95-4590 R l G l N A L Council File � � � _ Green Sheet # � � h � � RESOLUTION CITY OF �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1D Presented By Referred To ttee: Date 1 2 3 4 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 6 � the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Darlene Cobian to the ADVISORY a 9 COMMITTEE ON AGING. io ii iz is Ms. Cobian will fill the unexpired term of Dow Yang, who resigned. Her 14 is term will expire on November 30, 1996. 16 17 18 19 20 Requested by Department of: By: Approved by Mayor/. f° Date �� By: Form Approved by City Attorney g�,: ` � 5 =/ �9 i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: $Y' f� '9� ._. A/.�7 Adopted by Council: Date \� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q��s9' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED N� 3 16 2 8 r�a or�s Office 4/26/95 GREEN SHEET _ INRIAVDATE INRIAL/DA'fE CONTACf PEflSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRE CRY CqUNCIL Albei'to Qllinteld, 266-8529 ,��x q770flNEY ITYCLERK NUYBEft i0N MUST 8E ON CAUNCIL AGENDA 6Y (DA7E) pOiRING ��ET ��pECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEFiVICES Dlq. ONOER O MpYOF (OR A$$ISTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION AE�UESTED: Appointment of Darlene Cobian to the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING. Her term will expire on November 30, 1996. HECOMMENDATIONS: Approva (A) or Re�ect ((i) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWIN6 �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMtSSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSiON �� Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coMract for this departmeM? � __ CIB COMMITfEE �'�S NO _ S7APF 2. Has this person/lirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does [his Qersonffirm possess a sftill not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry empioyee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOfiNNITV (Who, Whe1, When, Where, Why): None. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: Appointment of Darlene Cobian to the Advisory Committe on Aging. Ms. Cobian will fill the unexpired term o£ Dow Yang, who resigned. Her term will expire on November 30, 1996. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPpflOVEO: � �k�: �a��� �se� �A� - � l��� . 4�_ _ 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFOAMATION: (EXPLAIN) �� �s� Irrterdepartmerrtal Memorandum [�Mr . ��r�7Cr� TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blal[ey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino �uerin FROM: Alberto Quintela�,� Jean Karpe� !N DATE: April 26, 95 RE: ADVISORY COMMITTEE ODi AGING Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment of Darlene Cobian to the Advisory Committee on Aging. Ms. Cobian will fill the unexpired term of Dow Yang, who resigned. Her term will expire on Plovember 30, 1996. Attached is a copy of Ms. Cobian's application for your information. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8529. Thank you. Attachments � ���» {�^,�����;�,� �:'t�� a � �3�:;. --�� _`_'�� � ,:� � _ ����� ��� o�•�ic� v� inr: ru�,xux 39a CITY HAS,L SAI2IT PAIIL� MIPTtdESOTA 55102 Zss—as26 9���% ����� MAY 1 7 �� Name: rurs.,aA=�_-e.. ;a„ � �"^��`-�i %� �r'`'�t5 C Home Address: 3108:LOUisiana Ave.: St. Louis Park; MN 55426 Street City Zip Telephoae I�hsmber: (Home) 924-0429 (York) 223-6597 - Ylaaning District Council_ City Cotmcil Aard: Preferred ?failing Address: Briaas and Moraaa. First Hational Bank Bldg., Suite 2200, St. Paal, MN 55161 Ghat is pour occupation? _ Attornev Place�o£ Employment: Briacs an.d Moraan Co�ittee(s) Applied For: advisg=y r��..�.ittee on Aaina Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appoiatmentl I am an attornev workin4 in the area of elder lav including medical assistance _ probate atxi estate plannina. Before law school, I was a Probate Registsar and Clerk of Court for maAy yeazs in North Dakota. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inPormation is not released to the gene=al pnblic. (OV�tj Rev.4./2_1/93 , \ �r�r��u�va �u�aui�yNVLV �Pame-_ Col.e Oehler a-7'�/ ,� Addxess: Briaqs and Mo=aaa First National Bank Bld4 Ste 2200 St Panl AIN 55201 Phone: CHome) CAork) 223-6573 Name: M, J. Galvin, Jr. Address: B=iggs and Morgan, First Pational Baak Bld ., Ste. 2200 St. Paul MN 55101 Phone: {gome) [pork) 223-6553 Name•__Timothv Marx Address: St. Panl Citv Attorney's office 400 Citv Hall St Paul MN 55102 Phoae•_ (Home) fAork) 266-8710 Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: r �f „ aig o Qrn��ps of sen+�oTa_�scard�nv medi wt ae ;R a P nd r+e a n7-nni g' s� nnr'ng +7+ vresentations z also listen to h ns and y t,i ed by ovr elderly population. This Advisorv Committee on Acina aonears to be an excellent oaportunitv for me to discuss these conce=ns and advocate on behalf of this seqment of our population Have you had previ.ous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. F£ so, vhen, and circnmstances7 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is strictly voluntaxy. �_ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo liale �_ Female Date of Birth: Jnne 11. 1955 Disabled: Yes No X If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. M. J. Galvin, Jr. How did yoe= hear about this opening4 _