95-48ORIGINA Council File # /�� Green Sheet � 3����0 RESOLUTION OF SAINl' PAUL, 1VIINNFSOTA f ,Z Presented 1 2 3 4 s 6 � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 15 16 Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the reappointment and appointments, made by the Mayor, to the HERITAGE PRESERVATION C011�IISSION. • . ' • � I I Tracey Baker APPOIIVTMENTS TERM EXPIRING 12/31 /97 TERM EXPIRING i� David Heide 12/31/97 is John Albers, Registered Architect 12/31/97 i9 Steven Buetow, Registered Architect 12/31/96 ao (Steven Buetow will fill the unexpired term of Andrew Earhart, z i who resigned) az B a�Tcev Grzmm Guerzn Haiiis Meoar Rettman T un� Adopted by Council: Date , S Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: By: Form A ed by Ci�y Att rney sy: �� ` � - /�3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY:��,� � ,. 9S-N5i DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/GOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� 3 4 4 4 6 Mayor's Office 1/SJ95 GREEN SHEET _. _ CONTACf PEqSON & PHONE INITtAWA7E INRIAVDATE DEPAR(MENT �IREC[OR C N CqUNqL Rogex' C. Curtis, 266-8531 pgS�GN CITYATTOFiNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUCIqL AGENDA BY (DAiE) pp��� O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGL SEPVECES DIR. OROEP O �,�pYOR IOfl ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: Reappointment and Appointments to the HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION. RECAMMENDA7tONS: Approve (A) m Fieject (R) pEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqryNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNFirm e�er wo�ketl under a coMract for this department? � _ CB GoMMIi'fEE _ YES NO — �� F 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ olSiFiCT COUAT — 3. Does ihis person/fvm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuRent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COVNCIL O&IECIIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WhO. Whet. When, Where, Why�: None. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: REAPPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING Tracey Baker 12/31/97 APPOIIVTMENT TERM EXPIRING David Heide 12/31/97. John Albers, Registered Architect 12/31f97 Steven Buetow, Registered Architect 12/31/96 (Steven Buetwow will £ill the unexpired term of Andrew Earhart, who resigne ) DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES If NOTAPPFiOVED: �2sm:�ta5f- � 7�iw,�'ai �`°.���� ,lA4V E o �595 - --_ ., �__...__.� TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COS7/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) - � Interdepartmental Memorandum CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerrp Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilme�ber Michael Harris Couacilmember Marie Grimat Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: Roger C. Curt's ��,� - Jean Rarpe �j,� DATE: JanuaYy 4, 1995 9S-�$ RE: HERITAGS PRESERVATION COMMZSSION Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the reappointment and appointment of the following people to the Heritage Preservation Commission: REAPPOINTMENT Tracey Baker TERM E%PIRING 12/31/97 TERM E%PIRING Aavid Heide 12/31/97 John Albers, Registered ArchiteCt 12/31/97 Steven Buetow, Registered Architect 12/31/96 (Steven Buetow will fill the unexpired term of Andrew Earhart, who resigned) Copies of the applications for Mr. Heide, Mr. Albers, and Mr. Buetow are attached. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8531. Thank you. � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALZ� SAINT PAIIL� MIDINESOTA - ' 6b 8526 " " � 55102 Z _. AUG 0 4 i994 __ S� �� _ � ... _ . - -- . _ ..._ Name: . John D. Al bers AIA - --- � P11AY9R'S BFFISE •- . �.•. . ,._._ ,. . •._ -. .,,,..,. . : : ,.. Home adaress: -- 1347 Goodrich-Avenue; St. Paul -�- -`���'�� " 55105-2306 Street City - Zip . Telephone Ntmber: '' (Home�"-696-0907 '(Aork) 222=3701 �- --� Planning-District -Crnmcil . 14 --__ f «. _: ... . _> _'.