �7 minutes 19 secnnds t?:er.ce Sou'� iO G�6�TEE5 11 W.inutes 24 seconds West, tangent ta t?�e ?ast desc:ibed curse, a c:stz .ca of 18.09 fe�t; �ence south�:ester,y a c.is'.�ce oi 137.39 feet zloa3 a t�genti2l curve, coac2ve to t!:e aer,�,west, haviag a raciLS of 556.47 feet �d a central ��g?e oi =o ceg: ees 02 ninutes 07 secozds; :.hence souL'�west,erIy a dist2.zce of 328.74 feet a?ong a�.�*gen�al curve, caacave •,u the soutfieast, �acing t radies of 603.30 feet a�d a central an gIe of 3I degrees 11 riau:es 40 seconds to a poiat on t6e west liae of said Nori$east Qvarter dist2at 758.36 feet saut� of'�e northwest corner of said \orheasz QLarter a.:d sazd liLe Le: e tersainating, 9�s �gq EXHZBZi � to Easement Ramsey County Reg?onal Railroad Authority to City of St. Paul Pace 8 of 11 :�LSO T�2f �2� CI i�° �'GP.: wESL Q;:a'er af Sect:on 32 . 10�+':^.c113D `29� �2_^.6$ `�L`l. R�*SSEy COl_^.L;J, 17:.^..^.ceOL2, ��'_� 225Lerly ei i^E r0�?OV::.^.r�^ � escri'�ed L ii.E Z�.d �'e�te:ly cf :!:e :ei :o::i-g cesc::bed L: :e 2: Li::e 1 CO:i�^E^G.^. a*_ t.':e :er.teast CGI':£* GI sa:d \ort':u Q L'$::c;; t.^_E_C2 SOL'i3 O CES E_5 �i W'IIllCES 30 Sc.0a,C5 �c5� c�OP�? �e east Iir.e U{ s2:d �ortt:�::esi -�+�criQ: y C15�2IIC° GI %.32.ls �E°L �-0 i�:A '' ' 25�::^1_'75 0I L:S2 -"'E :0 ?^2 CcSCP.�'JEQ; :�:£.^.CE SOUi.�'1"wES�E*�y 3G75�2.:C� ef 202.4 ic£L c�G' S 2�C.^.-i?.��E:'ii:cl CL'ItiE, C'v^C: VE �O L�'_2 50�1i}:EcSL. havirg a radi�_s ei 62>.r0 ;e_t, a c�ntrai ang!e of 9 c'=_; ees 23 �+P.L'�ES 3% SctC'CS 2^ a c: crd bear:r. G{ COL'��1 J� C25:E°5 '�1 r..inu ic3 ScCO^CS �N�ES.� �EACfl SGLt�1 iJ C�E�'SE°S JS �.]�LiES J9 secor.ds West i2^r�^.c.'.: :0 i $!GSL CESCr:bEd CArJ2� 3 C�15�2^CE 0{ ],12 tcEt� ?�SE:"C� G' L .1`• S C:S�c_".CE CL `2l6.�6 c�t 210Pg 2 OLL.: c_,E. a � < + 'n�E.^.T:2� CIIi :2� CC.^.Cc�� `_'J'�'e 50llL�:EeSf, L�c�'11 a racius ei 970.37 rEEt cLd 2 C°*'L_*21 2���e OI :7 C25 :_S IZ -^1�4rc5 OO ScC0IIC5; *�'•c^C8 SOl1��E:1�7 2 c:sta.^.ce cf .�.j.�.l� iE°L c�Ct.� 2 ic:: C'�:�'A� COIlt2t'a Ya Lhe e�st. �:2�1. � 3:cC,L GI i37.il� :_�L'c'�8 CGII`S21 �.*.�fI2 GI 2� de�-ees 5� �� :u:es 00 secc_c's, , ^e_ce Sou� 3 deg:ees �2 �.inc.es J9 SECOAGS �4'2=L, '_g :S.�t �J t�'e IcSt �ESC^�.^,E� C11IS'E� a c.i=_�ce oi �.Q4 iE°L� ?1:F.^.C� .SOL'�1 �g :��ZE°_5 �$ i^.1^SSLES .32 SECO West a C15t�.Z^.C° O{i9.�$ rEE;� `E.'.C° Souu' 0 ceg:ees 39 �.^.,1.^�lliES 11 52^.D:lC Fast a d;sta_ ce ci 3I9.82 :ee:_ ��e�ce 1tcr�` 59 c'e ees 40 =i�u*.es �4 SELGA�S $c5L 3 C35�2:.C8 M J.3.�$ :E:�� L�`E^_C� JOlii1 3 deS :E°5 JZ L11All �25 J� SEtC�GS �5�E5� 2 GS:cIlC° GI 1�3.`Z$ :Eat� i�EIICE S011'.L' EII}� 3 dlci`.2._rC8 p{�CJ,O�. rE°_: 2�QII2 2 ��SEL'.121 C'1ItiE� coaca�e a the e2st, �avi�g a radius or I467.o9 ::et a:d a censal �gle of il degrees 31 '"IIll�ES Q� SELO�CS� �,�^.E^C°. SUL'1 7�2�Z82S .�iH T^.1�II�:CES OS SECDA'4 E25C� �`.2:^.5?_L'.O '�8 �c<_� C�E_4^:'1�JEd CL'IVE 2 C15�c^C9 02 �77.E1 {£°t� thence Sou�4 Q ce�_<_s 34 ��n��tes 04 seconas tzst a'cis`�ce of oi °4.63 :e_t ;,o a�oint cn tte souts !:ne of sa:d VorL��est Quarter �15�2^t $iQ.3$ rE2* ::ES� D{'�'Q sau`east corner ei sa.id \ Qu�rter and sid �ine `e:e tes�+�natn3• Line 2 Coame*_ciag at �e aor'us E st cor�er oi sa:d tior.�west Quarter; �ence 5outh 0 c'eg: e:s 27 ^.inu!es 30 seconds East alang �e east liae oi szid \ar-�::est Q;;��er a c:s`�z*ce of 819.97 feet Lo t�e begin_ ing oi :!�e ?i�e � be �'escribed; Lence soutFiwesterly a dist�ce oi 4L?5 feet zlon� a*_on-�:gentai c•.:nne, concave to t�e southeast, bacing a racius ot o�4.fi0 {eet, a cen+s2I ang?e of � degrees 19 ainutes �o" seconds z*,d a chord bear:ag oi Soutis 48 degrees 09 sinufes �7 secoa�'s Ti'est, t�ence Sout!s 4g degrees 59 ainutes 59 seronds West, izngeat Yo t6e Iast �escribed curve a e�istz3ce of 1.12 feet; tlieace 9 � yy�l EXHZBIT � to Easement Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to City of St. Paul Page 9 of 11 SOL'��:�':ES:E:Iy a dis;z-ce ci `�J�.27 rE°t ZIO.^.� d i2��c.^.�lEI C'1I'.2� ca.^.ca�e �0 f�:8 SGL•*_�EES� _c�l.^.�7 2 rcC1L5 CI �OS.3! r2:L'cII a ceatral 2P.��8 CS �� 4�ES�E:S �� ^1DL`.ES �Q SECD.^.L�S; LLE.^_C° SOUt: ES�j� 3 � I5�`,2.^. cI a0I.39 re=: aie-g a CcLc C:llti'2, CG*_C2�E '.A L�^.E EcSt� havi.^.g a raci�.:s of 6o i.�9 �eet a:d a ce.^.t:al a,g'.e of 25 deg:ees 51 u�autes 35 secencs; :.':e�ce \crh �J CE,,£TEES iS �inLtes 32 secar.ds �25�� ^GL En'SE :L LO i.�'18 �25L �25C curne, 2 C15L2 :CE CI LJ,�j f��r; t,�'E.^.Ce SOI::k 3 G25 EES J� Ii.lIllltES J9 SECO^4�5 `�c5� 3 C1.22AC_ OL 282.�4 ;eet; tL<_::ce \'or� 39 desr�_s 13 � i�utzs SO sercncs East a ClSt2 :CE CI IJ.00 TEEC� i�ELC� C01iS `� C�E� E:5 �6 ^i.^.11:ES 17 52CD^CS VTest a dista�ce cf 262.36 :e:*_; :hence Sout J�E�TE?5 �B ^»: L'iE5 17 secor.cs tast a cis�acs c; 310".00 feet i.^.E^CE SOL't;l JJ C�E�TE°S 37 Z_SSi1llCE5 �J SECCP_GS j1�g5� 2�1c�gL+Cg 0I '�6.�� {cEf t?:ence Soui� ( C ,SS �l::i::25 OZ Sc:.^^_C t:2�t 2 G:S�c.^.C°_ t�{31J.�$ iE�t� LFEIICE � JJ C�E�. E_S J I.^._3II'1:�5 OJ SECO^CS L'c5t d GS`i.c^_C8 02 =D.00 {EE?� �':2 Se��z 1� C2� Efl5 �6 .^._1�ll�E5 .�..3 SECOP.C�S n L' 85� 3 G�:S`�2*:CQ 0I I+O.!$ :E_: :0 2 j.OlIIL 0� 'LE 501'�l Il_2 0I Sc:d �Cr QL'2Y.EP C15�2L* 1li.�`Z :E�t +:ESL GI L2 SDL'LEcS� CCrIIEZ' CI <_a.id �'or''�...ik•est Quar:er aad s�d liae Le:e :er g. ALSO T�at part ef ��t.E CCll� ��?St Q �a,-'�r aad L8 SOLLE25t QL`2.I":EI GI SEC:101 32, Townshi� 29, R�ge 22, R Coenty, :42nnesot2, descr'bed as follows: CO�S:,e^C:^5 2t �E IIpi�E25t CGI':.E: 02 Sc! Scut�i�est Quzrt.er; L.�'.8=C9 SOi3:'.'1 H� CEc�^".E°5 `1J *"s?IIi:�ES :+D SECOIICS t�ESL'c�OLQ �. IIOi'�.til line oi <_aid Sou�west Quarter a dis�ace of 173.59 ;eet ta Le beginaing ci ;ye ?�r.d `�a be desc:ibed; �eace Sou�i 19 de�ees �4 �nutes 04 seco�ds E2st a eis;ance oi 369.97 feet; thence Souih 18 den 09 �+inutes 04 seroncs E2st a'cL�'s;.�ce oi 169.32 feet to Lhe east line of said South�est Qu�er; tieace Sou� 0 degrees 27 ainutes 30 seccnds E�t along t?�e east line of said Southwest QuEZ�ter a ustz:ce of �$.fi3 feet; t?+ence �Tort� 7? de�re�s 38 minutes 30 seco=ds E2st a distznce of 64.00 feet; th�nce SouYh 34 degrees 50 ��nutes 30 sec�nds East a dis;znce oi 218.97 feet; :henc� South 55 degrees 09 m.inu;�s 30 seconds West a Zistznce of 225,72 feet :o the east !ine of s2id SouLwest Qua.rter, tbeaca South 0 degzees 27 ��nutes 30 seconds East along Le east line of sa.id Southwest Q��a�er a di=,.zce of 0.20 feet; Le :ce South So degrees 34 ainutes 30 secands West a cist�cs cf 59.15 feat; `�ence South 16 degrees 31—'nut�s 49 seconds East a dis;znce of 69.36:eet; thenca South 55 degrees 34 ainetes 30 seconds West a distz�ce of 119.33 feet; t?�eace \ori� 7 d��ees 3$ �.inutes Ol secaads West a distznce of 73 °4 feet; t�e_ce Souxh So degrees 34 rsinutes 30 secands Wesi a distar.ce of 49.49 ieet; tfieace \Toru� 34 d���es 25 aiautes 30 95-499 EXHZBZT A to Easement Ramsey County Reaional Railroad Authority to City of St. Paul Page 2� of 11 $2CD=G�S 1�ESi Z C:Si.c^Co � y ? r et• :..'_... n l. ='20. 3 e_., c_ ncr�.eriy a cstance oi 6D..3�. �EEt c�GAS Z:GA-'„c_5=_�Ii21 C'1i':2� GOIICc�Q �O t�':2 t�ESi, :?2Vj.^,� 2, I2CI[:5 OI L''�.�j.z� :£ci, 2 c__^_Lral c^S�C CI z 4 .+� :II3:SliicS IFJ SECO::L�S 2:d 2 C^GI� JE�:^��^. GI �GIL7 �3 CE�fE°S >-�i ^1_^,1ItE5 Zi ScC0II�5 « L^2^CE �G.3 IJ 4�ESTE:S J9 .^37L'_ES 3`Z SECO: GS Z�i 252� t2� 5°-=:t :0 i�� �cSL CcSC::.c� Clir': E, 3 C:Si2^ oi 369.10 iE°C� L�:E::C_ IIO2?:iK'ES:cI:j� 2 c:sta�ce ci 368.0� iee*. 2�OP"� S L�� SE.^.C:c cur.•e, GOP.C2�E �O C�8 SOL'I:R'c5:, :�2�1J'�d 2 feC�115 OI `Z�JC.7.�0 t<_eL e,nd 2 CEAtI'21 cP.5a2 'vI ! C�E�:E�S �! P�^_L`�ES �3 SECOLCS; ��:EACB � L�`S G�£�SE°_5 �J .^La•10ES 'v0' ScCL'CS t.c5i�.^.Ot L"c^e,�'O.^. :o t�:e !ast desc :l } JEd cune, a d:su :ce ef 1 �0.7� 'c°_t; +_�e^ce \erth 0 c'egrees 34 = iautes 04 seco.*.ds ` a cista::ce ci 250.00 `eei; t: eace \era 27 deg; ees �7 ^i:7L:E5 J'S _cLOL�CS 1ti a cist�.^.ce o2 57.08 feei; L3:2.^.CE 10I'L � c'egrees 34 r.: :u;es 04 sec :CS WESC fl G�15:c_C8 O{ �JO.00 {E£C ±O L�'8 IIOrtA �:.^.E OE 52:d COL'LFl�:<_L QL`cl:Er� L�E'?t_ �OY'�I7 S9 C�2�;EE5 `LJ �nu=es �6 rcores East ale.g t�e nor•.3 l:re of said Sout'�west Quar a c:sta :ce ci ? 45, � 9:eet a t: e; o�_t ci Seginning, T�2� y2:t OS :.�72 SCL'L1'n'ESi, QL'a.:c: 2: Q t�^E $OL'yEZ� Qi12I'�2I 02 SEC:IGII 3�.� '�'ORa^15a 2g� �c: r�'2 L`�� �`^.SEy (�'.011�t}'� �Z�1�ESOt2 c�e�cribed eS {OIIOWS: CO^� ET.C:^5 �t :.�:e �Oi,��_5t C� �Er CI 521d Southwest Quar:er; �E�C� 1��E5:@: � j� Z�G^5 �::e =cr's :i ;E C2'Sc: Sou_T�west Quz.rter (t�e IIO� �SA2 Gf Scid SOL'*�`::ESL QL'�EI' 15 cSSii.^._Ed �A } JE2I �JOL' $9 degrees 25 w: : ll:ES 5o seco�2s West) a us;.�ce cf 173.59 reeL ;a t�ie beg of t!:s 12nd ;a'.e cescribed; Wence Sout?