95-419Council Fi1e # Green Sheet # CITY Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Jc4 39 40 41 42 43 Referred To RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date /� WIlEREAS, The City Council, by resolution 280932, adopted September 29, 1983, as amended by resolution 85-326, adopted March 19, 1985, approved variances for the construction of a building and a parking ramp located on lots 19 through 30, Block 8, St. Catherine Park Addition to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, The City Council, by resolution 86-1462, adopted October 21, 1986, approved the site plan for the proposed building and parking ramp to be located at the above described location; and WHEREAS, The City Council had placed restrictions on the approval of the variances and the site plan, including restrictions that the northerly wall of the office building and parking ramp be constructed of a solid wall; and WHEREAS, The office building and parking ramp were acquired by Hoyt Development Company, 13400 15th Avenue North, Plymoutb, Minnesota 55441, who has requested the Council to modify the conditions so as to permit the installation of windows on the north and west side of the buildings; and WHEREAS, The Council conducted a gublic hearing on April 19, 1995, to consider this request for modification of the restrictions, and has decided to allow windows beginning at six (6) feet from the floor of the office building portion; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Resolution 280932, as amended, be further amended in the following particulars: (7) The developers sha11 cooperate with tbe abutting neighboring property owners in the design and the construction of the ramp so as to minimize noise, emissions of a11 sorts, to provide privacy and preserve aesthetic integrities to the abutting neighboring property, and the developer shall consistently use state of the art technology to accomplish the intent of this resolution. The northerly wall of the office building ma�.he �nstr�rGted-oi xt;�aod�1�;� s� �s to provitie �u�ndt�uzs beg�ii�� at s�r (6} f��t frt�m ��� ���r:c�f the c�f€ic� 6��lciii�g and the parking ramp shall be constructed of a solid wall and where requirements for lighting purposes exist, translucent bricks may be used. FURTHER RESOLVED, That Resolution 86-1462, be amended in the following particulars: 4. The northerly wall of the commercial building rnay_�?� cc��,StYUCted pr. r��n€id�lecl �a. as to pr�vzd�: windtrws begar�ag afi _six {b� f€;et fro-m:the floor c�f thc� < . _- ,�- c����r�i�l �yt�i7�iii� and the parking ramp shall be constructed of a solid, opaque S l a�a�/ ( 1 wall except where requirements for lighting e�cists, translucent bricks shall be 9s`�� y 2 specified. Requested by Department of: By: ` � Form Ap oved by Adopted by Council: Date ��}, a� q�s — Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY: � By: Appx By: by Ma1E6r for Submission to By: __ ___ . �s,� lq DEPqRTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INfTIATED N� 2 8 21 1 City Council. 4/19/95 GREEN STHEE INRIAL�ATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARThIENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNCIL Nancy Anderson 266-8564 p���N OCfiYATTORNEY �CT'CLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCI� AGENOA BY (DATE� RU NGFOfl O BUOGET OIFECTOR O PIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR April 26, 1995 OPOEfl �MAVOR(ORASSISTANn � T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PACaES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Finalizing City Council action taken on April 19, 1995, denying the application o£ Hoyt Development Company to modify a condition that was required as part of a previous zoning variance, restricting where windows overlooking adjacent