��' . - --= City Covricil�Aard "� 3 -, - Preferrea xaili.ng-eaareSS: 1347 Goodrich Avenue -�--�--- --- -` '� Ahat is your occupation? Arcfiitect � _�_ - • _ , -.. . ... _ __..._ . _. ._ ., ., rlace'of Fmployment: BWBR Architects _ � Order of Abi 1 i ty: � � -- -- . _ _ .. . _. . � . . . . . co�ittee(s) Applied For: 1)'Heritaqe Preservation Commission; 2) Saint Paul Port Author.ity; 3) Human Riqhts Commission• 4) Affirmative Action AdVisorv Committee Ahat skills/txaining-or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhicu you seek appointment? . See a The in£oxmation included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. �s a result, this infoimation is not released to the general gublic. � . ' (09ER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES Hame: Lloyd Be'rgqu75t, FAIA -- - , . . . _ . - . 95—T$ Address: 400 Sib1eY Street, Suite 500, St. Pau1; MN 55101 _.__._. _ . _ ......_. , _�._._. . _,: . . . - - -- - -- _ ,...._ Phone:_CHome) 888-2275 � (woikl 222-3701 ; Name: Marlyn Er.vasti - ' . aadress:� 2450 Riverside Avenue� Minneaoolis� - .�._ __. . ..�__. . _ ._ , _ _ _. -- --.. .___. .. . _ .._- �° Phone• (Home) 559-5607 �tt7ork) 672-4151 �- � ,- Name: -. .:Helen Sathre, RN..�- �- - - - � '" - _ , _, , , ., ,..-..-::. _, �_ -; . .=-, . address: 2450 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis --` :- ',° ,�:.�,. :__ -., .._.." Phone:_ (&ome)"-` Unlisted -" (work)' 672-4107 ., Reasons for your i.nterest in this particular co�ittee: - I have the motivation and ability to make a contribution to society and volunteeri to serve on one of.these committees would provide the avenue to make a positive difference in solving problems these committees address. -- Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee'for vhich you are making application: If so, when, and circvmstances? -"' -: _ _ _ . _ ... . _ :. _. . - _. - - None __ In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our commtmity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strict2y voluntarp. X Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African 9merican) --- � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispania Asian or Pacific Sslander " X Hale --. : '. -- -,_.. - _ , ._ _, _ _ -. ', : , -. _ "-. - _._ .. � Female Date of Birth: 4/17/59 " - _ _. - - . .. �,�� '. Disabled: --Yes ._i. . No . X`..,,. ::: _..<.: � ° :._ , .,_ .. _ _ ____ _ _... - ... _ _ _._ . . . ... ,. _..-_::. . .. _ _. _ ,,; ° - -. If are needed; please "specify:' - -- - - . --. . . _ _: -.°. . _ . : _ _ _,.; .,:,' . - _- .. _ _ _ - _ - � ..r � - -- . - - r . ; . ,.... -.. -.,.:`: : � • � � .... . ._. _�t�. �,.:_,:, :.. ::. . _:-...:� ::..: .. . ......: :_-_ - - - ' - - - ' - - - _ = - - - � - - - - - _ . -,.. _.. .� .. ., _ :.'-�.- .� , ;.� _ '.,�,-. •-so�`aia ou hear about this o enin`'i�'�'`�° Personal `in uir' " y P S_ q Y_-.�_;:;.:;=�;:':: ."_;: _`_``���_, -= • 9�-�� During my 11 yeazs of practice as an azchitect, I have been exposed to projects involving :-„ .- historical preservation. I am aware of the public and privata issues that aie involved in :" historical preservation and this awareness of issues would allow me to maintain a balanced -. perspective. Protecting the heritage of SL Paul is irnpbrtant in maintaining its continuity °_- of relationships as the, community evolyes. My training and expenence would be an asset to the Commission and help promote the effort of presezvation as an opportnnity, not a- restdction. � - ' I believe my career as an uchitect would aiso benefit the Saint Paul Port Authority. The practice of architecture requires on a daily basis, hour to hour, planning and problem solving, from the micro to macro and back again. From this conditioning I have - developed sldlls for detailed inquiry and creative�tf analysis that can be useful to the Port Authority. My experience demonstrating sldlls useful to the Human Rights Comrnission and Affirmative Action Advisory Committee are on a more personal level. Having actively been involved with Amnesty Intemational in the past and participarion in community roundtable discussions on racism in St. Paul more recently, m;n;mally reflect the depth of my passion and desire for social faimess and opportunity, and understanding of the