� 19 deg,-Fes 44 a:iau.es 04 seconds zast a cis;zace of �69.97 fee*_; �ence South 128 G Og ;j�::t:es 04 �e�.�c�s ��st a cist`ce of 1fi9.32 f�et'.a t.�ie e�t !ine oi s�d Sc�:'�' west Qear:er; �ecce Scuth 0 de 27 IL'lIlLtES .3� ScCO: GS �£5t c�OII� �0 EcS� L:IIH OI SZa S011211Y:E5�i, Qu�e: a cis;�ce of �8.63 tE:+.; t::enca 1'or� ?7 de�.-ees 38 minutes 30 secands East a cswace of 64.00 teet; t�ence Sout� 34 degrees 50 `i*_utes 30 seco�ds East a dis;znce of 218.97 feet; thence South 55 de�ees 09 �inu;.es 30 seconds West a dis;zace of 225.i2 feet to the ezst line oi said Souu' west QLar�er; thenca Sout� 0 degrees 27 rir.utes 30 second.s �ast alon� ;$e east liae of sid Soutiswest Quar;er a dis`�:ce of 0.20 `'eet; t..ence South 5b degrees 34 n.inutes 30 SEL�AGS WES a dis�ce of 59.25 feet; thence Sout�i 16 degre�s 3i riautes 49 s�cancs East a cis`�ce of 69.36 feet; t�enca South �� deg:ees 34 m.inutes 30 secoads West a d.istz.nce of 129.33 `eet; t�er.ce \or'� 7 degrees 38 miau;,es Ol seconds West a dist.�ce of 73.94 ;eet; :?�ence Sou� 55 degrees 34 =+inutes 30 seconds West a distance of z9.09 fee*.; thence ;�'or� 34 de�e�s 25 minu`�.es 30 secroads VTest a distz*_ce oi 20.23 feet; thence norL4erIy a dis,a�ce of 66.31 .eet 21or.g a aon-tugeatal curve, coacare to t�e west, ha�ing a radius of 843.40 `eet; a cent-ai �.egle of 4 degrees 30 �.inutes 16 EXHIBZT A to Easement 9 5- 4 9 9 Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to � City of St. Paul Pace 11 of 11 , seco.^.cs z-d 2 c::crd ?�ea-i: g ci \orta 13 2e5 ees zz �l :L':ES 2i SECO.^.CS ��Y�S�: ,: E^CE �G:3 � J CE5^aE°S JH :::iautes 32 ScCO.^,CS �i1r?5�. �^�E^t :0 i:� :c5� C�ESC:i_E3 CllI".?, a distz.:ce of 369.10 iE�?� i1:E^CE IIOIS.�%:E522:�y Z C15L"c: C° :I .�.68.fl6 tE°_L 2]OP.� Z t�LASEYL:Z CL'n'E� COIIC2t'e :0 i:E 5pt;i;V,•�c;, ;:L�:jr� g rcC]L'S G{ �S�J.�� 2E�t 2.^.d 2 CE.^.YS21 2.^.��? r'I ( CP� E¢5 1! :�i:lutes 03 52COIIC5 LO LI:2 SOL'L�1 II::E 4I JL� �tiE°:� iLE-:CE �GIi� .`.� L�E�TE�S �j ,"•1L''!ES JO SECOF. ��SL, .^.CL L'c.^.,�£E �t t0 i�:� �25L �ESC::�:d Cll:tiQ, 2�OP.� L.^.8 S011? lIP.2 0! jLil St:°_cL a dista^ce of 136.72 ieet; :�:ence \Torh 0 c'egrees 3� . 44 seco^cs �iTest 2 c:sca�c_= ci 250.00 {E�L aence \erth 27 2e�ees 07 I-717llLES J.'3 $ct '�ve<_t a eist2nce oi 67.08 �Q��� L�2 :CE Ol�ll 0 L�Eg^iE25 Ji ^S:SL' � �� $c:..^. �ve=_t a c:siaace af 250.00 feet :0 L:�0 north ?iae cf �C:ty SOLt�.nL�� QLar'_er; t!:eace \orth S9 �'eb.e:s 25 ainutes ;,o" seco :ds East alcng t`:e nor�h line of said SouWwest Qn2rter 2 c:star.ce of I=S,; 9 ie<_t'a tre poi�t of beginnzng. Except `�.�^.2t : cY :;':�r�^ :'r E5� 0{ �� :O1�OF'7L�P G�ESC::�2'S 1 ' ae: �Oa-=e��� �3 �t ��°- -or"!-<_2st corer cf 521d SOL'L1WE5� Quas:er; i`.�£IlCQ COL'L.�1 �� C�Er,�^. E25 =J ��Zll�£5 JO SEZDS�C �'1�e$f 2�OZ'�P LE II07'L�1 IlIIB 02 Sc?C� COI:L :V'r'Ec� Q�;��ef g CSi2�C� cf 173.59 tEQ*� `i,. Souih 14 ce� 4� .-.i�;::es 04 seccacs East y di: af 369.9? fEEt; �.e^ce South ? g de�e:s 09 n.inetes 04 seconr,s F�t a cs;z�ce of 169.32 :eet '� _?:e ee<t iine oi sG.id Sou;hR•est Qnu'�er; t�eace Sout� 0�'� S.ees 27 �snn:es 30 seconds Ezt along t��e east line of 52:d SOL�:.h'ESL CZL'cr:Er 2 Q:S�,c10E 0{ 4i8.53 feet; t�eace \'orth 77 degrees 38 :._':=L�ES 30 seccacs ��t a d:�'z: ce of 64.00 feet; ;�ence Sout� 3� ce�ees ;,0 ,^,i�;::es 30 seconcs rast a d.is�ce of 2i8.97 feet; C�E^GE �GL'_l�' JJ 4 O9 .T1.'1ll�ES 3O seconds West a cistznce of 225.72 :e<_t ',a t'�e e�t !iae of sa.id $outh�-est Quast.er; ttence Sout� 0 deS :E°_5 'L�T �lIlL'.`,ES 30 =_econds East along �e east line of said South�est Quar+Ver y rs�;�_ce of 0.20 fee+• thenca South 50' degrees 34 .^_..inutes 30 secc*ds West a cis;.zce of 59.15 feet; thence Sout� 26 de�ees 31 J iaut,es 49 secancs East a dis��znce oi 69.36 �feet; theace Sou� 55 de 34 �inufes 30 seconds West a dis'�ce of 7I.92 feet to a point dis�t 50.0 fest Vortheasterdy of seasu:ed rcdirlly to Gran:or's acst \'ortfieasteriy m2in tnck ceaterline as now located and constrvc:ed ; szid point also beiag �e beginning of the L+'ne to be c'escribed; ;�e�ce nor'.�eriy pzrzIlel R szd IasL described -�ain ±*a� cen:e:li�e a dis;znce ot 29I.75 Ceet along a non- tz�geat:21 cnr.e, concaae `,a Le e25 5zving a rdius oi 1916.61 .`ee a central a�g'e ei 8 deg*e<_s 43 �nutes 18 seconds a3d �' a chord bearing cf ti*orth 24 degrees 34 �inu•,.es i2 seconds West; tisence conti:�uing paralleI R s�id �2ia tr2ck centerline \'oru� 20 degrees 12 miautes 33 seconds West tz: geat !a the I2st desc:ibed curve, a distaace of �71.37 feet to u' e saut�s line of sa�d 5t� Street aad said lir.P tL e ter.._inati_g. ly:�•Ml:iiiii:l 95-499 30ZN1 ?CRERS AG:2 1i715 iC�EE.^..2::L 15 c:��_�a l:it0 CY 2Ad DE�::@EII �^E �2:.i5EY COL'P.i. �egicael �211 Zi:�1:OS1i.y (�':E�EdZi.E: �!?A "�UTrG3I�2�Y ��=A �CL'RtY Of �c:�SEy �1':EYc22LE: i�2 "COL�=�_"j� c:ld ii^.B C1C]�� OL $�. �cll�. ('r.erea_`ter tha "CI?Y^), cn this �ay o: F7ITNESS£T3: , 19 knz:te.AS, L::e L2�L:E5 }Y2ti2 2u�1;0=1ty Dll=SL'celt t0 �ZiS�S. SLGL• � 471.59, su�d. 1 e::d su�d. 10, �o enter into ac=ee�;,eat :or. t::e joiat or co,cnErative exerc_se oi pc�:e_s e�ch ney ha�e; aad hrT�cF..?S, tna �iJ^-GRITY hes cCC17.SEd the a�zz�c^ed Bzrlin�toZ ?v02i.i1Er37. t�'i2_�rCcd r_Ct:t-pi-wdy :;;I1C11 15 ce_<cri�ed 1Z L�'?2 atteched EY.i7ltiJlt A� and �:AZE1^2itE1' SErc_SEd t0 c5 t77? "C�:c.�Z�(�j�"� fCr p1rL0525 Ot ]01A� ?,1C�'a� �2:� 1Z2P,Sli. d7d :ECSEct:.CIId� t_*21�. L•SAj cLd �+'=�.�.?S, t:e C__Y, COutiTI' a.^.d �UT: ORIlY desire to xcrk coo�ereticely �O D�d:l� CE�B�OD� dIId OLESci,2 �`.f1E C(�'FC.�?�Q� iC� ]01:1i, D1:D11C tScI15DOL�fii,1CR c.^,d :EC_EcL1Ci.21 L'SE) 2Ad ti+'L'�.^.R.G.A$� �.E Ali=: L�:�11'�' S�:21], DE�.1j.� CCRCl1T':E!1� L OL the CGRRIDCR by tne COi:?�=Y a�d Cl2Y *"c: a rEC�Ec�10::2� trail; and N�.R_^".AS, t�e �a:t_es r=cocaize that t?:e L.cht Rail Transit 21iC:17�1E:7i, Hlti]�:1 t�;@ C(,`:C.�1T 'r,�5 1�10�2 SL�1;1C�E:7L Ei+C1:lEE�T.].71Q� C�E51G:1� COZStY'LCt1CR� 2�d CCc=cL=CI:21 =ECll].SE:iIE:]'CS i.i:d;l �CES d rECrEdL10R t=811� NOS7� Tf.i22P,FOR^"., ZT IS ?�II�'II��Y �:G�ED bet:;een the �arties as follc�s: r• DEFINITIONS Unless ot?�eraise rec�i=ed by the context ia Whicn they epoear, for purposes o� this zare=_�ent, the follc;aiag xcrds and �hra=_es have the meaning ascribed to t?:en by this section: A. Futhoritv. ?he Re..*;sey Ccunty Reaionzl Reil P_uthority B. Countv. T�= Coanty os" Re:,y_=ey - C. Citv. The Ci�y o_' St. :aul D. Date of Accvisition. The date en Hnich the Burlington Northern �ailroad or any cther current o�ner of Dzoperty transfer a21 of its rights, titie, and interes� in any real " or personal praperty to either the AUTHdRITY, COi3NTY or CiTY a 95-499 �. Railrozd. T�e 'cLrl_-:�cn �•ert�erZ Ra_lrced� its pre�ecessors and subs`_diaries _. Corridor. AlI t^ct _e_1 DS^DETt� cK�ed or clai = �y �_ " � s�_d t.._ :t21�.ZCcd 25 G�c5C�1.-EQ _71 L^Q 2i,�2C :Ed LX11�D1i_ .'� G. Transituav. T':c�a :c=�:ons oi the CORRIDGR ree::ired by t`.e ' �ul?:��1��' �O.^. LScClSS �:�C� 12LE�2� Su'v�Q�T. ti.E�EGL 'c�ld rd552:7CEi Stc�:_C:1 OS _�2i.rCr.TiS� p2Sk 2;: r_ce �C�S� 5].C:?�c�5� �S:i].�C�'?ES 2?cCL£=C2� �C:iCi DOZES c^a 2�1 OL=iE� EC:1j1DIAE.^.L L'S2d 13 D�CD2Cdt1:'3 E�ECL'_Cd�, DC�:ES f01 CDErct=CR OT.� �70 T,T2P.51� SySLEi.I� cP.d c�l� OL�':9: _Cll1L�:.ERT. ISEC2552T_'II i0� £8_2� Ef=1C1E:1T. CDErci.10R C� -21:it2-2'C° 0= d 1=C�'iT, Zd1Z trca S1T. 5�5'Cc'i :tit31is1 L't.2 C�z�IDCR ii. Rcac:bed. T'.:et �crticz o= t�:2 CCitRI�CR on :;hich tne R�I�ZCAD has pleced rai2rced t_ecxs, ties, er.d bellast cver ahich �Le �AIL�OZT� CD<_L'ci,c3 t�d�'S� 1:1 t�f.E C0;7Q}.t1Gi1 EX15�1.^,g d5 OL J271L'2:� Z� 1��t7. I. Trail � rcC�cGt10P.2�� trc?'iSDOS�et10R� D@U�ES�S�cR cRd bicycle t-a_1, inclLC_-g acce=_s, 1_cntina, ar.d ar.y other 1IDD2CVEuE;:�S ^E'CcSSc�� _`or sa�e, e�i:cien� ODE:ci1C;l� ccast_;:cted �-d ope*et_d by t?�e C�li?c1Y end CITY. J. TEIDDOrflS'V Trzil. Tte :rail constracted by t'r.e CS1Y or COti*ITY or both prior t0 t:^:E t?, ct i;}1_G�l the P.UT::CRZTY COI15tSliGtS its tzens:t;;ay. II. CO.�ZDOR ACQUISITION �. The A_tiT'r.'OR2:? shall �ay tte pu=chese price fcr eccuisition of Lhe CQR�IDGR, zr.d titl=_ to t?:e COR4IDOR shall be iz the ne.;�e 02 t}1° �:lJll:C:K_T1'Y. '3' . 1= t'TiA CG��?�()� 1S Ei. c'Y DOlii� Oi _ilSilif].C1E:SL Si_C.��1 �O safely HCCOI'�'lOG bC�� t�?g LrdJ151�t�2 aad d trd7.� � Lti]E roee�ed, �:,enever e=_tabiished, shall hace precedence ead the aut'�ority nay recuire E1LiiEr the City or County to accuire such edditional property or take aay other act:ons aecessary � to pe�it the safe ccn=_trLcticn and aperaticn oL both t?