95-412OR1GlNAL RESOLUTION PAUL, M Presented By Referred To 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia ii iz 13 14 15 Council File # Green Sheet � �� ����a� � Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of the reappointments and appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following people to the SAINT PAUL PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL: REAPP(?INTMENTS Dean Shawbold, Rehabilitation Kerry Sarnoski, Education John Hoffner, Private Sector Richard Stauning, Private Sector Daniel Foote, Private Sector i6 APPOINTMENTS i� Louis Henry, Private Sector ia Gregory Matthews, Private Sector i9 Jennifer Muenchrath, Private Sectr 2o Councilmember 7erry Blakey, Econonic Dev zl TERM EXPIRES 6l30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/96 6I30196 6/30196 6/30/97 2z Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY: .- ��wl / `� ' �S �SS Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council By: !�l �- Adopted by Council: Date 3 1 Adoption Certified by Council Se tary ���� DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED N� 3 4 4 21 Mayor's Of£ice 5/13/95 GREEN SHEET _. __ CANTACT PERSpN 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE . DEPARTMENTDIRE RYCOUNCIL Roges' CuY'tis� 266-8531 "��" CffYA7TOflNEY �GRYCIFRK NUYBERFOfl MUST BE ON COUNCiI AGEN�P. BV (OATE) pQ�NG BUDGET DIREGTOF O FlN. & MCaT. SERVICES DIR. ONDER MAYOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (GLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUR� ACT10N FiE�UE$TED: Appointment and reappointments to the SAINT PAUL PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL. RECAMMENDATIONS: ApWOVe (A) or Fieject (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE POLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirtn ever worketl under a contract for this department? - _ C18 COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? , — YES NO _ oIS7PIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparete sheet and atteeh to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. NTe1. When, Where, Why): None. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: REAPPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING Dean Shawbold, Rehabilitation 6/30/98 Kerry Sarnoski, Education 6/30/98 3ohn Aoffner, Private Sector 6/30/98 Richard Stauning, Private Sector 6/30/98 Daniel Foote, Private Sector 6/30/98 �sncvoo�r�s.iEaersov=". APPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING Louis Henry, Private Sector 6/30/96 Gregory Matthews, Private Sector 6/30/96 Sennifer Muenchrath, Private Sector 6/30/96 Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Economic Dev. 6/30/97 DISADVAMA6ES 1F NOT APPROVED: ����� a � p,�a, � � 19�5 � TOTAL AMOUNS OF TpAN3ACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �s���: Irrterdepartmental Memorandum CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE RE: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakep Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin Roger C. Curtis �C � Jean Karpe �,, April 12, 95 PRIVATE INDIISTRY COIINCIL Rehabilitation Education Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment of the following people to the Private Industry Council: REAPPOINTMENTS Dean Shawbold Kerry Sarnoski John Hoffner Richard Stauning Daniel Foote Louis Henry Gregory Matthews Jennifer Muenchrath Councilmember Jerry Attached are copies applicants. If you call at 266-8531. Thank you. Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Blakey Economic Dev. �� r.'�� _._.,_ _. - ° r, � F e. .. v .i.J•} TERMS EBPIRING 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/96 6/30/96 6/30/96 6/30/97 of the applications for the new have any questions, please give me a � 05i11i94 10:30 OPPENHEIMER - ST. PAUL i 612 Z66 8513 . � c�y � oFYZ�E op �� �YOg � ����� CITY HALL S� pg� � KINNE30TA 55102 . 266-SS26 Name: enc� h ra� N0.126 P662i003 ,� ��� h�rUY��`'�S�I�- MAY t 1 19g4' Hame Address- 436 Lovel2 2lvenne, 8oseville, ttN � ' S5113 Street • C�� Zip Te�epfioae N�ber: om 757-0249 oy k 223-2546 Plaan3yg D3st=3ct Gaimcil- C3iy Co�ci2 Aazd: Pre£erred 2iaj,ling ABd;,ess• 1700 Pirst Bank Building, St_ Panl, MN 55101 9hat is your pcczxpat3oa? Attornep � - Place�of P�ployment: oppenheimer polff � Donnel2y • Cot�Zttee(s) 6.pp1£ed FoY: St. Pavl - Ramsey County Community Health Seraices Ac3visory Co�aittee and Private Industry Council. Ghat skille/tra3nSng or espazienee do qaa possess £or xhe toffiittee(s) for vhich yon seak apgo4ntmeat? r am an attorney vith cnurse vork and e erience in the health laar area. Fiith the many changes"regardSng hea2th care, my legal experience.could