need to insure the protection of the rights of individuals. � Jahn D. A16e=s AIA 1397 Goodzich Avenue St. Pa�zl, MN 55105-2306 612-696-0907 (w)612-290-1986 EMPLOYMENT 8/91- BWBR Azchitects - St. Paul, MN Large architectuial £izm with a diversified pzactice pzoviding services fo= health caxe (65�), corporate (15�), civic (5�), religious (5�), governmental (5�), misc. (5�). Project architect for 10 million dollar suigezy expansion and remodel. Senior project architect for regional medical center with responsibility for nume=ous Qrojects including 5 million dollar Women's Center, 1 million dollar instrument processing centez, 4 million dollaz neonatal intensive care unit, numerous patient floor iemodels, master planning and facilities audit. Clients: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, MPLS, MN Faizview Riverside Medical Centez, MPLS, MN, The University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic, The University of Minnesota-Medical School, Met.hodist Hospital, St. Louis Paik, MN 5/89- Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc. - Omaha, NE Large A/E fixm primazily involved in Qroviding services to the health care profession. Production architect for regional hospital expansion and new =egional bu=n center. Senioz Project azchitect for 30 million dollar regional psychiatric hospital. Clients: Asbury-Salina Hospital, Salina, KN, Shriners Hu=ns Institute, Cincinnati, OH, Saint, Mazys Hospital/Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN. 9/87 Zenon Bezinger and Associates, - Omaha, NE � Midsize firm involved Qiimaiily with educational (50$), medical (30�), commercial (10$), and residential (10�) azchitecture. Responsibilities inc7.uded production - architect on 3.5 million dollar historic xenovation, elementary, junior, and senior high schools, and numerovs medical clinics. Project architect on 6 mi].lion dollaz militazy housing renovation, 400 thousand dollar community college addition, and a variety of regional telephone company pro7ects. Clients: Blair Community Schools, Omaha Housing Authority, Omaha Public Schools, U.S. West Telecommunications, Metro Community College, Omaha, NE, United States Air Fozce-Offutt AFB, Clarkson Hospital, Omaha, NE, Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE. " 6/83 Donald P. Polsky A.I.A & Associates - Omaha, NE Small firm involved with hiqh-end iesidential (70%), medical (15�), and commer.cial (15�). All projects � utilized AIA Document A107 fo= execution of construction. Responsibilities included all aspects of traditional small office practice. Clients: Harley D. Sch=ager, Nebraska Savings Bank, Century 21-21th Century, Pacesetter Corporation, Dinnell Physical Therapy, Dr. David R. Finkle g� �� 9'S-��1 EDUCATIDN B.A. in Architectuze, May 1983, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Real Estate Principles and Practices, I�ugust 1989, Real Estate Investment, March 1985, Randall School of Real Estate, INC. Omaha, Nebiaska. U.N.O/CSI Constzuction Documents Course, Fall 1986, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Beginning Japanese, summer 1987, Czeighton University, Omaha NE. Heginning Japanese, fall 1987, University of Omaha. Beginnin9 Japanese - University Language Center, MPLS, MN fall 1991. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Associate Directoz (2 yis) Omaha Chapter AIA - initiated and executed first Omaha Chaptez firm Survey '85, Search for Shelter Program '87• Inaugural organizational effort with Cans Festival/AIA-Omaha Food Bank '87, Omaha Chapter A.R.E. Study Seminazs '87, Joslyn Castle Reuse Study Committee '89, and Nebraska Society of Architects (NSA) Handbook Committee Chaiz '89 and 90. Nebraska Society of Architects Director and NSA Membership -- Committee member(90-91). PROFESSIQNAL LICENSE Nebzaska 1989 Minnesota 1991 9S-�fS �; � ,� - -. � ,�� BWBR ARCHITECTS August1,1994 Mayor Norman Coleman Office of she Mayor 15 WestKellogg 390 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 nia!t:�ccuvt.lnicuur DearMayorColeman: In August 1991, I moved to St. Paul from Omaha to assume a position with BWBR Architects. The mofivafion