95-496ORIGiNAL Council File # Green Sheet # MINNESOTA �cf Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � �ay 1 z RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of s the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, to the SAINT PAUL a COMMUIVITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE: s 6 7 s 9 10 ii iz REAPPOINTMENTS Zora Radosevich Marci Mylan APPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING 6/26/97 6/26/97 TERMS EXPIRING is Mary Huot 6/26/97 i4 Lucie Ferreil bl2b197 is Lucy Johnson 6i26/97 i 6 Pluma W alker 6/26/96 i� (Ms. Walker will fill the unexpired term of Dow Stephen Yang) is 19 Requested by Department of: By: By: APE By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney , B ` ��_ , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: / �'�4i (� /I.t-t�� Adopted by Council: Date � � S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9� �/9,G oEP Mayor' F S E Office D S%2%95 GREEN SHEET N°_ 31629 INITIAUDATE MRIAVDATE CANTACi PERSON 8 PHONE DEPAA7MENT DIRE CRY CAUNCIL Alberto Quinteld� 266-8529 ���p CITVATfOBNEY CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� p���� BUDGET DIqECTOR � PIN. & MGT. SEqVICES DIR. �p�� O MAYOfi (OR pSSI$TANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNA7UR� ACTION REQUESTED: Reappointments and appointments to the SAINT PAUL COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMNSITTEE. RECOMMENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Rejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for Nis deparVnent? - _ C�B COMMRiEE _ YES NO _ STAPF 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ OISTRIC7COUfi7 _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWNICXCAUNCILO&lECl7VE4 YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet anA ettach to green aheet 1NITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSU£, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) None. ADVANTAGES IFAPPRO�ED: REAPPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRII3G Zora Radosevich 6/26/97 Marci Mylan 6/26/97 APPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING Mary Huot 6/26/97 Lucie Ferrell 6/26/97 Lucy Sohnson 6l26/97 Pluma Walker 6/26/96 DISApVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: � S' g 4�i3��i��t-0 �7�i���`d�� . S� �9A� ° � �995 --- = ww__ _ � -----�' DISA�YANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9s y�,� Irrterdepartmerrtal Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Couacil President Dave Thune Counciimember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael H rris Councilmember Marie Gr mm Councilmember Dino G rin FROM: DATE: RE: Alberto Qu Jean Karpe May 2, 199 SAINT PAUL COMMIINITY HEALTS SEAVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the reappointments and appointments of the following people to the Saint Paul Community Health Services Advisory Committee. REAPPOIDiTMENTS Zora Radosevich Marci Mylan APPOINTMElITS Mary Huot Lucie Ferrell Lucy Johnson Pluma Walker (Ms. Walker will fill the unexpired Yang) Attached are If you have 266-8529. Thank you. TERM E%PIRING 6/26/97 6/26/97 TERM E%PIRING 6/26/97 6/26J97 6/26/97 6J26/96 term of Dow Stephen copies of the applications for the new members. any questions, please give me a call at � Name: • i �� "-' OFFICE OF THE MP.YOR /� ,„� 390 CITY HALL �/" SAI22T PAIIL, MSNNESOTA 55102 1 _ 26s-a5a6 Home Address: 'l�l�t/Q, `�J Pd� QQD �.E�-!Z Street m /'� �����v�� 9��sL �AAR 31 }gg5 i�Y��'S (3F�iv� S3rDr, Zip Telephone Number: (Home) ( �o � �Y� (Aork) Planning District CrnmciL• � City CotmciZ Gard • � Pze£erred 2faili.ng Address: CThat is your occupation? i Place�of Employment: �-�"' Co�ittee(s) Applied For: .