95-421ORIGINAL PTesented by Referred To Council File # -/ � 7'� � Green Sheet # 7a3 Couunittee Date JOBS CREATION AND RETENTTON POLICY 2 � 6 7 � 10 11 WHEREAS, Saint Paul is an integral part of the regional and state economies; and WHEREAS, job creation and retention in Saint Paul has a direct bearing on the economic health and vitality, as well as the welfare and well-being of the City, region and state; and WHEREAS, the creation and retention of living wage jobs acts to 1) reduce poverty, 2) reduce the need for social services, 3) draw more jobs to the area, and 4) contribute to the taa� base; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has a tradition of community and neighborhood cooperation, and job retention ensures neighborhood stability, livability, and a sense of ownership in the City; and WHEREAS, focussing on job creation and retention for City residents ensures the ��iability of the City and its neighborhoods, as well as the City's strength within the larger regional economy; and Wf�REAS, the City Council believes its job creation and retention policy should maximize and invest in the City's resources, including its natural, capital and human resources; and 12 WI-�REAS, the Saint Paul Ciry Councii has an established goal which states the Council will support the 13 creation and retention of living wage jobs in Saint Paul, for wluch the Housing and Redevelopment Authority 14 (I�RA) will provide leadership; and 15 WHEREAS, the City Council and HRA Board would like to work in cooperation with the Chamber of 16 Commerce in the implementation of its job creation and retention goals; and 17 WHEREAS, the City CounciPs job creation and retention policy, once adopted, will include fixnding criteria 18 for use in assessing HIZA project proposals, and Council policy decisions, as we11 as providing a guide for 19 Councilmembers as they participate in boards and agencies; and 20 WI�REAS, the City Council desires a jobs creation and retention policy which is measurable, and can be 21 linked to the City's budget process; and 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREA5, the City Council established job creation and retention statements outlined in Council Resolutions #89-97, #86-693, #88-723, and #88-783 pertaining to Job Impact Statements and First Source Agreements; and WHEREAS, the Job Impact Statement process and First Source Agreement process have been in place for at least five years and have not been evaluated for their effectiveness at meeting their stated goals; now, �,-Y��NDE�Q y � a-� `qs RESOLUTION CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MfNNESOTA t� 9's�� / 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 therefore, be it RESOLVED, the creation and retention of living wage jobs will be a major consideration in the funding of economic development projects undertaken by the City; and RESOLVED, projects which create wealth and provide jobs within the neighborhoods for City residents, and result in an increased tas base will be given priority; RESOLVED, the Ciry Council and HRA Board request the City's Planning and Economic Development Department, IIRA staff, and Port Authority in conjunction with Council Research to prepare an analysis of job creation, retention, and dislocation data gathered through the Job Impact Statement process and through the First Source Agreement process by3�993�; and be it R�..si-�c,��qs FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council and I�tA Board requests Council Research to conduct an assessment of current job creation and retention procedures and performance measures, and requests a report which provides specific recommendations on revising procedures and measurements to ensure consistency between policy and funding decisions, by September 15, 1995. Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Requested by Department of Form Appr d by City Attomey B: Appro by Mayor for Submission to Council �: ` � ` l __ . , , � �� � . A Adopted by Council Date: �� �_G l�� � 9s ��1 DEPANT � OUNdL DATE INO4IIII9S GREEN SHEE N_ 3 2 7 0 5 CANTAGT PEqSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INffIAL/OATE � DEPAFfiMENf DIRE O CITV CAUNCIL MBTCIH � ��LS6-HS�JO ASSIGN a CITYATTOflNEY Q C(TV CLERK NUYBEq FOP � HU�GET OIAECTOR O FlN. & MGT. SERYICES DIR. MUSTB � � UNC(lqGFl1 � (pp'[E) AUUTOiG pri126, 1995 onoex ��,�� �oR nssisrnr� � r.. L# OF SIG RE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION AEQUESTED: ' Approval of resolution requesting study of job creation, retention and dislocation data by Pianning and Economic Development Deparlment (PED), Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff, the Port Authority, and Council Reseazch Resolution also directs Council Reseazch to conduct an assessment of the City's job creation, reteation and dislocation policies, procedures, and perfom�ance RECOMMENOn7ioN5: Approve (A) or fieject (R) PEflSONliL SEpYICE COtiTpACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOW IMG �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIIXJ _ C���L SENVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this departrnen[? - _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ YES NO � s7AFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ oiSiniCi CouAi _ 3- Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciy employee? SUPPOATS WNICH COUNCIL O&)ECTVE? YES n1O Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet antl ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why�. At the March 15, 1995 and April 19, 1995 meeting of the City Council Organizational Committee, Councilmembers reiterated their intent to pursue the Council goal pertaining to job creation and retention. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Council will have the infoanation provided by these two reports to better develop policy relating to jobs crea6on and retention. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Council will not have the information provided by these two reports to better develop policy relating to jobs creation and retenfion. DISADVqNTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: None. �s'"� �e APR 2 0 199� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITV Nl1MBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � w'MrTC -b�r cttwe PIN• � qN11YC[ C�H�I�Y � OCP�1�T4[NT OLUC �u�row City.Attny/JTfi Prcsented By Referred To Cout�C�� � - Ffle No. 9s Committee: Daie Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on May 29, 1986 the Saint Paul City Council passed resolution no. 86-693, which has come to be kno�,m as the First Source Resolution; and WHEREAS, this public policy is intended to promote the hiring of low-income City residents in construction or permanent 3obs related to development projects in the City which receive public financing assistance, as well as to promote other City compliance guidelines; and WHEREAS, the First Source Agreement (FSA) has been in place for over one year and the Department of Planning and Economic Development Job Creation staff has some exnerience on which to improve tne FSA process; and ;�i.r z;:.. � �' �, y :e . , .:.i_ � 3,:- . THEREFORE, BE FT RESOLVED, that 1. The Job Creation and Training Section of the Department of Planning and Economic Development be officially designated as the City office responsible for the monitoring and further implementation of the FSA process with all developers and/or firms receiving financing assistance associated with a cottanercial or industrial project valued in excess of $1,400,004 as stated in the resolution no. 86-693; and 2. Job Creation and Training staff 3e notified in writing of appropriate meetings relative to financial assistance for developers and firms by Port Authority or City staff, especially when such meetings involve discus3ion o£ job related activity on the project; and COCJNCIL MEMSERS Yas Nays LMtnnnd � . , Co.nritt Retftnen Scnded �� ��w... Adoptedlry Councii CITY OF SAINT I�AUL Cou,�cil Resolution --.—y_ �ii �BVOT � Against Date MAY 1 ? 198$ ':- Cetlificd Pessc 6y Couneil Seceetar - gY �.YlLj�y� ' Ap rr +y Navor: Date � WY �� i��� v , P119LISHEO itt;�t' : 1 i9t38 �,��� . � �.. �� Requested by Department ot: By Form Approved by City qttotney By Approved by Mayor (or Su6misaion to Cou�it By f,« �� ;� F -� E :2 :, ;:, '� �. ;- �: ;.; ?�'� fi '. k � -�L �; i E t nw�Tt Orv <t[ww pINM �� i�NANCC G�N�IIY � O[PI�MT4[H♦ P LVC �MI1�OM Prcsented gy Referred To -2- 3. Job Creation and Training designated staff be responsible for securing an FSA from the developer as soon as possible after a financial assistance package is proposed, and before it is finalized, with the Early Notificat3on System requirement of thirty days, but in any event prior to final approval of such package by the City Council, HRA Board or Port Authority Board; and 4. Job Creation and Training staff will be afforded an oppor- tunity by the Saint Paul Port Authority, City Development staff, and the Developer, to present in face-to-face dis- cussions the FSA package to all poter_tial employers in assisted projects including tenants; 5. Language be included in appropriate financial assistance documents which specifically references the FSA requirements; and 6. Finally, the City Council and the Mayor will ensure that adequate resources are provided to PED's Job Creation and Training Section to support the staff needed to adequately monitor, market, and document results on all FSA covered projects, especially in the event of expanded application of the FSA process., RESOLVED FURTHER, that upon adoption, approval and publication this Resolution shall supercede Resolution C.F. No. 88-143 adopted Pebruary 11, 1988. P1151lS!!EQ ��:t� �> 1 i988. � ; COUNCIL MEMBERS : �� .: Ydu d � Nfi'� -�. coswn: � i Ret(:ntn �� f ��. � y Sehe � �n � ei S ' t ��mnFn ( � �::p` , Adopted 6y Cooncif: Date CITY OF SAINT ��AiJI, Council Resolution _� in Favor � Against 1 ,�� �"� ` CertiGcd Pus-c by Council Sccretar v; ..� ey� __..��=..y��n.��S.�-ae-�'� '� � Approved Navor. Date � � � �� ; ; b " ' � BY z. �. � � �� �:� ,�.._.� _.�..a�`� �. COUflCI� Fila N 0. - " -' � Date Out ot Committee By Date Committee: Requested by DepaKment o(: �� �� � � 1 +�.