was a desire for greater opportunity and the proverbial "greener pasture". The effort at that fime has resulted in safisfacflon greater than I had anticipated. In the three years that I have lived in St Paul, I have gmwn to love the community and its resources. I purchased a home last yeaz which I am presenfly restoring and was married this July. I am pleased to now call St. Paul home. I am in the posiflon to conuibute time and experience to the community that is home, and I would very much like to volunteer my talents to one of the citizen committees with openings, as announced in your press release dated June 20, 1994. I am a registered azchitect wi[h some experience in historical preservation both from a public and private interest perspective. I would be very interested in serving on the Heritage Presetvadon Commission. My interest and ability is not limited to heritage preservation and as aitemate avenues to volunteering my talents, I would be willing to serve on the Saint Paul Port Authority, Human Rights Commission, and Affinuative Action Advisory Committee, in order of preference respecflvely. Attached is my applicarion and a professional r�sum� for your use. Should you or anyone else have any quesrions, please do not hesitate to call. I look forwazd to the favor of your reply. Sincerely, B R ARCffiTECfS INC. Snu Sl��<•. sirce� iu,:: .°Jt� s�. ��.���i. �r„„�,�,�.� :� , J D. Albeis, AIA " ' = ' - - ' Attachment ���� �: adaRSS: telephone: Planning District Council: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 David Heide 761 Linwood Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 home:224-4200, office:341-4051 16 R�EtVEC SEP 3 0 1992 9S—�$ �,iAYt3R'S OFF!�� City Council War3: 2 �o�P�on: Architectural Designer place of employment: MacDonald and MaCk Architects, ltd. 712 Grain Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 oo,,,n,su� apPti�anon: Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission �l 1%� What skills/t=aining or experience do you posaess for the corrunittee for which you seek appoinGnent? Over five yeazs experience with MacDonald and Mack Architects, speciatisu in historic preservation and restoration, have provided me with a strong background in Architectural Design and how it direcfly relates to working with historic buildings. I have been involved in a broad scope of projects ranging from Historic Structures Reports, HABS / AAER documentation and accurate restoration to adaptive use of historic buildings and new construction in Historic Districts. I have worked closely with the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission through design development to approval of several projects. I have had the good fortune to be involved in many challenging and rewazding projects, among them was the e�austive reseazch and investigation for the interior restoration work at the Sioux Falls County Courthouse which received an AIA Honor Awazd. Conceptual designs for the SuperAmerica Corporation led to the cunstruction of their new store at Lowertown, Saint Paul which was recognized by the Saint Paul HPC. Current projects include the renovation of the porches at 442 3ummit Avenue, prepazation of Historic Structures Reports and documentation of three properties on Grand Island, Michigan for the National Forest Service, and providing handicap accessibility and reconstruction of a historic entry at the Lake City City Hall. I have also designed numerous residentiai projects throughout the metropolitan azea all of which have involved work with oid buildings. In addition to work at MacDonald and Mack, I do free-lance design of small-scale residentiai remodeling and additions to older homes primarily in my neighborhood. I have completely renovated my home in Saint Paul, and was honored to have it included in this year's Summit Hill House Tour. Undergraduate studies as a Classics major at Macalester College brought me to Saint Paul in 1979, after which I completed a degree in Architectural Design at Drake University. During subsequent study at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and graduate work at the University of