�e transit;:ay ead a trzil. III. DLT'Z'IES O� A�GRITY TIPO*7 �:CQIIISITZON OF CQRRIDOR A. T?:e AUT'r'CRITY �hall cxa:�� to the CIiY and the COtiNTY, resoectively, az ez=_e,�ent for the construction, oeeration, znd mainter.ence of a recreatior.al traiZ over the COr'tRIDOR. B... The easenents creeted pursuant to paragraph III (A) above shall be aranted to the CITY for a1Z portions of the CORRIDOR Iying xithin t::e corporate limits o# the CITY of St. ?aul, ' -2- 95-�99 a.^.d to t:� CCii:�TY :c_ a11 �ozt_ons oi tre CC�3IDG� outszce t�:e ccr?c_�te li�its oi the Ci=Y o= St. Peul. C. lf:E E25c-c.^;i.5 51'2� �?�C�liC° ��:E iO17CH1P.� tE2:S5� 1:1 cCQ�i.:OII i.0 2A� CL'E_ ���-5 cC=EEQ i:DG1 .^� tI:Q C2i�lE5: 1. That ;:poz accuisi�_ez oP t':e CORRS�GR, and per.di:.g G'EV2?CDTE e::d ccastrnction o� a t_easzt system, t: e Cli''I =:C� C(iii?G11' 3.cj' C�E51CII� COTIStS1Ct� CDES2�2� flAd mzir.ta:a cver a-i a�d all �crt_ons c� t;:e CC:��I�G� a te-pc=a:'y =ec=ea�?cr.el trzil or trails. 2. T}:ct L:IA =li:-��11:' S.':2�1 }'i0 O=J�.:C2t2d 2L c�l� �1iuE5 �O PLOV:C°_ 5:1__1C:E: L ZTEd H1,�i1].:1 iilE CCi�iZl�Ci� t0 1.^.cL'!2 that t:a CSTY c::e COliNTY mey co�strLCt and �aintzia'a trd=�. ?�'2=t•^•°r t:2 FuT'r.CRii'Y oL 2ts sLCCE55pLS eY d551C'S �.�c� 50 CC'S��i]CT. OZ' GDE_ct0 1t5 �Ic.51L'ncy L-1 • SL`C}1 �c5}:1C1 2S �.'J PrEC�.L'C2 L`L'cC't1C21 c:; =afe C015��::C�=C1 cTid C_E�c�10:1 Of �}lA tr211. ?�'Oi. _z �}'l7.S sect:ca sha11 recuire the F.UT:GRITY to accuire edditio,al land �o eccer�oca.e a trail. 3. Si:2t :'B C11'I' c,^.3 ��TJNlY ZCZEE i.}72t c^y i.E.uDOSdr �T2].1 �•^•d� � J2 SL'�j2CT. �O LEL1CV21 L'�Ci3 de:,,a:�d .�".� i}lA �':f.J-: (i�llY ;:hen =^e L_c.^,S1L'*fl11 =5 Zesicned 'c^ coa=_tr_cted, 1i 51:C}1 G 1:1 t::A C�lA_OII Oi tt:E �'ajjl:^:��11'�'� IECl1LE5 SL`C1 Z'EAICV21 . P.:.y te-_ora`-y trzii sne12 '�e desiczed iz suca £esh_cZ t}lct :_ :ill�. :lOL �c�.7122 SEIDOVd�. O'S' d? �2�d�_071 Oi �::5 EX15�_ :CJ :CcG�Ed. Ti �i'iA �E:il�pr2r'� 'trd11 SS G 11 a mzr.:=_r to 1'ECll�=2 TEIiiOVdl OL' 21�EIdt_0:1 Oi T.�"iE SCcG�2d� ar.d s::ci d<_s_cn is a�Lrcved by the 3UT=0RITY, it shall be the res�cr.sibility o= the CIiY ar.d COLTTIY to �estore the SCcC�,`c3 C� CGIDDE:'iSctE t1:2 h.TJi :Q�llY �OS c4 CCStS 1� wc incur �O �ESiO�o 'C:�2 SCcC}�Ed 2'F SL'C}7 2ESi.O2c�10:1 is rec•_irzd for ccnstrLCtien of the traasit��y. Zf ti•< existiag roaebed is £cund to be unsatisiectory for use for t':e tra ,s_txay sa that its utility xas aot dinini=ne3 by the actions of the COL".ITY os CZTY in establishing the terporary trail, then ti,e CITY �nd COU:v1Y shall aot be 23able °or restoret=cn ccsts under this section: If cor.str��ction oi the transitway recvires remcval of tze te:;,aoraxy trail, or aay portion thereof, the CITY and COL'NTY shall bezr t}:e expensa ei such rescval. Upon cc�aletion of or in conjunction with const*_z:ction oi the trz.sit:ray, t�:e CITY and COL'NTY may construct a.^.ex recreatio:�al traii Kithin those portioas of the CORRZD03 not necessary for traasit:�ay coastrecticn, maintenance, and aperat_cn. - 4. That t::e FUTHORITY shall have the sole, fin21, and • exclusice r:ght to dete�ir.e �hen it Nill canstsuct the -3- 95-�+y� �I'�.^.51� Sf°�E:1 L'@ T.2tL�E c:i kizd OI �TcA51t SZ'SLE� i.0 �e cc �str�c �=_d, .: :=_re t::e tra-sit syste� aill be CC::S�<i:C�cd ::� �7:=:1 t^@ C(�.':.'ti11 c^d C}iE P.2�i:r° 2.^.d K1IIC� Ot Sd=ctj7 _Ect:��c5 l� ::1�1 2cC.71S2 iCr GE�2�OL.;�cIlt Oi L�i2 tT21�. 7. `I':a�� i^A l�.i.11^C'i�li1 S�II2��. }:c'.°_ L^? =1G�:� �O =EV_c.7 ?]^.Cl cDDrCV2 2� � tc:il�C�d_*'f 2:!C� �Er:u2A�IIi. �S21Z CCAS�T::C��OII z. d zlic _.,eat �le-s �-eczred by the CITY ard CCliVTY, end i.: 2t :O CC^SLSL'CL_Cil Or ScCO�S�S:iC�10A Oi t:lE tL211 Sild�.� take 7�cCE UI'i�1� S�C:i 2_D:CV'�.�. 1S a_ve:i �Y L.^.2 FUl:Ci�lll' to t:^.e CITY a.^.d CGu'_�'iY. 6. That t':e =L- :C�Ii � s':all hec2 r�spor.s_bilit for secLrity cP.d u�21:1t�.^.2��CE 0= tt':°_ CCn�I'��� L'iL11 S::C:1 t1RE 25 t^•� Cl:l' c.^.d CDUN12' _EQ11 CO 02 �}i2 L�T,d1� HStl111 tneir res�ective pertic;:s ci the COR3IDCR. Jooa , COPJ�E.^.CE:Ti=_II� Cf CCIIS�S`�C��C1 0: the tS211� L�"i2 =�SDEC�IV'c' CIiY c^d COuN3i s::eil a=<�-> re=�oasibility for 7i�d1.^.�E�c^CE c^CI ScCL•Sl�f OL C�i2 �DiC.�ZS7C� L'i]�11 5`.1C:1 �1i�2 as t?:e F.i;T-CRIiY ccnstr::cts its transit�:ay in the CCti�I�C�. T}e Fv::CRITY s.`.zll be res�ersible fcr clear_::g �i:e cer_;cez o: e-crcec :. �:h_c� interrere �+'1L:7 �.^.B j01-7� C_EZcL101 OI L.^.E COrS1aCr ZCr �521� c.^.d i.�ci.5_� :::=�CScS. 7. li':2i. i.::2 C_T��' 2??Cj C�TJ�vl��' S}:2�1� 2i, t172 �EC1:ESi. OL t:i2 AU_�:CRZ_Y. cic=e t':e t=a=1 '-z ::!�o1e cr ia _ert, duria4 t:�2 CC.'.Si.i::Ct1C:1 C2 T,1':E ��c.^.51�ndy. 8: That t;:e CITY, C0�?i.Y end AJ_3CRITY �ill endeavor to cooperate ?n t'�e pla^aing, desica, car.structioa, aad CLErcL1C1 OL i:;E L:2:1 c7^ifl �_TC:151Cw8y �O c55:122 OD�1:;L'11 ]OlA� L'S2. �C::EVE=� S�:OU�Q Q15DL'tES 2SSSA ..�'>ECF2EII 'C}:A CITY a;:d COu?3TY, eit �lE� 1;'iC? V1GU21 � y or jo_ntly, aad �he AUi :C:�iiY, tha �iil :CRITY shall heve tte fi;:al �'ecisicn- naicing eut::crity, and t:,e CITY �zd COu?ITY =ha11 abi�e by such decisio�s. 9. �'}12t li 2� c:lf �_L0 CDELd�7.C?7 OS mainter.ence Oi �119 transit:;ay causes d�*.:age or �estrvcticn to a1T or aay portion ci the trail, t'r.e �Ui:ORITY shell be li�ble for ail nece<sar� re_airs. IV. DIITIBS OF CZTY A.2:� COL'2��`I`Y I+.rTER �CQIIISITION OF COR.RIDOR A. The CITY Gzd COL"�ITY =_ha13 enter _ato easements as d=_scribed in Section ZiI (�) and ZIZ (3) oi this Agreement, and shall zgree to tl:e t=rms of �he ease�ents as OL''CS1AEd in Sectioa " IZI (Cj oi this P_creement. B. The CZTY end COliNTY shall c000eretive2y develop a Master ?2an £or the trail �ithin the CORRSDOR £or presentation to the � AUTHORZTY, as recuired by this Pcreement, and to t?:e - -4- 95-499 ?�etroDOlitan Ccu-cil. i�plemes:tzs:g acer.c� :- cor�orate li�its of :=� the imple:, .g ace-c� the corxrate 1_-�its c_ Plaa shall �e snbjec� t r.ot be sub�3tted co ;, :>_ DS10=' d'y�SCVd • i?:e CdL'NTY =_hell be c'<e-=d t�e ell oort_cns c' t^e trail cutsice tze C:?Y, er.d t'r.e CITY snzll be �EE��Ed for all por�_oas of ;.;;a �rail a±thin t::e C=iY oi S�. ?cul. ??:e ?!zster o ap�roval by the AliT?:C�ITY, and ='r.zll '!EtZCD017.tcZ Council aftnont s�c:Z C. l:lE �!c5�8: ?�2Z 5123� lACILC2� . P.Oi. } J2 �=7_�c3 i.0� �:E 10�? D�II�C; lrE� �S i 1. It sha11 r_cecaz<-� the richt oi the nU1:O�1'lY to u=e t?:e COStRIDC� �OT_' iT2::5?T. '�111'?OScS 2S CB2=::Ed .11 L7115 � G2EE:lE:lt . 2. eor r„ast=r plar.ai-g pLr�cses, the COR.�I�OR �;ill be COP.5IGE_Ed 'c5 L:72 BLS�1i;(J.i.OA Nortnern 11i�2 �Et�EEA _�5 southern tar�ir.ts ::ear {ellocg Boule� ard ia the CI?Y c•` St. ?aul and the -ortherz Ransey County line, plus tR2t area 'CO �A cCCU1Sct� �y �l'iE CITY bets�e=n t:i°_ SOL'i.}i22:1 tE:a7�1RL'S c::C� Ll;.c vi551551:D.1 tZll'Er. i'rCV?C�Ga� hGti<_Vc:� thzt not�zr,g _a ;.::is section shz1Z ZECII1_2 the COli?�TY or the Fiii:OR3TY 4o accsire eny DSCD2rt not abandc�ed for 2',n11 L�rJCScS .�^.�17 ��e =�r1,i�P.Ci.C:1 ?v0� ��lESil :i:2��C2C� Cr cTiY other rzilroad es o� the �'ats of this Acree:,�ent. ::e COUN?Y and tne rU3:ORITY, hcriever, either i.^.dividually oz jointly, r,ay eccaire eay �rcperty a�ancor.ed by any railrcad ia t1:� .f::;n_e. 3. Fcr tra_1 �erelc_��zt :ur�oses, the CORRIDCR ai11 ba cansicered the� erea accsird by Fli:'r.ORIiY, plus adjoini:,g pLb1_cly o�, 2�EdS W�7E�E 1IS1DrC�E:�E*it5 will be nEeded for ecce=s to the trail, olus ths area to be acquired by CIlY {using reaional funcs) bet�een the S011i.}:E_Z i.Erl].i1L5 �P.Ec1' �eLloagj cZ'i the ?!15515S�D'J� t�Z].VET. All appl_catzor.s to the :!EtTOD011't22 Couacil or any cther agency fer �EVE�GL:.1cRt fw:dir.q sha12 be coordinzt�d bets:een the CiTY-COL'NTY. ' De UDOa comnencenent of tra_1 construction, the CITY and COtiNTY shall becone r=sponsible fer secarity and maint>nance oi those nortions of the CO.ZRIDGR �hich lie s�ithin their respectice jurisdicticns pursnant to paraaranh III (C) this Fgree^er.t, and the AUT?iORZTY shzll have no furthe= responsibility for snch security and a,aintenznce until time as it constructs a transitHay in the CORRZDOR. At time es both the trensit„ay a�d recreational trzil are completed, t!�e CITY end COUNTY sha12 be responsible for mainteaance and security of the trail sysrem, end the AUTFORI'S'Y �h �� such =uch - all be respansible for maintenence znd security of the trensit::ay, The cast ot maintenznce for comnon ar�as -5- 95-49y Si?2� �:;E C1`�1Cc ec.:a_ly DEL+:2EII L�:A �li_::C�iT't c;? t:.e Cl?'�i' 0= CCi.i?v2'Y. ... 1:?A �.'�lv c:!d CG'U�il" 5:��� ES�c�1157 cII eaforce COP.SIS�E.:� �1�E5 2^ Z2C'1�ct:C-S CGrE�::1:]J �ll�D1iC '�SB C� L ��2i C C'�� 1 �C.'� . v. GENE�PT, T�R'!S A'�*D CO:vDZT_TC?�S A. Indemnificatioz. ?eca �arty shall ce:e-d, ince:.��i=v, and fre� its cuZ -•eei_se::� acts. 1_.T].t5 OR 1].c�1�1t�. i.0 �II�S fig TE°_SIEA� 2QSEE5 i..