•�e �c�•. c�aw •�� ���,�`� G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Counci! ' ° c•�•�.�oo.w,wwr Ffle N0. B�uc � r..ow - � � Council IZesolution 9s ��1 `� � ������ � � - Present By �'{p�7SI NCr d— '�c,a iJ� �L.✓ , � 7 ��� ° Referrcd To Committee: Date � �' Ont of Committee Sy Date _ WREREAS, the economy of the citq of Saint Paul ie comprised of interactive elements, the ayachrony of vhich defines the economic vigor and healeh of our to�unity; and fiHEREAS, tha city of Saiat Paul is co�itted to supporting ia every vay posaible tha atability of joba azd the aell being of woskers in our city; and WiiEREAS, the citq participatea when it is deemed to he in the public interest in £inaneing and structuring development activities; aad tiEEREA3, development activity affects the emploqment structure of tha citp and somatimea advereely affecta apecific employment aituations and employeee; now, tharaforn, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City ment to be zeauired in g�? +nstanc of a Jobs � `'-'`} RESOLOED, that the Saint Paul City Council zeques[s that the Administration reviev and co�ent on the draft ^ Economic Pevelopment and Displaced Workers Policp Statemeat" iacluded herein: it shall be the policy of ehe citp of Saint Paul to aot acquire co�ercial or induatrial propertq for aay purpose vheze it may xesult in a plant closing or direct loss of jobs, except under those cir- cumstances where thera ehall be a n of com e obs as a sesult of economic denelepment actinity requising acquisition o such properep. In these circumscances any sach �obs created ahould be at or abova-the wage levels austained in the acquired co�ercial or iaduatsi.al eitea. -i- �- �.:'� . t ai:r COUNCIL MEMBERS Ytu Nays Dlmoed ��R Genrils Rethnae �ne�ne� seenen �YBx� ..,.,,rpted Sy Couneil: Date IG FaVOf Against CeMitied Passed by Couneil Seeeetary �Y Aqpiwred ig 5lavor: D�te By � ,,,�sT� :: .i, �' Requested by Dep�rt�nent ot; By � Fom� Ap d by City Attor �y a' ```' 8y ��� Approved by Msyw for SuMnission to Couneit By � „,� : �3> c �,�; . a:��� 0 axY& �lIT� C�qw 1 * 1 . IIM�MC[ a •+sc '�w��ew'"�"' CJITY OF ►SAINT PALTL Fll� "" _ . r - � Council Resolution q� ��l ��«a s� , Reterced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. Inclualon in the city's Pirst Source and Affirmative Action pragram; 4. Payment of any relocation expenaea incuned bp s dis- located wcrker; 5. Yrovision of health insurance benefita for up to one year; 6. Supplemental unemyloyment inaurance payments; 7. Yapmant of child cara expensea while a diaplaced worker is in a retraiaing or education program; and S. Establiahmene of aa emergeacy fund to be managed bq a srorkera organizatioa to meet emergency financial needs of diaplaced vorkere. and ba it fuseh�r RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that the Administration eomm�at,apecificallp on tha applicabilitp aad usefulaesa of ehe nine pointa propoaed foz th� Jobs Impact 3tatr.ment; and be it further �RESOLQED, that the Saiat Paul City Council requeata that the Adminiatration re- " viaw end eo�ent on the eight itema detailing posaible benefita to diaplaced vorkera in regatd to thn merit �f said benefite and in tegard to ehe appropriate division of psivats an3 pablic reaponaibility in addresaing eaid benefits; and be it finaliy RESOLVED, that the Administration is requeated to respond as detailed ebove to ths City Couneil no later t6an 90 daqs from the date of paseage of tliis resolution. _� COt1NG"tI. MEMBERS E�s' Nrys Clmerd . G Reea�a.i &4dM1 soener iYOns ��, ' �pted by Couneil: Orte Y � . '; . ;? � � Requested by Dep�dmetrc ot: ; Y (n Favor Against r+tified Poased by CeunNl Seeeetary ' pprove*! by 7Novor. Date . � ,�� ��� � �;�.:,.. . 4, � Fam Approved Dy Citq Attotney 8 :`/J/����� 7 Approved by Mryoe tor SoMnission to Couneil BY c��, <� � �.� . . . wwlT[ � bi. «�w� r�MF � FM�NC( C�N�11� � pCP�AiJCN t �LU[ �M�Y01� � GITY OF � . SAINT PALIL Resolution c«����i - T Fi1e h0.�___+,-�� � Presented B 5��'u�� — - Referred To �� N��t-�� Committee• Date ����4'"��" Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of S[. Paul hereby approves and ratifiea ehe attached Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 70 and Local 467. Adopted !+y Courrcit: Date `�U� � F} Cerfifird Pr�.ycq � o nril See y� �. �r Ap e' Nav r. ate _ �N i i�� , PUBtISHED JUN 2 � 1988 � � ,.,.,.w�..:��� �` :�;��� � �_:_ � � COUNCILMEN i Yas � Naya N� R�st�mn 4ehNbN aemm� TMaee 1Alfhe� � (n Favor � Against €,_ �. :;��;_.•�,� ,u , � - : �:.� � -� ��� � � :� , x:� COST/BENEFIT, BIIDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICZPATED (April 27, 1988) 1. There are 108 employees affected by thia contract. 2. The current yearly payroll is E2,811,451.80. 3. The costs fcr 1988 include: S 2,689.56 for Comparable Worth 75,981.86 for Salary Increase 578,671.42 Total Zncrease 4. The costa for 1989 include: E 2.862.61 for Comparable Worth 78,110.59 for Salary Increase 580,972.20 Total Increase � 5. The :988 payroll vill be 52,890,123.20. 