Minnesota Schooi of Architecture, it became evident to me the focus of my interest lay in issues surrounding the integrity of historic buiidings and historic neighborhoods. I have a strong background in the history of furniture and interior design, and have studied azchitecture history and historic preservation process. qS--�� Peisonal Refercnces: ML. RObBLt M2CIC MacDonald and Mack Architects, ltd. 712 Grain Exchange Building Minneapolis, MN 55415 office telephone: 341-4051 Mr. Jeff Hess Hess, Roise and Company 405 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454 office telephone: 338-198'7 Mr. Aazon Rubenstein Department of Planning and Economic Development 1100 Ciry Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 office telephone: 228-3315 Reasons for you interest in Utis partiwlar committee: Serving on the Saint Paul Aeritage Preservation Commission would be a privilege. Having considered several other options, I live in Saint Paul by choice. It is important to me to be an active member of the community and to offer my interests and talents for service. We have a responsibility to provide for the continuation of the quality of life which Saint Paul has offered its generations of residents. Part of this quality is a connectedness to the past, and careful planning for the future. The HPC has the unique opportuniry to guide the residents of a city to a greater understanding and respect for their heritage through the built environment. I would like to be a part of this development, to assist in the care of our city's integriry. While many recognize the significance of preserving the majesty of Summit Avenue, I believe it is important to include all aspects of the city's diversity when considering the preservation of our heritage. We all must be responsible conservators of the small bits of Saint Paui we briefly own and affect. Have you had previous contact with the convnittee for wMch you are making applicaaon? Yes, I have attended meetings on occasion. sr�asct�s: White Male, DOB: Ol 15 61 How did yau hear about this opening? Mr. Aazon Rubenstein This application is respectfully submitted for consideration. Thank you, David"Heide" R£CE9`dE� MacDonald �s Mack Architects _ _. �..•_ SEP 30 1s9> 9s-�8 RAAYQR'S O�rr�i�r September 30, 1992 The Honorable 7ames Scheibel Mayor of the City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Reference: Application of David Heide to serve on the Heritage Preservation Commission Deaz Mayor Scheibel: Stuart MacDonald, AIA Robert C. �,fack. FAIA It is with pleasure that I write to recommend David Heide for service on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. I have known David for seven yeazs, first as one of my students at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and, for the past five years, as an employee of my firm. During this time David has shown both keen interest and growing skili in all aspects of work with historic build'sngs. Since joining our firm David has worked on a wide vaziety of historic buildings, ranging from restoration of the Old Minnehaha County Courthouse in Sioux Falis, South Dakota, to an addition to a house in the Milwaukee Avenue Aistoric District. In each case David has been able to recognize the needs of the client while developing designs which meet applicabie regulations and guidelines. In several instances David has made presentations concerning these projects to the appropriate Heritage Preservation Commission, so he understands how the commissions operate and what it feels like to be in the position of the applicant. David recognizes the value of our historic resources and hopes to be able to assist in their preservation. He is willing to stand up for his beliefs but, at the same time, he understands the needs of building owners. Thus he brings a balance which I believe is essential for effective service on a preservation commission. Again, I strongly recommend the appointment of David Heide to the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. I would be glad to provide any additional information you or your staff may find helpful. Sincerely yours, ` (�l�'"'v4�� C�y//��!'