^.d� 1t hoid ha�less all other pzx�ias NO �2��Y wd1VE5 ciay ST.c�L'�GS� ?. Ti 'C!?E! �lJi::�.tZll']' 2CC�_rc5 i:7e CO�R=DO�'buz �eter:nir.es t�i2i, ].t O=' any per�=cn �PE:EC= 15 ^Gt T:2°�Ed ZOr tTci�5ltWdy �:1*DCSES. 2:'id t?ic� tLEI'E•_ 1L 5^2��. }:cV� P.O ftrt�er r. E�d 202 t!i? pro�ert �.^.c� CITY 2:? COliNTY cQSEe �`.�"tc� �?'iEy S}:dl� cCGll1�2 tne FUT1:C�i=Y'S l.^.�E�cSi. :.e1 t':+° COFC.�1D0� Dy j3c�icR� t0 t}'i0 AUTF03ITY cf SO�S of t*e t'^.en £�ir market value of t'r.e li�e or $/.50��'i��� F't12C.�".cVET =5 G�cctE�. :'!CV1CACj� : C::c'vE=� �;?� �!;e Cll]' 2:3C� COt+?il�' cC.E° i3O 52V2� CEfE:7CI� :2�. cI:d .RO�d ^cI'Z�E55 T.;1c� �(�i�(�it�ii�' SSO^I Z.^.��* YEDd�'•�1E:1�5 T.O tj11SC{ .^,c=L_ES =0: CCi1tS1yL'T.10:75 C= ZOc77S i�ECE �y suc`� third �erues _'or �Lxha=e of the li^e s=_ct�i?'ed of tne UT!i ? �; • ? 0:� TY at ar.y ��.,e �y =a_d t'�i_d part_es after the CORRI�GR is �L':C:!85Ed �ursnant to this section by the CiTY end CCliNiY. �.'. �?T'i easeme-ts C�E2�Ed �L=S;�c:li. t0 i:115 1-'.C�cES�lE:1� S�ld2�. }`2 freely zssicnable by t:._ AIIT:QRITY, and A.UTrG�IiY's assic�ee shall be bcna3 by the te—s of said eese:��ent. D. Ternination and �!Od�f�Gdt�OR. LXC_T_JT. fi5 OC,iE_.:15 � � 'r r 2 �rCV_Cc� herein, this cCrEE�E^i. a.^.d the rig?:ts end cblicaticr.s oi tne part_es her_vnder mey be �odiiied or ter�inated only by t':e nutual consent of ZIZ �cri,lES. If an act_an or �odif_caticn affects cnly the CZlY ar COU?1TY'S portioa of the trail easement, azd nct bcth, t?:en the CITY ar COL':1•lY Lay separately ear�e ;�ith the ?liT:.ORITY to amend th_s agreenent, and t?�e censent of the party whose interest is nct affected need not be cbtained. A11 enen�'i.ients or aodif_cations shall be in ;:rit_aq ar.d 'cDDiC�'Ed �� the gcvern_ng body of the respective :arties to t?�is �creE:nent or tl:eir successors ead assigns. S. Bridaes. Ii the roacbed utilizes br_dges in exister.ce at the time the FUT?iCRZTY cCC�17.LE5 the COR�IDOR and readbed, ths CITY and COITNTY �ay use t?:e existing bridqes for.�ny temporzry traiI. they ccnstruct within the CO�IDOR i£ they desire. If the existir.g bridges are at any tiz�e dees,ed deEicient, or i£ any unit of federal, state, or local qovernment, includiag t.*.a parties to this agreemEnt, _F_ 95-�+44 L�ELEr;11^c5 �^2� t�:E ex_s�_::g b T�G�QE Si.Z�:CtL'Sc5 �2 TE:.IG�'E�� the :.Ui3:C�?TY =_:.all =� re=pcnsible fer s;:c!1 re:�cvzl. T.';e Cl?'Y c^fi CCL:�i�' :,;d�* C. dL t.^.E=� EXDE�52� �EIIIDOSZ�� �'Jr2fiCE5 �O ZE�� cCE c' � bricge S �2�:CLL'r? 50 �ciuCOEd � iOr tE�DCS2Zy tZd11 L'�E, �t:E?7 C�+E ir2^Sli.::2y 15 CC.^a5��7:GLEd� d�� tEIii�JOS2_*Y hT:CCES 5:;2�1 SjE :c::�O�Efl 1= rEGU].iEL� �S'.y �}:E �i]T:CRITY� iC� CC�S��,;C��CA OS C:70 �_2i]51tR2Y, $i:CSl rc70V2� SAd�.Z D6 2i. Li.A EXDEi.�A O� �.^.E Cjl�' CY C�U?�11]'. � n}iEi1 �:;2 �_c'S2�%:c� ±5 CC nstructe3, �ei i:?Er P.E;7 } JT:C(' j E5 ::1�.� be cens;.r�cted xh=ch xill_acce,r��odate beth trail ead trar.sit:;a CDE=dL=Oi)� Or SED22c�° �S:G St2L`CL:3_ES iOr t:d11 and transit�ay aill �e COP.St_'_CtEa. i:C::EVE:� 12 2Tij� existinq S�T::Ct:2r2 .^.EEf� :ipt ,�^r@ �E,'J�'�CEd� L};E D'cZ't?ES Al2]� 2LJ_TCE i0 1t5 COALl:.L'Ed li_v�. . PT10= LO C251.G:1 Or Cj;° DL1C�CjE StSL`Ci.ur2 OT St�L`C�L'SES� ia1E . y2Tt:.ES �O L=]15 cGSEE'Ei.i. Si�dl�. CEC1G uhether to COTiSi`.TL'C� d jO1R� ll£@ SLrL'Ci.L2�e OT SEL'cSct2 5�_�C�llSES. I_ tiiE p22t?.ES decide to buzld 2 j0=.*. n<_e strtcture, the CITY or COJNTY shall � zy _'er tre E::Ql:?E°S1^Q� desian, ar.d cer.structioa of the br_�ce to the exte.^.t the ccst of sLCn joiat p�nrpesa Si.rL'C�1L2 EXCEEG�S �:iE CCSL Of EP.O17iEE�,L:1Q� C�c5�C:1 c:7C1 CORSLSL'C'C:0:1 Oi d SL�,:Ct�1T° iC� tSE+�Sli.++c]7 011�� ci d t.^.2 AUl :CR1iY S:.fl�� �c� ��:2 SE:T�e=Al::g CCSt. I= 't�':E t+2S�1E5 E�EC� t0 �5:11�C1 52 �arate St�1Ctll=ES E2C:1 Si':�cll. �JA respcasible i0i 211. GO5�5 2550C:cLEd 'v7=��1 CES1G'1 2flC1 CG215'C:llC�1C:1 OL t:'iE=� _<tTUCtL'r8 c.'7d 5}:2�.1 TlOt be re_=po;.sible i02' cTl�' CCS�S Or �:1E CL:lE= StZ'liC�L'ZES 'JU11'C. r. Additional eacilit�es. Ii the CSi•Y, COUNTY cr F.U^:ORITY eccuires preperty, eit::er Within cr outsi�e of the COR�ID03, �;hic:� is used £or the cen=trnction of eutcmebile �arking cZ22S � t::2 � 2rt f cCC11.^1ACJ cA constrsctir.g the parkiag fecilit S^2� � Pc= l_� C2tSGII5 ''JC�� CZ i,�':E 'CS21� er.d t:cT:51i. syste;n to L'S2 521d fecilities. _�_ 95-499 CITY OF ST. PAIIL 3y AP TO .?ssistant Rz�n_=ey � � Date: COII2]'iT OF RP1.+SEY 3 y: ;�,L,� F'�'vy Hal ?Sorcard; Ramsev C �t� Date: __��� � . Attcrney � -��-.�%�`%L , /�fr/!� 2!ayoz, City of St. ?aul s ��,("l � (,�- rinznce Director �zte: �(C�1�q A.P'rROV�D AS TO PORM: J��.�� ,��/' L2�.�.,G4� �ssistant`City Attc ney � of Coff.mi:sioners �onnie �acxeten y,j-�7 Chief Cler} nty of Ra..*nsey Date: � S TO FQRM: ���3s�znL xamsey counry Attorney �trt...�cy Cevn'�-� CL.�t.�-.�l ;Z�.l�oo b R��o.:� 7 -a- RaxSEY COi7NT'Y REGZODiAL RAIL.F20F�* 95-499 EX?i1�Jif �:�" ;`A Q•11�..C�c1'`"1 �c°_'.� f:0'1 �Lr�i:^.StOR ��ri?:Ef7 �B:�rD2d CC� � `�'J �2*�=�e}r COi: :tj� YZEc�^:Oi al Rai2: oad ?_n � ;GfliY� ��sey Couaty �1;;.:.esa:a czted aece: :ber 17, iS°2 Page 1 ef li lj'ct i.23'f CI i::2 SOi:t�;:t'ESi`. Q�� EI GI SECY:GA 3. lOW�c'IIS,D `�g� dic::s? `2`2, R�..=_zy Cour.ty, \ii�: esata, i}:�g �5 tE°t 07 E2CS S:GB OI t:e fcilow;r.g L�ESC:1DEd �:':c: CG7?L�'E.^.C:.^.�? 2t L�'g cpti^c25� CGr-ET OI 521d S011C. QL'22'`.cC; t�ence \or�z €9 c'es. ees =2 zinutes 33 seconds ��resL 21er.g LLE SOL' i ?� line Uf 521d .SOl:i7:4'25� Qn_::Fr a Cista.^.ce ci 1 .`�S�J.�O {EEt �0 i�2 DOl?'iL 0I t JE�^ii.A7.^.,5 GI ia �:_^.E :J �2 CESLTI ��:E*C8 �'Oi'L.1 S L�E�:E°5 3O r_.inu:zs 09 secor. L'c5L �COH.22 �EEC to a poiat ea the r.orth liae of 52.d SOL:.��^.:'+"c5L QL'2I:E1' C:Sic^t lll.s� i2Et WESt G{ L�E ^Ori� C07 r.e: ei sa=d Southwest Qi!el:Er 2* s�id!iae t�:e:e !<_ =i�za^ �LSO �ct �2� CL �LE �Gi ���ne5t Q�;�-:Er 0I SfCiiGII .3� IO�TSi17 29� '.'Zca�? `22 R�_.sey Coc�:y, li:: -esota, desr.'bed as iol]oks: Cor*:e::c:ng at *_?:e SOL'i�'E25t coraer oi sid \or'u� a•est Qu�er; �ence \'or_h 59 ce�*e.s =.3 `�au.es 36 secoac's West, alor.g t�e S011L�'I 1iE G! said �'er4 ^riE<_L eL'2S:cI 2 G1=�e.*.C° of 635.� iee! ta t?:e aoi.^.t ei be���ia�; t:^e::ce \orh � de�ees 30 ninutes 09 secoacs ?ast 2 c:star.ce oi 170.70 :e=.:; :Le�ce \cr'u� fi0 �e�-rees 29 _:sautes 51 52COLC5 Fi'est a cist2 :ce ci 150.00 :eet; Lence �ut� 9 de�ees 30 air_u:es fl9 seco�c's �i'esi 2 cisia*_ce oi 1��.30 `eet ;a �e sauta line ei said \or:?:»e<t Quar;er; '�e�ce SoLti 89 de�re�s 48 W.iauies 36 52GQP.CS =c5�`. e?Ci.� 5£Fd SOL'L�7 ilA a cis�a�ce of 1b2.00 iee: to Lhe aoir.t oi be5'..�ing. ALSO T?�at p2rt cf the Soutawest QL2r�„er oI Section 10, Toa 29, Rznge 22, Ra�sey County, _liianesotz, lying 50 ieet on each side of t�e i0II0R1Il�Q desc::bed l�ae: Cos� encir.g at �e sout�west ceraer of said SouL�ssest Quuter; thence Sou�h 59 degrees �6 �snu:es 02 sernnds E2.st a dis'�2ace of ��0.34 feEt to L�:e point oi begianing of t�e lin� Lo be described; �'�eace \lor� 9 degreQS 30 s.inutes 49 sernnds East a dist�ce of 2663.�0 feet Lo a point on t�e north line of said Sout�west Quarter cista.at 9&8.43 feet east of tEe aorthxest corner of said Southwest Qu�er znd stid !ine the: e ter�inating, 95-499 Exhibit ".�" a aL:iC�2:.*.1 .��iE�'.� a i02Z J�i:rl:*?f�`•_DI3 �OZi R 21:�Oc� Ccr:: 2s:y'_o R�r-<eyCc� :ty �es;o^al �Zi?road Autncrity, �z==`EY Co� ::y, �1i.^.-esoK �2ted Dece �ber 17, 2°92 Pzge 2 oi 1Y Lyi: g sout :er':y a_*.d •'n ES`�.2: Iy Gi :.:2 IOlIOWI :�? �ESf7: I:^E: �E� 2C C�2 ','1:2ncC�C7 0{Ii:� WES� I3P.E OI ii�:E 2b0�8 �ESC:ICE� p2:CE1 GI �c'd 2.*. 2?i-e : a:a?lel w;ch 2:! 120 iee: soetherly ci t'^.� �. CcSCi. Lir° :; ;�E^C? °252ESI�' 2�OII�? Szid L2r2IIF1 �:.^.E t0 L::2 e704o CESC.':�'J£'j C°.^.LE*:I. E; IFE.^.CE sou*_�+er!y 210*,�T 521C� Ce :CEI�1= B LO 2 �3^8 l.2:3i':21 .'T77L�1 'cIl� 1!0 �E�* SGI:t}1E:5Y 0I _}!2 I'iE: ElAcIicr C�ESCr:OEd LIi._ �; t�:g.*.t� EcS�EIiy c�OP.� 521d �+2I2>>E� Il.^.9 � i.:E EcSL .':'z CI L:_2 abc•.•e �esc:ibed �2;C21 O{ �cIld 2,^.d Sc.d �l::P i'�e:e :e. �� :�ci^�. � Line i is descri'�ed as rei?oc:•s: BE�nnir.g ci 2 DOli:t OZ L.4? »est line oi sa:d Sect:oa 10 �iiS�c^tl�9.7 iE°C SOL'L�1 DI C��^.2 '� cSL CL'2.;Er COIi.EI L�:2rE0�; c�e.^.ce run easterly at 2'1 �='S�P- ='I �Q G�°� EES JO _�UtES 0� secon�'s `ro� 521d :1'ESt SECL:OII line (-::`c5L':2C� ::O1Z :C:_3 '�.0 EcSt� i0i l�fl� {E°_: cIId there �2 r:.^�1.^.2 i'.^.5 • ���� "ivat nart of t'�e \er��:•h•est Qca.*:er of Sec�on 10, Toa 29, �ange 22, RZ�sey Cour_!y, �il� ?:ESOL2� lyi=g 50 :ee: oa eac� s;ce oi t�e :ol?owing described 1i :e: � Ccr.�:.e::ciag eL iII8 SOL'L.;:ESL COri. of s�id � '9I'�'n25t QL27'`.2r� the :ce Sout4 59 de�ees 53 �tnutes 29 seconds Fast 2?ong tVe south liae ei said �or�s»:st Quarter a�stz^.ce cf 9E8.43 feet to the poir.t oi begiaai::g cf ;?