� City — Kl-eQ.C'.F'c�.-� W�u-v�L- � �2 C-�/ Ghat skills/t=aining o= ezperience do you possess fox the committee(s) for chicn you seek appointment? �cY ��iw Q �.hv-r�.[� IIII,rRnp /dii� /' T�,-,.,i.,-,.rnr.s , t,-,,� .�lL X�iar�l�.i �/ �b G�4.ue . � ��C�� �L '-�-(�/Uss ,di5.asl,w �z5,7avr-4¢ �/-�-m•c.. �_�-P��. 7Ll" CsnLtruvnc�'.�cc� a�i�rne � L /(/(,�.✓ ,�,�` �i/J/ <lZ C�GC�2� ' L`/�e��fi�u2 A yU (�k n� /J7J�in K.�- )� Q.l2a �t �vL �v /ilt u� h�i � `�'It.�- Cth' r�li �7 VLl/8'zlG e'tc_ Ct ���v� Gt� �t� �-r,c� FJ�eee� � The informati�n included in this application is con idered Flrivate data according�to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a=esult, this i.nformation is not released to the general public. ) <09ER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: ��-- �9S-�9G ° Address: '7��9 �`/'�SiQ.2 L�c.ttir_S. W�.�- �`tDv����✓ $ Phone: (Home) (�0 ���P3 CiTork) aaa - D 1 J f ��e: ��. Pa�.���.u-, 2�/ Address: ���( ��Yt� CC.� � D��•«� /n� SSJO(o Phone: (Home) �`�� � CWork) `7� �0 Name• �vr�u�- Address:�� .�ze ��, 7�7 ,tl• V:c,tu��w �`��G(.u� l2utl �s �l3 Fhone: tHome) (Aork) ��3 - J �3/ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: v��`' � /dC/�c� M�ei I'� V�K� P�- `7'YU4 L l�. GSi�CoCL���X �ic // .:1. _ < < ., , ,�. , . � i • - '/� l i � i / / 1 YL�-d . �Y J�bSas�s�-[.�- �.n. �L(.�a-e�Z , lTu�ci"�' � ., . �Iave yowj�had previous contact vith the co�ittee tor which you are making application. Z£ so, when, and circvmstances7 �v In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representaCion re£lects the makeup o� our commlmitv, please check the line aoplicable to you. This info=mation is strictly voluntary. Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African Amezican) American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo Male `� Female Disabled: Yes No p Date of Birth If spec3.a1 accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islande= � Hov did you hear about this opeaing? `� t�ci.P2 lVeecS� HPR-1-1-199� �� ��� ��� 4 game: � $ame Add=ess: 69�27 SRINT PRUL MRYOR'S OFFICE UL'1�1L:L �Ji' 1A8 lll�ZUlt a9a es�s �L BAINT PAUL� MS.N2iES�3'A 55162 , 26b-8526 Street 612 266 8513 P.02iO3 ��v�iv��? 9'5��.6 p,�� �q i9°4 City -_ _T:�r'j Zip Vhat skills/tzaining ox ezperience do yau possess £or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appo3ntment7 . . , 11..._, _ � �/ir r n. . �_ �-'�_ � < , . .,._ _. s ' e `,I�'n A : r►i (.� vi� � ' �� . The in£ormation i.ncluded 3n this applicatinn i.s consi.dered private data aecording to the liinnesota Covarment Data Prantices Aas. As a xesult, this informstion is not released to the general public. , � �� .� 1� `�. �L�� ���� 5la�-1 I I`� l�tti-. V�.�-- �._ bti� "i�i c�-I Rev. . Yelephone N�ber: (HOme� �Qq"I Yy(4�'< <9o=k� 3�- ia1 S (A;,r � i�LiLP Ytnf, a�) Plaaning District Crnmc�l. 4� Citp Co�cil Yard: > Pre£exred 2[ai23ng Address : I'l A� �dl-l.l� I(,� 1\'�z , r�i , APR-11-1994 09�28 �vx�W a.4rEttGLttrAa Rame SAINT PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.63iO3 9s ��G Address- Pfiane: • (Hame) "�'�0� �P�J�Ui tYorlc) � ���: �,� Sla ��t Aaaxess M N � N ��,��es .