/ Robert C. Mack, FAIA Principal suite 71z Grain Exchange Building Minneapolis, viinnesota 5�415 Tel 612 341 4051 Fax 612 337 5843 � � ���� Hard¢¢s � � � JET BURGER SYSTEMS, INC. (Licensee of Hary 905 JEFFERSON AVENUElSUITE 308 March 4, 1994 Mr. Norm Coler.ian Mayor City of St. Paul 390 City Hall 15 West Kellog Boulevard St. Paul, MN. 55102 Dear Mr. Coleman: � r �=�.'�i r.. --� ,� _ qs�� . a .,,. �{ -, iT. PAUL, MINNESOTP �€C���� �, 08 1994 *�3?�Y9��,'S (}�FiC� 55702 • (672) 224-6294 I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Mr. David Heide for an appointment to the Heritage Preservation Commission. I know Mr. Heide as a neighbor and as a professional who has given me guidance on the restoration and preservation of our home in St. Paul. I also have had the oppor*unity to observe the work Mr. Heide has' done on other projects. Mr. Heide is a consummate professional in his area of expertise and displays a high degree o£ personal integrity. I recommend Mr. Heide without reservation to an appointment with the Heritage Preservation Commission. Mr. Heide would represent the Commission and the City of St. Paul in an outstanding manner. If you should have any questions regarding my recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convience. Burger Systems, Inc. tlCl tl � Mr. Norman COI,EMAN Mayor of Saint Paul City Hall Kellogg & Wabasha Streets Saint Paul, MINNESOTA 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman, �711/94 81:47PM �2/2 95"--�fY 1 july, 1994 I am writing to endorse David HEIDE as a member of the Heritage Presexvation Commission. Mr. Heide was, as you may remember, appointed to the Commission by Mayor Scheibel in the previous administration. Knowing of Mr. Heide's neighborhood activism and his concern that our past be meaningfully preserved, I was pleased that he would be serving with me on the Commission. We are moving, I am pleased to say, toward a more activist stance, a Cormnission that involves itself with communities and responsive to neighborhood concerns, particularly as they relate to the preservation of cultural heritage. David Heide would make contributions to this effort. I'd ask that you speak with Chris TROST of the Summit Hill Association; I�m sure she will speak eloquently of Mr. Heide�s contributions, as she knows of them first-hand. Thank you for your consideration. Cordially, By FAX: 266-8513 RiCk HAUSER Commissioner, Heritaqe Preservation Commission 666 Fairmount Avenue Saint Paul, MINNESOTA 55105 (612) - 224-1475 �", C �� � L�s%!'✓� ��-,,,� l--� ---; —=-- � _s — 9�-�g David Heide 761 Linwood Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 14 June, 1994 Mayor Norm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Mayor Coleman, ����!vg �ur� 15 1994 i3i? ;r.-... cfv.�•�- :Li'.3'� il: t:v.,, It has come to my attention that a vacancy has opened on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. I am writing to you once again to ask that you consider me for the open seat. Mayor Scheibel recommended me to the Commission before leaving office late last year. I am certainly quaIifiefl for the position and encourage you to speak to those references you have on file with my initial application. Also, present commissioners, Rick Hauser, Peter Kessler, and Bob Lunning are familiaz with my work, as is your staff person, Aaron Rubenstein. Please call me at the numbei listed below if you have any questions. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter with you personally, if you like. Thank you for your kind consideration. Yours truly, � David Heide 341-4051 office 224-4200 home i � � _;� —.-� } _"�_ . 9��'18 Mayor Norm Coleman City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 June 20, 1994 Dear M Coleman, �%'�""`� h Yv�?i«� J��,; � 4 1994 �; = -;: r� '' ="_��'`-. .'—.,.. 