�e ;i�e to be desc.-ibed; �ence \*cth 9 de�ees 30 ��nutes 09 :e::nds Ea=_t a dis�ca oi 26�6.72 ieet to a poir.t on Le ^orth liae ef said \or.'�west Quater d�.'�..�t 1205.Q0 FEE� :�•est oi �e nor��:�e�t coner of said North�•est Qna.r:.er z*:d szid line Were ters,in2t��g, Ly•ing Vorth of a?ine ra: aLiel �z� u* d 100.00 feet nort'�'of t6e south line of sid Northwest Quuter. Except t�at part Iyiag x•es�erly of ��e follow described line: Beg:n�ia� at a point on t?�e �esterIy line of t�e abo�e described parcel dis�:t 1fi67.70 feet froa t�e south liae of sa.id vort�west Quarter, as aeasured aleag s�id wesf.arly line; thence northerly along a c��rve concace to the east, t2ngent to sa.id Resteriy line, having a rdjus of 2914.93 feet, a ceatral �gie of 6 degrees 22 ainutes �� seconds a dis�nce of 324.68 feet Lo the east line of the \iot��west Quar;er of sid \*orth�est Quuter, thence northerIy along said east ?ine of t�e Quarter-Qu��er a dista�ce of 148.43 95 Exhibit ':a" a Quitclai-i �e<3 fro� Bnrl:n5 on \ort?:era R2i?road COIIL'e^y''.D ��r'SSE}' CCliIItf 2�2�iQP.21 2�211t02d � llt�:OCSiY, Rz:szy Ccu.^.ty, l�fi: r.esc�: dated �ece �ber 17, I°92 Pase 3 of 14 tEEt :� tLe ir.te: w;ta *�_ neste: iy line ai t � 2 2�01 0 �estri�c d pa: ceI zr.d said !i::e c!:e*e ;e uizati-;. �LSO T�:ct �Jcli'.OFLP2 SOL':Ztt'ESL e�c.*:Ef 0I SECL`OA �J� TO�i'uSj11D `29� �2^�? `�`2� t`�,2.�'15Ey C011�:j�� `Ti1: 250i.2� �;�=g J� .c°_t OA E2CS1 S1C CI L::° r01�OR'lA,�A cescribed':i:.e: CO =i:E*C:7��.' GL C�A $Gl'�:tiES� ccr�=_r Of Sc:d SOL't.�'1R'25t Cy�L`cI�EI� L�:E10E SG�_t1 �9 L�E E�5 'vJ i1IIL`?ES =`Z ScCDAG�S E25t 2�Oi.r�' C�:O S011it2 �3.^.e 0{SE:� SCllL� QLa�er a di=_tance of 2I6.i5 {EEL :0 i::e �OISiL of begin:.:r.g ef the liae :a be desc:ibed; thence \art'� 2 degrees 30 u^_lIIL'�25 :i ScCDP.CS L'c5� 2 C:Si�.21'iC0 OE`lss�.i� �E°_t �0 d DOl*_t OA i.1:E IIOS'::1 IS*: G{ 5cld S011i :ti'c5L QL2S�cI C'�35i'.2IIt .3 45.a9 feet east of ?he P0�1t+'ESi`. CGf :EZ' Of Sc:d SOliL'NE<L QL'cr:Er 2.^,d 52:d �:IIC u�E:°_ .2 ^l: 2t:' S. aLSo Lots 13, 14 z:_d 15, Block 3, "G2adstone, Ra.^isey Cou�ty, lii�eso;a," toge±.�:er wit?� _�at rast ei �e cacated �idge S�eet Iying south ef t'�e easte: iy ex:e: s:cz ef ��:e .^.or,� li�e oi sid Lot 13 �*.d lyir.g aor.'1 oi '�e easterly ex:e .=_;cz oi t�e sou:'s t.i=e ef said Lot 15. ALSO Lots 1, 2 2^d 3, .�Iock 4, "Giacs`�a�e, R�*r_sey Cot:.r.ty 'r1i_nesota " together w:�h ±�at �art of the �acated R:dge s�eet lsZng sout� of the easteriy ex:e::s:on ef' the nor'� li*_e of said Lot I z.nd Iping north of the ezsterIy ex:easioa of �e south !ine of s�d Lot 3. � ALSO Txat pa�rt of Lo's 4, 5, 8 and 7, Bloc�s 4, "Gladstone Rz^sey County, YIinnesatz," lyzng aor`�e2s�er?y ef the follocvir.g described line: Beginai^ g at a point on t�e r.or'.�S ?ine of said Lot 4 distz.^.t 29.00 ;eet east oi �.�e ^erthwest ccrner oi sud Lot 4, thence soutliez.s:erIy along a I6 deg:-ee curve, conca�e :o the sout?swest, �aving a rzdius of 359.26 fee#, to a point on t?:e ezst ?ine oi said Lot 7 distant 3.00 .`eet nort� of t�e south�ast corer ofsa�d Lot 7. Toget�er with the vzcated Ridge� Street Iying sout� of tse easterly esteason of the nort� line of said Lot 4 and 3yzng north of a line parzi?el with and 5 feet aor�.4 of the easterIy esteasion of the sout�s Iine of sa.id Lot 7. 95-499 EX:71D2t �:�'� ;,p QL:,�,�12.� __< {:c:z 3•�.�i� � i'i21:;G2d CO� rc :y �p ��*^<��r �,'`;;Aiy �25:OP.c1 .'�.21?:02d �li2LGf1iV, +Z' <'_=5E}' CGL'Zij', �'Sl.':�E50� 4�tiECi DEC:..^.�E: Z! � I�C`Z t�c52 i GF � i AT_SO 1�`2t �2Ii GI L:.° �OIt :�iESt �L'c::cl0{Sct_;:A IJ� lOw::<i31D `29� �c*1�? �`�, Rz..'-:sey Ccur.ty �I! :.^.ESGi2. :ji�� j(� �F�* C7 E'cC1 SiC2 0I ti:8 IO:�CK'IP.r�' described 1i:.<.: Cor._-:e-ciag a*_ t!:e so=_�:•::est corer of said \ort �.'aWESL �L2:iE.*� the::ce SeLth fi9 ce�=_es =3.^inutes 54 secor.ds Ea=_t z!org t!:e sout?� line ef =aid \or :�:W85L Qi:c:.EI 3 Q15L'ctCB G�3�J,�3� �E9t .0 ::Q DOi;:t Of t JE�!P..^.I^,� C{ ��:E �1: �:J EJ2 C�ESC:ivE4 !�E.^.C8 �OIi�3 `� L�E�E�S JO �'1AllE2S iz SECC..CS L"cSi 2 C15L"<^C° 0I �s��.L6 iEEL� t.�:E^C2 2�G.^.� 3 t2-^-�2P.C:cl CllIC2� CO :�ct'2 :J L�:2 EcSf, �?2�'] a r2cius c� � i29.S� ;E°t, 2 CE :C:cl c^��E ^I s�ES c'.5 J9 ^.'P.liiES?J 52.OIlC5 2IId 3 Q]SL2a^.CE Of sn9.�z :E:t� L�:E�G� \�or:1 9 de�ees vO ^Lll�ES O9 SEfGP.GS L'c5t 3 4�ISt2:_CE Of �JQ.�f rEEt .p 3 �01 :t 01 t!�e �ort �IIIe 0{ said �'ort!:�aest QL'cS:2: CISie�� .jj0,3i ;_�t gcc� OI L�� IIOti�'li'ESi`. COr: E: GI �23d �'GtL�1 Ji2<_i. QL'e�cl c.^. sa`d !ine C�Q:2 :EI"'._l: 2:1II'{, AJSO That pa.,i-t cf t:e \o;-��� Q�� t * cf Sec'�on 22, Towr_ship 29, R�ge 22, �.'��SEy L'OL^iV� .�t=� :_50�2. �;": � JQ rE°t OII FcC3 S. of t'�e iO:IGW'1.^.5 desc:ibed?i. e: COL^� 27G:.^. zt :.�:e ::or.:u•est COr.^.EI' OZ Scld �'Or`L^�'25t QL2S2Er� t�e: ce Sout'� fi9 cegr<_<s �.� Y I�L''.c5 48 seconc's East �.lo.^.� L':e north lir.e OI ScJd �'G:�1''K'ESt �L'�T;EI' 2 C:S�c:CE 02 `116.(j !E£t !A L.�'iA b2�:AII1.^.� G{ L�E I1LE +0 �? �ESCri�Ed; 'ti'f�CE S011t1 2 G v� �inutes 38 szconcs West a c:s;.�ce cf I43�.4� feet; t�e.*.ce souLe: iy a dista.*.ce o2 392, i8 fe�t z,o,^.g a t2_*gentai curve concave to t?+e east, h2ving a�r2dius ci 22,918.33 �eeL a_d a cen4al �*51e of 0 degrees �8 ainu�zs ,6 seconds; Lence Sou:� 1 degree 31 minLtes �2 seconcs WE=� t�=7�F°-'.lt t4 uE �c5�`. CESC^ c:utie, a aistznce of fi07.8o fe�t ta a point en tLe sot� line oi sid \crth+�•est Quzrter �ist2.^.t 59.97 feet east of the souti':::est corer oi said \orthwest Qeas-`�er �d said line there :e:�i=2ting- ?rS0 Th2t p2rt of tue Sout'��•est Qn�er oi Sec+.ion 22 a�d t�+e Southe2st Qu2r"�.er of Sectoa 2I, Tow;.ship 29, R�^.ge 22, R.�sey CouatY. ?viinnesota, Iyiag 50 ie�t oa e=ch s:ce ei t�e *olloa�*_g described line: Cozz:;e.^.cing at the nor'��:west corner of stid Sout�west Quarter; thence Sou�k 89 cegrees �� *ainuies 44 seconds Ezst along the nort�s line of said Southwest Quu:er a dista: ce oi 99.97 .`eet +a L1:e 95 Exnibit ':�" 'a Q�i:c?2iZ �eed frca BLr�:r.5 en \crt!:e:z Za:':cad CO =:2:a'� �O L�c.^�cj' C�i:.^.�iy RE5:0::21 �c:�2'02d ��1t.�^.OIi*.V� . COL':aiV, �13�=25C�i2?2:Ed LEt�^GEr 1%. LCCZ t�2F�? ' � J GI Zz begir.nia ::.� L' :E EO J2 CESC':-EII: :i:E^C°_ SOL'L� 1 G;25.°a a 31 .^I..L'.c5 ��2 52COII�5 Z1 Z C�:Si2:C_ 62 7CCq icel� ;Fe��� �ouche:ly a d:sta-ce ei 520.33 ie<_t a?or.; 3 T�: ��::C}cI fL'-'2 CC*C2V2 .0 i: E c£Si, �12VI: � 2 rcClllS GI 1l.�.fi8.f0 iE£L 'e.^.Q CE^:icl 2-5�2 Gf 1 4�ESa£8 ii 'L...'3IIlli.ES Q•�s �cCO^CS: L�E.^.C8 SOL'I�7 O C�E�c°5 �2 :^.i':::c5 1� Sc^.D.^.CS t.'c.SL, t2.T!�E*t LO :�n lyc� described cer: e , 2 C:Sic: C° 0I LY3. i-Ie :cEC :0 d DOli.t OR L, 50'1L li :e ei said Southwest Quar.er cista^t 33.'�5 iee*_ zast o��!?:e southwest ccr.-.er ef said SQliL 25L Ql"cr;c: cr d:a:d li: : t:era LE.^;17'!c23i_�, �LSO That p2rt ef ??�e \or::•�•est Q�ar`.er ef Sec�on 27 z*.d t?:e \'ort: ea=_t Qu�Er of Sect:oa 23 � j O�v :SL]7 `�9� 1�i�':�'a 2`l� �E._�;E}� C.011'.3%j�� `Il:^.a:E50�2� l�'1: g j0 �EEt 07 22C�7 S}G2 GI T�'2 :C:tG �:: �2 �ESG itiJE� L:.T:Q 1: Li. e 1 .. �'.0^: E.^.�:.^.r�^ ct :_.2 .^.OI:_:�cc� COTES GI Se:d � QU2r:cI' t�e :ce Sou�h �9 �'es, ees �? � iau:es 51 seroncs r.ast along *�e aert�s I3IIE 0I 52id �Gi �i:�'ESL Qi:2�E2' 3 C:SLZC° Of j.3.2J rE.t :O t�2 be ei ::e li-e .o ;,= desc:ibed; t'�e�ce Souu' 4 c'e�ees 12 air,u:es 12 SctvIIG .`. 3 U5� oi 2191.50 feet; LI.''E�CB S011LE2'i}r cIld Sv'lit :t.'c5�2: � jt d C.e:c�C°_ ef 1�87.39 ieet c�OP..,,Z 2`�2_^.�EIIi:cl C1Iti8 COL^C2�'2 :0 ;Le -ort RWESL� : cV1L'� 3 icG1L'S OI I�I�.QB iE�t and a CEII::21 c�512 0I ii C2�E:5 3! i11�L'!ES �� SECOIIG�S; 1�`2.C� �JGll��l rs de�ees 2 i ^3: L:ES =$ ScCGLCS wESL :a*gent Lo Le Izst descri�ed cnrne, a c:sta :ce of 147 E1 :e�t :a a pcint oa the souta line of said � QL'2I:EI' 0I CEC..G7 28 cis'�.at 620.61 feet KESt OI �LB S011�F:E25L COr:E: G� 522d �Ci�i?2<t ellc 2IId said Lae t.�?E:E ter_^_.iaati.*.g. Teget�er v.•it I�:2� nart oi sid \or�'-..east Quar:er Iying westxrIy cf a?i*_e �0 feet westeriy cf aad p�ra]1E1 wits sud Li�e 1�d easterly of �e following cescribed L;r.e 2: Line 2 � Cos.�e.^.ciag zt the nor'�Fest corer of sid Noz-��mest Quater; thence South b9 c'egrees �9 *_-�nutes �i secnnds E2st along :.he nort� line of said �or��•est Quaz�:er a dis�ncs oi 33.25 feet; t�eace Scu`� 0 deg:ees 12 .*.��nutes I2 seconds East a dis,•,a�ce of 9�2.20 :'eet; t�eace Scuth fi9 degrees �7 n.inutes 48 seconds West a dis`�ce oi 50.00 feet to the be�nnixg of tae ?ine to be deszribed; tFieace South I1 de�zees 1 i�inutes 55 seconds West a dis�2nce of 292.00 `eet; tfience southwE_terly a distz_*.ce of 914,47 feet along a non- t2�gential cune, cor.cave io the nortbwest, having a radius of IS09.