6. TGe I989 paqroli will be 52,9�1,095.G0. ,q��,z:/ 7. Tfie overa2l payroll inczease for 1988 and 1989 �rill be 5159.643.62. These figurus reflect a 3.6x Comparable Worth ad�ustment in 1988 and 1984 for the titlea of Security Officer and Watchman-Water Department. Also reflected is a 2.�x salary increase for all represented titlea in both 1988 and 1989. Thia amounts to an overall paytoll inezease of 2.8x in 1988 and 2.8x in 1y89. The 1988 paq ad�ustments are retroactive to dannarq 2. 1988 and apply onlq to emploqees who vere on the payrel2 as of March 22. 1988. The empioyer health insurnnce contributiona were not increased and �rill remain at the rates set foreh in the 1986-1987 contract. �i�5� MiSC „< ; _i `r.=• i � m.- ��� �.�"�.. �'ry ti: � 'j 'k � :� %z � ���� :�rs . a.,. eu.� . ,+ � r�r�vra .. ,�»M{.M+hKrwr�r[Mt u. �..4 . � N��Aq Cif`Cl' <)i'' :�AIN't' �rA1Si. �OY1"CII P►a N0. � ' ..�-. ���.x��t�a u ��, _r_.��� Itrtrrrcd Tu cil Resolution COmmilltr: Dnte � Out ot Committrr t3y _ D�te NNEREA3, thm economy of the City of SeLnt Pnul ia compriaed of inCPractive tilamrmte erhich dafit�a Yfie economic viRnr nnd health of �rur community= and WNEREAS� the Snint Paul City Council nffirma that the city le cammictwd to tha devplopmant of a diverae pconomic bnAe that reteins exiating induatrien and � •naouragee emer�ing onea; and NFiEREA5, the City of Snint t'pul i�a commitGed to tfie et�biliCy ot the 5aint Paul labor mt+rkat, :and the availability of jobe Eor vnrkere in our city= and iJHFR�:AS. tl�e city hae the capebility to examine �he impact of eaonomic devsiop- mant activitiva on jobe related to c1Cy devalnpment, through ita Department of planning and �cnnomic Dpv�lopment (PED); nnd - WNEXEAS. tha city has ef£ectiv� leaderehip and pxagramming to previd�x �ob- ` „' related aervirua Co worker« who experience �ab inag due ro plant clo�tngs, relocation >...ox 81�plgcement, snd that �uch programming is aciministered by thE rity'n .tob Creatiam `' un8 Tzainiag Saction nf PED and guided by thc udvice �snd ov�+rsite of the 5nint Pass1 `;� Pr2vata induatry Council; anA �,tHfi12EAS, the city pareicipatee, when it ie dacmed to be in th� public interest, °3x financing and atructuring development activities; ar.d i1FiE1tEA5, the city is commiCted to being aware of nny advarsa impact that euch d�v�tYopment activity might hnve on the employmenC situation of the workcr� of Sgint Paul s3oce St is not Cfie intention of t�uch activSty to create the displs�cemnnt of u�t►rkars; nnw, therefare. be it �": . , . _1- v , " C{�U�tCtL MEMB�RS �.. 'Ysa�i .'z., ' Nays ='"-" Diruad Goswtts xrunw „'i � < t'�+ss 6. !�,. A�tIf11L� � �Ot10C d91P Rey:..�ted by tkporteent ot� In �avor Against By Form Ap{xoved bp City Attomey �, Ctrtitied P�ased by Counell Set�etarq , B� hy 1Navur. Onte 8Y ,_� Approved by Moyot fw Sulwnission to Couneit l3Y " gY _ _ __ ,<<; � � ��. ,. �� �_ . NFSOLVF.U, thst 9�yal 1. The Cicy ot Sntttt !'au7 vttl demanntrata iCn comnitmeat ta contlnue to aupport pub)ically Cinnnced oconomic davxlopment pra,�ect� in 5niet Pnul which reault in m�ilti-f�ietpd economlc Rrovth For thQ city, includlnR job crpa[ion xin�,� it ie not tha policy of thp city to dn pconomlc devalopment which lenults in dinplacement of �nba. 7here nhould be n net geln of com- parnble ,joba Ap n reaalt of economic de�•elopment nctivity reQuirinq acquisition of prnpefty; and that 2, tt nhall be the policy nE thc atty to exaninp the impact on job lonn vr �ein on eil city-finnnc�d prvJecen, prior ta project ntart-up; nnd thnc 1, 'fo Eurther thin policy, the City of Saint Pau1 aill hpeCefnrth reQuire th�t n Job Impact Stntpment be attach¢d to any pro�os�d development epplicatioe for city financial nupport, iecluding »nq faderpl grnnt program ndminincpred by the city, revenua Dond financing, tAx increment financing, tax levien, or eny other form of direct financial aesietancc, bgvelopment psnjeete r�- ceiving city financial ��pintance arp r¢quired to tonfortn to the federal plant cloRintt l�w and will notify the city 60 daye priar to any plant alosing or iermination of buainesa that vould renult in the loss of �obe at the city aesieted development; and that 4. The Job Iropact Statement will i�clude ehe fallowing informations a. Number and typps of permanent �obs that aili be loat or gained; b. The wege ratee and benefits for theee joba; c. Any indirect �oh loae or gain that ig identifiable as a reault of the developaene, including jobs loet or gc�ined by auppli�re, tranaportation companiee. etc; d. e. f Eatimated tntal public cost for devclopmxnt aegiatance; Demographic informetion appropriate to the present aork force� including age. skille, and prReent rragee; Ski11 levels required for boch categoriea of 3obss af£ected. thoae loat and thoRe geined; g. A pto�ection of che likelihond cf any displaced xorkors betng able to find nea jobs •aith cnmparsble pgy aad benefita in the Saint Paul area; h. An outline of the publfc monitoring proceas to be uaed for insuring compliance vith 3ob creation projections itt the proposed development; and that 5. PED be deeignaeed ea tha city entity respongible for development of the Job Impact Statement as soon as poasible a£ter a pro�ect is proposed by the City Council, Houaing and Redevelopment Authority Board. nr Port Authority. and prior to final approval for financing; and that _ -2- .., , .