'a1 ' _ District 16 Planning Council 860 Saint Clair Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 I am writing to sincerely urge you to consider appointing David Heide to the Heritage Preservation Coinmission. David is currently an active member of the Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association/District 16 Planning Councii. � (n addition to his monthly commifinent to regular SHA board business, David volunteered extensive hours over a two-year period, advising the Summit Hill House Tour committee on matters of architecture and historic preservation. He has recently joined the Zoning and Land Use Committee, which reviews and makes recommendations on District 16 planning issues on a monthly basis. He is researching materiais for Grand Avenue Design Guidelines, and will participate on the task force once it is convened. David is devoted, thoughtful, enthusiastic and responsibie. His commitment to our neighborhood is a commitment to the vitality of Saint Paui. His professional experience and his personal commitment to our City make him an excellent candidate for the HPC. Again, I urge you to consider appointing him to the HPC. As an Heritage Preservation Commissioner, David Heide wili help to make Saint . Paui a better place in which to live. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or require additionai information. Sincerely, (/1�� � Christine A. Trost, Executive Director Summit Hill Association District 16 Planning Council J �' i'�''� ��L�t��� ; : IB�'I'��T��R�, IPt�. �JArchitectural Restoration Services 475 No. Cleveland Ave. • SC Paul, MN 5>104 • 612-647-1708 qS-y�� fa��iL����� June 14, 1994 Norm Coleman, Mayor 390 City Hall St. Pau2, MN SSi02 Dear Mayor Coleman, JUN 16 1994 Pa"�.�3�Yur5".`� ��r�6�� I want to express my appreciation for your review of my resume and recent appointment to the Heritage Preservation Commission. I have enjoyed my work there so far and am priveleged to work with such a committed staff. As you may have heard, there has been a resiqnation of one of your recent appointees, for personal reasons. While we are sorry to see him leave, we ara still faced wzth much work on the commission, and have a full agenda ahezd of us as we enter the busiest season of the year. I would like to recommend the appointment of one of the past designates, someone whom you may have considered earlier. David Heide is a St. Paul resident whose committment to living in St. Paul goes beyond just living here; he is a tireless booster of our neighborhoods, an example of which was evident in the success of the recent Summit Hill House Tour, which he organized this year. I have known David for many years and can attest to his talent and professionalism. It would be extremely helpful to Fill this vacancy as saon as possible to continue the work we have before us. If you need further information please do not hesitate to call me at your convenience. Si ely, lo�� Peter Kessler HPC Commissioner PK/mab s Name: C� ���S��( � �4'���� r . . .. , :�: Homa Address _ 1 ZCJ( ] �. 1.�.>�� �`l� +�, tJ\ �. � . � ��� I [ 7-.t':�: ;i , .^ Stzeet City Zi�.;- ., . Y �� �! , � ,,,, Telephona Number: Home - Vo k �E�+' 7k.1�� . � _ �� Ylazmiag Distr3ct Crnmci2: . ': � City Go�cSl �azd_ , ' ` - Prefessed 2Sailing Address: i�i' '-_'� " . `, . . . . � .G i`�. �, -��- ��-t' � � �:� Yhat is yau= occnpatioa7 , �la6g; :p� Gommfttee Vhat skills/train.ing ox exgerlenee.do you possess foz she ca�ittee(s) for vhich you 3eek apgointment7 � � � ��� �� The informati.on included ia th5.s applica=ion is coasidered private data according zo the Hin�nesota 6ocerment Data Practices Act. As a result, this ix.fozmation is not released to the general public. ���� 4/21l93 Rev, OFYICE' O�� '1`8$ 3g►�COR; 390 e*S�: HALL Q� � [�( . . SAINT FADL� MZ1�II1�S'`UT �5,102 - - 1 �7 a .. 25b-852� - . . a. ,,, a. �. ; ;, „ , n .... '+ . . • • . . . �1�F�. ' i . .. ( (' � - � ' 4 ! ���I�� ' . . ' 1 4 1 a u � t . . , � .;� � q5—�f� � � - ����� �one Name : �G. `�+3f `I � Address_ i Yhone : _ `'t�9' :'��?�.�1� I�i ; r r � �._ .,,-.r�.:;"�:,�. �: � ! .. . . : ' . '., �. ' , Reasoas £or youz interest in this pazt3cular co�¢mittee: ��. ��;;�(p�,�,_ • • i � '' a.� 'l� . '_ _i � _ Have you had psevious contact vizh the co�i.tt.ee Por vhich pau are making a�:plication. Sf so, vhen, and circumstances? 1 .�._�i��-�� ,�;t�, �c���:#� �ce��s -���s. ru ��:�. r r�u,�tdl ��r.� N �Prv°�' ��, Xrcttl tJAU� �� 1c/ �,. � k��/'�� , fF'� ���'f,�(�- ��n.