resitiential property can be built RECOMM£NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rel� (� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY+ _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO — 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISrRICT CoURT � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNqL O&IECTNE+ VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to green sh¢et INITIATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Why)� AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISAOVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO� DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION $ COST7REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �39 q s -- y ��1 . ��� . � �--����- `i 1 c�� 9�-� s/� - � � ,���� ��� ����, � u� � �'� br�� � ��� �� �/s�.� ��� / � ��� , , ��.�; D� ��.e��.,��.�e � �-�-e_ �� ���� � ;� ���� �� � �s �� � � .�.� � � �� . �-r��.�� �,,� �� ��-��c-�'� �� \��� , _r,� U:�-�� � �-��� : �� ���� �� � ��� , Cr,r�— �9�—yc.Q -Pv�l� �cr—e-- , _ r ��� �,-� ' � �- , �'� � �c�/yti��� ��7:��� � ��� ��r � ��� �- ��c � J�� �e;�J�2v� �,u:e��-�-.cc.�.- � 2� ��=�k� l�G . { iGCQ a � �t// � ����� ��� �� � � s^i�,� . The Highland Business Association April 13, 199` Mr. Mike Harris Third Floor City Hall 24 West Reliogg Bivd. St. Pau1 MN 55102 Dear Mike: C�5_�l1`l ����uvi�� �pR 1 4 1995 �k 39 Brad Hoyt's variance request to add windows to the Parkway Plaza property was unanimously supported by the Highland Business Association's Board of Directors at our meeting this morning. Aithough we sympathize with neighbors' privacy concerns, we believe that the residential and commercial value of the entire community wi11 be greatly enhanced by the completion of this property and a timely leasing of its commercial space. If Mr. Hoyt, aPter evaluating the property, believes windows are needed to secure tenants for this property, we support him. Please call me to let me know if there is anything else we can do to ex�edite the introduction oF Parkway Plaza to our community. Sincerely, 1 r :� � Barbara Ducha Executive Director Highland Business Association cc: Brad Hoyt P.O. BOX 16244 • S7. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 • 612-699-9042 m zl Agrit 1995 Rx'zaa H liyytedt 20$Ys Watson lvemie St Pau;. MH 55ZIfi !fir i+tike &i.rris FAX 256-8�7lt R&: kCJ�D :�J�17.L xcrr n�� Deer a+t� rdasri.s, T atn sarit3.ag to nrge �oa to suppoz� Brad f?o 3n �.a reqneet to r•emong t$e coyeu�,nts or_ the Fard I9a11 ccnaexui,ng windo�re cn tt,e uorth side, aad �y other propoaals �.e r�g hase cvhic& he fee2s wi11 expefii.te the cwr_ule�i.oa aad leasix� aY the oni�dirg, Tt�e �reigtixnc�a3 oas ha d this buildi3g smpt� for too long. As s Hig�. re�-derit and, T ha�se, a ftxt�,ara teaarrt, y� believe tts qviek coac7.usion of this rGatter wi17, greatly bP-nifit the com�vnitp. I wi1T, not be able to at:enl3 aext wesks meeving� but pleaes caL1 upon me at ax� tizze if rou i�.aoe r.nv qne�tsons, I r�.n :ours tru?y f � IiZ��� Jr .� , r ( -t �. ,� /'� ?� tf Br�.an H Nysiedt. CC: dF3 �s - y �°� d � s - `�� �� �C4C-�L'Fdx*:•]I3 787t Cat4+�.hCtCs �, � , ����7������� l+ ' f1 �oit4 - s'E�Sc%J rro"'� k.yi.�-ar�'vS � �t� �:a,t+.ct �vc;lGFfvf+/:s? �' :.c. ���� , �I�Y'.Y. Q /� f ��L:'l9 A 6 �� '7 �. L�� y s s,� - �z ��- 1t�1'et�GC�I G�rir�p � L° s s t-� 4 s � F.�' r=i �°`iY°�i eusr�ss c� �� 3129145 Jaitn i . Bessessn. Pr2si�ettt E3enct�rnsrK ' 33 tOt�t Avsnue Souii^ Suit2 tQ(} Nopkins, MN 5;;343 Dear .lot�r.. T�is (Qtter +s ;o ciariry thei p.spen M�dicaf Graup intends fcr the parties - Asper i�edica( Gr�up P.,S. an� Hoyt �svelopmerst fo engage �n good faith �ag8tiatians as we ax�mine tne affi�e space availabie flr+ tt�e tt;ird flocr of 2139 Ford Parkvtay 'sn St. Pa�E. We dc, �,o�never, reccgnize thaf ti�ris tctEer of ?ntent is non-6indirg. 