•. . c�,. e.�». CounClt .�.���.:�.:'o� t��•rv <�i� ;�n�:v�r t'n�rL F�a no._...�.Z��. Council Resolution �F�x��ed ey.�.. ; Retcncd To � In Favot 0 Against ,.,�. :•.� ,�_.. f .._i� Date -- �ut o[ Co mmiHrr [3y._ - -- �g�� _ _ =_�-:� �___�______.__ __ �__�._` b. Th� Job Ymp+�M Ctntement muat be nub�ect to a p�blic heAri�a by the City Cauncil prior to approvnl of any dcvelopment proJ�ct receivinR cicy ctsniatance� attd any union reQrenentinq affecCed Work�arn will be provided n copy nf ehc Jab Impace 5taCement. Addicionully, notiticncion thgt the Jnb Impact 9Cntement in nvaileble muet be poaCed in A p1ACe viaible Co the �rorkere. 7. 7he cfty will be�in to retnin lnformation on the record ef developers applying for public tinancinR aA fur ae thuir commttm�nt to ehe creatiott or rn[ention of ,jobm releted tn public developm�nt pro'ecte; and that 8. .The Saint Pau1 City Councii requeste that the 1'ort Authoiity take action tn comply xith the provieione af Chis reeolution, incorpora[ing them into regular operacing pracedures nf the Port Author3cy. and that they coogeYate with FED'g r@sponaibility u�d¢r thla resolution in all respects; and thnt 4. YED w311 provide annunl reportn on the cumuLativo data gachered in Job Impact Statemente to thu Mnyor, the City Council. the Pert Authority, and ehe F�rivate Induatry Council; +nnd that 10. The City Council and Mayor will insnre that edequate funding is pro— vided to PED to suppnrt staff monitoring. reporting and documentation of cumulative informatidtt on Job Impact Statements; and that finally 11. The City Council and Mayor will ateempt to identify nva3labYe citq reaources for worker servicea 3f deemed needed nn a particular projeci after the Job lmpact Statement ie compl�ted. —3— ' �."OVNCIL MEMBER5 � ' �: WmwA N �at ces«x� - � - s��r�a _ .P,mnea � R;I�ptsd bq L'ouncii: »eri"stird by 'Mavor: Committee: bate Requested by Department ot: By Fwm Approved by City Attorney By �� L 3��'�g Approved by Mryor for SnMm�asion to Co�nci! ey ��. 19A9 � � xiwwrrR;. arr etewK eiryp w HMAN[[ : 4APY � OGPARTM<NT ^ uC +MIYON , CITY OF SAIP+TT PALTL . itaqoested 1qr � - ,� .�.� ,: Present • By • � � �� �Referted To G � Committee: Date �� �'�� � �� � =��� Out of Committee By Date . >�';x: � �, WHEItEAB, the State of Minnesota has passed a law reguiating the ':�'��� ",,` ailocation of tax exempt induatriel revenue bond suthority to municipelitiea � � -.: and; " WHBREAB, the City of 3eint Paul needs to continue to take a broad f ^�. approach in ita sfforts to revitelize our City including a continued emphasis ;r. '>;,on industrlal, retaii, office and houeing, including both neighborhood and �:-:downtown development and; � WHERBA$, the Saint Paui Port Authority is one oY the most successYul � ,_; induetriat development agenciea irt the country and because of the development �' ��� of, #heir reserve fund can also act in a very important fashion in supporting , r"Yprojects that" might otherwise not be able to be funded and; • �„ -= WHSAEAB, the City has created, in its Department of YlanMng and � h ,Economic Development, a broad-based redevelopment ageney structured to undertake proiecta .that require close c�ordination between our City's ;' plannfng and development objeetives, including housing development and °'� �: large and amall-acale real estate-oriented redevelopment projects and: � �.,:; '` " fNHE1tEAS, the limiting of the amount of tax exempt industrial.revenue : bond authority will create a need to more cieariy identify the responsibiiitiee ,;of the Port Authori:y and the Department of Plsnning and Economic Development ;and: ° � �`- WHEFtBA$, the allocation oY industrial revenue bond suthority will come �� :., �� �.-directly to the City of Saint Paul ta be further aliocated as the City Coundl., , >5 , ;,,�and -.Mayor �deeme appropriate. _ � `Yeasi i�@p _ Nays . . ` `' '= � -� � � . � In �Favor ` � _, :;, : il..w■ Bettman _ - _ _ ` ':� AgeinSt , , '�-T��oo: ._ . � .�s . - `za w�l ` � � �, . ' . At�OQIl1� �fy .L'OY11C11: . .. � Dat! ., � . ;"_CeRi[ied Passed by Cauncll Secmtary � HSf Y �"�,:' Aonrovid W 1Navoti ti . By Camcit > - Fik PI�. - .�_=�.� 9s-�.zl j .:: ; .;;;� d: . ,- � Faai Appsove Citr Atto pey �` � � � � , p �,�/ � �� ., ay � ----'=. ; � f.�.; , � � •� `' �� L� W�1{# �O[ � � �C �� ,��< ` ":: _,: aY NOW THEftEFORE BE IT HE30LVED, that the Saint Paul City Council adopts the following policies regarding the allocation of tex exempt and taxable revenue bond authority hetween the Department of Planning and Economic Development and the 3aint Paul Port Authority and also identifi the specific areas of responsibilities that each agency will have in issuing tax exempt and taxabie bonds for development projects within the City. I. Non-Profits HRA/PED will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all non-profit projects in the City. II. Ho_ using IIi. ��` ¢.,i.. . $15 million of Saint Paul's tax exempt bond allocation will be set asid to be used for rental housing projects, If funds from the statewide competitive pool are avsilable to be used Yor rental prnjects in Saint Paul and any or all of the ;15 miliion has not been used or is not needed for pending rental housing projects, then the remafning sum will be reallocated according to the following sections. 