be of service � to the Healt� Services Advisory Crnnmittee. �• Prior to oinq to lav school, I wvrked as a Ruman resources managez and trainer •This e�cperience arould be very use£ul on the Private Zndustry Conncil. ^ The i.nformacion included in this application is �onsiderad pri4ate dzca aecording eo the Hinaesota Goverment Data Rractices Aet. As a=asv.lt, this �pZgytioII is not released to the geaerai gubl�c, tav�x) B,ev.4/Z1/93 05i11i94 10�30 OPPENHEIMER - ST. PAUL � 612 266 8513 N0.126 P093/003 -F�o�. �� � 9s �i� 8a30: John Murray . ' bdd�ess_ P2aza VZI, Snite 3900, 45 South Seventh Street, Hinneapoiis, t4t 554Q2 Yhone:_ {Hame_ 935-6518 fverk) 344-4289 Na�e; 2Cen podpeskar Addzess: 1700 First Bank Euilding, St. Panl, tAV 55101 • Fnvae: ome 686-�371 o k 223-2B15 ' . Na77.e: Tracy Hahn Address: 1700 Pizst Rank Huilding, St. Paul, MN 55101 Yhone:__[Home) 688-6725 CAorkl 223-2500 ext 673 &easoas £cs gaur iazerest 3n this pazticnlar'ccmmqttee; _� busband and I have recently move3 to the Twin Cit3es area and I am very interested in cettinq involved vith and contribvtina to my co�unitv Tn particular I am interested in both health and em Zo ent issues. ' �4e Yaa had prev3.ws eaatact vislx the co�3ctce �or vhich pon are malcfng application. Z£ so_ vhen, and circ�staucesT � In sn ai=empt to eas�e that co�ittee represencatioa reflects ttxe makeup ef ovz cavmnn3ty, p�ease eLeck the liae appiicable za yvn_ This jn£ormytien ys St�yct2p volimtazy, _ X qhite (Cancas�.an) Black (African 6meriean) �.mez3eaa Iadiaa or dlasksa Eskimo 23a1e X Fes�ale b35aDled: 4es Po x Dace of $irth: IE special aceoaam3st3ons are needed, pleas� �pee£Pp, Hispani.c Asiaa or Paci£ic Zslander 6ctoDer 24, 7:955 Hov did you hear abont rhis open3IIg1 Ratherine Wi2son, riarketing Director, Oppenheimer f�ol 6 Donne y � �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,L SAYNT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 266=8526 R�CfIVED EEB 2 ^-, 1995 ����z. 23ame: JERRY BLAREY � AV(3R'S OFFICE Home Address: 147 North Milton Saint Paul, NI�iI 55104 Stxaet City ZiP Telephone t,�mber: (Home) 646-5923 __ �q 266-8610 ��,,r� 266-8574 Planni.ng District Council: City Covncil Aard• One Pre£erred Hailisg Address: Suite 310A City Ha11, Saint Pau1, MN 55102 What is your occupation? City Councilmember Place�of Eaployment: Committee(s) Applied For: Saint Paul Citv Council t Paul Private Industry Council Ahat skills/training or eapezience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhicn you seek appointment? I represent Ward One on the Saint Paul City Council. Ward One has many issues that PIC is and has been addressing. There are many people in the ward and the city who are looking for positive ways to enter the work force. Ward One also has the most concentration of youth compared to any other area in Saint Pau1. I Eeel with my background in youth and community development, that I would be an asset to PIC. The information included in this application is considered private data according to.the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (04ER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL gEgEREgCES Name• Address: Phone• (Home) Name: Address: q�-�� �-- Phone•__ (Home). (AOrk) Name Address: Phone•_ _ (Home) (Aorkl Reasons for you= interest in this particular committee: Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee �or which pou are making appli.cation. I£ so, when, and circnmstances? In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. Thi.s information is strictly voluntarp, Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 2�Sale Female Disabled: Yes No Date o£ Birth: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander If special accommodations are needed, please specify_ How did you hear about this openi.ng? OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (_� 390 CITY HAI,I, �� n SASNT PAIIL, MIN23ESOTA 55102 7•rD�4 266-8526 Name 9S �1 �.- ��1. �i �4 ct� ����Y g 199� Home Address ::�- �,��.LO Y �.-h.,tJ fl� a l' 9 J /y7 A�l � Z�� /V 1 /�ll��,�.�� J`" 1 �'y � S J Street City Zip Telepflone N�ber: (Home) / /7i ( d �, / (Aork) �ZT /� 3 � ;3 n Planning District Crnmcil: �}-�-� �•_ :,�-;� �.-- _. n���t�y Council A rd: Pre£erred 2iailing Address: _�_� Y' ���-t �� , 7fi� �r�J �/V(� �� J� 3 Ahat is pour occupation? �t?L� � / "1 P YJ:M�} ��5 — � t n >�" �/5�% � Place�of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: (,v �-�-�-t-- �S�,s--r-� Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the co�ittea(s) £or vhicn you seek appointment? �_ S • � � S �t.