D94-0103White — City Clerk Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Accounting Slue — Engineer �n — Conttactor e No. o q� — �03 Date � �' �� �`'Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER for 1 CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER> Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement deseribed as Street lighting system for 35E IIniversity Phase II CSSP Year �III uvity Zg185 93—V-8079 Arcade Electric Co.,7nc. know¢ as��.- > City Peoject No. , Contracta, is composed of the following: SEE ATTAGI3MEIdT • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, Lhrough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordanee with the specifications in the sum of $ 24,7Q5.00 said amount to be added to the lump sum con- Activ ty 29185 sideration named in the contract, known as e� , and which amount is to be finaneed from: Log 5-6604 Page D-17 C93-2T526-0784-29185 3 �2`6 19 j'C� Arcade Electric Co., �c. i�s �9 9� xB p/ J � � � 19 j?" He. 19� � � C��� '- �� G- � - _ Assistant to the Mayor A�D AS TO FORA , � ` Assiatant Ci v A tornev oErnaTw�r,oFC�c�courica. oa� wrtu�ho ' �� ~ ��� 23320 PublicWorks-TrafficE ineeri sns�sa GREEN SHEET r,o. iNRwmn� INIiIHUDATE � wisr�aeori �� ��r,am�er�w, . � ,.� _,: .... "� �vAaiM�iraaECraa: _ _� ;. ._��]crircouHCw` rr�sor+ar�.,. _, _. �. _ _ �cma'rroaNEr �4 crtva.EaK TEl N�OIIi1/Ni � �BWGETD�REC7DN ❑3 FlN. & MGT. SEHVN�S DIR �NAYOR (Ofl ASSIS7MlT) � [ mra.�aFa�+unu�v� �_ nxv�uwunoxswnacnumu� � �oEwr.accaniuwr 3- ncnoaaEOU�s� Execute Corrtract Ghange Agreement iVo. 3, Contract No. 9&V-8074, to instatl varfous signal and IigMing improveme�ts in the Cap'itai complex and Space Center area. HECOAIMENDA710t�/1Epwe W)> Fiajm(f0 PENSONAL SERVICE CONiHACT3 YUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING WES710N5: PLANNpp COMYISSqN �.. _CML SEflV�COYYSSqN - 1. Has tltis PBfsoMlrm e�er worked imder a eontrac[ tor tl�is deparbnent? � qa cOlAMrt7EE YES NO — — 2 Has Ihis persorVfirm ever been a dry employee? A STnFF . _ . . . _ YES - NO . � ����� 3. Does this peraoNfirtn possess a sliill no[ nortnally possessed by any cuirent ciry SuPPORTSWNICHCWNGLOBJECTrvE7 � ' emWGYee? YES NO Explain all yas answera on aaparaN sheat and apaeh M green ahwt WITATWG PROBLEM. ISSSUE.OPPORTUNfiY (WFIO. WFUT. WHEN. W}ffRE,NM1IY): Utilizes State funding to enhance lighting and safety conditions in the Capitoi complex. ����I��� , MAR w $ 1994 ���� �������� y � ADVANTAGES ff APPPOVED: ' � � Will improve visability and provide opportunities to enhance safety conditions in the Capitol complex and the Space Center area. ����i�� APR 5 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: = f e �� � � None. RECEiVED AFR 12 1994 � � � � CtTY CLERK � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of opportunity to enhance vehicutar and'pedestrian safety and visability. rora�neaurrroFre�wsaartor+s 24 ,7O r J.00 COS7lREVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEON� YES ra . FlINDING SOURCE State Department of Administration pC(TVRY NUMBER C93-2T526-0784-29.185 FINIWqALWFOflMATION:(IXPLqIt� � " �� d�W O