9s ��/, � tiz es _. :;; HHA/PED wili iasue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all housing projects in the City regardiess of their location, Ne�hborhood Development e HAA/PED will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all projects outside of downtown except those taking place on Port Authorlty owned land and/or manufacturing in nature. fi12 miliion of the City's alloeation will be set aside to be used by the HRAlPED. IiAA/PED will receive 40� of any funds left from the �15 million rentai housing commitment. IV. Manufacturing Port Authority will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all manufacturing r' projects. Fnnding should be sought from the statewide competitive pool before any of the City's allocation is used. Downtown Proiects (see map) Port Authority will issue tas exempt and taxable bonds for alt downtown projecta (excluding housing and non-pmfits) Bonds will only be issued for projects taking place on land now publicly owned in an effoM to put the land back on the tax rnles unless unusual dreumstances exiat and the HRA an� Port Authority Boards jointly agree. �� ;;��; �� : �:r VI. Port Authority Owned Land Port Authority will fsaue tax exempt and taxabie bonds for sU projects on land they own (exciuding housfng and non-profits) VI1. Generai ,.€ q.� y��-� �16.7 milliion of the City's ellocation will be set aside to be used by =� the Port Authority for downtown and manufacturing projecte and pmfeets ;�; on Port Authority ]and. ' � Port Authority will receive 60$ of any funds lett from the rental housin allocation . B In recognition o4 the continuing HRA/PED stafi commitment to asaist the Port Authority in the development of its projects, the Port Authority agrees to prnvide to the HftA/PBD a sum of money equal to the HAA's normal bond Yee (}$ at ciosing, �k$ on first anniversary date of issue and 1/10� annually thereeYter) for planning, design and project management asaistance. This sum shail be paid for sll tax exempt bonds issued by the Port Authority. The Director of the Department ot Planning and Economic Development and the Executive Vice President of the Port Authorlty shall meet monthly to jointly review the projects to be financed and the atatus of the use of the bond allocation. They shall report monthly, beginning in September, to the HKA and Port Authority Board on the status of the use of the bond allocation and any recommendations for adjustment to the allocation Yormuia. The Port Authority will issue bonds for all expansion projects of previously financed 876 projects in neighborhoods and for all projects prev�uusly aent out for ENS review. � HRA/PED will issue bonds for all pubHc use facilities (i.e. skyways, parking ramps, etc.), all tax increment projects and all projects on PSB owned land. _- �.'.r . v`d:' , enied_�BY;��. K. `. . �tefe�ree To Out of.Committee E -- - n- .- : Committee: Da�e Date �1� ��z./,�,:� � „: - � � - s '�� � � r ;:� � �. t �� In order to more closely integrate its Economic Development prograrus ' `" + �3' with its equel empLoyment, equal opportunity and �ob iraining and � �3 job placement activities, the City will require that developers and/or _ ;:; firms receiving financing endlar finandng assistance assocleted �=. with a commerdal or industrial projeet valued in excess of ;1,000,000 'a =, � ahell agree to: ,H r _, _ �; ��� 1. Demonstrate compiiance with a caretully considered and reasonably �. ��' � � conatructed affirma�.ve action policy and plan, �''�' - ;�; � � �� 2.. � � Execute, with appropriate City offic�ials, a carefully considered � . � � � � � ` , �,�r ^ �.` and reseonably coastructed binding first aource employment,��- �- �g , � agreement, and � . � � a�� , � , . ' . . � 3 � °� 3. - Comply with the City's set-aside requirements for minority, handicapped, ����� ` � � .� women and ,sma11 business enterprises. ., ;�;; � � � '.,<? , t :: 4. Tt�ese three gro�visiona vill take effeet 30 c7i►ys f=om May 29. 1986. . ; � g F v �'� � � � �� � � � � � � � d . _ - . _ - ? Y , � . ' � . ., �Y�s. . . . . .. . . . n iK'r �� , ' . . ' `."+S. i � � � •. , . . ' ���, �' _ - . ' - _ ' . . - , . &'��^. � C ' _ ' . . . - .. z ' ,.- ' "' _ , . ' _ _ ' 3} � .. . , .. � . . _ ' - . "� REN' `� ; Nays �ettman � In Favor ' � �"- � � • Agaiast ;�t:�:=_ � `: uae�� � � : �,` .�� MAY 2 91986 "�'_ ro �r�a� s�ce.�.n;�...,. /1 .: � . . -' . �. . • , ._.._". //�1L=; r .