� — � �S . .., cS'y — S ��-J G � , ,., V .S. /�. � — ��. . , � � The information included in this application is considered private data according to the 2Sinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not zeleas2d to the general public. ' � � (OVEIt) Rev�4/21/93 PERSONAL ggFEREI xame: 0� , Address• - Phone• (Home) 2Iame : / Address: � 7 � -�� �1�.. � -- � F, Phone•_ (Home) (Aork) Z� V �J ) Name Address: d � 7 t'� v �easons �or yovr interest i.n this � - �4 �l ��.� T ✓ � .:, ) rticular co�ittee: � � .,7 � t� �/ ri.,9-l� /a _ i r� ,�, �`� e-�--- Have you had previous contact vith tfie co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. Sf so, v}pex�, and cizcumstances? In an attempt to ensvre that committee xepresentation re�lects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line applicahle to you. This inEozmation is stzictly voluntazy. A7aite (Caucasian) Hispanic � Black (A£rican American) � Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _�� �- Male � n Femaie Date of Birth: �'� U�� � Disabled: Yes No ^ , T If special accommodations are needed, please"specify. How did you hear about this opening? � al�� z� �/ _ �-= '� SAS12'S Name: Greaorv M. Matthews OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL PAIIL, MIN2IESOTA 55102 26b-8526 Home Address• 1528 Breda Avenue Street St. Paul, MN City ����v�� gS �i�. A°� 21 199� ;r :": `�c�`; �� a �'�i i � �:. 55108 Zip Teiephone 2h�ber: (Home) 645-0187 (STO=k) 683-3814 Planning Distr3ct Crnmcil: 10 City Council Aard- Pre£erred 2failing Address: _ Mailina address as above SThat is your occupation? _ Trainina and Publications Manaqer Place�o£ Employment: Cr� Research Inc. Eaqan NIN Committee(s} Applied For. _ Private 2ndustrv Council Ghat skills/training or experience do yau possess for the committee(s) £or whicu you seek appointment? P� education and professional career have provided me with a stroncr academic back round and practical base in training and publications. My B.S. degree (1984, University of Minnesota) and post-graduate work are in the area of technical communications and vocational education. I have coursework in training and education, organizational development, document management, interviewing, and other course work in these £ields. Since qraduatinq from colleqe 2 have been emploved by the Universi Research, Inc. I currently am a training and publications manager 14 software trainers and writers. The skills that I have �_•�_���� nt, course developm ical writing. I am bene£its of trainin needs assessment, curriculum and have a strong appreciation and work. and of Minnesota and Cray n charge of a group oP in this role include: and budgetary we11 with peo, 'ithin my comm I have a professional association with both the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) and the Society of Technical Communicators (5TC)_ I also belong to the Aopkins Jaycee and have been active within the Como Community Council - District 10 (environmental committee chair; board member) and the Neighborhood Energy Consortium (board member). Other interests include sailinq, boatbuilding, and home remodeling. The inEoxmation included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforsation is not released to the gene=a1 public. Ca�) Rev.4J21/93 PERS02iAL gEgERE1�7CE5 Hyme. Bazbara Biunzell �� ��� Address: Cray Research, Inc., 655 Lone Oak Road, Eaqan, MN 55121 Phone:__ CHome) 699-6943 lAorlc) 683-3821 Name: Tom Trant Address• �-nnesota Academic Excellence Foundation, 971 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street, St_ Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (Homel (�15) 386-6619 � Name: Lee Bajuneimi Add=ess: Aspen Medical Clinic, 1020 Bandana B1vd. West St. Paul MN 55108 Phone:_(Home) 644-1666 �9o•-k) 641-�Oo^ Reasons £or your interest 3n this particular committee; 2 have had much involvement with the community on the planninq district level and seek to volunteer at a more citv-wide level I would hope that my backqround in traininq and experience as an emplover would be a benef't to the Private Industry Council as thev work with citv staff to stimulate business and serve city residents. Have you had previous contact vith tfie committee for vhich pou are making application. If so, vhen, and ciseumstances? No contact with committee. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup o£ ovr communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is strictly volvntarp. x Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Tslander Ame=ican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo x Hale Female Date o£ Birth: 5/8/58 � Disabled: Yes No X If special accommodations are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this openingT I read about this open'n +» c�� pa,i Da��__