��1�.S .,;�,,,,`�"��e,'"L�y.�.: , _� ➢Lite (Gsucasian) Black (Afsicaa American) Americaa Indiaa or Alaskan Pskimo �_ liale Female }Ii,spanic 6sian or PaciEic Islsndez Date of Birth: f2" �Z — [,LJ Disabled: Yes No ,� If speeial acco�odations are needed, please specifq. qS-�5l Steven K. Buetow AIA is a Minnesota architect specializing in historic bui(dings and adapcive re- use. Commissions have included the �emodeting andlor rescoration of chree different mansions designed by Lhe �atianalty famous architect Cass Gilbert. His design for conversion of a 20,000 square foot 7885 mansion by St- Pau) architect, William Willcox, into a hotei and conference center was published in the NovemberlDecember 1987 issue of Architecture Mittnesora . Other Commissions inciude the design of new houses, changes and adriitions to historic residenees, cammercial work, feasibifity studies ott historic structures, and numerous consultatians on historic preservation. These buiidings range stylisticafSy from the elaborate and highly decorated Victorian designs of James H. Coxhead to the sublime and careful Prairie School compositions of Purcett and Eimslie. He has a{so prepared nom+nations to the Natioaal Register of Historic Places and worked with the State Historic Preservation Office on numerous adaptive re-use projects that received tax credit for historic preservation. Eartier in his career, Mr, Buetow was the head designer and construction manager for 366 Associates in St. 1'aul which remodefed historic buiidings in the Selby and Western area inciuding the Dacotah Building and the Angus Hotel (now the Btair House). During the (ate seventies he was a designer in the Maui offiCe of Archite�ts Hawaii Limited. Archicecture related experience before workirtg in Hawaii includes construction work for a contractor in MuscaYine, Iowa and participation in a VISTA program at the Community Design Center of Minnesota. After (eaving the Community Oesign Center in 1974, he was a visiting instructor at the University of iowa for two years. He received his Bachelor of Architecture degree from the Urtiversity of Minnesota. For the pask 25 years, Mr. Buetow has afso bee� accive in many envrconmentai education projects--the most recent is the writing of a curricutum for Tw�n Cities junior high schooi students that teaches the history of the deveiopment of Minneapolis and St. Paul. He has designed and directed numerous classes, workshops, and lectures for groups including s�udents, teachers, professionat organizations, the Minnesota Historica{ Society, the American Institute of Architects, and the general public. Historic research has been a Strong irtterest of hi5-- particuiarly the architects and architecture of Minnesota from the 1850's to the 1930's. (He has an extensive slide co{lection of Midwestern Prairie Schoo( architecture). In 1987 he was abfe to contribute a large coliection of his grandfather's work to the Northwest Architectural Archives. (His grandfather, Carl H. 8uetow AIA, began a long architecture career before WW I in the office of C. H. Johnston). Mr. Suetow is chairma� of the Historic Resources Committee of the AmeriCan Institute of Architects, Minnesota ChapYer which is presently working on a campaign Lo highlight "m�ddle aged" buiidings called "TOO Old to Award...too Young to Designate". He has written many atticles on historic topics and has had numerous phoiographs pu6(ished. Artictes include a piece about the St. Paul architect, Ciarence H. Johnston, in the November/December 1992 issue of Architecture Minnesota and a map with phoios tor bus riders on Yhe Metropolitan Transit Commission, 16A bus, highlighting the archit.ecturai history of University Avenue. For the past three years he has been a juror for the St. Paui Preservation Awards. Professionat memberships include the Preservation AilianCe, the American Instituze ot Architects, a BehaviorlEnvironment discussion group, the Minnesa2a Historical Society, the Ramsey County Historical Society, the Energy Efficient Builders Association, and the Nationaf Trust for Historic P(aces. 40'd L�'i0�'6ZZL9 181/3dI