�7 {eet, a ceatral 2ng?e of 28 deg �7 minutes 17 seconds a^d a chord beari.^.g oi Soeth 24 de3rees 17 ainetes �4 secoads West; 95-4y Exhibit ",4^ `a Qe:-c?a::z =<_ed- fror.� 3ur�i^�:.on \or'�:e:1 Rai?:cad COj7 D2:ij7 f0 ��::Sc}' C _:*_y �es:enai 3a:i: c� d � L' i�2Ci. � J. R2�SE}�CGL'Iliy, �T:^ :ESC'.: C2:Ed DEC� �DE: Z�J� ISGZ P2�°! CI �z �LC� 11'c� t ^.2r�`. 0I i�? .SOi:L.:+:ES� QL_::�_ GI S_Ct10A?�� TOR'�571D 29. �2^r,�^? �`2, R�rssey Cou^:v, 1�1i�^esoz, :}•:'g rcr::e:iy oi t�e fol?owir.g cesc.ibed Lir.e 1 z ,d $OCi`c:ly Gi i�9 :O:�i:»: :5 CESCS:vE'3 L1IIE Z. Li_*.e I CO^^2^C377� 2� L�2 SOL':.?c5L CCIIlEI' 0{ 521d SGllL�:tr2<t Quc2:c*� t�'!2 :CP �GI:7 Q Cc�?�ES QL ^1.^.'1L'c5 .3$ seconds E2st 21o*g u E Ec52 line of sid SOL'::7R'c5L Q::a::er a distu:ce ef 1?19.81 ieet to the bE�:n^:r.s Of L^E �:.^.° :O L'2 C�25C:1�JEd� t.�'�.E.^.CB SOLt1 !-�t C Lf P1IIuLE5 �'`� SEC 1Yc5L a eistznce OI �(%.37 IE°C� i�II�7CE S011LLR'c5C22'�Y 2 C:SL�_^.C°_ CI 508.93 �EL: 2�OA'� 2 tcII�c.*.C:cl C1I"�E, cor.cave to t!�e rcr:::K•es�, �acing a raeius oi �71�.5� ;zet a_^.d a ceat:zl 2nsle ci 9�e5 ees ,6 r.s.^.u:es =7 szrcn�s, the^ce \cr:h &o" �E�E�S �O :^.: :i::c5 J�I 4CQ :CS F'JESt, :7GL C2^.bEIIC t0 uE I25L 4�ESC::ic cer:e Z C:SCc�C°_ 0I 3�8.09 iE°t� 't}'EJCB IIOC_:+:fS:E:ty 2 G:Si.Z: C� GI L?.J2 :c°L 2I0�5 :�GII-L'<^£2^U2 cune, COPC��'2 `A �6 ^or�`.eas., :.aci=g a :cG�S of 1�23.1$ `eet 2 C°_^L:21 ���2 0{ 0 �'eg:ees a�l�. _:es =9 sec_�ncs znd a c�ord be2riag oi \cr.� 7� C JO ..^.27L:25 3% ScC.:!CS 1 �E5�; I.�^.EIlCE �IOri� i4 deg: ?£S 31 T^1SL':ES 1`z ScCO'CS ti� :c�SB_^.L i0 L� �25t C�25Ci7 C'L'�?� 3 cistaace oi 13.52 ie_t; thence WESLE* a cis;.�ce oi 387.36 teL along 3�C^e,�^?Di:el tL'i1E CO:�t2�'2 .J w6 SOli�til� f`2�1P.' 2 :adins of 132b.4 ie�t ��d a cert:al a�g;e ei lv" cegrees 44 riautes 42 seconcs ta a �oint ca t�:e �'+fSL �1 :E 0f Sc1Q SOL'L.:R'ESC QL^c1':ES C isK.^.t I064.35 ie�t iiOZZl i.�'E SCL•L�1'+.'cSL COI�E: Of :2.1d �'011S�'i:ESt Qll2I' ci s� C� i7L° i'...�`.ELC° �E�.^:.^.c?3.^.r�^. Line L C'O*.'�S^.�.EAC:R 2t `��`.,g SpliL�:£cSt GOt'1ES 0{ szid Saut�west Quaster; taence \�cr O�E�'E_S OZ �..SIIL'tE5 3H SE :onds ELt aleng the east line cf said Sol:-..��wes� Qn�r;e: a dis;.�nce of 1�34.60 ;eet; thence SouL� 74 �'eg*e�s 04 �netes 4$ secands West a dist�ce oi 386.42 :eet; :he:;ce \'or� 0 �'e�ees O1 y iautes 38 seconds Eut a dis:z*.ca oi 0.16 ieet; ta' enca SoLth i4 degrees 04 ainu`es 48 �seconds West a dis�z.nce of 300.00 feet; t�ence Sout'S 0 de- 01 �nu,•,es 38 seconc�s West a disunc: ei I3.08 rE£L t�er.ce Sout�s ?4 degrees Q4 s.inutes 48 sernnds We<_t a cistzaca oi 504.i5 *."eet; �ence wes`zriy a dis°,�*,ca of 124_23 feet alor.g a!a*_gential cLr�e, concave ta t�e norf�, ha�-ing a radius oi 1423.18 :`eet �d a cen�sal ang?e of a degrees 00 �inutes Ob sec�r.d=_; the�ce \'or�s 0 de�ees 38 �inLtes 36 seconds West, aot tangent to the la<_t described curve, a cis`�ce of 0.16 `eet; t�+eacs 'ResterIy a distznce of 4i�.fi9 ieet, aIong a noa-tzagentiai cunre, coaca� e!o t�e nort�, havf=g a radius of I4&0.9? feEt, a centr2l a�gie of 28 degrees 24 r..iautes 41 seconds a�d a c�ord bearing of South 88 degzees 24 r: �.^.ttes 23 seconds West; t�ence North 84 deg;ees 29 miautes 19 seco:.ds VJest, : ot tar.gent Lo t�e last described curve, a 95-499 Exhibit "A" a QLi:c7aiz :eed s. BLr�l^SL:1 \or*?+e:a Railzoad Co�saay t.o ��* :sey Cc::nty �e�caal �ai?: oad Aut!:oritv, Rzsey Cou :tv, lfir.r.esot;: dated Decer..ber 17, 19°2 Pzse 8 ci 1i disfz.ce oi �il.°I se_t; ;:=e^ce Sonc� Eb dES,e�s �7 :�:nutes 09 secer.cs `� 4'?5; 3 C:Si`2?:Gfl CI �L9.CH :cE: LO 3�O7RL OZ LY�B `�ESL l i-e c2 Sc!Q CO'1S^titic5i. QL'2::E: USL'c_^.L il`�3..3J 12_:.^.OIT�l Cf L�1O SOL'�I7'.+ES� CGr^ES GI Sc:d SOL`?�l':::<_i Q•:2r2er 2; d said ?ire *.::E:B :cf'2^2?:^5 :�1.�� 11:ct P21t 0I L^E CGLL�:?e5�`, Q'�e;;2I0ECEC,i07 `I9 Tc»-n<hi� 29 � �27�F? L`2, Rz.-ZSey Cou�ty, ti'1:.^ :2cOt t}::g bet E�A :}:E �OS�OWl^ desc:ibed Li^ Z �. d 2: Li::e 1 Co�^..e-cing at _he SOL'C:EcSL coraer ef said Southeast �qL'2r�EI; t�:e :ce Ver.:� 0�'es,<_es 12 -iaLtes 04 secor_es East 2Ior_g the east lir.e sa?d Scec!�east G�L2.�er a di=_;zr.ce 1064.35 rEEt to ��e beg;r.ning of L�:e lia= co �e c'esc ribec: t�e .^.CE �i'25LEI�y 2 G15�2^.CE C{lY.�J :EEL 21QP.� 3:C :-:2�Sc_^.L_21 C'c�8 COP.C2�2 a t�E 50IIi.�'1 �2�1i5 d:2�L'S 0I 1325.=0 ieec, a ce�trel a: s?e oi 3 c'egre=s 12 ��ne;es 35 sec�a2s and 2 chcrd bez.r:�g oi Sou�4 �i degrFes 07 `�au�es 48 secon�'s West; �°.^.C°_ CO1:I�1 SJ C2�": EES 31 =.lAL':ES 31 52tOLG YT25t� :c�.52Lt �iA u8 last descr;�ed G::I'L'2� 2 C5�£.^.CB Gf l3.6z iEE*� LE'.SCE c'i25i.Elljt 3 Ca35�Z^.Ca QI 1=J.��, :E°_� 21G::^ 3 i.�.^�5?'1t;21 Glii �2� CO �c�ve a`u` e nor,a, �svi.*.g a: a�i::s ei 775.8� �eat and a ce�!rai �g?e of ? 0 degrees ;S �nu:es Q6 se:ccds, �!:e_ ce SOL'2�1 3 C�E�TE°S ZO ��3L`�25 IO SECOIIG�S �' d5t� .^.Ot'cL�E=t -0 �.�'.? �GS� ��^cC� �. ci:r: e, d�W`� of 17.63 iEEt� thence Sout`s r6 c'eg; e<_s =9 -�.iaL.es �0 secan2s West a d:s`�ca oi 373.22 .`ee*.; t'�eace \'on.'� 10 de�e�s 47 r..�nutes 02 seconds jiTest 2 uista: ce of 217.92 fee+_; i�.e=ce �orzhwester;y a dis:zace cf �3.60 :eet along a aor.•tt.gent;21 c�:�e, ceacar•e to t�e acr�hea<_t, flaving a radies of 775.$4 iee*., a c=atral ar.gle of 3 deg:ees, 57 �iautes 29 secor.ds zad a c'�ord bearSng of \'orth z8 degrees �8 L iautes 14 secon�'s �n'est; +? norWwester.y a distance of 254.72 .`eQt zlong a t�genti2l cune, concace a'?�e sou• �wesi, having a radins of 509.fi9 reet atd a ce::tral zag?e oi 28 �'e�ees 38 �inutes 00 seconds; tfiencs North 74 �'e�ees 47 �.inu�s 29 seconds West, tzrgent L� the 12st described curne, a d�.'s;:`ce oi 4.Q0 feet• the*_ca west.erly, southwesterly �d scut�e:Iy a ce�,.z*.ce of IOi1.44 feet along a t2ngen�ial curve, coaca�e ta L�:e southeast, haviag a radius of �39.80 feet 2nd a cen;s21 zrgle of 113 degre�s 4I ainu`�s OQ secronds; tfienc� Sou#h 8 de�: ees 28 sinu:es 29 secones East, t�gent to the last described cnn•e, a distance of I89.67 feet; 'u� Sout� 89 de�rees OS minutes Y7 secoads West a dis`znca of I4.14 feet; thenca Sout� 0 degrees So" mian:es 33 seceads E2st a eist�ce of 27I.12 feQt; t�enca North fi9 de ees 03 minutes 27 seconds East a dis:znceoi 34.13 feet; thence sou�erly a dist4ce af fi0.46 feet along a non-ta�genii2l curve, cor.cave to tt:e west, haviag a: adius of 1974.08 feet, a ceatral a�g?s of 1 degree 45 zz:au:es 27 �econds and a chord beariag of South 95-499 Exhibit ':�" `.a Qu;`t?zi�a �:_� �c*� Bcriinsan \c._:=_n �a:l:o2d Co�cz:y ko �z^sey Cecaty P.egicnzl Railroad s ut_erity, R�ey Ceur.t.�, �fia-es�ta d2:ed Dece ::ber 17, 1°92 Pzge 9 cf 1s � Ci2�.¢ `II '?:::L:QS J� SctOi:tS ." L_^.E=:C° SOlit�1 �9 C�ES.EES OH ^_...l�i::2S S`� SEtI'.:�4�5 'NESL. =0C P.2?:�?'L'i.0 L�:2 IcSL L�ESC:i�'JEl� Cun'2� 2 �=52'e^C° ^I �J.�4 £E°2� ic_:=CE SOi:i�E:I}7 Z�15L2^C° 02.�.0� Pf?:2�OP..A 3 II0.^.-:e'^e�^c�::E� CIln'2, C�-ic�2 CO E�:E R'ESL. 112V1. g a racus oi 1959.08 feet 2 CE ::: eI 2: ��2 02 l� CES^,'E°5 O23 ^: :llYES JO SEtOP.CS aa.d a c�crd bE2T 7� GI SCL' i 7 O�E�.�SE�S .�J .�il?:L' �cc j� c2CD^CS 11�E5�� t:=�ce South S9 G�E�iE`.S 1`� 5:71.^.L':'c5 :'l� ScCO.^.CS �; ^UL i.d«SE�t LO :��2 �Q<_� 4�ESGI:D°.d C'�I�'2. 3 C�_�:.2�C� CI IJ.00 :°EC� L.�:E_^.CQ SOLtZ:E::TJ 3�IS:c_*.C2 of 50.61 ie=: a!or.g a re�•taagen:izl cLr:e, cer.c2ve :o c�e Kes�, �:3`3II'�T Z:cC1L'S 0I la��.lJ� iE°_.� $ CE*'S21 2LStE G{ 1�FS L9 2"'�iI.^.L`:25 J� ScCO :CS a:d z r:ord bear;agci So�t 1 C�E£�: E° `�j ���;P.U:cS 4�6 SECO^GS `�'r�cSt; L��E;]G� SClli�.'1 `� �E� E_S 1� r..inu±es 31 52CDP.CS ��25�`.� t2: 5° :i �O L::a ]c_<% GESCI?�A<_ ci:ne, a ci=_tz OI i9.53 fee*.; t�ence Sou:'� 59 c'esrees 12 :a:nntes 00 s�conds Z'�'est a dis�ce of 1�.l6 {E_i: :�]E:CO .C..011itl � C�ES J� �..I:U�ES iJ SE:DL�S � 2 G�15�2_^.C° CI �JJ.3� :EEC; _�E^CE \cri €9 c'es E°S IJ .'�i.'IlL'`i.ES -�t7 SELO.^.CS L25L 2 C:5�2.^.CE QI iO.Y� iE°}� w<_IIC� sou*_a=_r1y a cist�:ce OI 30.63 :`e=t _!c�g z c.: t�- j � n� �anL:2 C�:I12� CCIIC2�2 i0 L:A A'ESt`.� �`2�'1.^_ d r2CIL'S G: i01.27 ;E�t� S C° :�:cl 'c^512 0I 2 L vfl �3uL�E5 1� seco:cs a=d a C_iGrd �JE�*:��'GI Sou:.i 7 ceg:ees 59 ��nu:zs 23 seconds +i'e<_t ;,o a�oi�t es -'�e sou±i line oi s�d SouWeast Qua..r�r G l��i.��'] :c°L :iESt CT *u8 501:*�'2cSt G0�'_lEi' C{ SZ Southeast QL`2I:Er 2i.4� Sc:3 �..^.2 ��E: _ .E.:_a:Lcii::�, Line 2 r.OL..^.:iE.^.C:�S ct �6 SOL'�L�cSt COI'rE: 0I 521d Sou`�'�.�.e2st Qu2r:er; thence \cr.s 0�'e6 e�s 12 �.inu=es 04 secoads E2st 2o�g the e2st line of $c7Q SCLL�E85� Qca: �er a �is;znce of 1123.35 . to i�:s begi_^.ai*:g ei �e li�e Lo be descrb�d; t�ence South "fi5 degrees 57 m.inutes 09 szcor,ds �:est a ais',,as:ce ci o1.2� ieQt; tfience North 84 degrees 29 ^inuYes I9 seco�ds Wesi a dist2nce of 207.51 ?'eet; thence tOr?» 2 dis'.