95-440ORIGINAL r�ceaB Referred To Committee: Date ri?cttP.9S, iae a _aai P�e:�e heaiie �2r.ter, „ec.ai :ur:a accLV�t? 3a�at N�i�szsee nesc�.r,e xcaczcen� ,^,eeas spena.r.q auinoriiv for ih= dem�ioi:cr. o? i�e wnirnoo: and one oieer co�amerciai ouziair�ti, and eHc&sa�, i5e^e is fimdc zvaiiao:e in 'r�u's Guni; ar:�cr.i i4a-a56:�o ihai car ce irz:;s'erred. and iinSR�AS, Tba �apor uursuani co Seciioe iG,Oi.v of t,�e Giig Charier, does cez�?f4 ic:.t inea�e �re zvaiiaole icr annro�r:aiion reti�enuee in excess n: i^ose esiinaied in iee i9�5 oudgei; and '�HS3?a3, ine e!zpor recommeode ��e foiiowin¢ chan�es io the 1590 oudget. ;lA'6N1.1Nb YLflO' aV0 IVUg&pCE t�OL'F1IIE 9'OSL°mZ➢G .SJLO1-13.9 it&T.5_BP IT01� J'JBCL'cl ;,"Q aai6:-y�nG r"u�d �aiance Aii Qihec ei¢anr,ing llt$�V�l'�iL lV JUO Nll158➢CE MDUS1CiC 3CdLE6E➢L aa2ni-O:�c Demeiiiion fl'LL UlttS!4 JYBNIII�VG ei�i CriaNGi Gurreni Budgei aGu,uuu fi,:ufi u --------------- aufi,9u"a 3Jb.11: 1�II.iJ� ------- 508,9G8 CeSnees �QO.uO"v 9 a --------------- 4U�/,UI�U '����U�a "_ _ _""""" 40G,uG0 auG.G"v@ 8n3uLY"nu, Tnai i`�ie i.iip Ceur,ri? acproTres i'r,ese c'r,anges io ic° i�5a 'm.aeei, iJJ,1_�i 1�U�?dl ]ilE.yUC a�nravai Eecommenaed -- --- ---- f`� e<u�-�l � 'gei �irecior Y� Navs Absent ev Grimm � _ '�7` Guenn Harris Me2ard �� — Rettman ✓/ _ une � Adopted by Council: Date� Adoptio Certified by Council By: 2- . Approved by M�o��_ . B %� RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� ���5 -. �-.. �� . . / r � , � r� �� '��1.�..� �'i:rn ,. !�c'. Coimc$ Fde # �� T � v ��# �o��s emerded Buc�et B6�.dOG 0,908 G ----------------- 9"v&,z'i8 9s �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNqL � DAiE INITIATED N� 3 0 4 9 5 Public Health 4 5 gy GREEN SHEE _. _ INITIAUDAiE INRIAVDATE CANTACT PERSON b PHONE O DEPARTMEN( OIRE � ClN CAUNCII �harles V�te� 292-7771 ASSIGN CffYATfORNEY OQNCLEflK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(OATE) p���� gBUDGETDIRECTOF �FIN.&MGT.SEflVICESDiR. ONDEB � MpVOR (OP ASS15TANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: ouncil Signatures on Resolutton increasing the spending authority in Public Health's ufsance Housing Abatement Activity. AECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Fleject (R) pEASONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION t Has ihis personttfrm ever worked under a contract for this department? - _CIBCOMMRTEE YES NO - ^ �� F 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? . — YES NO _ DISiRICT COUFiT _ 3. Does this personlFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cU�rent ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECfIVE? YES NO Explain all yss answers on separets sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Whan. Where, Why): ubl Health's Special Fund Activity Pluisance Flbai.ernent (3�2u1) needs additional spendfng or the demolition of the Whirlpool and on other Comrierical buidling. td�R��.s te c�.. here are funds to be transferred from PED's CDBG Grant 145-36608. �{I�"L : `l�tt C.oa.d'I�dawae2`�,a,.� 3 �c.t..� �amel �r/� °fp ��`� 1 199� y�.vljp'1 9 fv . 6 p^ ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ' ' � - ^"` " �y�t7-rr �� ayment for the demolition of �thirlpool arrd other commerical buildings wtll be made. OISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ONE ��t�� Y �� . I�PR '19 199� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Will not be able to take care of problem properties. �s;�„�--�. ;.� n �•1Ti� sa�� ��� � � i�9� 70TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S—Jnn..Onn COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE CDRC, ACTIVITYNUMBEq " - ���F� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)