�� Phona: (Home) �Y � �t: - � I,�� f Vozk) iL:�{ �G' — - Fame Address: YhoAe: CHome) (Verk) ✓�' �v�tl . Ha'a0 qou had pzevi.ous contact vitB the co�ititee �or vh7.ch you are makilig appliCation. If so, vhen, and eircumstances? tV � Ia an attempt to ensure tbat co�ittee xepresentacion refiecta tha �nakeup o£ our co�nmity, piesse ahecY the line applica'ble to qou. This ivPormation is sFrictly voluntary. �^ 4hite (Caucas3an) B1ack (African American) Amer3can Indian or Alaslean Eskimo Hale � Female Da.sabled: Yes 2io X Date of Birth: Hispanic asian or Paci£ic IslandeY If special aceammodations are needed, please specifq. Hov did yoa hear about this openingl T�TAL P.03 Reasons for your interest ia tliis particuiaz committee: Z� �� �� �� Name: � Please Address: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 CITY HAT,T, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 298-4323 What is your occupation? 1�=�96 f i ��� 13 799� t�,,� i��'�S'S mai ing addre� G --� '��( �ri� Ethnic Group (to ensure £air and equal representation) w��^' v�.s Place of Employmen�: _ z � • '"' " i ���J���' `�" Address of Employer: ion or What skills/traini' for which you seek � ! �ti1X/ 11Gtls t l/19�t l � . • . Applied For or experience do you possess for the commission/board pointment? /� _ , n , s �dZ�j(,� (over) R�eet�'' -- ,`' Iyl J�T` C �F'!'��L �5��/ Zip ...� Phone: (xome} (Work) �'17'� _ St -- .� �J �S � ��C�ivE� Name: Address: _ /Ud7 • Phone: (Homel � r. �i r� Have y�, had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? . � �� �- ' � . f n � %�, i� ��;� / , � n , � ,, . � : � � �!. '� / I t � . �t � . �� ��' �� ' f ' Reasons for your interest in this particul�r committee/board/commission: ' ' n n ._ i s i _ . � (�5� .�'"'�Y Name: OFFYCE OF TEE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA SSZ02 26b-8526 � 9�- i�gG ��°4°EfV�[? MaY � s �ss4 Home Add=ess: ��(o �/f�+V �c iJ}2��V S�{- {�r`1��51 v vv 'vLr J5f0� Street City ZyP Telepfione Number: (Home) �-{ g�1 O�� q (�Tor7c) �I 84 - oy I 3 � Planning District Cotmcil: � City Coimcil Aard: Yse£ened ?Sailing Add=ess: Ahat is povr occupation? Place �of Employment: _�,�. �UMC! HCr`�- 1�h .�P i'�I I C}� �o�ittee{s) Applied For: n , � � l �,mm�, �r.�� F-�Pa1�h .SF�-�t�(4 Ahat skills/training oz esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? , �I�Iv 1'Ur� Th2. LF157 ,�G c/zS. Cl�a�r��-�c�� -�� �-h� }-F2C�� �C-�rvn �41 ��a.,�o �i-���l-Lh Tfa�K �r:r� i. 1-r+Ci-� iS C 0 nctu� w,�h tf � a�- � i SS u�: 1—h �� ,re i� 1-tS -�-o t� z �. , cr -1-v c.0 ��--z f r� Z� ��£,�ck .._1. � rrn U I L� V� C.Z - C I`lU ��- c� -� �!-{1-e 1 c � or aY� �t� -{-t a( � �Ll�anc-� �'i�a��f �� ��✓ec-Fai;.,. i rt� r=r4�?�- i�' a-L+h,.'s .��r.� �5 '� �o;e�vtr� � Cz�nn��r���c ���� �Icir� a� ;�- fei�+�S �o +-Iero=rt�i� �SS�,<<s a-� �vaFown �-es,cie��s The in£ormation included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not released to the gene=al public. (�VER) - Rev.4_/21/93 p�o�. ��s q�=y�� 2zame: v� 412 M �J hC'A kl � Address• � �� �J� � ��� Phone: (Home) (Aork� ,��'7 � � � �`� Name: v1C�-v — ��01��5 Aaaress: �. 8 ct `c . 5 oS�1 . S i� 505 Phone: (Home) (Aorkl �Z� ' U ��(� 23ame : � i � Address- ZD��F"( LAF�uJ Phone: (Home) r���J (AOrk) '��cS'�/^� Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: i DYICa�.r� Ah..�J�- HeAl�h tsS��S .�r�1��er�s ancl (`r�1c.�.r� �+� -1-1�.e t=�ac�a-c�;� .,� 2� ,a � Have you had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? — k ( (� - In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of o,s ,community, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntarp. � White (Caucasian) �_ BZack (A£rican American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eski_mo Male _� Female Disabled: Yes No �_ Date of Birth: If apecial accommodations are needed, please specifq. Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander ti z - 30-Sr� How did you hear about this opening? �����G�h C��1�' �.OUnc 1 1 �Pi`.�0�� -�O r Lv-qYd �