�ce ef 206.i5 :eet a?ong a tzrgen�zl curve conc2ve ;a _ze �crta, �2�ing a racius oi 690.�� i<_et z.d a ce*_L-al angIe of 17 degse=s OS �.inutes 50 secands; thence Norc?s 56 degiees 10 sinutes 38 secor.c's West, not tLgeat ;o the Ias#'described curve; a dis`w*ce of 212.27 feeY; t�ience \'ort� 47 degreQS 09 r�.inu+.es 21 sernnds R'est, a dis;znce of 45.39 :e<_t; thence norta�es4.eriy a distance of 21a.59 fee*. along a noa-;.zgen�zl curve, rnncave to the sout�west. ?�a�ing a rzdius of 608.�2 feet, a centnl zg?e af 20 degrees I9 � ir.e',,es 02 seconds zd a c�ord beasing of :�'orth 55 deg: eQS 24 u:inutes 12 seconc's West; t�seace South 0 degreas 21 aunutes �3 seconds Ezst, not tzngent to the last describe3 curve, a distznte o{ 0.34 `eet; Lf:ence norLhweste:Iy a distznca of 90.20 feet along a non-kngential cune, concatie !o t3e southwest, having a radius of 609.n9 ieQt, a centrai aagle of 8 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds 2nd a c?�ord be2rir.g of vorth 70 degrees 33 �inutes 12 seconds VTes.; the�ce \Tozth 7� degrees 47 ��utes 29 seconds West, 95-499 �'X�i1Dlt �:�" `.Q Q'_l:C�c:� L'cc'.� :iD:=1 3ur? iP_F�:QII \crt::e:z �21::C2d Co u�aay ;� ��;:sey Co�aty R<_�o�al �ai!road ���thority, ��ey Cou�., , 11i .-ese*z ca:ed �ece �ber 17, IO°2 Pzge 10 ei ?"_ f2^—g'E.^.L :0 L:E last zesc:i�ed c ::i �E� 3 G35�2_*.CE OL i.OQ :E°!: ��12AC° �'esterlv, 50L?.7'�ic5�c:.y �:� SDL'ILEr�y a eistance 0{ 1`Z tE£: 2�OA'� Z:c*�c.^ :cl CL'�:2, COL�Cnti2 C6 LL? SCL'L�.^.Efi�L. L2V1^.�F 3*cC:l:S GI 639.b0 iee: a:d z c_ :�rai a-g'e oi 213 c'es, _es =1 azznu:es 00 secor.�s C�2.^.CE SOlit.? 8�es,e_s 25 .-ir.u:es 29 ScCO.*.GS �c5t, �2^_�F?^L L9 L1:E 125t 4�E5[:1�JE� CL'r':2, a csta�:ce 0{ 21�.J1� .'£�C� C13EIICE SOL'Lt':EC.y 2 C�15L2^Ce 0I L�b.�9 r.ct c:G::g 3 t2: �E^ti21 Clln'E, COP.CavB CO ?:2 'irES£, havia5 a rzci�_s et 1fii=.C3 ,`e_t z.^.d a ce .c:al Zng?e oi 9 degrees 03 I"Y1�L'tE5 rol ScCGi_GS� i^c^C° COLL1 S9 C£�:EaS OH � i.^.L'tES IZ 52CCi^CS wESf� :a0'L ic::<c1L'.D L:7° �25L C�ESCi:D"c'.� C'3NE� 3 QISic.^.C°_ Of 7.�`Z Fect� C: E^C8 SOLi�l�fl Ccsi G1 ^:.^.L`tE5 i3 ScCO^CS L"c5L 2 C15�2IIC2 Cf 134.58 `eec; tter_ce \er.`� �9 des.ees 12 i.iauLes 00 seco,.cs E2st a G�l�Si`.2:�CE OI 2.J-} :E_t; ��; :ce Sout1 2 de� �ES 1� L'iil]llL25 .31 SECOLCS K'est a e;st�r.ce oi 74.39 iee!; t�ence sactherly a distance cf 92.00 f2°t ctOII� 3 Z"c^Sc.^.�;cl C::::?� CGIICaP2 �A L�'8 R'ESL� �1cL'1P.^� d re�L'S 0I 601.27 ieet a_d a ce^ t: al �:g!e eI 3 c�egze_s i6 `znu?es 02 seccnc's to 2 point oz :}e soLC'� li*:e ci sid Soutl;east Qu2r:er dist2_^.t 170�.9I iE_� �i'25i GI L: ° SOL`L�:°2<L Cpi^ES GI S'c1 Scut�east QL'c:iE: c�d °c1Ci �=IIB L�:E:2 :c^1 _2::^5, ALSO Tfiat p2rt ci t?�: \ert�east QL�r:er of Sec:.�an 32, To�suig 29, Rz^.ge 22, Ra.�sey Cou::t �Z_^'ESOL3� l� 21.00 fe=t acr.?�,wes:erIy �^. i9.00 iE°} sout�easte:ly ci :::e iciio•�.-ing �escr:'�e3 !iae: COI^.u..E.^.C:^<,�" 2t i'2 AOiiLE25t COrIIEI' ei :aid �'oz',�ezst QU2*'..°:i tl:eace South S9 d ��T°_£5 OH..^.1IIll�E5 =8 szcoads West alon� Le aor,.h line ei said \*cr_;ea<_t Quater a dista_ce of 160"9.18 ,eet La 1:e be�r.�ir.5 ef 't�.�_° ?1^9 `A 5E CESC:I7E�; :ie.^.C2 S011i�WESi£II}' 2 GSt2'SG2 oi 14-�.23 iee: aIong a ^OII-L2^5EIIi12I c+.:rve, concave to t�+e nor�west, has;ng a rc.ins oi 637.27 feet, a ceatral 2agle oi 12 c�eb:ees �S ��zutes 03 seco_cs zd a c�ord bearing of �ou'� 16 degrees 45 ,Liau:es 04 szz�n2s ��Te<_t; t'�ence Sout$ 23 der�rees 14 �iautes �5 secc�ds West, �Sent to t::e last desc. cnn=e, a distznce oi 1.°0 :eet; �eace southwesterly a distznc� of 360".23 fee: aIong a tange::t:a1 cerve, conc2re to Lhe north�est, �avin a raeius cf 1237.57 �ee*_ a_*.d a cent-al 2.�gle oi I6 degrees �7 m�nntes 19 seconds; t�e.^.ce Sou;.h 40 c�e�ees 11 miautes 24 seronds West, tangent ;.o the !ast desc:ibed cur:e, a e:��.:ca of 18.09 :eQt; L'aence sout�westz:ly a e.i�.znce of 437.39 feet 21ong a+2ngensal cunne, concave :o t?:e acr�west, having a racins oi ��6.4? feeY aad a central zngle oi i5 degrees 02 �inutes 07 secands; theace soui�wes'�.erIy a dist2ace of 328.74 feet 2?oag a:zngeniial curve, canc2ce ;.o the southeast, ha1iag a radius of 603.fi0 feat and a centrai angle of 3I degrees 12 rinuies SO seconds 'o a point on the west line of said Yort4seast Quarter eistaat i58.36 fee! sauih of the northwest comer of said Vorw':east Quarter z: d s2id line Le: e ter.aina�ng. 95-499 �'Xa �:�'� `�.O QL':�C�2:'.� 1E°_� irGL1 3Lrlin$:on �Oft::;� �yjlrpZQ' COL:C2-iV �J �e'^.�E}� CCl'^tY �Ec�^.OP.21 �2!�:G2d �llil'cOi:ij� R�sey Z`oL: t�, �L'-:=ESCL2 CE:cd DEGE^.�iEY 11 15�2 P2ge 11 af 14 :�I.C� T�2t �D2t�0I :�:? �'OI: ��cSi. QL�:`2r OI SEC�OII 3Z� 10�+'�c 29 � �.'�'.2.^.G^? `2`2, Rz�sey Count,s, �1i^-:scta, ?}:_g eastuiy ei tre :oi?owi: g c'escr.bed Lir.e 1 a::d wzste:ly ci t�e `oi'o•»;-g cescribea Li: e 2: Liae I COTi *i:E^C:i:� 2: t':e -or::e_st CGr'2.* G! sa:d \cr:iwesz nqL'e::c*; C�?E^C9 COL'i7 �: E�c_S �i y]AllCES J� SECG-GS East along the eas line pE said \er_�.��e<_t ��eZiE2' d G15i.2uC� GI !3`2.(g lE:; ',A L�:2 bE^"^'^"0I CLE :i -2 :0 }'2 CESCi!DEQ' :7E^C85Qlli 2dist2^ce s-..._...5 , ef 102.=-? e°.L'erG'�^ 2]D0.^.-.�'+Se:ai:2 cun•e COAC3�'6 :O t^? SOLi.�;EcSt, t:2VIP. a IcC1L`S GI E2=.Z� c°t. 3 C�Ilt*cl eS:,t"��° O� g C���F,.*EES `1.3 II?1::L�ES 3( ScCC'GS 2^ a c: ord beari.^. GF SOL'L.1 JO C�i2y^iE.S �1 L"1Illl:ES i� ScCC :GS ��E�2� �EACE C JGllL.�'1 -"ij C J� �J�L'iE5 J9 seconc�s S� 'ESi, .2^Sc.^.�'.0 � e I2st cescr r.: r':E� 3 C�.iSiZ:GE 0{ 7.�� aoEt; L�:eIIC° 5'v::L�'�+cS�E::y 3 C:Si2: CC CI �l6.��7 �c°t c10i.`3 3 �2S�EALlclClli:2 Cu*�<<'2'.O.�eSO�L�iE25t,�•c�'1::�23:2L�1ll5OI�f0.37 fEEt c.^.d 2 C.L::21 �.^._�� GI � S�2�TE°S 1`� ^�:5�,::ES �� SeC0IIC5; LE.^.CE SOU�i.�:E:I}� fl C:Sc^�B CE.�.J.3.(� :EE: e�0,^. 2 tar ca:r.•e COIICc�@ to t�e ez=t, �?c�t. ,�7 3:cC.L'S GI i.37.%� A£t c:a 2 CEAiI'21 `g?e cf 25 degrees �� ��: �:es 00 szc:,�?s; L_ence Sou;� 3 deg �2 aiautes J9 $ECGi.CS `}�E_<:� :2: 5?IIL'A jt° IgcL �eSGP.DE� C::T'ti2� a cis'�*ce oi 4.°4 `eet; t?:e :cs Soct's E9 degre_s 18 �nntes 32 secoacs West a C�15� 0I �9.38 :<_<_:; W°_LC� S011L�1 O G2�iE?S 39 ^_..1IIll�E5 IL S?C0. JGS{. 2 C:SLG�: ci 319.E2'.'eef; ��:ence \cr.� 89 c'egrees 40 niautes �4 seconds East a c:sta.:ce ci 53.98 ''eet; L�`E^C0 SOLt,�l 3 4�£5:E°5 JZ L.13Alltc5 v� SECDLCS 1�r 8 G:S�`.c.IICE OI I�3.2$ �EAt�'��`,2IIG8 SCL:�SE7�}t 3 diS�Z^.C2 02 =GJ.�� �EcC 2IOL� 2 i2P_5<_II:121 C'1IL'2� COLC2�°8 A •?^e e2st �a�iag a rdius ci 1467.69 :eet z.: d a ce3Lra1 �g. of il deg:ees 31 �nutes 00 sec�=c=_; Le�ce Soet's 7 2e�rees 38 m.inutes OI seconds �'£St� tc:5?IIL `A 'ti'E �c5i dex�bed carve a eist�ce of 477.62 IE�t� thence Son�4 0 c�gre=s 34 ��an•�s Q4 secoac's cast a dis',z: ce oi of 94.63 ieet ;o a Ye:nt oa �e sou'� !ine oi sud ti'or��a�est Quarter distant 319.38 fes: «est of the soi!`�east corner of stid Yorthwest QUe'S:EZ' 2^ =id 's:ne � : EI2 :2I L1II8 2 Cozamenciag 2t '�'�.e nor'�east corner oi svd Yorthwest Quuter; thence Souts 0 Ceg:e_s 27 �inutes 30 seconc's East aIong �e east line of said \'or-�west Quas',er a eistz3ce of 819.97 feat •a the be oi the ?i_e :a be described; t'�ence sau;hwesterIy a eista�ce of 4L95 feei alor� a noa-tz: gential c��ne, concave ta t�e saut�east, �aving a rzcius oi ��4.80 feet, a centraI an��e of 4 degreQS 19 ainutes 5o secnnds �*.d a c�ard bearing oi Souts 48 degrees 09 minutes �7 secoads West, t�ieace Sout�t 4a �'egrees 59 minut.es �9 seconds West, tangent to the last c'esc:ibed curve a distaace of 7.12 �eet;theace 95-�+99 EX�S1DIt �:�" A ei:1�C�Z=1 .'�.E°f� rrOT'� �i:I�:^F�"`AII �Of �2I1 .'Z'2:�iC2d Cc�ia.^.y ta �2: sey Cc�aty �e�:c�al �ai?:oad � ut.':crty, R`^.say �c;: :ty, ti£in_eswt:: C2YEd 1�ECE.^...^, 17, 19°2 2zge 12 oi Z4 SOLij1W65:E:i3' Z CiS�`.2_'�^.C� 0I �Js.`27 r2E a?cr.g a ta_Se.*.t:2 CIIi�2� CG*C2�E i0 :�:? SC�LZ'E25L _c�l a raci•� CI d�C7..3! re_L'c^ a cer.trzl 2^,�F�B Gf �D 4 1`� �IAll:ES Q� 52COP_C5� L::E^CS SDi:iRQ:Iy 2 �is�^ce of ."sOl.,i9 . 2:e-� z t2 nge�r;a1 cu:�•e conc2�e a t�e e2st , n2ci: g a:aciu cf 507.�3 reE± ��a a ce �t:al 2n5'.e of 25 de; e_s �1 u_�utee 33 seconcs: t?:=__ce \orh S9 ceg:ees 18 ^inutes 32 s�cor.ds E25L .^.QC Ce.^.SE =L -0 tLE �£<_L C�25C r�ne, a cista_*.ce ei 15.Oj f.�r; �a�'-'E.^.C@ SOL'L�1 .3 C�E£TEES JZ Iu:.^.S1�2S J4 S�COI:G WESt 3 C:Sic^C° OI [82.84 :c=t: t:e^ce \'or„� 39 degrEes 13 � i;: L':ES JO secc:.cs Easi a dista :ce ei ? �.00 rEE!; tLe�ce Sout.4 2 c'e; e:s =6 ^;aetes 27 seccnds WESL 2 L�l9iciCE G{ 282.36 :EEC �':ence South 5 c'egrees 26 .��-�_tes 1? seccr.ds East a cista_c� e: 31�.00 ;eet; ::c.^.ce Sae?h �� cegrees 37 I.:.SiaL'.ES �'iJ SECCLGS Z 3�i5�2IlC� 0{ 25.50 CE£t� �PE.^.C£ .S011t.�l 7 c'es E°_S J3 �l.