��:7 � �4� -�... Reqnested By 1''oc� APProved bp C�f' - er __� IOL �r��'�. . , �, :_ _ ' . �ti��:r I ' �' i , aE:. i< . �•z �IIOC� �- �:.. �,> � 3 � d ' ' MpYDN �• • 20ZCd �}� Referred To _ Ovt of Committee � �/ � 1. Demonstrate compliance with a carefully considered and reasonably" constructed affirmative action policy and plan, women and smell bus ness en rp . �� '("iv,s,.,. '�'�.a.e- V51� � '"�^a- J� �e�9- '�+�' ^� � � `� a, � � 4�-- �x , (��'� - °'�"`` < 2. Execute, with7approprlate City officials. a c�refully conaidered and ressa ,��bly construMed Mnding first source employment agreement, and l 3. Comply with the City's set-aside requirementa for minority, �1� i te rises COUNCiLMEN �� ;':>$�n Nays °:°:=;;.'i_ � In Favor .aw.� aet:man - . - '� g� � Against � r T�dnee ��;MfWas tdopue by Counctt: oaee IettiGed Passed by Councit Seerctary 8q �'� � �ppsoved by Mava: �aie C� ^- - ' ' riu ' es lu aan � Committee: " Date Date -4- ! In order to more alosely integrate its Economic Develo ment programs with its equal employment, equal opportunity and job �raining and �b placement activities. the City will require that developers and/or firms receiving financing anfl/or finandng assistance assoc3ated/ with a commerdal or industriai project valued in excess of�00,000 shatl agree to: � ��� . /' � e� �,• �,� ,,,_ � / ,� ,,,R�;. . � . �� 1 ;. `� � I 9-� ��t��_ y ^, e �;, ;: u C`o�urcil , �: .�...�,�_ �*as�zy.. � �, �:'� .,�,.,.. , ` �`�ostr�� .� : •: :�. , •. � ww (iEOHtiB IA7IMEA ; 1tAYOR ^._ Y y�� April 21� 1986 CITY OF �iAINT PAZTL OPFICE OF THE bfAYOR 347 CITY HALL EAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 (612) 29t.432f Viator T�desao, Pr�sid�nt and Me�nb�r� at th� S�int Paul City Counail Sev�nth Floor City Hsll Saint Paul, !linn��ot� 55192 D�ar City Counail Mewb�r�s 9s�d/ .� Attaahed tor your considerstion is a r�wolution outlining sn sgre�mont dratted by Jim tiellvs oi the Departw�ent ot Planning �nd Eaonosia D�velopeent and t3eaf Kraut ot the Port Authority regardinQ t�x ex��pt and taxable rwenue bonds. As all of you knoM, our sbility to 1�su� tax exewpt industsisl rtvenue bonda hr�� be�n �everely liw�it�d by tedersl legislation. Mhereas last y�sr th� tvo aQenaies i�su�d over �300,000,000 rorth oi bonds, our �lloaatioe trow th� Stste this year vill be f43.7 willioa rith pr�viously �xaluded ite�n� such as r�nl�1 housing pro�ects nor havinp to be inaluded rithin th� =43.7 willion liwit. This reduction in tax exeept bonding suthority hss baen anbicipat�d Sor sever�l ye�rs and h�s provided the iwpetus for the d�v�lopm�at oi wveral n�v iaitiatives to we�t the chanping ti�es. Y.. s�� ':':: iq L,: �: E: Undoubtedly the most signiticant psrt ot thiw bonding agree�ent- is !h� strong sad direat language that �nsures thst tbe aity's ■et-asid�, aSStrw�tiv� aation and bindinQ #irst source rn�ployn�ent agreew�nts are �pplied to all bond iinanced pro��ats : over f2 willion. This is �ignit�asnt because it areater Sor the`< �irst tise in the history ot the city a direct link b�Lr�en ovr ; bond Sinana�d pro�eata and our �ob traininQ, sr!-sside snd sitirsative aation aotivitiQS, thus �nsuring wor� opportuaitie� ' Sor the �aono�siaally disadvantaQed residents o1 our cossunity. Mith your approval ot this agree+aeat, wa�or profeats Sinanc�d '� rLth taxsble and tax exewpt revenue bonds rill direatly reaalt...__�;X: in th� or�ation ot �ob opportuniti�s Sor uaeaploy�rd and ���° ��. und�r�uployed aity re�ident�. This agreem�t Pro�+ide� u� vitA ��:.�x our Sir�t opportunity bo isple�ent one ot tbe wa�or f ;;„;� r�aowmendation� oi the Citizens Co��i�sion on Bondinq and ,�� Finanaiay� Praatiaes and e�tablish � direat linkage betreen our ;`�;� eaonow�ia developw�ent prograws �nd tAe ne�d� ot the ��; und�rpriviliQed in our-aity. f+� ;;:� ;"��; � _�; ,a . . . . g.� ��1= Despits zestrictions on th� a�sount ai tsx ex�sp� rwenue bond� "`� avail�bl� to th� aity, r� rew�ain aow+�itted to an innovstiv� snd _ broadly bssed eaoaowic dwelopwient propraw� rhiah �ddse/sM tb� �:_ aity'� hou�inQ, aoww�raisi snd industrlsl needs. �;_ y1� ret�ain aoww�itt�d to th� ae�ds ot swsli bu�in�ssn �n � c aity. For �xawple, PED nor wan���s an inQustrial inaubator �pd. _ is lookin9 torard the ar�stion ot •�eesond on� �nd the Port Authority and PED ar� �ointly d�velopinQ � s�ed a�Pit�l tnnd. IIe r��nein ao�n�itted to the wsint�►ssne� snd iwprovewent of ous ? housinq stoak. We propo�r that w�or� th:n one-third ot our t�x „_y. exew�pt bond •llo otRa{a ind p o �r�wt ill Me rill aontinu� se�k �' r�nt�l hou�ing pr � lor iaaom�dhousingl i PED �illlr�tsin authoritynover housin�! �nd Sin�nce proqraws. �� �s: M� rew�ain ao�n�itt�d to doreto�n rw�tsliz�tios►. Be�su�e °�s' ;;� �t;, bondinq authoirity rill b� liwit�d, priority Yill be giver► to 6Y thoee pro�eats which utilize land t3�st is �ir�ady publicly r ,. pMned. Bea�nse dorntorn pro�eats vili lik�ly requir� s aombin�tion oi taxable aad t�x-exempt bond�• the PorL Authority will Sinanae moet dovatorn aow+a�a'cisi dwelop�ent�. We re�nain ao�nmitted to the expansioa arad waintensace ot our ;:;,s; industriai snd manuSacturing �ob ba�se �nd the Port Authority �ti,; rill continue to iinance these typ�s ot pro�ects. Me rsAair► comitted to assleting aon-proSit orgsnizations and neighborhood " businesees and PED rili continue to Sinsnae the�e types o� projeats. In order to meet our committ�aents, both tht Fort Authority and ' PED rill continue to seek ray� ot l�veraging our 1lnancisl y resourc�s in order Lo +�ax�Aize tbeir et�scbiveness. Me y , ; � ; antiaipste uaing more taxsble boads in the �utur� and ve are ,. �nd1UDA[3gloanap�ybaaks inyth���sosb�eftiaient �nQ`produetivend ;s a�anner posrible. Ji�u Selluw and Liene Kraut rill be avsilable to weet rith the Caunail and rwvier this sgreewent in ■or� d�tail. I hope you � •ill Qtve it your prrnapt and �rricua aons�deratiors. � :;s� -;.