1;1r'a laak `o;ward to ��r��rking with You. Sin�ereiy /` w y� j� WI{�i8[i1 bzii8y '�rS.Q. �EO - �saen t�9edicaf vroup P.A_ and �EO - As�en FEus HeaE!h t+istw�rfc raUSfr�css ^��;r�-7 1J^_ 1 E�R,4�AI�A u�::i.4e+�!eD E.�SF • S?;tTc 2�0 • SF. Dr;Ut. Aai'V �1!'Aal21 �S-�\� Hayt Devalopment 9uite F 134015th Ave. Plymouth> MN 55441 Brad and John, Apsi11$, � 995 1've had an es�ai�fishsd business in Ft�htsnd Par4c tor touRsen years, tt is my goat Eo rema9n in �-lightand Park. Currentiy i`m interested in leas+ng 55Q0 square test of space in ;nur Forc! parkway bulld3ng. In order ta provide natural light and a comfortable and productive atmasphera for my staff, it is imperative th�t wir�daws t�s instalied on the nor� side of tfiat buildin� on the second floos. I sincerely hope thet your e#to+ts to moue farward on this issue wili ba succsssful. I look forwarc! to an updats at your eariisst conveniesice. Best Regards, (��y�t,? t§G�'Ir�. Randi S. Johnsan Tivofi Too, inc. 664 Cleveiand Ave. Sa. St. Paul, MN 551 i6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoTeman, Mayor OPFICE OP LICENSE, INSPEC'ISONS AND � S �"� �� I;NVIltONMENTAL PROTECITON /� Rober! KessleY, Di�ector �( � d BUIIDINGINSPECllONAI�D Telephone:612-266-900I DESZGN Facrimile: 612-2669099 350 St Peter SYreet Suite 310 Swnr Pau1, M'nmesota 55102-ISIO February 27, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, AprIl 19, 1995 for the following zoning case: Applicant: Hoyt Development Company File Number: 95-049 Purpose: A request that the City CouncIl modify a cond'ation that was required as part of a previous zoning variance. The condition restricts where windows overlooking adjacent residential property can be built. Location: 2145 Ford Parkway I have confirmed this date with the ofFce of Councilmember. My understanding is that this pubiic hearing request wIll appeaz on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9086 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Tom Beach Zoning 5ection �,_,. ._. _.,._�u°a r+ {� �... .; e Go "u � w� _ .._�_:�:_-:.. , -. _- .-- - - - --`° - _,d � . � _ e AOTICE9E -y,'._,--r_� -.,.:,-,�,r-.F. . � ` ' : ; u.r: r-^--..__:�_ �. .. , .,.. , ., The Saint Paui Ciry�Council,will conducY a�putilic.hearing oa�:Wedriesday, Apr�-19,;-T3�5,�a£ 3i3Q p.�. isthe City Couacit Chambus,.3'hicd Bloor, CiEy FE�t, fb�oon"s'r�ei Development Companyio modify a coadition.M�at was'required as pazt of a previous zoning vaziance, restricting where windows overlooking-adjacent residential property can be built at 2145 Ford Pazkwaq. Dated: March.&9'. Y995 � '`' NANCY��AIQDERSON � � . " . � Assistant Cify Council Secretary � � _ . , (I�arch 31, 1995) � _ ' �i �� �:_. � 4 9 2 � _ � MICHAEL J. HARR[S Counci7member MEMORANDUM CITY OF SA�NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Counciimember l�larie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: DATE: 6Y�L:3L��l�9 Councilmember Bobbi Megard Councilmember Janice Rettma Councilmember Mike Harris April 19, 1995 Item #39 - Hoyt Development Company # 3°� �S -y�� The Hoyt Development Company has made an application to modify a condition required as part of a previous zoning variance restricting where windows could be place on the building located at 2145 Ford Parkway. This issue is on for public hearing, item #39, on this afternoon's agenda. I wanted to let you know in advance that I would like to hear public testimony on both sides at today's meeting, and then will make a motion to lay this item over for a week to allow for further neighborhood input. Thank you in advance for your consideration. c: CITY HALL Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary THIRD FIAOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8630 s.g -R.� <e Pdnred on Reeyded Paper