^.i::ES OI sece_c's E�t a disk.^.ce ci 313.08 r=_t• tFe.*.ce . � JJ CE� E�S 37:_iL1..5 QJ SECO.:'CS L"c5t 3 C15i..�iC� OS 40.00 fee:; t�':ence Seu�z 18 �e; ees ;;6 -:nutes 33 secor_c�s East a e;s�*.ce oi 140.78 :eet :o a�oint oa •Le sou'�a ?:_e ef said \'or.::»est Quar.er C15�2.^.t 11�.1`Z :E:� ':�25L CI L2 SOL'LEcSL ccr_e: ef said \'or`'�west Quzr=ez z-d s�d 1:=e *!-�:e :e ri:atng, ALSO Th2t pzrt ef iti': CCll��„:�'?5t �LU �r g�d '��.e SOL"uE25t QL'eS:EI' 0{SEC:10:1 32, Tovrnshi;� 29, nz:.se 22 TT2='^SE}� COL'II�Y� �4innesotz, cescribesi as follo�•s: CO�I1.2.^.C:.^.y'� c� +�E LOT"iE25L COT:.E* 0I' sid Sott`,�•es Qll22'�.EI'� t.�EIIC° �Oi?::1 £`9 4 E°5 `lj I'�'+3Il1;:ES J6 $ECO.^.�C�S 4�25L 2�CLIZ f_.�^.8 L+02"C.�'1 line oi s2:d Sou�west Qu�Y„er a Zis'.ance of 173.59 �et to the begirr.ing oi �e ?�d ta be described; weace Souu' 19 de�rees 44 minu:es 04 seconds East a eis`�ce oi 3b9.°? ieei; ±�ence Souih ?$ de3rees 09 �inu�s 04 secones E2st a 2is`a.tce of i69.32 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quar:er; ,'�ence SOL'� O L�£�TEES 27 n.inutes 30 seconds E�t along the east line of said Souihwest Quas-ter a c'istzzce of �8.63 feet; *!�enca \Tor.'s 77 de �,''ees 38 sinutes 30 seco�cs E2st a d:s�ce of 64.00 `eet; tfience Soutls 34 degrees �0 .-ai.^.u;.es 30 seccnds �zst a dist2*ce of 218.97 feef; ±6ence South 55 degre�s 09 �inutes 30 secones West a �'istz^.ce of 225.72 feet to the ezst line af <_zid Soui'�west Quzr:er, tuenca South 0 degreFs 27 rsnuies 30 secoads Ezst �lo�g t�e east line of said Soutlsu�est Quas:er a dis'�ce of 0.20 feet; thence Souts 55 degrees 34 ainutes 30 secands West a dis`2.nce ci 59.15 fe�t; �ence Souila i6 c�egrees 31 �nutes 49 seconds East a dis;.ance of 69.36 feet; t�ence South 5� dagrees 34 rainutes 30 seconds West a disYa.nce of 119.33 feet; tuence Vort� 7 degress 38 �inutes Oi sezonds West a disfice of 73.94 feet; thencs Soui� 55 degrees 34 �inutes 30 seconds Wesi a distznce of 49.09 :eeL; t�eace �rorth 3� degrees 25 m.inuLes 30 � 95-49 Ex:�ibit ':4" t.o @_=:c?2:� i�eed `rc� BL'I�;.^.5 OII \ar'�h<_:z �aiL-ead COL'�"i2. :y :O �e:':SEy CC_�iy �ESa0:121 R2:�: Ccd .�ll?a�Crli]'� R.�.*�sey Coe^ ty, �� ;:esct: �ated Decenber 1 i, I992 Page ? 3 ci 1� 52CDIIG �'TESi 2� ;st�.^.ce _: 24?3 re�!; :'�e nor��:erly a cis'z.*.ce oi 60".31 �2£L "c?GP5 3'.SC :-:'e=5=_P.i121 C'1I':2� concace �D L.^.2 WESL� L:ZVI^$ a racius oi 8'. 3.i� rE�L� 2 CE.^.�r'c.� c:^.S�E CI i C�.25a°O5 J� IAi:]li:PS 16 52C0.^.(:S c: d 2 C;GZC� 0�2..::� GI �Gi �7 13 CEc�?E°_5 -'�sz ^7�U?ES `zi ScC0IIGt5 t�ESt: L: 2��CE �'Ci 3 Z� l�E' J9 ^...1AL':ES 3Z 52COR4 V� ESL� t2� Sa.^.t :0 i�:� �£SL desc:::ed c;:r:e, a cistz��ce ei 359.10 :`e� L11�CSC� *ortZwes:er?� a GISL'c.^.Ce CI JbG3.�1J {E°L 2!0^'� d L8�75E.^.C:21 Cui�2� COP_G2V2 Lp „� cOL'i,7Wc5E, '2�1*� 3 rcCl']S Of 2SCJ.�� ic°_L 'e^ a csaLral 2:.gle ci i�'es Ec5 ? 7 :�l_l:iES O3 seconcs; tF:e::ce \�rth 59 L�2g"fE_S �J,^7A'1:c5 v0' ScCG'GS �c5i� _*.Ot L2^g^F:12 :O t?:e ?ast c'esc :l�Ed CliI'42, 2 C15L"c =G0 C{ 1;,0. f��E£t; ?}'.E^t2 �CIL1 O C�?�E_S 3� = 1.*,��.ES 04 secor,ds Si'est Z C:SL'c^G_ C; ���.QQ :EEL; L:E_*C° � `2! C2�E�5 l77 + i:IIll:ES Jg 52f.^CS S1 ��:5ig^CE 0I E7.�8 {EEY� C.�^.E.^.C� �OiL�II � c'egrees 34 .:=:a�,es p4 <ece: c's West a c�is�nce of 250.00 feet to L�e ncrth ?i: e of sa;d Socth�=st earter t.':ence \ort. _ ,�;�. , .,_ @ , � fi9 de�_es 25 �... 1�E5 Js 52t0i:C5 �cSL "<�CIl� i�@ D^vI" 1:*Q OI sa:d Socthx•est Quzt.er a c:sa-ce cf ?�5.;9::et'.o t.';e �o;_� ci'�eg:nn �2t j.22't 0I i;.�:2 SOL`t - QL'c:",c: 2.:Q L�`E S011UE25L QL'27:E: 0{SEC`.1GII 32, Townsrig 29, �a. ge 22, ?`sey Cauaty, !Zn_escta, desc.^'bed as iollows: Co*-�..*-er,c:-g at �^e =cr.:ea<t c�r_er ef said Sout3�.•est Quar;er; �E.^rC° Z'r�25:E: t�f 2�GII�7 L.LE :CY�3 !i^? CI 521d J QL2ZT"�.EI' ��B *_ort's ?ir.e cf sa:d Sou.h�est Qn�.ter is �sswLed 'o bear Sou'� 89 cTegrees 25 _� :u.es 50" =eco_c's 'vVest) a cis;,ance of 173.59 reet Lo u9 be�,nnz= g cf *.?:e la..td ta �e cesuihed; thence SouL'a 19 de�-rees 4� minutes 04 seto�c's E2st a cis;.�=ce cf ;;69.97 feeL; We�cs Sou� 128 G O9 :��;:u:es 04 seco=cs �2st a dista: ce eF 169.32 feet ;a L�:e e�t line oi said Scut?sv:e:t Qu�r;er; �ence Sout�a 0 des,ees 2? LCl'SL'tES 30 seccads Ezst zlong t:.e ea<_t line o� stid Southk•est Quu:er a d�.'s�.ce of 4:8.63 tee+.; L::enc<_ ?�*or� 77 �'e�rees 38 aiautes 30 seca�ds East a cs�*�ce oi 64.OQ fQet; t�encs Sou•�s 34 degrees �0 �.iau;es 30 s�con�s East a dis;znce of 218.97 ;eet;'�ence South 55 de�ees 09 -*�inu;.es 30 secon'4s West a distz3ce of 225.72 fset to t!�e east line of s�d Sout'awest guu�er, thence Soutli Q degrees 27 rair.t;es 30 seccncs East aloa t�e ez=_t line of sid Sout?�west Quarter a dis'.�nce of 0.20 feet; �ence South 5a de�rreas 34 ns.iautes 30 sec;,acs West a di=,znce of 59.15 feet; tlsence Sout� 26 degrees 31 �inutes 49 seccn;'s East a dis;znce of 6�.35 feet; `�eace South 55 degrees 34 �inutes 30 sec�nds West a dist2.ace of 119.33 feet; t�ence \ort� 7 degreas 38 �inutes OI seconds West a dista.^.ce of i3.94 ;eQt; �ence Sou'� �5 deg: 34 r•_inuf.es 30 secands West a distznce of 49.09 rEEt; thence ;�'or,� 34 degreas 25 minu`�es 30 seconds West a dist2nce oi 20.23 ie�t; t�ence aort�erIy a dis`a�sca of &8.32 feet zlong a aoa-t�.: gential curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 843.40 .`eet; a ce_L-el a.ag?e of 4 degrees 3D niautes 16 �95-�99 Exhibit ':�" `o QLi:c?zi:-i �<_ed fron Bur?ir.s 3\or�e*z R<:?:oad CO'L.1�2II)T`A�c*=SE}'COli�CY.'�.��tOP.cl.''�72:�_OE �u*_.':ert � �r-=ey Cou�:y, _116�: eso•� ca?ed Dece�ber 17, 1°32 ?zse 14 of ? � seca^.cs 2:d 2 c::o:d �e_.*i= g ei \ 13 �es ees 4� �i::u:es 24 SFCO::CS ZY;.S�: ��E^CE �Ci 3 IJ CES E�S JH ^:^lli25 .3�L SECO^CS ��PC_�. . ic^ �E.^.t :0 i:�2 �cSi CESC'.�= c���r;> 2 C15�2�C° of 359.10 ;ee*.• •Le�ce aor��weste:ly 2 CiSL'c: C� �L .�}�$.Q6 ieet a?or.g 2 L2^.52Aiic1 • CL':yE; CDIICct'E ,p i�:E SOL'L::c'c5., ::��j;:g 2 rcCiL'S GI �s9J.�Q iE°t a: d a CE_^.LT2I 2.^.>>� vI % C�E�iE.S I( ^2 ��:LES O.3 52t0^CS CD L}:E SOL'C�1 �:.^.Q GI JL�'S ��:EEL t:e :ce \crz �� C£�?E_S �J �'IIL`+ES JO' SEtO.^,C�S: 25L, .^,OL i�T:�E?lt �O L�:� �c5i. G�°�L::�`°d CL'n'?� 2jOP.^� L. S011:�1 11.^.2 0! jL1 St:E:t a dista: ce oi 136.i2 {ee :: eaca �'orh 4 �'egr=es 3� in;:: p� „ .:. es s secor.cs �'vest a c:sta�c= ci 280.Q0 feet; t'r.ence tors�s 27 ce�e�s 4i I:11tiLE5 J23 SEtOLGS West a cistznce oi 67.08 �EEL; IF2^CE Ori.1 � L�ESs E25 3i :::.^.L' �c5 �� Sc^.L.^,CS ���25L a c:siaace of 2�0.00 fee*. .0 L�:E north ?ine of s2id Soct�»est Qu2z:er; theace \orth 89 c'es.ees 25 riilIIl3tE5 J1 SctOLCS i25� 2�Oi.� LS:E ncrh line of said Sou;�west Quar:er a c:st2: ce ci I=�. � 9;e�t :o �i:e point of besinning, �RCE*�t �ct �E:t;y'i�5 h'ES� 02 :_: Lne: CO,^_..^_2:,C3.^,� ct IS:E =pr'�EcSL ccrer Gf said 5out�i�est QL'2*':Er; t�ence Souti 53 c'eg-e�5 25 =iau:es �o seconds WesL 21ong Le nor� lins oi sz:d So�t j1WESL Q��.r;er a cis`,.2:ce of 2i3.59 fee*.; We:�c� Soeth 19 ce � .e_s i� ,=»;:,�s 04 seccacrs East a dis`�ce cf 369.91 {E£*� �.hE.^.C° JOLL.'1 Ij3 �E<E°5 O9 _T^.IIIL'�25 O'�i SE^.OL4 F25t 2 C=„2�Ca of 169.32 :eet :a �°.e east l:ae ci s�.id Southwest QLU`„er; t�ence Sou'�a 0 c'es.ees 27 `�n�_;es 36 seco=c's Ewt 2?ong L':e ezst line af 523d SOL't�tt'ESL QL2i.Er 2 G.1c;,Z�CB 0{ 4>8.53 fe:t; �ence \ort.� 77 degrees 38 �:7^_L';ES 30 secon�'s East a disa�ce of 64.00 fePt � n� , t_.,e_c_ Sout� 34 2e�ses 50 �ia�:es 30 secancs E2st a dis�ce of 218.97 feet; tre^ce �GL':1 JJ L�.E�: E<5 O9 ^7IIULES 3O SECDII West a eistz*_ce of 225.i2 teet `.a Le e�t iine of sa:d Soutswest Quas',.Er; t�+ence Sout�a 0 de�:ees 27 �inn�,.�s 30 secan4's East 21ong L�.e east line oi said Sou:��•est Qu�„er a dis'anca of 0.20 fee±; t�ence South �� degre°5 34 r:inutes 30 secc_ds West a d.is`�ce of �9.1� feet; ��' ence So�ts 16 de�re:s 31 ^,..iau:es 49 seconds East a dis�ce of 69.36 feet; theres Souih 53 des.ees 34 �.inutes 30 seconds West a dista�ce of 7I.92 feet to a point eis'; at 5d.0 feat Dtorthe�Leriy of ineasured ndi2i2y to C•ra^.tor's zaest \ �Zin trzck ceateriine as now Iocated and constrscted ; szd point also being t�e begia�ing of t�e Lae :o be �'esc:ibed; t?�eace nor'jueriy oua11e1 R-ith said Izst described .::in t.*ak cea:e:li�e a 2is'.asce of �i91.75 feet along a aon- t�geat:21 ccr�e, cone2ti e:o Le e25t, I� �ving a r2dius of 1916.61 feet, a centzal aag`:e oi 8 deg: ees 43 �inutes 18 seconds and a caord beanng of \Tor,� 24 degrees 34 �iautes 12 seconds West; thence continuiag �arallel � said �aia trac� centerline \'ort� 20 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds �i'est tz.nge2t Lo f.I�e l�st described curve, a dista_*.ce of 5 i 1.37 ,eet to the south line of sud 3ts Stteet and said lir.e t�e: e te^:inati�g_