�; Sinaer�ly, �,%; `"=y-;: . ._-_ e � Latiw�r liay `� � ..;.. ::; s� � � �� � � - --' UOLJ C z „ �.� r— _ i- � - . - �ne�__�- i: � ; ►+ �iw�wrir ;, � " . �'ti- .� _ �� t � �� K. � 4 � � �€ � C^r �'. � . � �--� Ds �� � �' � � � � � � � ��,. � �� � �� � � t,� �� � �� �� S � � � �� � � 00� � I 4�/� �. � �� �. g � ' � k � 4 ,,���.« O , a � � � , t � � ' �� � r� � _ � 1 �� , � . ,. �:�= i s � � � , '' � . � ��� � :..�.. � � �.� . � � �_ � � �p- kn � a,,i� �� v � � � � � � � � r . .. / /' �~� � . v s . � . . �'���� _�_ :� �� '.�= ' � " � : ;'r ��- L � `/ � J ". .' ;; �,�� ,, .� � �' � r� �=� n.Qa_ �� --:. `,�� i � t , . i � � " ' � i �� J._' ' . , � a' ��`' „`- ✓, ' � �.-.� : �*> � ; ? :� �� ' � : <=>; ' r �..= . � i p � �; i f{.R 5: i i � 4 5'=1 b . � � yt ; .��� • �n . �:. - �_�.� �.ti � �� _�� r, � =�� - � � �$� � � � �� a?'ti nay u` h� "`S'. +� Y� 4 ,. 'y. � �" o � 1. tilTY OF i�dI1QT rau1.. OB'B'IQ� OF TSE CITY' CO[TL7C2. � Cammit�ee Report HAY 21, 1986 FILED Cj��� l•nY�� .r:Jlil�,d0 �' V�iwn�.. C q . � j ��` ��� . �;�;. Appsova�of minutes fzom meetiag held Hag 8, 1986. aoflroved ""2. Resolation amending the 1986 budget bp addiag ;100,000 to the Pinaacing Plaa end"to tbe Spending Plaa £or Civic Ceater Operating. approved , �,; 3. Resolutioa amendiag the 1986 budget bq addiag ;8,000 to the Finaaciag Ylan „ and to the Spendiug Plan for Public Works--Infrastsucture I�reatorq. �,�ta msn r_�`; 4. Hesolutioa amending the 1986 budget by addiag ;42,51� to the Finaacing Plan , and to the Spending Flan for Housis►g Saformstion 0££ice {Better Oppostunities ° Through Self-Sufficiency). apvroved 5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding ;15,200 to the Fiaancing Plaa - and to the Spending Plaa for Public iiorks operatioas, approved " M= _,. � �6. Admiaistrative Orders: ---_--_- - � � �`°;a . . . _ -..._ . - • .. _. .��_ - _:�� D-8000: Budget revision in the Maqar--Budget Sectioa. discussed � �n � . � � 8. D-8001: Authorizatioa for payment to Robert P. Provost foz 3 pre-retiremeat $eminar8� discussed " D-8007: Authorizes aa agreement vith Boaes�roo, Ilnderlik and Associates, °�-" Inc. to teeign canopies for the Public Worics Department. d��+ssed � f; Resolution establishing rate of pay for titles of Eaoironmental Hea1tH /lide, � �. EnvSro�ental Health Technician and Envlzo�eat81 Sealth Tecimician Supervisor ` in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensatioa in Sectioa 2 D�2 0£ the SalaYy -' ,� Plan and Ratea of Compensatioa resolution. isid over to b/5 . '°. Resolution establishing the rate o£ pay Eor the titles o£ Enviromneatal Hea1tD �` Specialist, Enviroamental Health Analqst and Faviroomental Health Superviaor ��: in Section I D 3 of Salary Plaa and Rates o£ Compeasation reaolntion. laid over�-'t z.9. Resolution amending the salary plan and rates of compeasatioa reaolutton � regarding Em+ironmental Health Specialist. isid over to 6/5 "� 'l0. Resolution eetablisfiiag thn rate o£ pay £or Environmental Heslth Program ' � Supesvisor in Section I D 4 oE the Salary Plan and Rates oE Compeasation �� � resolutioa. laid over to 6/5 ,�: s� 11. Reaoluti.oa amending tha salary plan and saCes of ¢ompensatioa resolutioa bt � ��: aseablishing a salary ran8e under tha 1986 Technical Range and Salarp Range `� uadar the 1986 YroEessional 1Qoa-Snpesvisory Range. laid over to 615 � �� CITY fiALt. SEVEm'S FLOOR" �, ,' ' . .�.r ���` �-------- - � $AIIdT PAUI, ' . &EPO&T z1 1986 9���a' :c 2 ' � - . 12. 13. '.x Besolutioa adoptiag polictes regardiag.,the aliocation oE:tax'ezempt and ;,` taxabls revenus bond sutkoritq betveea the Depa=tmeat of Piasming aad F? { Economic.Davelopaant aad the Saint Panl Yort Authority� aad identifying ,� aa " attas of"retpoasibility.';�approved=vith amendaeats,' , �� �� -� Resolution secogaiziag the recoastitution of Citizea Yarticipation District No. 2. a�Pioved i • " 14. Executive Order: t., _ 15. �; E-24: Eatablishmeat ot an Employee Policq o£ HTLO ZII Msease (AZDS). laid over`1 'Resolution appropriating ;20,000 to the Saint Paul Division of Yublic Health for soil lead tasting, lead screening and edueation of neigitborhood resideats,. and ;fi to Dr. Howard Hieike for soii mapping approved 16. Reeolution amending the 1986 budget and tsansferring �10,000 from Contiagent Reservs to Executive Admiaistration—Civic Organization Contributions. a c � '- " �, _ . ... � s � Y; � Y x� a j �y� j .. 9 n�y} ' t� . S�✓� K, y � �.:%_ i ii: �� � i 3". ' Vy � �{ i� * �F iy�l � l'